WORKING GROUP MEETING - September 18, 2016
Attending: Stevenaia, San, Aph, Ewan, Eliza, Bleu
Not attending: Wol
Note was made to confirm that Aph has been added to the WG Google Group Email List
1/ Welcome Notecard/HUD giver
Newly designed Welcome Notecard/HUD giver was presented and approved with an additional LM suggested for the notecard/HUD. It will be presented at the next Guardian Meeting.
2/ Perfect Paradise will stay where they are so not needing to present PaB with a proposal.
3/ Some discussion about other groups using the PaB Theatre. Guidelines for Bieup Sim which is rated "Mature" were discussed in relation to which groups we could consider using our group land in Bieup.
4/ Stevenaia mentioned that his listed session on Saturday nights was attracting some interested people. Some discussion about other sessions being used for this as well.
5/ The next WG meeting was set for Sunday, October, 16th at 1:30 pm