Present: Eliza Madrigal, Eos Amaterasu, Maxine Walden, Pema Pera, Storm Nordwind.
Apologies: genesis Zhangsun.
Reference: this week's agenda
Facilitator: Eliza.
Minute taker: Storm.
Meeting opened at 14:07 SLT.
1 - Donations
A & C together: After discussion we agreed to suggest putting one new page on the PaB Wiki per quarter year with a list of names who gave time or money. This would begin for 2009 Q4. Pema agreed to do the page.
During the discussion regarding the possibility of anonymous donors, Pema and Storm pointed out that while in the US donor listings were common, in Europe these were often considered tastless or "bad form" socially. However, we decided to recommend having individual named listings for those who wanted them and anonymous listings for those that chose otherwise. Pema agreed to email the main guardian mailing list about this.
B: Currency conversion would be done automatically and transparently.
Storm reported he had added separate links to the Kira website for donations and retreat payments. the retreat payments were on a new retreats page.
2 - A Chair for the WG
A. Pema opened the discussion by recapping on the history of the topic.
Storm pointed out something missing. Agenda items A1,2,3 did not include a summarizing a list of all the decisions made over email during the time between meetings. It was agreed to record these in A1 as "Agenda item zero".Pema explained what A3 was (the sweeper role), and asked whether we agreed on the need and desirability for this role. Eos commented that it need careful balance, but yes. Eliza said, "Yes, and good luck to the person doing it!" Storm said Yes. Maxine commented it was good to describe it formally with possible WG changes of personnel.
All agreed on the slightly extended version of A 1,2,3.
B. We agreed that a three month period for chair would be best for continuity, but that minute taking would be done for 1 month only by rotation.
Pema asked when we would start. We decided that normally we would fit in with business quarters to reduce confusion. We agreed at the outset, however, Pema would be doing the job from 2009 December to 2010 march inclusive.
C. We agreed that forced rotation would not be implemented.
3 - Different Kinds of Sessions
A: Eliza asked what concrete ideas Storm had in mind.
Storm replies that he wanted to see if the general idea got any traction first before doing too much work on that.
Maxine said she was grateful to Storm for articulating the various levels of discussion in Play as Being. She commented that we might be mindful that it may take some time to work out how to do this in practice.
Eos reflected that the various levels of Play as Being explored in PaB retreat exercises were in a way echoed in Storm's discussion levels.
We decided to raise this to agenda item 1 for next week and think about it more deeply then and in the meantime.
B: We decided that B was tied in with A and would fall out of future discussions.
4 - Mentor System for New Guardians and New Guardian Roles
We decided that item 4 was also closely linked with meeting types and should therefore await future discussion of meeting types.
5 - New Guardian Candidates
Pema proposed Calvino and Eden. These were agreed. Eliza agreed to email the main guardian mailing list about these.
Pema requested that Calvino be given qualified advance notice of this. Storm agreed to do this.
Pema suggested that, in common with many other organisations, we have a Vice Chair in addition to a chair. The Vice Chair could take over the Chair's duties in case of absence. This was agreed.
Pema further suggested that the Vice Chair could be the Chair elect for the following quarter, and could therefore be in a position to learn the Chair's role from that standpoint. If that were to be the case, we would already need to think about who would take the Chair's role in 2010 April.
Meeting closed at 15:02 SLT.
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