The Guardian for this meeting was Adams Rubble. The comments are by Adams Rubble.
Remembering Playing about "self"
Adams Rubble: Good morning Riddle :)
Riddle Sideways: Good Morning Adams
Last Tuesday Riddle and I fled to the beach when the pavilion sim was restarting
Adams Rubble: I woke up on the beach :)
Riddle Sideways: ha, great
Adams Rubble: It is hard coordinate outside work with time schedules so I am a little late
Riddle Sideways: is ok,
Riddle Sideways: was logged in early, then distracted
Adams Rubble: was on a ladder with a wet paint brush
Riddle Sideways: bad combination
I started with a WHO question not anticipating where this was going to go
Adams Rubble: WHO is the person that we are that we don't see and others do not see?
Adams Rubble: no roles
Adams Rubble: no play acting
Adams Rubble: the real person
Adams Rubble: should we look for that person?
Riddle introduces Original Face and we play with that for a while
Riddle Sideways: am not the person to ask. Wondering if Original Face has something about that?
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: it is meaningful to look for That person
Riddle Sideways: get to know that person
Adams Rubble: we'll never know because they do not record :)
Adams Rubble: I think it may be the person that Nisargadatta Mahara says we were at birth and will be at death
Adams Rubble: The death part may be a little moptimistic
Adams Rubble: optimistic
Riddle Sideways: is hard to Know
Adams Rubble: yeh, we haven't experienced death
Riddle Sideways: definition wise; Original Face points to the nonduality of subject and object
Adams Rubble: funny how we can wander into someone else's explorations
Riddle Sideways: the koan is translated; What did your face look like before your parents were born?
Riddle Sideways: The Tao you see is not the real Tao
Riddle Sideways: could be only a Presentation
Riddle Sideways: to come near someone else's exploration
Riddle Sideways: and say "Hey, that looks good, may I have some?"
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble: taking apart the koan, there is at least one random event that was needed to transition from the time before my parents were born and when I was born. I could not have been anticipated
Riddle Sideways: correct
Riddle Sideways: what was before the duality
Adams Rubble: If the koan assumes reincarnation, it is very different than if it does not
Adams Rubble: Paradise to answer your question
Riddle Sideways: yet, if father and mother is the dualism
Riddle Sideways: what was your face before, in Paradise, in One
Riddle Sideways: what does the you not seen look like?
Adams Rubble: I do not believe I was in Paradise before conception to take it a bit further
Adams Rubble: All the atoms that make me now were someplace else :)
Riddle Sideways: yes
Adams Rubble: were they in paradise ?
Riddle Sideways: hard to tell
Riddle Sideways: want to say Yes
Riddle Sideways: yet, there is a thoughtless place. That probably does not have atoms
I try to get as back to "self"
Adams Rubble: I think we are a little off the topic of what we are
Adams Rubble: there is a reason we might want to know]
Adams Rubble: our "self" can get very selfish
Adams Rubble: we are seeking to be more selfless
Adams Rubble: the self is blocking the way
Adams Rubble: sometimes knowingly and sometimes not knowingly
Adams Rubble: so the next question might be how to get around that self
Riddle Sideways: stress stuff
Riddle Sideways: yes, how to
Riddle raises the question that sets off my avatar memory
Riddle Sideways: Who would go around that self?
Adams Rubble raises her hand
Adams Rubble: I was made to do that :)
Riddle Sideways: ok, young Adams will you show the class you going around you
Adams Rubble: hehe
Adams Rubble: there was a time when my RL self tried to kill me off
Adams Rubble: I appealed to what Pema was calling Z-self
Adams Rubble: z-self threatened to kill RL self
Adams Rubble: that is my experience
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble: thank you for reminding me :)
Adams Rubble: also an example of Playing as Being
Riddle Sideways: thank you for reminding of this path
Riddle Sideways: Often Play as being in other's explorations as one's own
Adams Rubble nods
Riddle Sideways: other great explores have been asked to report, record
Lao Tzu
Riddle Sideways: so many stories that get confused, the one liked/remembered was when Lao Tzu was leaving trhough the gates for the last time
Riddle Sideways: the gate guard asks him to please write it all down
Riddle Sideways: that little book ㋡
Riddle Sideways: down on self for sitting in an Easy chair and reading many of those little books
Riddle Sideways: liking parts of this book
Riddle Sideways: disliking some other parts
Riddle Sideways: mentally skipping down somebody else's path
Riddle Sideways: how dare that Who, to Play on somebody else's path
Riddle Sideways: ha, Playing, funny word
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: hey, maybe a Koan
Riddle Sideways: "Play as Being"
Riddle Sideways: Alas, an I does not get it
Adams Rubble: I think of it as a suggestion for practice
Riddle Sideways: yet
Adams Rubble: making fun games of our explorations
Riddle Sideways: smiles
Adams Rubble sticks out her tongue at the typist
Riddle Sideways: [07:10] Adams Rubble: WHO is the person that we are, that we don't see and others do not see?
Riddle Sideways: surely not the typist
Adams Rubble: hehe
Riddle Sideways: obligatory, "..., but please don't call me Shirley"
Adams Rubble: had to look that up
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: ㋡ Oh Adams, you are a bettter person for Not knowing that ref
Adams Rubble: I am going to have to make a concession to the typist
Adams Rubble: There is work for the typist to do
Adams Rubble: Thank you for a very good session, we have left lots of pointers for ourselves
Riddle Sideways: hmmm, might need to re-re-read this
Riddle Sideways: stopping at the turnings
Riddle Sideways: Today, is the adventure to town
Riddle Sideways: fun
Adams Rubble: ohh, tell your typist and family to be safe
Riddle Sideways: will do. and you do the same
Adams Rubble: I hope you are able to find lots ot treats :)))
Riddle Sideways: puts that on the shopping list
Adams Rubble: have a good Memorial Day Weekend too sans parades
Riddle Sideways: by All
Adams Rubble: bye :)