Eos Amaterasu: Hi Deadalus!
Daedalus687 Resident: Long time no see
Eos Amaterasu: Eh, yah, lot quieter around here lately
Daedalus687 Resident: Makes sense unfortunately
Eos Amaterasu: How so?
Daedalus687 Resident: Second life almost outmoded
Daedalus687 Resident: Perhaps
Daedalus687 Resident: maybe im wrong
Eos Amaterasu: Yes, it's main cycle seems to be over, and some decisions have driven people away
Daedalus687 Resident: ?
Eos Amaterasu: live ownership of artistic creations
Eos Amaterasu: *like
Daedalus687 Resident: I don't know I've been round long enough to understand what live ownership means
Daedalus687 Resident: Frankly to come to this space is the only reason I ever use secondlife
Eos Amaterasu: same here, actually
Eos Amaterasu: so what does bring you here?
Daedalus687 Resident: Stimulating conversation with like-minded inviduals
Eos Amaterasu: Hmm, yes, also with the PaB "twist", whatever that is
Daedalus687 Resident: Oh yea, surely
Eos Amaterasu: I see it or sense it as some kind of open space that's both cool and attractive
Daedalus687 Resident: Play as being is a great guide. Hard to remember at times though
Eos Amaterasu: along with some community of worldwide people gravitating to that
Eos Amaterasu: I'm actually more and more interested in exploring how to bring that quality out to the RL
Daedalus687 Resident: The medium of SL at the time of this area's inception was and still is good. Its just I find myself dreaming of a medium that can allow more of the qualities PaB could be.
Eos Amaterasu: I think the RL retreats that used to happen were experiments in finding such RL medium(s)
Eos Amaterasu: but there is something unique about SL as a "place" a bunch of people can get to instantly
Eos Amaterasu: and the quasi-physicality gives it more dimension than chat or email or most other social media
Daedalus687 Resident: I agree
Eos Amaterasu: so I'm sure there will be a "next iteration" of SL (and it itself was a next iteration, not the first such virtual reality)
Daedalus687 Resident: Maybe the other platforms that are super popular because its more of an immediate transmission of certain types of info.
Daedalus687 Resident: Yea, I hope VR continues to progress
Eos Amaterasu: [ ]
Eos Amaterasu: brackets around space
Eos Amaterasu: and time
Eos Amaterasu: funny what a small shift in behaviour, attention, can do
Eos Amaterasu: ha ha
Daedalus687 Resident: I agree with shifts in behavior and attention, yet I believe the limitations imposed by our selves and what the individual self can be...are narrow. Like an inescapable narrowness at a lower level of viewing.
Daedalus687 Resident: Personally I think I accept that, which is why I generally embrace techs like VR
Eos Amaterasu: maybe one shift is to momentarily experience something other than one's narrow view
Eos Amaterasu: like a fish popping out of water for a moment
Eos Amaterasu: (maybe that's too major an image)
Daedalus687 Resident: To argue from a certain viewpoint: I would think the notion of an experience other than one's own is in a way impossible; to not be consigned to retain some semblance of the self's image, even in its most different viewing.
Eos Amaterasu: but even shifting from one personal narrow view to another personal narrow view is something
Eos Amaterasu: the shift's it, perhaps :-)
Daedalus687 Resident: I suppose some of this leans on the presupposition of a continuous self, or self image.
Daedalus687 Resident: Which I have had some encounter with evidence contrary to that notion.
Eos Amaterasu: evidence of lack of continuous self/image?
Daedalus687 Resident: Well, not evidence in the sense of inter-subjectively verifiable emperical evidence. I guess its anecdotal. But...for example there is an exercise that instructs to place ones sense of located embodied-ness to past and future selves, to in a first level was view from those future and past selves.
Daedalus687 Resident: To perhaps find a 'ground' to the self
Eos Amaterasu: Hmm, I went back to being 10 years old and yet experiencing this here - which did not seem to really work, I seemed to be wrapped up in the sphere of my time then
Daedalus687 Resident: I think the point of it, if it could be said to have a point, is to point to the groundlessness of the establishment of the self, even now perhaps?
Eos Amaterasu: yes, now
Eos Amaterasu: try to touch being now
Eos Amaterasu: it's shifty
Eos Amaterasu: try to let go experiencing now
Eos Amaterasu: sticky, and shifty
Daedalus687 Resident: Yea, lol. its fun trying to even point out 'now'
Daedalus687 Resident: as soon as ive said, "hey! there it is!" its already passed
Eos Amaterasu: sometimes there's a full moment shared in silence
Daedalus687 Resident: I could see a natural affinity to view the totality within that 'space'
Daedalus687 Resident: that cant quite be grasped
Eos Amaterasu: like shared humor, or shared awe, or shared having your mind blown (like initial few hours after 9/11)
Eos Amaterasu: state of grace, my sister said, who was there
Daedalus687 Resident: I imagine there are people who would have a strong antipathy to a collective or shared-ness to things.
Daedalus687 Resident: I mean, I guess I wouldn't want to be subsumed into a undifferentiated unitary thing
Daedalus687 Resident: I like my uniqueness!
Eos Amaterasu: ah, that's the thing... I don't know that it's so much "we are all one"
Daedalus687 Resident: If there is a trick, I find it in being able to simultaneously see the multiplicity and unitary
Eos Amaterasu: but we all emerge in some kind of freshness from openness
Daedalus687 Resident: Ever heard of E-Prime?
Eos Amaterasu: no
Daedalus687 Resident: Its basicly a type of writing or speech that dissuades the use of the verb IS
Daedalus687 Resident: in all its derivations
Daedalus687 Resident: It forces one to use other verbs other than 'to be'
Eos Amaterasu: seems like a PaB type of exercise or sally
Daedalus687 Resident: lol, funny enough though, the heuristic nature of the brain kinda starts to use some other verb as the 'zero-point copula'
Daedalus687 Resident: Like 'as' for example
Eos Amaterasu: Thomas Aquinas was very much into using the active verb "to be" , "esse" in latin, as what "existence" is.... active copula
Daedalus687 Resident: Yea, we have to piviot off 'is' so much
Eos Amaterasu: has a kind of living, energetic quality
Daedalus687 Resident: Also, im ready for a new function word!
Daedalus687 Resident: brb
Eos Amaterasu: λ
Daedalus687 Resident: So, what do you do for a paper money living?
Daedalus687 Resident: I dont know why that just whispered
Eos Amaterasu: :-)
Eos Amaterasu: I do software for a living
Eos Amaterasu: "for a living" : what an interesting phrase!
Daedalus687 Resident: O rly? thats cool
Daedalus687 Resident: I'm a restaurant server. Its not that great
Daedalus687 Resident: I feel like I could theoretically be replaced by a robot
Daedalus687 Resident: lol
Eos Amaterasu: hmm (looks at Deadalus)
Daedalus687 Resident: I know right
Daedalus687 Resident: Its degrading sometimes
Daedalus687 Resident: sometimes people are nice though
Eos Amaterasu: it seems like a human to human occupation, including human serving human
Daedalus687 Resident: Humans are cheaper than robots right now, so I think im outta luck..lol
Eos Amaterasu: robots serving human (like Richard Brautigan's poem "All Watched over by Machines of Loving Grace")
Eos Amaterasu: so as not to have robots amplify our worst and most ignorant tendencies, we'll need to rediscover what it means to be human so we can share that
Eos Amaterasu: with ourselves, with each other, and with our robots :-)
Daedalus687 Resident: I'll be ok with it until the robot attains sentience, then its slavery again
Eos Amaterasu: right now robots do high frequency trading on behalf of making piles of money
Daedalus687 Resident: Yea
Eos Amaterasu: sentience to me implies not only knowing but caring
Daedalus687 Resident: Is your work project based?
Daedalus687 Resident: For a company?
Eos Amaterasu: yeah, these days
Eos Amaterasu: consulting
Daedalus687 Resident: What skills are involved?
Eos Amaterasu: applied epistemology
Eos Amaterasu: hah aha, had to say that: dealing with abstractions that can have "real" effects
Daedalus687 Resident: Thats really cool, i was going to go back to school for epistemology
Daedalus687 Resident: I figured it might have a broad applicability
Eos Amaterasu: we have tough global problems that demand we know how we know
Eos Amaterasu: and how we care
Daedalus687 Resident: isnt that meta-epistemology? lol
Daedalus687 Resident: I've always had a hard time with 'meta', seems like one could get trapped in an infinite regress of 'metas'
Eos Amaterasu: metta-epistemology
Eos Amaterasu: yeah, I think there's a simplicity that cuts through metas
Daedalus687 Resident: so...naturalism or normativity?
Eos Amaterasu: (maybe for another time - I need to go)
Eos Amaterasu: thanks for your presence and conversation, Daedalus
Daedalus687 Resident: o
Daedalus687 Resident: kk
Daedalus687 Resident: ttyl
Daedalus687 Resident: have a good night
Eos Amaterasu: Ciao!