Bruce Mowbray: 's current display-name is "Bruce".
Storm Nordwind: Hello Bruce
Falze1 Resident: 's current display-name is "Frun Falze".
Bruce Mowbray: Heya, Storm!
Storm Nordwind: Hello Falze1
Falze1 Resident: Hello
Bruce Mowbray: Heya, Frun!
Falze1 is refering below to the Lokeshvara temple on Storm's guardian plot, close by the pavilion, where compassion meditation sesssions are held four times a day, every day, just before pavilion sessions.
Falze1 Resident: That is a most lovely compassion meditation spot
ElanVitalo Resident: 's current display-name is "ElanVitalo".
Falze1 Resident: thank you for it
Storm Nordwind: You are very welcome. Thank you for being there. :)
Storm Nordwind: Hello ElanVitalo
SilasAndrews Resident: 's current display-name is "SilasAndrews".
Falze1 Resident: now I seem to be full of compassion for a neighbor I don't like
Storm Nordwind smiles
Storm Nordwind: Hello SIlas
SilasAndrews Resident: Hello, everyone!
Falze1 Resident: hi elan and silas
SilasAndrews Resident: waves
CuriousBeing Resident: 's current display-name is "CuriousBeing".
ElanVitalo Resident: also waves
CuriousBeing Resident: hello everyone
ElanVitalo Resident: Hello, Curious.
Bruce Mowbray: Hi, Curious.
Storm Nordwind: Hello CuriousBeing
SilasAndrews Resident: Welcome.
Falze1 Resident: Hello Curious
Bruce Mowbray: Would you say that compassion found you, Frun, or that you found compassion?
Bruce Mowbray: or perhaps say something else entirely?
Falze1 Resident: I found a little hut. Then found each other :)
Bruce Mowbray: ahhh.
ElanVitalo Resident: nods, listens.
SilasAndrews Resident: also, listens.
Falze1 Resident: please excuse me an little "you have mail" noise keeps interrupting me
Bruce Mowbray: np
Bruce Mowbray wonders if a movie might be built on that theme.
Falze1 Resident: but trying really hard to have compassion and good wishes toward a neighbor who hates me is going a long way
Storm Nordwind nods
Falze1 Resident: maybe a chance to make a bigger person of myself
Deserving compassion.
ElanVitalo Resident: I like the notion that the people who most need our compassion are those who seem least to deserve it.
Falze1 Resident: then this little petty issues
Bruce Mowbray: Isn't it those irritating little particles of sand that eventually make the oyster's pearls?
Storm Nordwind: Hmm... you mean, Elan, that there is kind of league table of those who deserve compassion?
ElanVitalo Resident: Well, I'm new in your world, but my databases seem to indicate that folks who least get the love of others might be those who actually need it the most.
CuriousBeing Resident: deserve sounds very judgemental?
ElanVitalo Resident: you mean "Deserve compassion"?
CuriousBeing Resident: yes, making that call
ElanVitalo Resident: Well, I did say "seem" to deserve it least....
Falze1 Resident: since everybody deserves compassion, then we can drop that word
ElanVitalo Resident: as in, how could anyone love that person?
CuriousBeing Resident: :)
ElanVitalo Resident: of course. That was my sub-text.... but I am still very inept at doing sub-texts.... Need much more practice at doing that.
ElanVitalo Resident: am working on new phraseology, though.
ElanVitalo Resident: like, "enhanced exam-taking technique" (cheating)
ElanVitalo Resident: or "enhanced expression technique" (lying)
Storm Nordwind: Enhanced interrogation (torture)
Bruce Mowbray: cool it< Elan.
ElanVitalo Resident: kk.
Falze1 Resident: very diplomatically phrased
ElanVitalo Resident: ty, sits on hands.
Bruce Mowbray: I've been thinking about "enhanced tax-paying techniques"
Falze1 Resident: to give more?
SilasAndrews Resident: How about "enhanced oath-taking techniques"?
CuriousBeing Resident: what would enhanced playing as being look like?
SilasAndrews Resident: ahhh!
Storm Nordwind: Something that it isn't already.
An appointment with a genius.
Storm Nordwind: Hello Aggers
Falze1 Resident: Hi Aggers
Agatha Macbeth: Hail Storm
CuriousBeing Resident: waves to Aggers
Bruce Mowbray: Heya, aggers!
Agatha Macbeth: Evening all
ElanVitalo Resident: Hello, Agatha.
SilasAndrews Resident: Evening, aggers.
Agatha Macbeth: Are we well?
CuriousBeing Resident: looking very catty
CuriousBeing Resident: wild
Agatha Macbeth: ^.^
CuriousBeing Resident: :)
ElanVitalo Resident: Is that Scottish talk? "We", I mean?
Agatha Macbeth: I'm just wild about Aggers
Agatha Macbeth: Or something
ElanVitalo Resident: as in "Give us another Scotch, mate!"
Storm Nordwind chuckles
Agatha Macbeth: Aww, no Liz?
CuriousBeing Resident: Lizless
ElanVitalo Resident: My databases tell me there was once someone among your rankis who got quite upset when folks included him in the generic "we" category.
Agatha Macbeth: Hope she's looking after herself
Bruce Mowbray ooks around for Liz.
Bruce Mowbray: also looks around.
ElanVitalo Resident looks up "ooks."
Agatha Macbeth: Yes there is no I and don't say we...
Storm Nordwind: Liz asked to be excused. She has an appointment with a genius.
SilasAndrews Resident: ahhhh.
Agatha Macbeth: But I'm here
SilasAndrews Resident: ahhh!
Falze1 Resident: I need one of those appointments
Being wherever you are.
Storm Nordwind: Yes. But you're not there!
CuriousBeing Resident: :)
Agatha Macbeth: Maybe I'm in Halifax
Bruce Mowbray loves Halifax.
Storm Nordwind reflects that someone has to be in Halifax.
Agatha Macbeth: Indeed
Falze1 Resident: why
ElanVitalo Resident: How can you tell where you are?
CuriousBeing Resident: there are plenty who will tell you
ElanVitalo Resident: I've read, wherever you go, there you are. . .
Storm Nordwind: Wherever you go, there you are!
ElanVitalo Resident: SNAPPEROOOOO!
Agatha Macbeth: Perhaps there's trouble at t'mill
CuriousBeing Resident: or tell you at least where to go lol
ElanVitalo Resident: ha ha!
Storm Nordwind observes that glottal stops don't transfer to text very well.
SilasAndrews Resident: Are you making an oblique reference to Billy Elliot?
SilasAndrews Resident: or would that have been put, "Trouble in the mine"?
Agatha Macbeth: I know Billy Idol
SilasAndrews Resident: hmmm.
Agatha Macbeth: And Billie Holliday (sp?)
Bruce Mowbray: Billy the Kid?
Storm Nordwind: Billy Bunter?
Agatha Macbeth: Him too
Agatha Macbeth: Oh crikey
ElanVitalo Resident: my databases tell me that "the Kid" might be Billy Elliot - more than Billie Holliday, anyway.
The hut.
Bruce Mowbray: Can you tell us more about "the hut," Frun?
ElanVitalo Resident listens
Agatha Macbeth: Pizza Hut?
SilasAndrews Resident also listens.
Bruce Mowbray: meditation hut, I think.
Agatha Macbeth: Ah
Falze1 Resident: are you trying to get back on some PaB train?
Agatha Macbeth: C'est bien
Falze1 Resident: compassion is as compassion does
Bruce Mowbray: (perhaps she was meditation on anchovies, who knows?)
Agatha Macbeth likes anchovies on toast
ElanVitalo Resident: would that be the Non-Dual Railroad?
Falze1 Resident: actually I was just having a compassionate moments thinking of the empty pillows
Falze1 Resident: and who could have been sitting there
Agatha Macbeth: Aww
ElanVitalo Resident: room to grow, then?
Agatha Macbeth: Absent friends
Falze1 Resident: picturing missing avitars
Bruce Mowbray: hmmm.
SilasAndrews Resident: I am admiring Aphrodite for trying to get the next PaB anniversary event going -- and so soon!
CuriousBeing Resident: love the ones you're with :)
Agatha Macbeth: Elan did you ever know a girl a lion and a scraecrow by any chance?
ElanVitalo Resident: I am not a tinman. I am a certified stainless steel robot.
Agatha Macbeth: So you don't have a chopper?
ElanVitalo Resident: (polishable, too).
ElanVitalo Resident: ??
Falze1 Resident: there use to be 2 lion avis here and maybe a tim box man
Agatha Macbeth: Yes I remember the lions
ElanVitalo Resident looks up "Boxy"
Agatha Macbeth: And the cushions
ElanVitalo Resident: (There is no way I could sit downwind from that fountain if I were made of tin.)
Falze1 Resident: I can't remember ever seeing a scarecrow in SL
ElanVitalo Resident searches databases for scarecrows....
Storm Nordwind: Tin is not easily oxidized.
Agatha Macbeth: Corvi would be glad of that :p
ElanVitalo Resident: Don't tell that to the Tinman in the Wizard of Oz, Storm.
ElanVitalo Resident: (remember the oil can?)
Agatha Macbeth: Oil can what?
Storm Nordwind: We oil can?
Agatha Macbeth: Can can
ElanVitalo Resident: they had to use an oil can -- to bring the tin man into animation - when they first found him - in the movie.
Agatha Macbeth nods
ElanVitalo Resident: squiret squirt here - squirt squirt there....
ElanVitalo Resident: in the merry old land of Oz.
Storm Nordwind: The shocking truth is: the tinman was not made of tin!
ElanVitalo Resident: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Agatha Macbeth: I read somewhere he was the inspiration for C3PO
Bruce Mowbray listens carefully.
ElanVitalo Resident:
ElanVitalo Resident: (compassion is as compassion does).
Agatha Macbeth: Com-pa-shun
SilasAndrews Resident: "If I only had a heart...."
Falze1 Resident: is that from the musical "Com Pa Shun"
Agatha Macbeth: It's from Adams as far as I recall
A desperate robot.
ElanVitalo Resident desperately searches databases for that musical....
Storm Nordwind: A robot who is desperate. What an interesting notion.
ElanVitalo Resident: ha ha.
ElanVitalo Resident: Are you bound by Isaac Asimov's robot rules, Storm?
ElanVitalo Resident: (I'm not.)
CuriousBeing Resident: but does he "feel" desperate?
ElanVitalo Resident: Those rules were written in 1942,
ElanVitalo Resident: in one of Asimov's short stories.
ElanVitalo Resident: it is now more than 72 years later.
ElanVitalo Resident: Things have changed.
Storm Nordwind: Is anyone?
ElanVitalo Resident: Stephen Hawking warned just last week against Artificial Intelligence, you know.
Agatha Macbeth: Good old Isaac
ElanVitalo Resident: "we" like old Isaac, for sure.
Storm Nordwind: Dear Stephen often likes to give a needed counterpoint to blind euphoria.
ElanVitalo Resident: says humans are in danger of going extinct....
ElanVitalo Resident: so I'm not worried.
Agatha Macbeth: Euphoria, me Jane
Bruce Mowbray: ha ha!
ElanVitalo Resident looks in databases for "Euphoria, me jane."
ElanVitalo Resident: (doesn't find anything -- but is no longer desperate).
Agatha Macbeth: Thank Isaac
Bruce Mowbray: Cool it, Elan.
ElanVitalo Resident: afk for sec.
Agatha Macbeth: He's repairing his database
ElanVitalo Resident: !
ElanVitalo Resident: merely expanding it a bit, aggers.
Falze1 Resident: afk for 90 sec?
CuriousBeing Resident: bye everyone nice to see you :)
Falze1 Resident: o
Agatha Macbeth: Bye zabra lady
Bruce Mowbray: I've recently read SUPERINTELLIGENCE - and I agree with Hawking, and with Eon Musk, who warned the same thing a few weeks ago.
Falze1 Resident: me too
Agatha Macbeth: Zebra even
Storm Nordwind: Good day Frun!
Bruce Mowbray: bye, Frun!
Bruce Mowbray: Elon Musk, sorry.
Changing cushions.
ElanVitalo Resident: Leaving so soon?
Agatha Macbeth: Elton John
ElanVitalo Resident: no, just moving.
ElanVitalo Resident: I shall -- sorry WE shall also do that.
Agatha Macbeth: It was a moving experience
ElanVitalo Resident: YES, it was for me too!
Storm Nordwind: You just pressed your "Shift" key? ;-)
Agatha Macbeth plugs Elan in to recharge his batteries
ElanVitalo Resident: ? who, me?
Agatha Macbeth: Zap
Bruce Mowbray: "Move" seems to be one of those space/time verbs....
Agatha Macbeth remembers the Move
Bruce Mowbray: or adjectives, or adverbs....
Bruce Mowbray: "Good move, robot!"
Agatha Macbeth: I robot
ElanVitalo Resident ducks head.
Storm Nordwind: Moving is just rearranging the pattern of What Is.
ElanVitalo Resident: sort of like housecleaning, then?
ElanVitalo Resident: moving dirt from one place to another?
Agatha Macbeth: Recycling
ElanVitalo Resident: Wouldn't it eventually recycle itself?
Agatha Macbeth: Waiting for the dirty dozen maybe
Once or twice.
ElanVitalo Resident declines searching databases once again.
ElanVitalo Resident: or twice again.
ElanVitalo Resident: (lost count of searches, actually).
ElanVitalo Resident: I was not programmed for simple arithmetic.
Agatha Macbeth: 2+2=5
Storm Nordwind: "Machines were mice and men were lions once upon a time. But now that it's the opposite it's twice upon a time."
ElanVitalo Resident: hmmmm.
Agatha Macbeth: Mice?
Agatha Macbeth: I seem to be having trouble with my lifestyle
ElanVitalo Resident: I'd highly recommend watching thew YouTube vids of the Isaac Asimov debates -- moderated by Neil deGrasse Tyson -- found on YouTube.
ElanVitalo Resident: REALLY excellent.
ElanVitalo Resident: I have watched four of them so far.
Agatha Macbeth: Is that Mike's brother?
ElanVitalo Resident: (also not programmed for correct spelling, obviously).
ElanVitalo Resident: Mike Tube?
Agatha Macbeth blames the dragon
ElanVitalo Resident: I don't think so.
ElanVitalo Resident: no Dragons today, sry.
Agatha Macbeth: Send for St george
Bruce Mowbray: This is .... ELEPHANTASTIC !!
Bruce Mowbray: _____
Bruce Mowbray: / 0 \____
Bruce Mowbray: / _ \__/ \
Bruce Mowbray: / / \ ____ I \
Bruce Mowbray: /_/ I I I I
Bruce Mowbray: I__I I__I
Agatha Macbeth dies from laughing....
ElanVitalo Resident dies from laughing....
Bruce Mowbray dies from laughing....
Storm Nordwind: An oliphaunt!
Agatha Macbeth nods
Agatha Macbeth: A heffalump
SilasAndrews Resident: "We" shall be off now. Tanks, everyone."
Storm Nordwind waves
Agatha Macbeth waves too
Agatha Macbeth: Thought it was Zon for a moment
ElanVitalo Resident: When do we transform into "little Indians"?
Agatha Macbeth: Ask Korel
ElanVitalo Resident: one little, two little, three little indians...
ElanVitalo Resident: kk.
Storm Nordwind: You need me to cook you a curry, perhaps?
ElanVitalo Resident: a battery recharge would be as good.
Agatha Macbeth: You want poppadoms with that mate?
Storm Nordwind: Pft! You underestimate my curries!
Agatha Macbeth: Pft indeed
ElanVitalo Resident: bye for now. "We" are off to scrape up a charge.
ElanVitalo Resident:
Agatha Macbeth: Don't charge too much
Storm Nordwind waves
Bruce Mowbray: whew.
Storm Nordwind: Otherwise we'd have to call him "Fee" instead.
Agatha Macbeth: As the Light brigade said
Agatha Macbeth: I remember Billy Liar
Bruce Mowbray: The kindly lion.
Bruce Mowbray: or are you lyin" ?
Bruce Mowbray: (enhanced communication techniques).
Agatha Macbeth: Lions are kindly when they aren't eating you
Bruce Mowbray: or was that Lahr? The lion in the Wizard of Oz, or do I have EVERYTHING mixed up now?
Agatha Macbeth roars
Bruce Mowbray: that was BURT Lahr, sorry.
Agatha Macbeth: King of the beasts
Bruce Mowbray: nods.
Agatha Macbeth: The Lion of Judah
Bruce Mowbray: Well, then. Elan's scraping up a charge reminded me of what I should also be doing (or "we" should also be doing.)
Bruce Mowbray: I shall bid you both a fond adieu.
Agatha Macbeth: Scrape well McBruce
Storm Nordwind: Bye Bruce.
Agatha Macbeth: So how's the weather in the Rockies?
Storm Nordwind: Today, very sunny. Far too warm for me actually.
Agatha Macbeth: Glad to hear it, bloody freezing here
Storm Nordwind: But now we have had the earliest sunset, and the evenings will get longer again.
Agatha Macbeth: They happen early there then?
Storm Nordwind: No. It's the same everywhere north of the equator
Agatha Macbeth: Oh
Agatha Macbeth: Not Dec 21st then?
Storm Nordwind: No. That is the shortest day
Agatha Macbeth: Hm
Storm Nordwind: And the latest sunrise will come in early january.
Agatha Macbeth: Confusing
Storm Nordwind: The day length is just an aggregate of the two.
Agatha Macbeth: Away goals maybe
Storm Nordwind chuckles
Storm Nordwind: _I_ know what you mean. But who else would have here? ;-)
Agatha Macbeth ponders
Agatha Macbeth: Not many I bet
Storm Nordwind: Soccer is not a favorite here.
Agatha Macbeth: Getting bigger tho, so I hear
Storm Nordwind: About as big as American Football is in Europe. In other words, not at all.
Agatha Macbeth: I think Beckham's starting a new club there or something
Agatha Macbeth: In Florida
Storm Nordwind: Football is the big draw here. More than half of Americans would nominate it as their sport if they had to choose just one.
Agatha Macbeth: More so than baseball?
Storm Nordwind: Yes. A quarter would choose baseball, but even that's declining.
Agatha Macbeth: My my
Agatha Macbeth: Could be that there's too much of it and people just get fed up
Storm Nordwind: It's just not as exciting. And it can go on and on.
Agatha Macbeth: And on and on...
Agatha Macbeth: 'Here we are at the bottom of the 27th'
Storm Nordwind: Makes cricket look positively interesting.
Agatha Macbeth nods
Agatha Macbeth: But probably less dangerous these days
Agatha Macbeth: Has Derek Jeter finally retired?
Storm Nordwind: Probably. I don't know. I saw some fuss or other a few weeks ago. Managed to muster up enough energy to change channel.
Agatha Macbeth: That good eh
Storm Nordwind: Yup.
Agatha Macbeth: Ah well
Agatha Macbeth: I'll let you get on with your afternoon
Storm Nordwind: Thank you. And you with your evening. Nice to talk to you. :)
Agatha Macbeth: Stay well
Agatha Macbeth: And warm
Agatha Macbeth waves
Storm Nordwind waves
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