04-06 - Micks back (late)

    in progress by Mickorod

    The Decision To Excel
    As I watched a mother teaching her child to walk
    I saw anticipation and excitement swell with each step
    When the child would fall, it was not applauded
    But immediately brought to its feet with tender help
    Now I am persuaded resilience is a learned behavior
    Because a child beginning to walk must decide to excel
    Therefore the mentor motivates maturity which concludes
    That a fall is never a decision to fail!

    SourceSource type: Periodical
    Integrated Gospel Perceptions http://
    Contribution #3720

    2010.04.04 01:00

    Susi Alcott: wanna hear a story ?
    Calvino Rabeni: +Yes :)
    Bertram Jacobus: yes please
    Qt Core: sure
    Susi Alcott: there was once that I could keep my mouth;
    Susi Alcott: there was a meeting; several 85 year old ladies
    Susi Alcott: they had many kind of illnesses and most of them was a widow
    Bertram Jacobus: (and from moon and from star and from cosma and from pab and all the members) ... (feel support) ...
    Calvino Rabeni: :) Bert
    Bertram Jacobus: :-)
    Susi Alcott: one wondered that how they have only resign to not to care of there illnesses
    Susi Alcott: the other asked;
    Susi Alcott: "What else could've we been done ?"
    Susi Alcott: so the question stayed in the air ...
    Susi Alcott: but I thought of those many old and even younger people, who never did that; ignored there illnesses
    Susi Alcott: but turned to be bitter and claimed many things included doctors that cannot help them at all
    Qt Core: everytime i hear about old people and the verb to resign i think about this lovely lady:


    Bertram Jacobus: *click*
    Susi Alcott: but the silence that landed among us for that question
    Susi Alcott: was warm and gave ease to there pains
    Susi Alcott: cuz they all could notice that they have just continued there life the best possible way
    Susi Alcott: end of the story
    Qt Core: (she is still working )
    Bertram Jacobus: yes : one of the big insights : makin always the best out of all
    Bertram Jacobus: i heared a story of the dalai lama and another so to say "great rinpoche" (think it was dilgo khyentse) : they sat together in a garden once, half an hour saying nothing and then one of them said : and that thing over there, one calls "tree" - and both laughed very much about it spontaneously ... :-)

    2010.04.04 07:00

    The Decision

    SophiaSharon Larnia: it is a matter of trust
    Eliza Madrigal: on the edge
    Eos Amaterasu: in space, without a net
    SophiaSharon Larnia: oh i have a net, i always did
    Eliza Madrigal: hm... edge of space...
    Bertram Jacobus: i did it some times too. very good.
    Eos Amaterasu: (do you need a net in space?)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: hmmmm
    Eliza Madrigal: :) what about a net of space?
    Eos Amaterasu: that's exactly it :-)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: i trust, and always felt that I would be ok, if I could just. do. it.
    Eos Amaterasu: I'm trying to think of that Goethe quote, which is actually about trusting in space
    Liza Deischer: a net of space: that's great :-)
    Eos Amaterasu: Once you decide, leap, then the world starts responding, opening
    Eliza Madrigal: Very inspiring, Sharon
    Bertram Jacobus: sry don´t know it actually (how embarrassing for a german (?) ... (goethe´s qoute)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: smiles
    Liza Deischer: :-)
    Bertram Jacobus: and inspiring sharon - agree - ty !
    Eos Amaterasu:

    Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. "

    Eliza Madrigal: Ah!
    Eos Amaterasu:

    "Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness concerning all acts of initiative and creation. There is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans; that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred."

    2010.04.04 13:00

    Maxine Walden: OK, just to remention that one of the profound things for me
    Maxine Walden: in the reading was the constant experience of being in the presence
    Maxine Walden: of a very wise person, the voice of the author and the language he used
    Maxine Walden: That 'presence' was very calming, very containing, as I recollect
    Maxine Walden: And contributes, I think to the experience of opening, trusting, unfolding, transforming...
    Maxine Walden: so wanted to mention that. And as well, it occurred to me
    Maxine Walden: as I was thinking of this second theme session,
    Maxine Walden: that for me in an ongoing way the sense of opening to TSK and the learning being offered
    Maxine Walden: suggested that one's experience of reality, and of the opening to the wider views and appreciations (getting lost in my sentence!! Just a moment)
    Maxine Walden: ...that one's evolving sense of appreciation of TSK pivots on the state of mind, the opening of one's mind, vs the narrow, defensive, pressured, focus on the minute...
    Maxine Walden: that the quality of attentiveness, guess that is really what I am trying to get at...
    Maxine Walden: the quality of attentiveness seems key to me re how open, how allowing, how receiving and appreciative one can be
    Maxine Walden: And this quality of attentiveness is not a contrived one from inside, but is one which naturally 'comes' in a relaxed, trusting, opening of oneself.
    Maxine Walden: But when I have been fatigued, etc, I seem less able to connect with that relaxed open attentiveness...

    Pema Pera: yes, and the attentiveness seems to have an aspect of appreciation . . . .
    Pema Pera: not so much a grasping kind of attentiveness towards something in particular, but rather an appreciation of the whole scene, so to speak
    Maxine Walden: absolutely, Pema...think that is key...the appreciation which is a soft resonating openness
    Maxine Walden: getting past the 'self' with its agenda, and drive to possess, 'know' etc...and at times it seemed to take work to maintain the relaxed open aspect, as if the default position paradoxically was the 'self''s agenda
    Maxine Walden: Pema, with all the readings you have done, the default position is probably something other than the self's agenda?
    Maxine Walden: readings of TSK you have done...
    Pema Pera: what do you mean exactly with the "default position", Maxine?
    Maxine Walden: guess I mean the place one comes back to or sometimes begins from as one 'wakes' up in the morning...the place of least energy output...
    Pema Pera: yes, when we wake up, we first dress up our minds, with all its attachments and identifications, and then the body . . . :)

    arabella Ella: ok you said 'a switch from having to being' ... and 'having knowledge' may not therefore be such a good thing? Could you elaborate please about 'having knowledge'?
    Pema Pera: where you are, but seen in a different light perhaps
    Pema Pera: yes, dropping knowledge is a better way to start . . . .
    Pema Pera: (to Riddle, and to Ara, respectively)
    Pema Pera: we know too much already, or think we do . . .
    arabella Ella: do we?
    Wester Kiranov: knowledge is always there, and if you try to own it it will run away (@ara)
    Pema Pera: we think we know we have a self, for example, etc etc
    Calvino Rabeni: @riddle, a place to visit - You must visit the place where knowledge is seen from a place of knowing-ness or "already" rather than acquiring information.
    Maxine Walden: to be alert to the anxiety about grasping, or trying to seize the good stuff, the Knowledge...for that forcloses the openness, the appreication of quiet, present knowingness as Great Knowledge
    arabella Ella: but ... excuse the 'tourist question' ... are we not trying to 'know more' by being here? so is there not a paradox?
    Wester Kiranov: there are loads of seeming paradoxes
    Pema Pera: there are paradoxes, always, when we try to capture insight into words
    Pema Pera: yes
    Maxine Walden: awe in the presence of a quiet, uncontrived knowingness
    Pema Pera: not "our knowingness"
    Pema Pera: something else, more like inspiration, creativity, in that direction
    Pema Pera: spontaneity
    Maxine Walden: For the the paradox is also in the limitation of our language...we just don't have words to convey the presence of this knowingness, we tend to relate to 'our knowing' in our language, our questing even to open to TSK

    2010.04.04 19:00

    Calvino Rabeni: Picking up from earlier - the idea seems to be about knowledge being "constructed"
    Calvino Rabeni: A reverse interpretation might make as much sense - that the meaning is not defined, but already present, and the definitions or representations are conformed to it. That would be a little like that "morphic field" idea you mentioned earlier.
    Mitzi Mimistrobell: please continue!
    Calvino Rabeni: LIke you said,it flies against the trend
    Calvino Rabeni: You might call it a case of "monocausalitis"
    Mitzi Mimistrobell: could I have you go back a little and say, what do you mean, "knowledge being constructed"?
    Mitzi Mimistrobell: ... and is the word "meaning" substantially the same as the word "referent" when used in talking about language?
    Calvino Rabeni: It shows up in that guise pretty often, I would agree
    Calvino Rabeni: There's a tacit theory involved with that idea
    Mitzi Mimistrobell: I like "referent" - seems more precise.
    Calvino Rabeni: Like, language consist of signs that are intrinsicially meaningless, and the take their meaning by virtue of association with specific objective objects or situations (their "referents")
    Mitzi Mimistrobell: yes!
    Calvino Rabeni: And then, with a dubious philosophical sleight-of-hand, people talk as if the language was able to stand alone
    Mitzi Mimistrobell: precisely
    Calvino Rabeni: But if we admit a more flexible idea of what-causes-what, then , we don't have to take a stereotyped position
    Mitzi Mimistrobell: How does causality come into this, then?
    Calvino Rabeni: Stereotype 1 - I construct my reality. Stereotype 2 - I perceive an objective reality
    Mitzi Mimistrobell: ok
    Calvino Rabeni: By causality I mean, the dubious theory to be reductionist and say "which is primary, which is the result"

    2010.04.05 01:00

    Bertram Jacobus: and perhaps i may report in short : first i searched whatever in christian groups - for sure , i´m in this cultural sourrounding. didn´t find anything, searched in other systems. wre very angry with christian hierarchies for some time, lost the view for the essence of that ...
    Tarmel Udimo: understand
    Tarmel Udimo: yes
    Bertram Jacobus: and then, after having found a bit in hinduism, buddhism - i found also the essence in christs teachings too : the love ...
    Tarmel Udimo: yes love is tricky
    Tarmel Udimo: because there is an assumption you need to give love to something external
    Bertram Jacobus: love is often misunderstand or mixed up with other aspects
    Tarmel Udimo: agree
    Bertram Jacobus: even contrary ones (!) ;-)
    Tarmel Udimo: where as love is in fact acceptance of one's true self
    Tarmel Udimo: Self
    Tarmel Udimo: opening one's awareness to who we are is love
    Bertram Jacobus: i could express for example that love in my understanding is ultimate harmony ...
    Tarmel Udimo: yes that would be one way
    Bertram Jacobus: yes. what you say is included in my understanding of that

    2010.04.05 13:00

    Calvino Rabeni: Dropping is not about whether knowledge is valuable, or whether it is true, or whether you should remain committed to it in the long run.
    Calvino Rabeni: It is about freeing attention and intelligence in present time
    Calvino Rabeni: for a moment
    Calvino Rabeni: Mick's word was "dexterity"
    arabella Ella: but why say 'drop knowledge' if what is meant is 'free attention and intelligence'?
    Calvino Rabeni: Because of the binding nature of knowledge on attention
    Wol Euler nods.
    Mickorod Renard: nicely said CAL
    arabella Ella: is that always the case Calvino ... or not?
    arabella Ella: does knowledge always bind on attention?
    Calvino Rabeni: And I don't think the "knowledge" referred to is "factual knowledge" of course
    Eliza Madrigal: right, wol... it isnt about undoing all your skills and education :)
    Liza Deischer: ropping the attachement
    Liza Deischer: *dropping
    Calvino Rabeni: Knowledge informs and directs attention also, focuses it in a specific direction
    Mickorod Renard: I guess it depends what u want to do with the knowledge,,u could just be a human library,,or you could do something with it
    Calvino Rabeni: To refocus in a different direction - to see something new - might require dropping current commitments for the time being

    2010.04.05 19:00

    Lucinda Lavender: how did you get introduced to this place?

    Eden Haiku: Oh to PaB. I was attending an event at Kira and left because I did not like it.

    Lucinda Lavender: ah

    Eden Haiku: Flew over and fell down in these beautiful gardens.

    Eden Haiku: Walked around , went into a little charming house. 

    Eden Haiku: (It was the pub, I discovered later.)

    Lucinda Lavender: yes

    Eden Haiku: Then I met this blond man I had seen at Kira.

    Eden Haiku: Asked him if it was ok to walk in these gardens.

    Eden Haiku: He said I was welcomed to and then invited me to the pavilion where the meeting was about to start.

    Lucinda Lavender: I see

    Eden Haiku: And I found this place so wonderful I kept coming back. :) Tell me your story now...:)

    Lucinda Lavender: Calvino mentioned that this might be a place he could show me...

    Lucinda Lavender: I came and walked a bit and found it very beautiful.

    2010.04.06 13:00

    arabella Ella: So Wol, if you dont mind ... self directed work and procrastination ...
    Wol Euler: mmhmm
    arabella Ella: how do you then manage to bring in some self discipline?
    Wol Euler: well, it's not as simple as that brief description
    arabella Ella: yes ... although I can relate to what you said
    arabella Ella: but then deadlines or responsibilities or whatever enter the picture too
    arabella Ella: and TIME
    Wol Euler: I balance the "waiting for inspiration to hit" moments with some hard work when it does
    Wol Euler: and there are always tasks to be done "beside" the thing that I am procrastinating about
    arabella Ella: yes i can relate with that too ... mmmm
    Wol Euler: for example, I have a mental list of about twenty things that need to be done sometime fairly soon on the current project
    Wol Euler: and I know roughly which have to happen first
    arabella Ella: then there is also the paradox about Time ... relaxation ... waste of time ... using time properly ... etc
    Wol Euler: so I make a deal with myself. I'm only allowed to procrastinate on one thing at a time.
    arabella Ella: he he
    arabella Ella: I like that attitude
    Wol Euler: if I am procrastinating on X then I *must* do either Y or Z
    Wol Euler: and I choose the one that has the least resistance
    arabella Ella: fantastic idea
    arabella Ella: yes
    arabella Ella: like doing the easiest stuff on a to do list first i guess
    Wol Euler: this resistance is a kind of intuition, I think. It means that I am missing something to deal properly with the problem
    arabella Ella: yes i guess it is
    Wol Euler: be it time, or a fact, or an answer from some other part of the project that I might not even consciuosly know is related
    arabella Ella: like when we dont reply to emails immediately ... it is often the case that we dont have a simply answer
    Wol Euler nods.


    2010.04.06 19:00

    Pema Pera: as for goats . . . .
    Pema Pera: how about this? 

    on a mountain path: 
    meet a goat, open your coat 
    to look much bigger

    Eos Amaterasu: last I recall we were settling like a mountain :-)
    Pema Pera: a floating mountain . . .
    Eos Amaterasu: first there is a mountain, then there is no mountain....
    Eos Amaterasu: then there is
    Pema Pera: :-)
    Eliza Madrigal: Eden Haiku: But if I may, I would like to ask you Eos, an experience in which you apllied this, in Real Life: being decisive, knowing what is, seeing clearly, ;)
    Eden Haiku: ha ha!
    Eos Amaterasu: Any othere questions?
    Eos Amaterasu: But I passed the buck to Eliza
    Eos Amaterasu listens
    Eliza Madrigal: I spent it...
    Eden Haiku: (((Shamed by my typos ))) hiding under my blue hair.
    Pema Pera: Eos knowing what (it) is (to duck)
    Eliza Madrigal: Kidding... maybe you missed my answer....will re post for you and for Cal
    Eliza Madrigal: Eliza Madrigal: I have to say that this vision of the 'three confidences' is something I'm settling with... I mentioned 'big' decisions I feel I have to make, but really..... I'm inspired by this idea of settling in like a mountain... allowing decisions to be made.... 
    [19:14] Eliza Madrigal: the mountain imagery is inspiring because its a caretaker of sorts
    Calvino Rabeni: Thanks
    Eden Haiku: What about you Calvino? Would you like to share an experience of Being decisive you had?
    Pema Pera: I love that: being decisive by letting decisiveness be !!
    Calvino Rabeni: Hmmm, can't decide what it would be ...
    Eden Haiku: Eos seems to be avoiding his own subject so ;)))
    Eos Amaterasu: how a caretaker, Eliza?
    Calvino Rabeni: (searches memory)
    Eliza Madrigal: I feel I'm not decisive in my life about some things because I feel the weight of the caretaking for others....
    Eden Haiku: Look in inventory maybe Cal?
    Eden Haiku: Ah yes, Eliza...
    Eos Amaterasu: hmm
    Eliza Madrigal: and while I might take some risks for myself... it takes a great deal of trust to settle into that kind of confidence when others are leaning....
    Eos Amaterasu: ah
    Pema Pera: not straying from openness is also a form of being decisive, though it may look like the opposite

    Eliza Madrigal: leaning onto no ground.... yes
    Calvino Rabeni: Last time I was decisive, it was to change the topic in a dialogue I was having, away from the expected topic to something else - that is, ti make a counter-proposal.
    Calvino Rabeni: And another case is, I invited someone to lunch to learn more about a certain issue that had to do with a group
    Eos Amaterasu: you can't be frivolous with others
    Eden Haiku: Ok, that is decisive action with language then.
    Eos Amaterasu: I don't think decisiveness means being right
    Eliza Madrigal listens
    Calvino Rabeni: The decisive action was with - what people were content to know and not know
    Eos Amaterasu: it seems more a matter of engagement,
    Calvino Rabeni: "rules of engagement" are negotiable
    Eos Amaterasu: first by not running away from the charnel ground you're in (wish SophiaSharon was here)
    Pema Pera: yes, decisively avoiding both fight and flight
    Eliza Madrigal: She's engaged in letting go.... definitely engaging :)
    Eos Amaterasu: letting go into that, which is a kind of fidelity to it, not running away
    Eos Amaterasu: not pushing it
    Eos Amaterasu: the weight isn't in this or that (clouds or goats)
    Eos Amaterasu: it's in the openness of the space
    Eos Amaterasu: which is immoveable
    Pema Pera: neither huffing & puffing, nor giving up
    Calvino Rabeni: Right
    Eden Haiku: Ah yes, it is very subtle isn',it ?
    Calvino Rabeni: You know something new will emerge, but can't control exactly what it is
    Eos Amaterasu: so re others, staying with others, but with "deep in my heart I know there's no help I can bring"
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Pema Pera: yes
    Eos Amaterasu: fidelity to them
    Pema Pera: and also: no help is needed
    Eos Amaterasu: there can be rain on the mountain
    Pema Pera: ultimately
    Pema Pera: and then I can make gestures to celebrate the "no need"
    Eos Amaterasu: or share the no need in the midst of painfully apparent need
    Pema Pera: yes
    Eliza Madrigal: appreciate that sensibility too...
    Eliza Madrigal: Which perhaps leads in a bit to "Know what is" ?
    Calvino Rabeni: When people create, along with "no need", then it takes an air that is celebratory
    Eos Amaterasu: you're not modifying anything, so it's "being seeing"
    Pema Pera: yes, Eliza, last time and now too we seem to focus on "being decisive"; how about "knowing what is"?
    Eos Amaterasu: yes, the best gestures are "empty gestures"
    Eliza Madrigal: Ah, yes... leaning on 'me' would be tampering....

    Pema Pera: . 

    behind Buddha's back 
    and behind Buddha's behind 
    what is left to see?

    Pema Pera reading the web for EMDR http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EMDR

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