2010.04.10 01:00 - Seismic events
2010.04.10 07:00 - Laziness and "should"
Pema Pera: lazy can be many things, I s'pose
Pema Pera: all depending on context . . . .
Darren Islar: even when you're busy
Eliza Madrigal: everything to do with context... yes
Darren Islar: busy at one thing, lazy at another :-)Eliza Madrigal: hehe, yes
Pema Pera: but often a refusal to face up to something, masqueraded as "just lazy"
Pema Pera: and yes, Darren, fun isn't it!
Darren Islar: :-)
Eliza Madrigal: We often 'feel' lazy when we aren't, too... when life forces us to slow down...
Eliza Madrigal: or we are coping/changing/working at other levels
Darren Islar: mmhm, it is hard to work out what laziness exactly is
Eliza Madrigal: and we look at our ideas of how things 'should' have gone ... sure there are many angles :)
Darren Islar: or going by the definition of Pema, it is more difficult to find out when laziness occurs
Pema Pera: yes, some "lazy" signals are very natural, and we should follow them; others are obstructions, and better to ignore -- life is complicated!
Eliza Madrigal: Is it?! :)))))
SophiaSharon Larnia: yes, i like here how you stated that Pema, it's true too
Darren Islar: and where is that 'should'-feeling coming from
Darren Islar: ouch
Pema Pera: often we are too lazy to look clearly which type of laziness just came up, haha
2010.04.10 13:00 - Scribe Session, Part II
Concerns - people possibly spending more time on scribing than they have, thinking it may not 'measure up', the scribe process formalizing what is a very fluid-like thought process.
Creativity in action - People can write any way they like, without comparing it to another scribe or style, realize that there is no set structure on the scribe or the process.
Future Ideas: Creating a Play as Being library, a guardian writing one scribe if inspired by the topics arising from the sessions.
2010.04.10 19:00 - It goes Oops oops oops
Lucinda Lavender: It goes Oops oops oops I 'm always dropping oops,oops,oops, I always spilling. oops Oops oops do I have to pick it up/ I don't want to pick it up!
2010.04.11 01:00 - Dreams and love judgements
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: So is it possible there are some deper ego what comes with soul ?
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: from one incarnation to another?
Archmage Atlantis: In my belief system, all things are possible.........
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: ah, well, yess, thats true ;)
Blonde Starsmith: again there is disucssion of non unified human spirits
Blonde Starsmith: just because a lable of ego is given to some aspect of human behavior does not make it separate
Blonde Starsmith: labels create divisions which do not exist
Archmage Atlantis: I started to say something, yet it was just more definitions.....agree Blonde, and that is what I was doing....labeling
Blonde Starsmith: I knew your intent Arch
Blonde Starsmith: it is hard to break the habit
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: but why there are habits?
2010.04.11 07:00 - Wetting Toes
2010.04.11 08:00 - Guardian Session: Being Playing House
Eos Amaterasu: My understanding of kami is that it is somewhat the spirit or presence of place, or of a living part of nature
Eos Amaterasu: and the intersection of "that" with "me" somewhat transcends the difference.
2010.04.11 13:00 - TSK theme session: thawing out
Pema Pera: Our way of relating to our bodies is often very rigid and tends to restrict our potential as embodied beings. Our attitudes and investigations of the body often perpetuate either a mechanical or a `ghost in the machine' perspective. These same attitudes in many ways ensure that `knowing' will not change or mature qualitatively and will remain a rather isolated occurrence in a basically unknowing world. The `self' is the only thing that is allowed to `know' in such a picture. Everything that supposedly surrounds and interacts with it must be seen as objects which are merely `known'. However, this rather frozen picture can be thawed. It is possible to allow a greater measure of liveliness, clarity, and intimacy with our surroundings to replace the isolated appearances of `body', `mind', and `world'.
2010.04.11 19:00 - Sneaking Off to Hear Eden and Ulrich Read Their Poems!
Pila Mulligan: I have been working this weekend, just ended a fairly extensive project, so I am unwinding.
Paradise Tennant: what time was eden's poetry session?
Pila Mulligan: 7 I think :)
Pila Mulligan: well, let's go to the poetry reading then.
2010.04.12 01:00 - Crusty returns - briefly
Crusty Goldshark: I am very superficial and believe the outer reflects the inner :)
Crusty Goldshark: My lack of hair represents my distinct lack of anything worth keeping warm (no brain . . .)
Crusty Goldshark: OK I will turn my sound down - so as not to interfere with my Mindless condition ..
Crusty Goldshark: Indeed 9 secs is an eternity in some situations . . .
Crusty Goldshark: I have been doing wii yoga and tai chi for my spiritual undevelopment
Crusty Goldshark: Have to try and avoid enlightenment by staying in the body?
2010.04.12 07:00 - Creating a Line to the Inner Child
Eden Haiku: A tiny baby is a good reminder of joyful life isn'it Cosmic?
Crusty Goldshark: Life is just life - we learn what we are up for . . .
Zen Arado: sometimes it feels like it is mapped out for me
Eden Haiku: I was teaching a course in collective intelligence once.
Crusty Goldshark: Babies are Buddhas - much closer to the source . . .
Zen Arado: yes agree Crusty
Eden Haiku: Having my students read a book by Pierre Levy, the French philosopher.
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: is it to learn from, or to remember?
Eden Haiku: They were science students but they were stuck with the language, very poetic,
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: ah, yes, we can feel Joy of many many things
Zen Arado: one of my friends is interested in collective intelligence
Crusty Goldshark: Rememberance is a form of learning what is present
Eden Haiku: I felt stuck too, not knowing how to convey the brilliance of the book to them.
2010.04.12 13:00 - All in a good book
2010.04.12 19:00 - Babies and other altered states
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