2022.08.16 07:00 - Are you Still, there?

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Riddle Sideways. The comments are by Riddle Sideways.


    Riddle Sideways: Good Morning Adams ㋡
    Adams Rubble: Good mornign Riddle :)
    Riddle Sideways: is your busy life any calmer?
    Adams Rubble: no :)
    Riddle Sideways: darn
    Adams Rubble: I was sick yesterday though
    Riddle Sideways: how are you today?
    Adams Rubble: It will quiet down after next week when the medicare runs out
    Adams Rubble: will go from too much help to no help
    Riddle Sideways: good and bad
    Adams Rubble: the help has been helpful :)
    Adams Rubble: two people here already this morning
    Riddle Sideways: so busy. Even when they are helping
    Adams Rubble: the big problem is when they do not come when the are supposed to but it worked out this morning and here I am
    Riddle Sideways: good
    Riddle Sideways: take a deep breath

    Riddle Sideways: just rereading the blog part about living simply and humble
    Adams Rubble: so much to remember
    Riddle Sideways: ㋡
    Riddle Sideways: Life here seems not that busy, but can't get a day when there is not something going on that allows a long project to get done
    Riddle Sideways: need to do a five hour fun project, but when
    Adams Rubble: I find I am distracted so easily
    Riddle Sideways: oh yes
    Riddle Sideways: ha, did we just both go off on distractions ㋡
    Adams Rubble: :)

    Adams Rubble: sometimes it takes a while to slow down and get to the moment
    Riddle Sideways: most times
    Adams Rubble: :)

    Adams Rubble: last night's reading was about prayer being a time to listen
    Adams Rubble: that pause came in mid sentence but it was not an important sentence
    Riddle Sideways: better to listen
    Adams Rubble: it went blowin in the wind

    Riddle Sideways: got the Paul Simon lyrics in head, but not quite correctly
    Adams Rubble: paul simon?
    Riddle Sideways: oh, Ha! did have it right "Who am I to blow against the wind"
    Adams Rubble: oh to blow against the wind
    Adams Rubble: I was referring to Dylan's becaiuse the sentence went blowin in the wind
    Riddle Sideways: yes, I knew the ref was to Dylan, but this mind thing went to the Paul Simon lytic
    Riddle Sideways: darn mind
    Adams Rubble: :)

    Adams Rubble: the mind loves to distarct
    Riddle Sideways: and not go where it is told
    Adams Rubble: specially when is trying to stay in prayer listening
    Riddle Sideways: does not listen
    Adams Rubble: it was suggested that the prayer might be "be still"
    Adams Rubble: like a mantra
    Adams Rubble: be still
    Riddle Sideways: Who is it that can't be Still when telling self to be still ?
    Adams Rubble: we have two minds working on us
    Adams Rubble: we have an active mind and an inner mind which pyschologosts call the subconscious
    Adams Rubble: we have to learn to watch both minds
    Riddle Sideways: sometimes it seems like more than two
    Riddle Sideways: but, yes
    Adams Rubble: I forgot about all those avatars
    Adams Rubble: :)

    Adams Rubble: my experiments suggest a surface level and a deep level
    Riddle Sideways: just tried that experiment
    Adams Rubble: a computer with two processors
    Riddle Sideways: yep. a quad-core processor
    Adams Rubble: Ooooooh, a fancy name
    Riddle Sideways: lots more analogies to computers that break the simple comparison
    Riddle Sideways: computers have this neat concept of Maskable Interrupts
    Riddle Sideways: that one can not take the distractions for a small bit of time
    Adams Rubble marvels at another fancy name
    Adams Rubble listens to find out what a maskable interrupt is
    Riddle Sideways: ha, there are many more ㋡
    Riddle Sideways: Non-maskable interrupts are like squeezes. they happen
    Riddle Sideways: Then there are just thinks that get forgotten
    Riddle Sideways: like having gone to the dentist yesterday, got a temporary crown and told not to eat mussy foods on that side
    Riddle Sideways: today banana just went to that side
    Riddle Sideways: So Active mind told both minds to "be still" and 'Pause'
    Riddle Sideways: not much listening going on
    Adams Rubble: if you quiet the active mind the inner mind might be visible

    Riddle Sideways: 'might' is a mighty big meaning changer
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Adams Rubble: "might" suggests conditions
    Adams Rubble: maybe we should nopt worry our pretty little heads about it and just be still :)
    Riddle Sideways: back. went off on distractions in dictionary.com
    Riddle Sideways: ok, you are right
    Riddle Sideways: be still Listening
    Riddle Sideways: well, not right now
    Adams Rubble: :)

    Riddle Sideways: and we have not talked of Desires
    Riddle Sideways: much written about desires
    Riddle Sideways: no conclusions yet. Seems just a loaded word
    Adams Rubble: I referenced them when I talked about a deeper, sometimes hidden level
    Adams Rubble: the bell is so polite
    Riddle Sideways: polite, random, useful,
    Riddle Sideways: politely asking us to be Still

    Adams Rubble: This morning I was wishing that I could do the 15 minutes, 9 seconds practice for a time because it is such a good way of watching the mind
    Adams Rubble: I wonder if I should set something up in my new cell phone
    Riddle Sideways: was just thinking that same thing
    Riddle Sideways: do have that old PaB app.  Think Google Play took it off the store.
    Riddle Sideways: last few times using it, would forget others could hear it too
    Riddle Sideways: was distracted into dictionary.com and typed "Still"
    Riddle Sideways: Reaally like the example sentence "Are you still here?"
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Adams Rubble: yes, i am still here but was looking for an app
    Riddle Sideways: parsed it to 'Are you in Stillness here?'
    Adams Rubble: nice parsing

    Adams Rubble: thank you for hosting today
    Adams Rubble: maybe I will be inspired to be Stiller today (not Ben)
    Adams Rubble: I hope you have a very good weekend and week (a little early for the weekend
    Adams Rubble: week first, then weekend
    Riddle Sideways: whichever order time goes in
    Riddle Sideways: by All
    Adams Rubble: time marches on (tramp tramp tramp)
    Riddle Sideways: oh not Trump Trump :))
    Adams Rubble: noooo, not that
    Adams Rubble: bye Riddle and all :)

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