2017.04.24 07:00 - Our wonderful machines

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Eden Haiku. The comments are by Eden Haiku.

    Everybody could see my alpha

    Eden Haiku: Riddle seems to have problems logging in. He says he will be back, logs on and off...That's always so nerve-racking when it happens to us. It happened to me at the session with Maxine a month or so ago. I was SOOOO disappointed...
    Eden Haiku: Hi Riddle, just a second :)
    Riddle Sideways: morning... guessing it will be on laptop
    Riddle Sideways: main computer not waking up on the correct side of life
    Eden Haiku: Yeah, saw you were having problems logging in, so sorry...
    Eden Haiku: And good morning :)
    Riddle Sideways: was working (almost) ok yesterday
    Eden Haiku: Ah these wonderful machines...
    Riddle Sideways: came in to check wardrobe, tux, etc
    Riddle Sideways: looked around up in the heavens at the decorations
    Riddle Sideways: took a glass of chardony
    Eden Haiku: Ah, for the party this afternoon! (Almost forgot it was today...) Glad you remind me.
    Riddle Sideways: strong wine
    Eden Haiku: :)
    Riddle Sideways: it took my cloths off
    Eden Haiku: Oh no!
    Eden Haiku: Is your inventory empty?
    Riddle Sideways: still have the cloths in inventory
    Eden Haiku: You just went naked ....
    Riddle Sideways: it just replacing suit with glass of wine
    Eden Haiku: hehe
    Riddle Sideways: everybody could see my alpha :)
    Eden Haiku: Always awkward
    Riddle Sideways: Life is so hard to figure out
    Riddle Sideways: so, Second Life
    Riddle Sideways: should be too
    Eden Haiku: Came to Bleu's "My Story as a guardian" yesterday
    Riddle Sideways: whaaaaaa
    Riddle Sideways: it is supposed to be Tuesday
    Eden Haiku: When I saw I was alone, thought I mixed up the times once again
    Eden Haiku: Then, yes, I found the email about Tuesday.
    Riddle Sideways: was it yesterday?
    Riddle Sideways: whew!!!
    Riddle Sideways: ;but bad for you
    Eden Haiku: Sadly, I won't be able to make it on Tuesday :(
    Riddle Sideways: ooo sad
    Riddle Sideways: Leaping
    Riddle Sideways: Adams enters
    Riddle Sideways: hello
    Eden Haiku: Oh, from here, I'm seeing Adams beautiful leaps up in the air!
    Adams Rubble: Hello Eden and Riddle :)
    Eden Haiku: Hello dear, you look pretty!
    Adams Rubble: thank you, you too :)
    Adams Rubble: I hope you are felling better Eden
    Adams Rubble: what's the topic?
    Eden Haiku: Yes, thank you, I'm over the coughing...



    Wonderful machines & switching schedules

    Eden Haiku: Topic, hum....
    Riddle Sideways: hmm, topic?
    Eden Haiku: Our wonderful machines, what else?
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Riddle Sideways: topic should not be the wonderful win10 desktop errorant child here
    Adams Rubble: ohh, those machines
    Eden Haiku: Also Bleu's switch of schedules...and the fact I will be missing her Tuesday Art of Being...
    Adams Rubble: sorry you can't make it
    Adams Rubble is happily being rezzed on Windows 7
    Eden Haiku: Me too :( I think she will create a log though....
    Riddle Sideways: Defenestration is a really favorite
    Adams Rubble: are either of you considering doing a month?
    Riddle Sideways: word
    Riddle Sideways: arrrrg
    Eden Haiku: In my dreams yes :)
    Eden Haiku: But I need TIME...
    Adams Rubble: I think that means throwing out the window and not throwing out the windows :)
    Eden Haiku: And time is getting scarce....
    Adams Rubble: I have been feeling that in the Chronicles I already have talked about myself too much
    Eden Haiku: No!
    Riddle Sideways: you?
    Eden Haiku: We love listening to you Adams :)
    Riddle Sideways: yes
    Adams Rubble giggles
    Eden Haiku: Are you doing your story Riddle?
    Riddle Sideways: hmmm'
    Riddle Sideways: would be a very short story
    Riddle Sideways: looked for photos
    Eden Haiku: Why? You have a loooong story here don't you?
    Riddle Sideways: appears no photos were taken
    Adams Rubble: Riddle's is one of the longest stories in PaB
    Eden Haiku: Ah photos, yes,,,,
    Riddle Sideways: your confusion of age vs story
    Adams Rubble: you could ask other avatars if they have photos of you Riddle
    Eden Haiku: I have many of you :)
    Adams Rubble: Riddle was around before paB and SL time
    Riddle Sideways: ok. "Hey, Adams do you have any photos?"
    Adams Rubble: I'll have to look Riddle :)
    Riddle Sideways: there are photos of other people in SL
    Adams Rubble: My photos are buried in nine years of data :)
    Eden Haiku: You need only 7 I think, or is it 9?
    Riddle Sideways: up to 9 limit
    Eden Haiku: Me too, it's buried....
    Adams Rubble: my old photos of me look like my new phots :)
    Riddle Sideways: unless slideshow is allowed
    Eden Haiku: Ah thanks...
    Riddle Sideways: yes, adams has always been beautiful

    We have found the fountain of youth

    Eden Haiku: Yes, we aren't aging at all in here, it's a wonder of our Second Life!
    Adams Rubble: we have found the fountain of youth
    Eden Haiku: giggles
    Eden Haiku: we are burbling as the fountain is
    Riddle Sideways: ahhhh
    Eden Haiku: burbling and bubbling
    Eden Haiku: toddlers in a park
    Adams Rubble: constant
    Riddle Sideways: only story in pics were for Bleu's Alt project
    Eden Haiku: Well, that’s a start!
    Riddle Sideways: toddles whose toy computers have fallen down
    Riddle Sideways: and can't get up
    Eden Haiku: crying toddler, I see you Riddle!
    Eden Haiku: Blue avatars
    Eden Haiku: Na"Vi people seeing each other
    Riddle Sideways: and Bleu is already doing a series on av development



    Eden Haiku: I'm having a minor eye surgery tomorrow....
    Riddle Sideways: ooooo
    Riddle Sideways: how minor???
    Adams Rubble: ohhh. wish you the best Eden
    Eden Haiku: A bit scared...
    Adams Rubble: yes, I imagine
    Riddle Sideways: ok, put that off and come to Bleu's talk
    Eden Haiku: Well, my opthalmologist is sweet and very competent and experimented.
    Adams Rubble: they can do wonders nowadays
    Eden Haiku: Yes :)
    Riddle Sideways: experimentinggggg oh dear
    Eden Haiku: Sight is s
    Eden Haiku: Sight is so wonderful!
    Riddle Sideways: yes
    Eden Haiku: Precious
    Adams Rubble: yes
    Riddle Sideways: did you mean experienced?
    Eden Haiku: Woke up at dawn this morning and worked for 4 hours on last minute corrections of my book
    Eden Haiku: Yes, I meant experienced Riddle, sorry
    Eden Haiku: Even though I had finished....
    Adams Rubble: we have a president who is experimented :)
    Riddle Sideways: still doing proffreading adn corrections
    Riddle Sideways: :)
    Eden Haiku: Ah, I see, It’s a different meaning :)
    Riddle Sideways: us is in a big experiment
    Eden Haiku: Yes, the book is almost 500 pages, so it takes forever
    Adams Rubble nods
    Eden Haiku: Didn't,realize it was going to be sooo big!
    Riddle Sideways: the movie version will be like 6 hours
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Eden Haiku: Will be needing new glasses tomorrow, which takes about a week to get. So proofreading will be off for that time at least :)
    Eden Haiku: Movie version ah ah, I don't think so Riddle...
    Riddle Sideways: and we'll be seeing Eden on ALL the talk shows
    Eden Haiku: You live in a fantasy world dear friend...
    Riddle Sideways: will be good for you to take the forced break from re-re-re-reading
    Eden Haiku: Oh yes!
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Eden Haiku: The last one wasn't forced though. I wanted to get a feeling of the book and re-read it in one day!
    Eden Haiku: And I'm proud to report I liked it!
    Riddle Sideways: oh! very good
    Eden Haiku: That’s the important part, After that, I will just have to let go....
    Eden Haiku: And whatever happens is destiny...
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Riddle Sideways: yes
    Eden Haiku: I will be happy to resume dance classes, and go back to writing poetry, doing the dishes, cooking, cleaning the house :)
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Riddle Sideways: really? will enjoy doing dishes?
    Eden Haiku: OH yes!
    Adams Rubble: at least for two days :)
    Riddle Sideways: has it been that hard sitting about reading?
    Eden Haiku: I did yesterday night for the first time in days (my companion took over most of the menial tasks) and I enjoyed it!
    Eden Haiku: Sitting for our hours is quite taxing... And I was reading a PDF on my phone...


    Rainy weather and pollen allergies

    Riddle Sideways: ooo that might be how your eyes got messed up :) just kidding
    Adams Rubble: oh my, on the phone????
    Eden Haiku: Yes, that is part of it apparently...But, enough of me. Do tell me about your week ends?
    Riddle Sideways: on the phone while walking
    Eden Haiku: NO!
    Riddle Sideways: ok
    Eden Haiku: Missed a few days with my 10,000 steps walk.
    Eden Haiku: Lots of rain
    Riddle Sideways: weekend? nothing exciting, nothing to report. back to listening about Eden
    Eden Haiku: Rambling Eden :)
    Adams Rubble: nothing too much here--
    Eden Haiku: Are you still getting lots of rain too?
    Adams Rubble: yes
    Eden Haiku: (weather topic is always a hit)
    Adams Rubble: but it was sunny yesterday
    Adams Rubble: allergies bad here
    Riddle Sideways: not really, in sprinkles occasionally
    Eden Haiku: Here too, sunny yesterday!
    Eden Haiku: What a relief wasn't it Adams?
    Adams Rubble: for the sun? yes
    Eden Haiku: Oh allergies! Sorry to hear
    Riddle Sideways: all those pretty flowers blooming are bad for some people
    Adams Rubble: tree pollen
    Eden Haiku: Yes, I always forget about that...
    Eden Haiku: Must be difficult
    Adams Rubble: new for me the last few years
    Eden Haiku: A late bloomer sensitivity to blooms. Heard that it happens..
    Riddle Sideways: "bummer"
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Eden Haiku: Wonder where these allergies come from, any idea?
    Adams Rubble is a late bloomer
    Eden Haiku: Is it connected to pollution?
    Adams Rubble: I don’t know. It may be more due to resistence
    Adams Rubble: or cats :)
    Eden Haiku: My companion just came back from errands and brings me beautiful flowers! Pink lilies!
    Riddle Sideways: nice
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Eden Haiku: He's so sweet :)
    Riddle Sideways: just got major points
    Adams Rubble: whoops, rl interruption bye if you leave before i return
    Eden Haiku: hehe
    Riddle Sideways: bye ... maybe
    Eden Haiku: Maybe bye dear!
    Eden Haiku: Thinking about a nice bouquet for your lady Riddle?
    Eden Haiku: Major points!
    Riddle Sideways: well, was just mulling that over
    Eden Haiku: Thought so...
    Riddle Sideways: doesn't work so good here
    Eden Haiku: Erase the idea that she will think you are guilty of something...
    Riddle Sideways: there is that
    Eden Haiku: I must say it did cross my mind for a second or two hehe
    Riddle Sideways: seem to get the wrong flowers or bunch


    Riddle Sideways: our house has flower arrangements in it All the time
    Eden Haiku: She has to tell you. I trained my man about the kind of flowers. He knows now :)
    Riddle Sideways: Oh the training has been hard and rigorous and repeated
    Eden Haiku: Ah, if she's an expert at ikebana and such arrangements, it might be hard for you to please, I see...
    Riddle Sideways: yes
    Eden Haiku: I'm simple: mostly roses, lilies, any white flowers. Rare gardenias, lilacs, peonies.
    Riddle Sideways: and when sent for particular flowers the store runs out (on purpose)
    Eden Haiku: Many no no but I don't even know their names in English.
    Riddle Sideways: lilies are nice, they last a long time
    Eden Haiku: Ah, back orders of sweet flowers...
    Eden Haiku: Yes, and they smell soooo good, these pink ones
    Riddle Sideways: those big ones that open over a weeks time and smell the whole house up


    Eden Haiku: Thinking about your recycling, we are going to start organic recycling in my neighborhood in a few days. I suppose you alerady do that in California?
    Adams Rubble: back, everyone still here :)
    Riddle Sideways: wb, yes
    Riddle Sideways: everything ok?
    Eden Haiku: talking about flowers and organic recycling now :)
    Riddle Sideways: yes, been doing yard waste containers for several years
    Eden Haiku: Ah! California is so much ahead in sustainability!
    Adams Rubble: yes, everything is fine, thank you
    Riddle Sideways: kitchen scraps go to compost barrel
    Riddle Sideways: yard waste goes to huge recycling composer
    Riddle Sideways: paper, glass, cans, etc. goes to recycle
    Adams Rubble: things compost faster in damp climate
    Riddle Sideways: and a little can of other goes to landfill
    Riddle Sideways: that can is so much smaller
    Eden Haiku: We started organic compost last year in the country house, but it's just starting on Montreal. More difficult for us because we live on a second story.
    Adams Rubble: nice Riddle
    Adams Rubble thinks of Medieval disposal
    Riddle Sideways: :) the moat
    Eden Haiku: wow! you are almost Japanese Riddle!
    Riddle Sideways: there was a small roll to the curb can
    Adams Rubble: in medieval times, living on second floor was an advantage is garbage disposal
    Riddle Sideways: that they came through and put an insert half the size inside it
    Eden Haiku: Just dumping it in the brook?
    Riddle Sideways: into the moat
    Adams Rubble: the street
    Eden Haiku: A defenestration of rubbish?
    Adams Rubble: hehe
    Riddle Sideways: into the gutters
    Riddle Sideways: :)
    Eden Haiku: Simpler times :)
    Riddle Sideways: gutters filled with windows pcs
    Adams Rubble: heh
    Riddle Sideways: smellier times
    Eden Haiku: Defenestration of Windows hehe
    Adams Rubble: shorter life spans
    Riddle Sideways: still can remember NYC during the garbage strike
    Eden Haiku: Smell of flowers, smell of gutters
    Eden Haiku: Can almost smell it...Must have been terrible
    Adams Rubble: topic most foul
    Riddle Sideways: lol
    Eden Haiku: giggles
    Eden Haiku: is having fun
    Eden Haiku: likes playing in the mud
    Eden Haiku: and with words
    Riddle Sideways: that is not mud, dear
    Eden Haiku: looked up "moat", see what it is.
    Riddle Sideways: :)


    Adams Rubble: :)
    Eden Haiku: Just noticed we can mute the bell, but I wouldn't dare, I guess I like feeling guilty :)
    Eden Haiku: And now can't remember how we call the "moat" in French...
    Riddle Sideways: moat definition, thinks it is filled with 'water'
    Eden Haiku: Still in proofreading mode I guess :)
    Riddle Sideways: what time is party?
    Eden Haiku: Oh yes!
    Eden Haiku: Checking...
    Eden Haiku: We have to dress up to the nines!
    Adams Rubble: Le fossé?
    Eden Haiku: les douves, je pense....
    Riddle Sideways: yes, and be careful of the wine glasses
    Eden Haiku: Party is this afterrnoon, I think it’s 12h30 SLT...not sure, still looking
    Riddle Sideways: (wearing the chardony removes clothing)
    Eden Haiku: No no, it’s 10h 30!
    Riddle Sideways: email machine is still not up and happy
    Eden Haiku: In a just a few hours
    Eden Haiku: In 2 hours and 10 minutes from now!
    Riddle Sideways: ok, better go start getting dressed, showered, smelling stuff
    Riddle Sideways: recycled
    Riddle Sideways: garbaged
    Eden Haiku: Yes!
    Eden Haiku: Oh my, I have to find a dress!
    Eden Haiku: And wash my hair!
    Adams Rubble: oh bye
    Eden Haiku: Will you be coming too Adams?
    Eden Haiku: Bye dear Adams and Riddle!
    Riddle Sideways: by by
    Adams Rubble: not sure riddle
    Adams Rubble: have a great day\
    Eden Haiku: have a great day too!
    Riddle Sideways: party day

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