2020.02.20 07:00 - Question Bridge

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Adams Rubble. The comments are by Adams Rubble.

    We started by catching up.

    Adams Rubble: Good morning Riddle :)
    Riddle Sideways: Morning, Adams


    Riddle Sideways: guesses your nice outfit is Quaker, Amish, Mennonite or pilgram
    Adams Rubble: or generic :)
    Riddle Sideways: ah
    Adams Rubble: Tis a gift to be simple....
    Riddle Sideways: Tis a gift to be Free
    Adams Rubble: for me it has been a busy week, for you a busy day coming
    Riddle Sideways: yes
    Adams Rubble: my mind is seeking some rest
    Riddle Sideways: not quite as busy today. less items
    Riddle Sideways: BUT YES mind and body needs some rest
    Riddle Sideways: was late today, because body-mind ignore daylight and rolled over
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Riddle Sideways: iccky cold is much better, but lingers
    Riddle Sideways: brb, Coffee
    Adams Rubble: the mild winter is holding so far but it appears it will be slighly colder
    Riddle Sideways: back, cold here too. No rain since begining of Jan.
    Adams Rubble: we have been getting lots of rain this winter
    Riddle Sideways: Welcome to Black History Month
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Riddle Sideways: did a few things T-W
    Riddle Sideways: Hamilton is so great Live!!!
    Riddle Sideways: the history lessons are mixed in there
    Adams Rubble: forgot you went to see Hamilton. Glad you enjoyed it
    Adams Rubble: How are you feeling?
    Riddle Sideways: body and mind were better yesterday and sinking today
    Riddle Sideways: but, it is early
    Adams Rubble: Little one likes Hamilton
    Riddle Sideways: yay!

    Oakland Museum and Black power Exhibit

    Riddle Sideways: Went to the Oakland Museum
    Adams Rubble: nice museum
    Riddle Sideways: Had seen "Black Power" before and talked about it so much, partner wanted to at least see some of it
    Riddle Sideways: Saw a small Dorothea Lange photo exhibit
    Adams Rubble looking at exhibitions list on their website
    Adams Rubble: and a Burning Man
    Adams Rubble listens about Black Power Exhibit
    Riddle Sideways: no, saw the Buring Man exhibit only a few months ago
    Riddle Sideways: went at opening. Every school near also had field trips go at opening time
    Riddle Sideways: The museum had a docent for every 5-6 kids
    Riddle Sideways: and were guiding them through the Lange exhibit with us
    Riddle Sideways: ㋡
    Riddle Sideways: such energy
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Adams Rubble: note to bell, please do not shush smiles
    Riddle Sideways: good to tell it
    Riddle Sideways: Smiles should always be allowed to shine through
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Adams Rubble: that's amazing about a docent for every 4-5 kids
    Riddle Sideways: the rest of that 'California' floor ranged all over in subject mater, materials, etc.
    Adams Rubble: lots of volunteers\
    Riddle Sideways: Yes, lots of seniors
    Riddle Sideways: who were very patient
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Riddle Sideways: did see that the one way to quiet the group that was getting toward out-of-hand
    Riddle Sideways: was to ask a question about the Art :))
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Riddle Sideways: then the field trips poofed all at the same time
    Riddle Sideways: the place got back to museum quiet
    Riddle Sideways: walking slowly to the far back
    Riddle Sideways: found a video playing
    Riddle Sideways: with places to sit and relax

    "Question Bridge: Black Males" (There is a link to a segment further down)

    Riddle Sideways: turned into "Question Bridge: Black Males"
    Riddle Sideways: wish their website had a video
    Riddle Sideways: has a really good intro/explanation
    Riddle Sideways: but, does not show the power of the questions and several answering (trying to answer)
    Riddle Sideways: many of the answers given were not the expected
    Riddle Sideways: museumca.org/projects/question-bridge-black-males
    Riddle Sideways: so wish more would be done.
    Riddle Sideways: generational conversations between [color,race,religion, each spectrum]
    Adams Rubble: it is difficult to comment on a museum experience one has not had
    Riddle Sideways: sorry
    Adams Rubble: that's OK, I have thoughts about the subject but do not know the ontext
    Riddle Sideways: why wish there were online versions
    Riddle Sideways: the questions were seriously funny or funny serious
    Adams Rubble: any time one can bridge the gap between self and other it is a good thing
    Riddle Sideways: so that was what it was
    Riddle Sideways: a medium to bridge the gap
    Adams Rubble: skin color is such a minor difference but has become such a great gulf
    Riddle Sideways: yes, so small a thing. made each question-answer be evaluated by 'that could be asked of any group-other"
    Riddle Sideways: the older generation asking 'Why do you listen to That ... Music?"
    Riddle Sideways: always a great argument producer
    Riddle Sideways: or "Do you date outside your color group?"
    Adams Rubble: people who produce hate for economic benefit
    Adams Rubble: it's OK to oppress this group because they are inferieor
    Riddle Sideways: this was made in 2011, when there was happiness
    Riddle Sideways: sort of
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Adams Rubble: the golden days
    Riddle Sideways: most the questions-answers could have been taped at any date
    Adams Rubble: the person who asks a person of color how they raise a black child gets an answer "the same way you raise your child"
    Riddle Sideways: mostly that was the answer
    Adams Rubble: good
    Riddle Sideways: then there would be a special zap-ya answer
    Riddle Sideways: eg. "if you were raised without 1 or both parents, and your parents were raised the same way and you have no idea how to Stay with a partner you want sex with, Then Don't!, Do not bring kids into this world"
    Adams Rubble: ouch
    Riddle Sideways: Found a 30min slice. www.questionbridge.com
    Riddle Sideways: so such have gotten up and found that before session
    Riddle Sideways: darn
    Riddle Sideways: *should
    Riddle Sideways: (maybe, maybe the editor might move the link up to the start of this section)(but maybe not hmmm)
    Adams Rubble: I am finding this very sad
    Adams Rubble: there is a bit of a guilt trip laid on these men
    Riddle Sideways: yes sad. yet there are some Funny or Joyous
    Adams Rubble: I know what is bothering me
    Adams Rubble: it is that fact that being brought up in a single family home is a black issue
    Adams Rubble: black man issue
    Adams Rubble: they are two separate things
    Adams Rubble: except
    Adams Rubble: so many blkac men have been incarcerated
    Adams Rubble: poverty programs also have caused a break up of some families
    Riddle Sideways: well, the bringing a select group of one common something together and asking diverse questions got the usual sad answers and some surprises
    Adams Rubble: sigh, sometimes the world seems such a mess
    Riddle Sideways: yep
    Riddle Sideways: Welcome to Black History month
    Adams Rubble: we are so much blessed
    Adams Rubble: it has gotten very late. Thank you for bringing the exibibit to my attention. It is something I should know about

    Hot Seats

    Riddle Sideways: wish there were Women versions, Religious ones, Rep-Dem ones, etc
    Riddle Sideways: Also, would like to be sitting on the hotseat to answer and ask
    Riddle Sideways: "Who Are You?"
    Adams Rubble: I am finding Human Relations an uncomfortable hot seat :)
    Riddle Sideways: yep
    Adams Rubble: yesterday someone sought me out after a meeting to lecture me
    Riddle Sideways: ooooo Fun
    Adams Rubble: It was hard to lash out back at her
    Adams Rubble: sometimes people are stuck at places that are not helpful.
    Adams Rubble: sometimes people assume you are stuck at some place but you are not
    Riddle Sideways: many times you just need to let them go and get it out
    Riddle Sideways: many times that would make it worse
    Adams Rubble: it was at the end of a productive meeting and I am not all that certain about my place there
    Riddle Sideways: some are never going to hear you, See you
    Adams Rubble: basically "see ya" in a polite way was my response :)
    Riddle Sideways: that does not stop you from Seeing Them
    Adams Rubble: I am still seeing her :)
    Riddle Sideways: hahaha, all night seeing her
    Adams Rubble: we are way overtime and I should get going :(
    Riddle Sideways: reviewing. And those "I shoulda said ...."
    Adams Rubble: could have said
    Riddle Sideways: ok, thanks for today
    Adams Rubble: well maybe would have been better to have said
    Riddle Sideways: listening and feeling
    Adams Rubble: I have to write up the minutes for the two meetings
    Adams Rubble: have to make a decision tonight between a meeting I should go to and a talk by the cousin of Emmett Till
    Riddle Sideways: whatever decision and gets done. Go have fun and enjoy
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Riddle Sideways: oh yes! and smile
    Adams Rubble: thank you :)
    Adams Rubble: :)))
    Adams Rubble: have a good weekend
    Adams Rubble: bye for now
    Riddle Sideways: have a good restful weekend
    Adams Rubble waves
    Riddle Sideways: by All


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    Hello Adams & Riddle. Glad to see you are still here. Plan to log in sometime. Been busy and traveling. Wishing you a great week end/week.
    Posted 16:32, 29 Feb 2020
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