A. Month of December

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    On Friday December 5 Pema Pera and Gilles Kuhn debated about Edmund Husserl's philosophy of Phenomenology in the Kira Cafe. From this was to grow the Phenomenology Workshop on Fridays. The latter was to start a couple of weeks later emphasizing exploration with weekly "lab reports".

    Continuing Dialogs

    Pema and Stim continued their dialog about Being into December with a dialog about starting at the end. (http://playasbeing.wik.is/Chat_Logs/2008/12/2008.12.02_13%3a00_Dialogue_Part_III%3a_Pema_and_Stim)

    Pema Pera: so my "start at the end" may be misleading
    Pema Pera: ah, yes, same thoughts :)
    Pema Pera: "be at the end"
    Stim Morane: better... but maybe not very exciting
    Pema Pera: or "be, in a way that may seem `at the end'" from the relative viewpoint
    Pema Pera: that's okay, Stim
    Pema Pera: :-)
    Faenik: why not?
    Pema Pera: as soon as one gets a taste of it, it's VERY exciting and totally NON exciting, at the same time
    Pema Pera: so I'm not worried about that
    Stim Morane: "as soon as"?
    Pema Pera: the "Play" in PaB and the group will together give us enough excitement
    Pema Pera: well, yes, from the relative point of view "as soon as" it starts to sink in more
    Stim Morane: :)
    Pema Pera: of courese not fro the absolute point of view
    Pema Pera: :)
    Pema Pera: so the biggest challenge is how to combine the two
    Stim Morane: I would suggest just relaxing
    Stim Morane: one of the hallmarks of being awake is that there is no concern about being awake
    Pema Pera: yes, I can see that -- but how do you translate that in what we are doing here?
    Stim Morane: good question
    Pema Pera: we have two totally different views

    Then, when the first series of diaplogs was complete, Pema and Stim began a three-session dialogue of the Prehistory of Play as being in December which continued into January. (see Chapter 3: The Beginnings).

    Taste of December:

    December opened with the following exchange with Crusty who visited regularly in November and December:

    Wol Euler: ah there you are :)
    Wol Euler: I'm glad to meet you Crusty, I've been reading your name in logs recently.
    Crusty Goldshark: Hi - you read things in trees? Wow!

    Switching from what we think we are (December 2 01:00):

    Pema Pera: -- but then there is a very radical way
    Pema Pera: in which you switch from you to Being
    Pema Pera: totally different
    Pema Pera: instead of identifying with the you you thought you were, you let Being Be
    Pema Pera: that is by far the fastest and simplest way . . . . .
    Becka Finesmith: each way leads to the radical?
    Pema Pera: not "leads to"
    Pema Pera: but "is allowed by"
    Pema Pera: if you really like to continue to struggle unnecessarily :-)
    Pema Pera: (saying all this totally seriously, not trying to be flippant)
    Becka Finesmith: I don't want to struggle, but I'm not ready to let go of all I know yet
    Becka Finesmith: So I must take the scenic route
    Pema Pera: you will never be ready
    Pema Pera: Being has always already been ready

    New Guardians:

    Aurora Kitaj, Hana Hendrassen, Pila Mulligan, Scathach Rhiadra, Susi Alcott, Vraja Rexen and Wester Kiranov became guardians in December.

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