The Guardian for this meeting was Riddle Sideways. The comments are by Riddle Sideways.
Szavanna Anatra: hi there Adams
Riddle Sideways: Welcome Sunji
Szavanna Anatra: thank you
Riddle Sideways: Good morning Adams ㋡
Adams Rubble: Good morning Riddle. Hello Sunny
Szavanna Anatra: I came to sit a bit - now that I have discovered where and how things work
Riddle Sideways: was so great to read the email(s)
Riddle Sideways: am still learning how some things work
Szavanna Anatra: yes one never stops learning
Szavanna Anatra: How are you two doing
Adams Rubble: I am fine. Riddle is an orange blob
Szavanna Anatra: ☻
Szavanna Anatra: I was checking the Wiki and saw that there are still logs
Adams Rubble: Ahh there is Riddle
Adams Rubble: How are you Sunny?
Szavanna Anatra: I see both of you
Adams Rubble: yes, still logs
Szavanna Anatra: and bunny
Riddle Sideways: when the editor is not procrastinating, there are logs
Szavanna Anatra: I am doing well thank you and you two, and PaB?
Adams Rubble: PaB is still here :)
Szavanna Anatra: I found that sometimes the logs load very slowly - was looking at logs about Zenji
Szavanna Anatra: ☻
Szavanna Anatra: very happy to see
Adams Rubble: Zen passed away
Szavanna Anatra: I was very sad about that
Adams Rubble: yes
Szavanna Anatra: I feel he has created so many beautiful things that he will always be part of things
Adams Rubble nods
Riddle Sideways: this pavillion was filled with Zen's art
Szavanna Anatra: yes I saw a few screenshots
Szavanna Anatra: how are things here at PaB these days - I see there are some events apart from these Tuesday sessions
Adams Rubble: I usually only come in world on Tuesdays at this time
Szavanna Anatra: I am around in SL and opensim too
Adams Rubble: there haven't been any new museum exhibitons for a couple of years
Riddle Sideways: Bleu has put up posters for all the events by PaB
Szavanna Anatra: nods
Adams Rubble: there are the two pilgriumage exhibitions at the museum annex to the east of us
Adams Rubble: one Buddhist and one Christian
Szavanna Anatra: pilgrimage?
Adams Rubble: yes
Szavanna Anatra: I will check it out
Riddle Sideways: and Xirana just opened a new cartoon show
Szavanna Anatra: ah yes I saw - will try and visit
Adams Rubble: yes, me too
Szavanna Anatra: Any news from Pema?
Adams Rubble: Still working on this reality thing :)
Szavanna Anatra: hehe it is complex - the reality thing
Riddle Sideways: last Pema news was his not knowing name and password to get in SL
Szavanna Anatra: I do find that PaB has given me a lot to think about
Adams Rubble: :)
Szavanna Anatra: ooo really
Riddle Sideways: that was a couple anniversary ago
Szavanna Anatra: nods
Szavanna Anatra: I am sure he is super busy with projects
Riddle Sideways: PaB still does give a lot to think on
Szavanna Anatra: yes
Szavanna Anatra: today I was looking at the old pictures and was pondering about all that
Riddle Sideways: was just looking in wiki too
Szavanna Anatra: this one :
Riddle Sideways: wow
Szavanna Anatra: ☻
Riddle Sideways: you add a lot to a party
Szavanna Anatra: I am still playing around with events in SL - and working on ideas
Riddle Sideways: remembering the music sessions
Szavanna Anatra: oh sooo this is basically my first SL avi - I decided to return back to this one
Szavanna Anatra: yes I do have the other one - szavanna Resident
Szavanna Anatra: I started SL with this one - on the Non Profit Commons sim
Riddle Sideways: a long time ago ㋡
Szavanna Anatra: ☻
Szavanna Anatra: yes very very long
Szavanna Anatra: interesting ....this time thing
Riddle Sideways: time, has gotten so 'interesting' the last couple years
Szavanna Anatra: hmm it has gone cokoo
Riddle Sideways: very hard to pin when things were
Szavanna Anatra: hehe
Szavanna Anatra: there is always "now"
Riddle Sideways: same as it ever was
Adams Rubble: This Magic Moment
Szavanna Anatra: yes
Riddle Sideways: /resists going into Pink Floyd lyrics
Szavanna Anatra: ☻
Riddle Sideways: you moved to UK
Szavanna Anatra: I moved to the UK from South Africa - interestingly - people listen to a lot of older music
Szavanna Anatra: yes in 2021 - it was time for the big move
Adams Rubble: brave thing to move so far
Riddle Sideways: you had been there a long time
Szavanna Anatra: hmm I am a wanderer
Szavanna Anatra: I love the new experiences in the UK
Szavanna Anatra: always new things to learn
Riddle Sideways: yep
Szavanna Anatra: ☻
Szavanna Anatra: and it does help that they speak English hehe
Adams Rubble: hip hip
Szavanna Anatra: :D
Riddle Sideways: is very close to the American we speak
Szavanna Anatra: ☻
Szavanna Anatra: I have been to the US twice
Szavanna Anatra: I did hear some American spoken there
Riddle Sideways: use to be a nice place
Riddle Sideways: ㋡
Szavanna Anatra: Must go - so nice to see you both
Szavanna Anatra: ☻
Szavanna Anatra: aw
Adams Rubble: bye Sunny. Nice to see you again
Szavanna Anatra: I added this to my little calendar and try to pop in
Riddle Sideways: thanks for stopping by. Come back anytime
Riddle Sideways: great
Szavanna Anatra: enjoy the session and the week and say hello to others
Szavanna Anatra: ☻
Szavanna Anatra: will do take care both
Szavanna Anatra: ☻
Szavanna Anatra waves
Adams Rubble waves
Riddle Sideways: waves
Riddle Sideways: and 'Hi' others
Riddle Sideways: Adams. you have monk robe on today. in honor of what?
Adams Rubble: I had it on last week and I think the week before that :)
Adams Rubble: my current duds
Adams Rubble: I wear what the boss wants me to wear :)
Riddle Sideways: ha
Riddle Sideways: need to find my 'my other shirt is in the laundry' shirt and change sometime
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble: I was moved by the Cold Mountain poet this week
Adams Rubble: made a note of it in the blog
Adams Rubble: took refuge in the mountain
Adams Rubble: mentally transported myself there
Adams Rubble: and shared a peaceful interlude with the poet
Riddle Sideways: Ah, had missed that blog until now
Riddle Sideways: and This Magic Moment
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble: now I have an earworm
Riddle Sideways: ha
Riddle Sideways: many wonderful earworms that last couple weeks
Riddle Sideways: am taking 2 OLLI courses on music
Adams Rubble: I hear a song and it sticks in my head until I hear the next song
Adams Rubble: what is OLLI?
Riddle Sideways: hmm, think it is 'Osher Life Long Learning Institute'
Riddle Sideways: old people classes
Riddle Sideways: Mondays is the great vocal groups of 50s thru 80s
Adams Rubble: that could be a long Monday
Riddle Sideways: Tuesdays classes are now in person, so have to shower, get dressed, drive there and be social
Adams Rubble: yikes
Riddle Sideways: are on how 'The Blues' traveled from the Delta to Chicago and LA
Riddle Sideways: and how they morphed in many stops
Adams Rubble: they traveled with John Belluschi and Dan Ackaroid
Riddle Sideways: last week, did show a Blues Brothers clip ㋡
Riddle Sideways: still like Zoom classes better. Can stop the video camera and play bass with the songs and sing along loudly
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: some others leave camera on and all can see them singing along
Riddle Sideways: in person. most sit very still
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: very hard to sit still during a Howlin Wolf song
Riddle Sideways: professor keeps asking if anybody remembers names like "Chester Burnett"
Riddle Sideways: blank looks
Riddle Sideways: oh Howlin Wolf
Riddle Sideways: then everybody nods
Adams Rubble: I don't know who he is
Adams Rubble doesn;t nod
Riddle Sideways: nope.
Riddle Sideways: all those great Blues players did not use their birth names
Riddle Sideways: also have been randomly clicking thru PaB Wiki this morning. Enjoying Sunji
Riddle Sideways: lots of parties ㋡
Riddle Sideways: and some wisdom
Riddle Sideways: one on 'Stopping'
Adams Rubble: Stop till you drop
Riddle Sideways: Stop and Drop
Riddle Sideways: noticing the march 2013 had 4 sessions every day
Adams Rubble: busy time
Adams Rubble: Thank you for hosting today, Riddle
Adams Rubble: I hope you have a very nice week
Riddle Sideways: thank you for your time
Riddle Sideways: take care and have the great week
Adams Rubble: thank you
Adams Rubble: bye for now
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