On Friday December 5 Pema Pera and Gilles Kuhn debated about Edmund Husserl's philosophy of Phenomenology in the Kira Cafe. From this was to grow the Phenomenology Workshop on Fridays. The latter was to start a couple of weeks later, on December 19, emphasizing exploration with weekly "lab reports".
There was a "fire" in the Kira Cafe in mid December which necessitated a four hours of intense rebuilding by Storm to restore it. Storm noted that "The 'fire' happened because of land transfer between groups and a usability bug in LL's system".
The 1000th session of Play as Being was held on December 15 at 13:00. At the session Pema proposed the scribe project and worked out the details. There would be ten scribes who would each take 3 days, or twelve sessions, and summarize them. This would begin in January.
The autologging group, now down to Fael and Wol, continued to work away at all the hurdles to make it possible to capture and deliver the logs for the sessions.
Continuing Dialogs
Pema and Stim continued their dialog about Being into December with a dialog about starting at the end. (http://playasbeing.wik.is/Chat_Logs/2008/12/2008.12.02_13%3a00_Dialogue_Part_III%3a_Pema_and_Stim)
Pema Pera: so my "start at the end" may be misleading
Pema Pera: ah, yes, same thoughts :)
Pema Pera: "be at the end"
Stim Morane: better... but maybe not very exciting
Pema Pera: or "be, in a way that may seem `at the end'" from the relative viewpoint
Pema Pera: that's okay, Stim
Pema Pera: :-)
Faenik: why not?
Pema Pera: as soon as one gets a taste of it, it's VERY exciting and totally NON exciting, at the same time
Pema Pera: so I'm not worried about that
Stim Morane: "as soon as"?
Pema Pera: the "Play" in PaB and the group will together give us enough excitement
Pema Pera: well, yes, from the relative point of view "as soon as" it starts to sink in more
Stim Morane: :)
Pema Pera: of courese not fro the absolute point of view
Pema Pera: :)
Pema Pera: so the biggest challenge is how to combine the two
Stim Morane: I would suggest just relaxing
Stim Morane: one of the hallmarks of being awake is that there is no concern about being awake
Pema Pera: yes, I can see that -- but how do you translate that in what we are doing here?
Stim Morane: good question
Pema Pera: we have two totally different views
Then, when the first series of diaplogs was complete, Pema and Stim began a three-session dialogue of the Prehistory of Play as being in December which continued into January. (see Chapter 3: The Beginnings).
Taste of December:
December opened with the following exchange with Crusty who visited regularly in November and December:
Wol Euler: ah there you are :)
Wol Euler: I'm glad to meet you Crusty, I've been reading your name in logs recently.
Crusty Goldshark: Hi - you read things in trees? Wow!
Switching from what we think we are (December 2 01:00):
Pema Pera: -- but then there is a very radical way
Pema Pera: in which you switch from you to Being
Pema Pera: totally different
Pema Pera: instead of identifying with the you you thought you were, you let Being Be
Pema Pera: that is by far the fastest and simplest way . . . . .
Becka Finesmith: each way leads to the radical?
Pema Pera: not "leads to"
Pema Pera: but "is allowed by"
Pema Pera: if you really like to continue to struggle unnecessarily :-)
Pema Pera: (saying all this totally seriously, not trying to be flippant)
Becka Finesmith: I don't want to struggle, but I'm not ready to let go of all I know yet
Becka Finesmith: So I must take the scenic route
Pema Pera: you will never be ready
Pema Pera: Being has always already been ready
The group could still get back to the very basics of the action that unites the group, the nine seconds. Even the reasons for doing the exercise continued to be a topic of interest (December 8 07:00)
Gaya Ethaniel: Do you have particular reasons for doing 9 sec then gen?
genesis Zhangsun: little bit of a complicated answer
genesis Zhangsun: like you I suppose in one way yes and in one way no
Gaya Ethaniel: Do you mind saying more on each gen?
genesis Zhangsun: sure
genesis Zhangsun: In one way yes because I use my intention of becoming/being more aware, alert, healthy "better" as you say to motivate me in some ways to keep going
genesis Zhangsun: to keep at for now more than 7 months
genesis Zhangsun: sometimes I falter and I have let it go for a couple of months
genesis Zhangsun: so this is not entirely consistent over 7 months
genesis Zhangsun: but anyhow it has been a challenge of commitment for me to stick with it
genesis Zhangsun: and in this process I find myself using my commitment/my intention to be a "better" person to keep me going
genesis Zhangsun: on the otherhand I say "no" because another part of me sees that this is laughable
genesis Zhangsun: that there is no such thing as "better"
genesis Zhangsun: that this goal is very "monkey" like
genesis Zhangsun: the regular preoccupation of humans of samsara
genesis Zhangsun: and yet these two parts of me play in a balance with one another
genesis Zhangsun: they sort of laugh at one another and support one another
genesis Zhangsun: so that is my bit of a complicated answer
In a session on "spritual awareness" the story of Jacob was used to illustrate struggling (December 14 19:00):
Pila Mulligan: In the story of Jacob, he wrestled with the angel in order to obtain a blessing -- he would not let the angel go until the angel gave him the blessing. That would suggest the idea of a struggle to obtain more spiritual awareness, in a Judeo-Christian context.
stevenaia Michinaga: aww, was focusing on awakening
Pila Mulligan: we may not have angels, but we have practices to help out spiritual being, whatever it is
Threedee Shepherd: exactly, Pila, and the story also has interesting implications with dealing with a supposedly omnipotent god, who should always win every wrestling match
Yes indeed! The Jacob story led to a discussion of the Juseo-Christian "soul". Later in the same session the Hindu Atman came up. These two exerpts only give a taste, not a summary, of the session:
Pila Mulligan: Atman is the big Soul of Hinudism
stevenaia Michinaga: asks if Three knows of this concept
Pila Mulligan: it is similar to what can be called Being
Threedee Shepherd: Well there are no "new" ideas, by this late in the human game ;>
Pila Mulligan: and Atman was rejected by Buddhism, as I understand it, as it was too mythical
Dharma Voyager: an idea to describe what exists... did not bring into being what existed
Pila Mulligan: well, the idea of a soul has been seen through many lenses, historically
Pila Mulligan: the big Being idea, or the big Soul of Atman was universal one giant soul for everyone
Pila Mulligan: so spiritual awareness in Hinduism is essentially self-debasing
Another exchange for the reasons to do the nine second stop but focused on the possible beneft (December 12 19:00):
doug Sosa: yes. I try a meditative approach to almost all things.
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
doug Sosa: leads to more spontaneity.
Sylectra Darwin: I agree, but I just wish I could accomplish that state of mind more often.
doug Sosa: well,if every time you wish,you did he 9 sec,it would happen :)
stevenaia Michinaga: the key is not to rush.. just do
Sylectra Darwin: That's a good point, sort of a meditation on demand.
New Guardians:
Aurora Kitaj, Hana Hendrassen, Pila Mulligan, Scathach Rhiadra, Susi Alcott, Vraja Rexen and Wester Kiranov became guardians in December.