2020.02.27 07:00 - Hate

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Adams Rubble. The comments are by Adams Rubble.

    Riddle Sideways: Morning Adams R
    Riddle Sideways: ㋡
    Riddle Sideways: slow waking up today
    Adams Rubble: Good morning Riddle :)
    Adams Rubble: It is recycle day here with 22 mile per hour winds; I have been chasing receptable lids and recycles down the street all morning. Hope they come soon
    Adams Rubble: we already had one lid run over by a car
    Riddle Sideways: wow what evercise
    Adams Rubble: if there is a thump I will have to go out again
    Adams Rubble: it is going to be a big mess out there
    Riddle Sideways: can you bungie cord them down?
    Riddle Sideways: paper everywhere
    Adams Rubble: can't figure hopw to do that and the DPW guys might not pick them up if I tie them to the tree :)
    Adams Rubble: it is more plastic bottles that are flying around now. Maybe the paper is all in Edison by now (editor's note: Edison is down wind from our town in the current conditons)
    Adams Rubble: our paper is holding steady but lid will not stay on the container so I brought that in
    Riddle Sideways: wait until truck is right at the house
    Adams Rubble: I can't see from here

    I begin our discussion by referring to my blog https://rubblebornthoughts.wordpress.com/2020/02/27/hate-1432/

    Adams Rubble: anyway, I blogged last night and this morning
    Riddle Sideways: our trucks make so much noise, know when they are close
    Adams Rubble: finished the Shtisel TV series and then last night finished The Nun's Story
    Riddle Sideways: ummm, got up late and not read blog yet
    Riddle Sideways: finishing things, wow
    Adams Rubble: it is hard to tell when the trucks are on our street or one of the close streets
    Riddle Sideways: put an alarm cat at each end of the house
    Riddle Sideways: nope, that won't work
    Adams Rubble: I am not quite sure what I loearned from The Nun's Story but I know something is churning deep in the recesses of my mind
    Adams Rubble: This morning I woke up thinking about hate
    Adams Rubble: the hate the nun had was understandable
    Adams Rubble: The Nazis murdered her father
    Adams Rubble: and occupied her country
    Adams Rubble: we would think that people who helped the underground were hereos
    Adams Rubble: for her the hate was between her and God
    Adams Rubble: she did not know how to resolve it
    Riddle Sideways: so many authors picked up pen to help themselves work out what they could not understand
    Riddle Sideways: Elie Wiesel had a great book on G-d must be dead to let this happen
    Riddle Sideways: and what kind of G-d allows this to happen
    Riddle Sideways: where is my faith when this can happen
    Adams Rubble: yes
    Adams Rubble: (DPW guys came and receptables off street during mindfuleness time)
    Adams Rubble: The Nun saw hate as as weakness in herself
    Riddle Sideways: being mindful of trash on the streets
    Adams Rubble: hehe, yes
    Riddle Sideways: raised and practicing Love, forgiveness, mercy, etc.
    Riddle Sideways: what is wrong with me that I Hate
    Adams Rubble: We used to have sessions on anger in PaB; I wonder if we had any on hate
    Adams Rubble: Pema Chodron speaks so clearly about the kleshas
    Adams Rubble thinking of Elle Wiesel's thoughts about God letting this happen
    Riddle Sideways: search results 1,311 Hate
    Adams Rubble: hate is part of the human experience
    Adams Rubble: are the search results PaB?
    Riddle Sideways: yes
    Adams Rubble: wowza, 1,311 sessions mentioning hate
    Riddle Sideways: interesting
    Adams Rubble: that's a lot of hate
    Riddle Sideways: well, Love comes in at 7,222
    Adams Rubble: anyway I was working my way from Elle Wiesel to Being
    Riddle Sideways: and in this Dualistic balance thing we have to have both Love and Hate
    Adams Rubble: thinking more abstractly
    Riddle Sideways: ok
    Riddle Sideways gets back on track
    Adams Rubble: the dualisitc balance thing you mention would more Daoism wouldn't it?
    Adams Rubble: we are not off track, we are thinking creatively :)
    Adams Rubble: well, the Buddhists teach the middle patth so maybe not
    Adams Rubble: love is recognizing that we are one with Being, God, or our fellow human beings
    Adams Rubble: hate is ignorance
    Adams Rubble: or caused by ignorance
    Riddle Sideways: hmmmm, the Hate you have is not the real Hate
    Riddle Sideways: was the Nun ignorant ?
    Adams Rubble: the hate you have is caused by your ignorance
    Adams Rubble: well she was ignorant about self love in one way
    Adams Rubble: she saw hare as a "sin" that came between her and God
    Adams Rubble: maybe she was ignorant in that the love she was showing for her fellow nuns and for her nursing aides and for her patients was the road away from hate; she was ignorant that the Germans she hated were not Germans but fellow human beings who were ignorant
    Adams Rubble: Germans and Belgians were not different
    Adams Rubble: I must digress to tell something that happened in the book that illustrates what I am trying to say not too well
    Adams Rubble: There was a German nurse who was brought into the hospital
    Adams Rubble: she had some shrapnel that tore into and lodged in her lungs
    Adams Rubble: in order for her to have an operation to have the shrapnel removed, she needed an operation
    Adams Rubble: our nurse saw the blood type and volunteered to give blood which was extraordinary in that the nun's had been surviving on very scant rations
    Adams Rubble: the German nurse dismissed the idea contemptuously
    Adams Rubble: she did not want Belgian blood in her body
    Adams Rubble: she hated the Belgians
    Adams Rubble: she also would not accept German blood
    Adams Rubble: because the blood should be saved for the soldiers fighting
    Adams Rubble: our Nun admired her and wished that she could hate as well
    Adams Rubble: end
    Adams Rubble: there is no difference between belgian blood and german blood
    Riddle Sideways: to hate so strongly
    Adams Rubble: we are all one
    Adams Rubble: our parts are interchangeable
    Adams Rubble: the way Chevy and Cadillac parts used to be interchangeable :)
    Riddle Sideways: yet, there are always those that only want 'their' parts
    Adams Rubble: yes
    Adams Rubble: My Cadillac will not be pure if it has a Chevy regulator
    Riddle Sideways: yes
    Riddle Sideways: so many levels
    Riddle Sideways: there is the "What does this story mean to ME"
    Adams Rubble: what does this book mean to me?
    Riddle Sideways: or even higher at "What is My relation with Being"
    Riddle Sideways: Am I Being
    Riddle Sideways: or just Playing
    Adams Rubble: WHO is responsible for global warming
    Adams Rubble: WHO is responsible for war?
    Riddle Sideways: back down to 'just read a story that an author penned to push some point' and I don't understand completely
    Adams Rubble: Mine is a bit more specific
    Adams Rubble: What should I be understanding about this Nun's practice that might be applicable to me
    Adams Rubble: anything? nothing?
    Riddle Sideways: the spending of time on exactly that point
    Riddle Sideways: the visiting of what it means to me
    Riddle Sideways: maybe Lightly
    Adams Rubble: she considered herself a failure though
    Adams Rubble: yes, thank you...lightly
    Riddle Sideways: in the business we forgot to celebrate or think through Mati Gras
    Adams Rubble: take off your shoes, you are on holy ground
    Riddle Sideways: but, lets spend time on Hate
    Adams Rubble: (not at mardi Gras) :)
    Riddle Sideways: What do I do about the knowledge of Japanese Interment camps
    Adams Rubble: oppose the abuse at our southern border
    Adams Rubble: get some compassion into the ICE agents
    Adams Rubble: sigh
    Riddle Sideways: Invade Ohio and pound Love into every voter's heart?
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Adams Rubble: then Kentucky
    Adams Rubble: hate arises, we must learn to let it fall away
    Adams Rubble: take it lightly as you suggest
    Adams Rubble: remember that it is a common human emotion or klesha
    Riddle Sideways: wring hands and say "oh dear, oh dear" that we shall not grab that German nurse up and slap sense into her?
    Adams Rubble: I hate, ergo I am human
    Riddle Sideways: our sense
    Adams Rubble: slapping a dying nurse would not be good for medical license or play well on social media :)
    Riddle Sideways: true
    Adams Rubble: I think we covered some ground today and will not feel guilty if we do not go into overtime today :)
    Riddle Sideways: when shall All know the greats Truths that I know and finally agree with me
    Riddle Sideways: ok ok
    Riddle Sideways: stopping
    Riddle Sideways: good thing about lightness
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Adams Rubble: do you have a busy day today?
    Adams Rubble: I have two meetings coming up
    Riddle Sideways: not quite as busy, but full
    Riddle Sideways: food is being cooked elsewhere and brought in, no mad prep work
    Adams Rubble: Thank you for being here today and sharing thoughts
    Riddle Sideways: and thank you for new angles on the some ol
    Adams Rubble: I have been so fortunate to be able to continue to explore and learn
    Riddle Sideways: yes
    Adams Rubble: it is not something to be taken lightly :)
    Riddle Sideways: or
    Riddle Sideways: ㋡
    Adams Rubble: only my thoughts should be taken lightly :)
    Adams Rubble: I hope you have a wonderful weekend and day today
    Riddle Sideways: thanks, hope you have the same
    Adams Rubble: bye

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