"Waking Up Once Mr Random Abruptly Changes Road": Interview with Qt Core.
I met with Qt Core in Bieup, where we sat and talked at my PaB plot. Qt has been attending Play as Being sessions since March of 2009 , his first session is here: 2009.03.07 13:00 - Mind, the final frontier.
SophiaSharon Larnia: hi Qt!
Qt Core: Hi Sophia
SophiaSharon Larnia: You're early, like me :) thanks!
Qt Core: :-)
Qt Core: just had lunch, i logged here before a nap would assault me ;-)
SophiaSharon Larnia: would you like to stay here? Or go elsewhere?
SophiaSharon Larnia: yes! haha Thank you! I know what you mean
Qt Core: here, sitting somewhere
SophiaSharon Larnia: how about my plot?
Qt Core: yes
SophiaSharon Larnia: ok :)
Qt Core: was searching for it ;-)
SophiaSharon Larnia: oh :))
Qt Core: i just had found it when you rezzed
SophiaSharon Larnia: laughs
SophiaSharon Larnia: I never really liked where I put the chairs :)
Qt Core: nice white roses
SophiaSharon Larnia: :)
SophiaSharon Larnia: would you think its strange if I moved them closer?
SophiaSharon Larnia: yells -- how are you Qt?
SophiaSharon Larnia: haha
Qt Core: the only things i see is that they are two against three plausible places
Qt Core: :-) ok
SophiaSharon Larnia: smiles
Qt Core: quite good, accumulating sleep in view of the work restarting ;-) You ?
SophiaSharon Larnia: Great! Ready to get started?
Qt Core: yes
SophiaSharon Larnia: oh! Yes I hope you are really enjoying your time off, a good vacation!
Qt Core: well, it is going much better than i've feared it would
SophiaSharon Larnia: Sleep being one of the things we seem to do a bit of if we stay at home
SophiaSharon Larnia: really?
SophiaSharon Larnia: In what way?
Qt Core: yes, it could have been borderline nightmarish but it didn't
Finding Play as Being with a little help from your friends...
SophiaSharon Larnia: How did you find Play as Being, Qt??
Qt Core: it found me in the form of Aurora :-)
SophiaSharon Larnia: Aurora?
Qt Core: Aurora Kitaj a pabbers
SophiaSharon Larnia: Oh! the guardian :)
Qt Core: i met her somewhere else and chatted with her a couple times
SophiaSharon Larnia: It's nice to be invited by someone you know :)
Qt Core: then she asked me if i'd like to see a place with discussion about religion, mind, philosophy and such
Qt Core: and i ended up in the log you found as my first
SophiaSharon Larnia: haha yes :)
SophiaSharon Larnia: the immortal logs
Qt Core: she invited me another time some days after that and my answer was something like i'm two cushions on your left ;-)
SophiaSharon Larnia: What kind of interest did you have before this?
SophiaSharon Larnia: hahah so you liked it right away?
Qt Core: yes
Qt Core: well i hadn't specific i focused on here in sl
Qt Core: i come here following a couple friends from another dieing virtual world
Qt Core: my main interest was chatting my time away instead of be passive in front of a tv
SophiaSharon Larnia: you do that well :)
Experiences of the 9 second practice...
SophiaSharon Larnia: What were your first impressions of the nine seconds? The explorations?
Qt Core: i have some interest, from astronomy to cooking to fanfiction, and i try to not to follow some of them here as i would lose myself in them
SophiaSharon Larnia: nods
Qt Core: i like/liked the idea but mostly for mundane interference think that it is hard to plan them at a regular interval
SophiaSharon Larnia: mundane interference, can you say more?
Qt Core: on the other hand i already did something similar, when concentrated (if not too deeply concentrated) i sometime felt the need to stop, not for a sleeping leg but for reassuring myself that the world was still there
SophiaSharon Larnia: smiles
Qt Core: interruptions by colleagues or family, once i could find some time to do something it would be a crime to interrupt that
Qt Core: that is until i felt the need for a stop
SophiaSharon Larnia: Do you feel like these 9 seconds stops are different from that?
Qt Core: brb in a sec
SophiaSharon Larnia: ok :)
Qt Core: back
SophiaSharon Larnia: welcome back :D
Qt Core: :-) well, i think that for experienced (?) more motivated pabbers those are/go deeper
SophiaSharon Larnia: in a way, maybe, but life as a lab is a pretty powerful platform
SophiaSharon Larnia: (imho)
Qt Core: i think that my way is more to check the outside than the inside
SophiaSharon Larnia: nods
Qt Core: but without a user manual
SophiaSharon Larnia: yes! :)
An amazing coincidence!
Qt Core: the first times i come here i was pretty excited about the presence of Pema as i just ended a few months before this: http://www.amazon.com/Physics-Cosmol...2218631&sr=8-5
Qt Core: not really, just got more "conscious"
SophiaSharon Larnia: oh very interesting, I'd like to check this out myself.
Qt Core: before i just found me doing that, not initiating or knowing what i was doing
SophiaSharon Larnia: :)
SophiaSharon Larnia: spontaneously finding a connection like this
SophiaSharon Larnia: and luckily, finding PaB soon after that, how fortunate!
Qt Core: Random is such a nice person sometime :-)
SophiaSharon Larnia: oh wow, yes
SophiaSharon Larnia: I could get lost in thought thinking about that
Qt Core: yes, but one should not overthink it
SophiaSharon Larnia: that sounds like something we have all done, one time or another
Qt Core: yes waking up once Mr Random abruptly changes road
Qt Core: i usually feel that when my mood/life situation is very different from the weather
SophiaSharon Larnia: interesting topic, I wonder why it doesn't come up in sessions?
SophiaSharon Larnia: very often, I mean.
Qt Core: maybe there are few logs where the topic was fully examined
Qt Core: sometimes i wonder... hmm many intervals between the session i would need to read all the session logs ?
SophiaSharon Larnia: yes :) haha... Days?
SophiaSharon Larnia: the whole 6 hrs, to make a dent?
SophiaSharon Larnia: Has the concept of Being changed for you in any way?
SophiaSharon Larnia: Even considering this 'random' :)
Qt Core: don't think, probably i'm too deep rooted in catholic tradition and the only thing that this Being thing make me think about is the Communion of Saints:(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communion_of_saints) but it does not seem the same
Qt Core: or just the Gaia hypothesis
Qt Core: the Earth (and then why not the universe) as a living thing
SophiaSharon Larnia: nods :)
SophiaSharon Larnia: That is a very interesting connection Qt, I think it's different for everyone?
Qt Core: probably, maybe everyone starts with something out of his culture/traditions
Qt Core: i would like more a form of direct and free flow of knowledge more than an unique being... seem almost forced
Qt Core: being used to some loneliness, i probably fear too much community ;-)
SophiaSharon Larnia is thoughtful
SophiaSharon Larnia: hmm
SophiaSharon Larnia: thats what I like about this community, that there’s a place for all of that
Qt Core: i wonder what strangers think of the .... varied... little buildings here ;-)
SophiaSharon Larnia: I think many would find it interesting, I know I would.
Qt Core: the different views and their acceptance here is wonderful
SophiaSharon Larnia: if I was really new
SophiaSharon Larnia: I just noticed we are close in SL age
SophiaSharon Larnia: haha
SophiaSharon Larnia: do you feel ancient sometimes?
Qt Core: i'm starting and not only in sl
SophiaSharon Larnia: haha, yea
Qt Core: (having just had my rl bday helps too...)
SophiaSharon Larnia: aww Happy Birthday!!!
Qt Core: ty
SophiaSharon Larnia: yay!
SophiaSharon Larnia: And took a vacation?
Qt Core: no, i'm just lucky that it is and always will be on a holiday
SophiaSharon Larnia: oh! yes, that is a lucky thing (unless it was Christmas :D)
SophiaSharon Larnia: or that lucky too, depends on what you’re looking at
Qt Core: just had, quite difficult it to be on Christmas ;-)
SophiaSharon Larnia: yes, i meant in general, sorry
SophiaSharon Larnia: :)
Qt Core: jk
SophiaSharon Larnia: haha
Other experiences and possibly attending a retreat?
SophiaSharon Larnia: Have you been involved with activities at Kira?
Qt Core: only a couple time
Qt Core: interesting but would have to stay in sl (being serious) too much
SophiaSharon Larnia: nods
SophiaSharon Larnia: I read in a log that you may go to the RL retreat in Germany?
Qt Core: I'd like to attend more astronomy hours, maybe not kira activities but same "area" but bad times
SophiaSharon Larnia: oh I checked that out a couple of times too, it was over my head
Qt Core: that will be impossible, but i'll try to set up the family logistic for the one in Assisi next spring
SophiaSharon Larnia: oh that may have been what I read, my mistake
Qt Core: if i can't attend one so near and so "easy" (no airplane, same language... i won't be ever able
SophiaSharon Larnia: yes, I know what you mean, actually
Qt Core: in the log i only spoke about Germany, Assisi was in the mail
SophiaSharon Larnia: I see
Qt Core: quite worried about retreats, all the participants seem such a way ahead of me, especially in meditation experience (i have none)
Qt Core: i only had a brief experience (that i loved) with Yoga
SophiaSharon Larnia: well, many of the participants do, but I do think that 'life as a lab' uses all sorts of experiences
SophiaSharon Larnia: yes?
SophiaSharon Larnia: limiting participants to ones only with meditative experience seems like it could leave out some interesting info
Qt Core: i went to yoga lessons when i had the time to go to the gym
Qt Core: don't think anyone would do that, it is mostly a inferiority feeling
SophiaSharon Larnia: I don't have much either, or I didn't, now it ebbs and flows
SophiaSharon Larnia: What topics have most intrigued you?
SophiaSharon Larnia: in sessions?
Qt Core: i'd like to meditate but can't find the timeslot (more than the time itself) for a regular class somewhere and everyone says that you need a teacher, using books or worse websites isn't enough
Qt Core: mostly when talking about the mind and its processes (ok, even better astronomy and star trek but you are speaking about pab related topics, right ;) ?
SophiaSharon Larnia: I'm supposed to be for an interview, I guess, but I'm interested anyway :D
Qt Core: most scientific topics would interest me
SophiaSharon Larnia: :)
Qt Core: but it is easier to tell what may not interest me, like most sports, gossip and big brother type tv shows;-)
SophiaSharon Larnia: I'm with you there
Qt Core: that is one of the reason i often says that i'm here "just" for chatting and that all the graphics is (nice but) not really interesting
SophiaSharon Larnia: smiles
SophiaSharon Larnia: I've take a bit of your time today Qt
Qt Core: nice spending time this way ;-)
SophiaSharon Larnia: yes :)
SophiaSharon Larnia: I have just one more question I wanted to ask you
SophiaSharon Larnia: What didn’t I ask you that I should have asked?
SophiaSharon Larnia: :)
Qt Core: that's unexpected and vicious ;-)
SophiaSharon Larnia: I was surprised to see you hadn't been interviewed yet
SophiaSharon Larnia: aww
SophiaSharon Larnia: ;)
Qt Core: something i started asking myself a few weeks after i joined noticing my name and usual outfit: have you your own personality or are you a copycat ?
SophiaSharon Larnia: good one :)
SophiaSharon Larnia: and?
Qt Core: i have one, that agrees a lot with trek philosophy so exposing it i expose it ;) less question to be made, less people i'm not interested in bugging me
Qt Core: (that may be tied to my cube av too)
SophiaSharon Larnia: I really understand that one, I think !
Qt Core: if you are interested in looks i'm not the right guy
SophiaSharon Larnia: ah I never saw the cube avatar :D
SophiaSharon Larnia: and it's true, the less you question it yourself, the less those things matter
Qt shows me his cube avatar ^^
SophiaSharon Larnia: eek :) it is actually a cube!
Qt Core: that's it
SophiaSharon Larnia: haha i love it
SophiaSharon Larnia: wow, if only we could take the name thingy away
SophiaSharon Larnia: then you would be totally invisible
SophiaSharon Larnia: LOL
SophiaSharon Larnia: and very unsettling actually, to see a cube with a name hovering over it!
Qt Core: if people have the name tags disappearing after a while and don't notice me in the beginning it is
SophiaSharon Larnia: yes :) lol
SophiaSharon Larnia: you made it?
Qt Core: no, found it as a freebie (no permission)
Qt Core: i only modded it to get one with a borg texture (but something bad happened to it)
SophiaSharon Larnia: would you mind if I took a picture of you as cube and you as the other avatar?
SophiaSharon Larnia: oh i see
Qt Core: no
Qt Core: no problem
SophiaSharon Larnia: come closer? :D
SophiaSharon Larnia: i think im going to use print screen for this one, one sec.
SophiaSharon Larnia: for your name
Qt Core: (i have the trek commbadge on my face)
SophiaSharon Larnia: eh?
Qt Core: on my face i have a little thing on it, that's the direction i'm facing
SophiaSharon Larnia: ohh
SophiaSharon Larnia zooms all around
SophiaSharon Larnia: oh you are facing me LOL
Qt Core: tell me when to change
SophiaSharon Larnia: ok done :))
SophiaSharon Larnia: sorry took so long :)
Qt Core: canned official ;-)
SophiaSharon Larnia: oh that is so great! thank you!!
SophiaSharon Larnia: giggles
SophiaSharon Larnia: ok ill take one of you in my lap :D
Qt Core: ;-) the bench don't cooperate
SophiaSharon Larnia: hmm
SophiaSharon Larnia: ok ill take another
SophiaSharon Larnia: thank you Qt
SophiaSharon Larnia: do you build?
Qt Core: thank you!
Qt Core: no, bad taste ;-) i may script but it is too similar to my daily job as a programmer
Qt Core: may as i can learn not that i tried
SophiaSharon Larnia: ohh yes, ive heard that many times
SophiaSharon Larnia: from others
Qt Core: maybe if and when i need money
Qt Core: ;-)
SophiaSharon Larnia: yes indeed
SophiaSharon Larnia: I would do it if i had the skills
SophiaSharon Larnia: and what do you mean bad taste, building?
Qt Core: yes, never been an artist
SophiaSharon Larnia: me either, i try hard tho :D
SophiaSharon Larnia: you could build a star trek sim, but then i know there must be many
Qt Core: i've almost stopped trying in both lives ;-)
SophiaSharon Larnia: nods
Qt Core: a lot of them around, but soo serious
SophiaSharon Larnia: yes, i found that with all rp in general
SophiaSharon Larnia: although i like the clothes :D
Qt Core: they go crazy when i say i'm a vulcan from the Hogwarts Academy with a specialization from the Unseen University ;-)
SophiaSharon Larnia: !!! HAHA
SophiaSharon Larnia: i think thats hilarious
SophiaSharon Larnia: but it wasnt on the show
SophiaSharon Larnia: you see
Qt Core: Starfleets admirals love that ;-)
SophiaSharon Larnia: grins
SophiaSharon Larnia: youd think there would be more flexibility in a world of imagination
Qt Core: yes, sometimes it is quite sad, luckily sl being so big somewhere it may be possible
SophiaSharon Larnia: yes
Qt Core: i even removed the rank pin from this outfit so not to make someone angry
SophiaSharon Larnia: ah
Qt Core: that is one of the things i'd like but i fear i would lose myself and too much time
SophiaSharon Larnia: i guess i personify too much in sl, rather than seeing it as fanfiction in action
SophiaSharon Larnia: one way to look at it
SophiaSharon Larnia: yes, that’s it too
Qt Core: the dichotomy... rl/sl
SophiaSharon Larnia: yep
SophiaSharon Larnia: I do have to go :(
SophiaSharon Larnia: and thanks for the pictures :D
SophiaSharon Larnia: for everything
Qt Core: ok, thank you!
SophiaSharon Larnia: bye for now! :))
Qt Core: Bye Sophia
File | Size | Date | Attached by | |||
Qt Core.jpg No description | 501.56 kB | 20:12, 22 Aug 2010 | SophiaSharon | Actions | ||
Qt Cube.jpg No description | 331.91 kB | 20:05, 22 Aug 2010 | SophiaSharon | Actions |