“Continuity” may be a pattern that solves a specific challenge:
‘How can species-specific information be transmitted to each new generation?’
- the double-helix DNA molecule
‘How can flowers pack a maximum number of seeds into themselves?’
- spirals arranged in a Fibonnacci sequence
‘How do I maintain focused awareness during meditation?’
- gently bring attention back to the breath and rest
Each challenge may have diverse solutions, of course (ears of corn, mantras.)
Throughout both natural and human settings, continuity evolved to preserve structural integrity, promote energy/matter efficiency, and support relationships between wholes and their parts. edited 16:14, 27 Jul 2015
Eos >>Lots of fear in "opening to opening", so that's a path walked in high but gentle alert<<
Attended Aph's session today. So many nice angles and perspectives, each offering their experiences with meditation and mindfulness. It is like we all have amnesia, forgetting other times, other shoes, other lessons than the ones we are in the midst of working with. It isn't an insult to say this, just a noticing of the flux of otherness and the why of sharing, the morphing mirror. I find it amazing. When strong, forgetting what it meant to be weak, when squeezed by stresses forgetting what it felt like to be content.
Times when meditation meant an uninterrupted count to ten at a stoplight. Times when meditation meant cutting down everything in life to eek out more and more time for the cushion and viewing everything that wasn't cushion time as frivolous. Times when realizing someone's presence had provoked meditation... clearing... insight being. Times when giving up meditation seemed the highest practice for the time. Seeing what everything tastes like without aversion added.
Knowing that there is this forgetting as a quality of experience seems the opening for me today. I can smile at myself and the boat we share instead of trying to figure out how to fix anything.
meditation won't work when it becomes a must or when it closes of reality, giving it a status it is not :) Thank you for your entry Eliza, it brought a smile on my face, recognizing quite a bit of it ... I'm looking forward to the post in the wiki
I enter on the 27th and today was an interesting day.
I went to work in a drop in preschool center for children. There were 27.
When we went outside on one long rope of loops there were maybe 15 steps to climb.The shorter legs are in the front.They are ages 2-5. I have been there many summers and marvel at how this can be done. In the moments of chaos today I tried to stay alert to possibilty, to the presence of each child and each place on the spectrum that their emotions showed up. And do that without judgement but curiousity. This was day one for me on this round. May I stay gentle amidst the agendas of others. May there be space.
Right now I am swinging between certainty and knowing nothing. I feel I must re-consider everything.
Reading what you have all written I feel so fortunate to be with you. My offering is my painting- the last for a while since I'm creating the next ones!
‘How can species-specific information be transmitted to each new generation?’
- the double-helix DNA molecule
‘How can flowers pack a maximum number of seeds into themselves?’
- spirals arranged in a Fibonnacci sequence
‘How do I maintain focused awareness during meditation?’
- gently bring attention back to the breath and rest
Each challenge may have diverse solutions, of course (ears of corn, mantras.)
Throughout both natural and human settings, continuity evolved to preserve structural integrity, promote energy/matter efficiency, and support relationships between wholes and their parts. edited 16:14, 27 Jul 2015
::: Montessori schools of fish
::: Timed on a sundial
Attended Aph's session today. So many nice angles and perspectives, each offering their experiences with meditation and mindfulness. It is like we all have amnesia, forgetting other times, other shoes, other lessons than the ones we are in the midst of working with. It isn't an insult to say this, just a noticing of the flux of otherness and the why of sharing, the morphing mirror. I find it amazing. When strong, forgetting what it meant to be weak, when squeezed by stresses forgetting what it felt like to be content.
Times when meditation meant an uninterrupted count to ten at a stoplight. Times when meditation meant cutting down everything in life to eek out more and more time for the cushion and viewing everything that wasn't cushion time as frivolous. Times when realizing someone's presence had provoked meditation... clearing... insight being. Times when giving up meditation seemed the highest practice for the time. Seeing what everything tastes like without aversion added.
Knowing that there is this forgetting as a quality of experience seems the opening for me today. I can smile at myself and the boat we share instead of trying to figure out how to fix anything.
High, gentle alert. edited 21:28, 27 Jul 2015
So much to learn
I went to work in a drop in preschool center for children. There were 27.
When we went outside on one long rope of loops there were maybe 15 steps to climb.The shorter legs are in the front.They are ages 2-5. I have been there many summers and marvel at how this can be done. In the moments of chaos today I tried to stay alert to possibilty, to the presence of each child and each place on the spectrum that their emotions showed up. And do that without judgement but curiousity. This was day one for me on this round. May I stay gentle amidst the agendas of others. May there be space.
Reading what you have all written I feel so fortunate to be with you. My offering is my painting- the last for a while since I'm creating the next ones!
((((LP)))) edited 18:16, 28 Jul 2015