2014.09.07 01:00 - The Doctor

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    The Guardian for this meeting was No Self. The comments are by No Self.


    Wol Euler: buongiorno, qt
    Qt Core: Hi Wol
    Qt Core: An hat worth of the horse races of Ascot
    Wol Euler grins.
    Wol Euler: or a stage
    Qt Core: or a complex sensory system (smell/chemicals or electromagnetic fields) of an alien
    Wol Euler: ha! there's an idea.
    Wol Euler: spoken like a sci-fi fan :)
    Qt Core: just read a novel about The Doctor, written on an original plot by Douglas Adams, weird is normal
    Qt Core: (sadly not by Adams himself)
    Wol Euler: interesting! I hadn't heard of that. What's the name?
    Qt Core: http://www.amazon.com/Doctor-Who-Sha.../dp/0425261166
    Qt Core: Doctor Who: Shada: The Lost Adventures by Douglas Adams
    Wol Euler looks
    Qt Core: and the doctor here is the one with the long scarf
    Qt Core: i really started liking the doctor with the 10th, as i almost never seen it before, it was aired when i was too little to understand it or at impossible hours and no advertised
    Wol Euler nods.
    Wol Euler: sounds quite funny, which is not an attribute I connect with the series
    Wol Euler: though to be honest I never watched them
    Wol Euler: I think I saw some of the very early black-and-white ones as a child, far too young to understand
    Qt Core: i usually feels it lack technobabble ;-)
    Qt Core: you know, inverted tachyon field as the central point of the story
    Wol Euler nods.
    Wol Euler: gravitron beams
    Qt Core: why a sonic screwdriver seems to affects mostly electromagnetic devices ?
    Wol Euler: "I saw C-beams glitter near the Tannhauser gate." *shivers*
    Wol Euler: mmhmm
    Qt Core: ok, in the end sci-fi needs some suspension of RL logic
    Wol Euler: of course :)
    Wol Euler: as scientific fact would have required of somebody 200 years before it became fact
    Wol Euler: like our conversation about Leonardo and iPhones :)
    Qt Core: in some way not really good scifi keeps logic, it need just some faith
    Qt Core: add a comma before really
    Wol Euler nods.
    Wol Euler: also works :)
    Wol Euler: what I remember of Arthur C. Clarke is how little science there was in his fiction, his stories were mostly about people
    Wol Euler: which, thinking about it now, may be why he was my favourite author
    Wol Euler: at the time
    Qt Core: well, if it is only about the invented sci/tech it would be a fictional documentary then ;-)
    Wol Euler: wow :) what an insight.
    Wol Euler: what a great new fictional category.
    Wol Euler: future documentaries
    Qt Core: (sometimes i drooled on the star trek tech books, like the ones with the schematics of the ships)
    Wol Euler giggles.
    Wol Euler: I remember that
    Wol Euler: the schematics, not the drooling :)
    Wol Euler: ah, happy days :)
    Qt Core: at school i often scribbled during lessons, usually drawing starship (one/two men fighter, mostly) and added some tech specs too
    Wol Euler smiles.
    Qt Core: not that i can draw at all (one of my wors subject ever, boit artistic and technical)
    Wol Euler: I know that I doodled all the time too, but I can't remember what. Vehicles too, I think
    Wol Euler: oh I remember, I spent a term (third of a year) once drawing huge rocket-propelled sled vehicles, the size of ferry boats, after reading a story on an ice world. May have been by Clarke.
    Qt Core: !
    Qt Core: tech drawing was a funny thing, i knew what to do and did it, but always got a correct messy horrible looking results
    Wol Euler smiles.
    Qt Core: i can smear on paper with a 5h pencil (when not engraving the table)
    Wol Euler: I still can't draw (realistically). I sketch all the time at work, but really crappy crude sketches
    Wol Euler: drawing ideas rather than things, as it were
    Wol Euler: 5H? wow
    Wol Euler: I draw in HB at the hardest
    Qt Core: (my teacher not only excused me from using china ink, but forbidden it to me
    Wol Euler: anything harder than that doesn't work for me, I need sloppy thick lines to feel comfortable with the process
    Wol Euler laughs.
    Wol Euler: I loved the smell of ink
    Wol Euler: still do
    Wol Euler: laserprinter toner doesn't have the same quality
    Qt Core: big plotters then
    Qt Core: my tech drawing teacer, another one in the category: "a nice teacher, i feel bad as i never got a passing vote from him"
    Wol Euler: they don't really smell like ink, unfortunately. Partly because the ink is encapsulated, partly because the smell of hte machinery overwhelms everything else
    Qt Core: and every time i think about those times i still feel the envy about a schoolmate, able to draw perfect parabolas free handed
    Wol Euler nods.
    Qt Core: (after i spent an hour trying with those damned thing you use to do it
    Qt Core: they are called "curvilineo" in italian, direc translation "curved lines thinghy" i may invent
    Wol Euler: hehehe
    Wol Euler: a fair name
    Wol Euler: it's odd to think of all those tools I used to use daily, which are as old-fashioned and incomprehensible to kids now as astrolabes.
    Qt Core: best use for it: using them as ninja throwing knifes
    Qt Core: i never used my 80 cm ruler as a sword, i swear ;-)
    Wol Euler laughs.
    Wol Euler: mmhmm
    Qt Core: i need to go early today, have fun Wol
    Wol Euler: bye qt, enjoy the day
    Wol Euler smiles.
    Qt Core: bye

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