2019.09.02 07:00 - A Cat Whisperer

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Eden Haiku. The comments are by Eden Haiku.


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    You look so blinding bright this morning!

    Blinding bright


    Eden Haiku: Hello Adams! You look so blinding bright this morning!

    Adams Rubble: Good morning Eden :)

    Eden Haiku: You were in a kind of "changing room" bubble of light were you? Good morning dear :)

    Adams Rubble: We are on the same page outfit-wise :)

    Adams Rubble: My other avatar is busy elsewhere :)

    Adams Rubble: while I was waiting

    Eden Haiku: Mysterious Adams :)

    Eden Haiku: Yes, on the same outfit page. Same weather too I suppose. Chilly here...

    Adams Rubble: I woke up thinking of people who came before us, what the left us, and the people who will come after--what we are leaving them

    Adams Rubble: It is humid today so comfortable but not chilly

    Adams Rubble: Someone said that the people who deny climate change have no empathy for their descendants

    Eden Haiku: Sounds true...

    Adams Rubble: I look at the little two year old and wonder what kind of world will be there for her as she goes through life

    Adams Rubble: If she lives to be 70 that will be 2087

    Eden Haiku: Yes, one wonders...

    Eden Haiku: Oh, I never realized my grandnephews and grandnieces will live that far in time...2087! Will there still be air to breathe and water to drink then?

    Adams Rubble: The cat just stopped by and said she doesn't care

    Eden Haiku: Cats are zen masters

    Adams Rubble: she will be Ok if she gets her next treat

    Eden Haiku: Short-term vision and yet totally in the present and looking into the infinite all the time :)

    Adams Rubble: The cats have a surprise coming in the mail today--a new toy that has batteries

    Eden Haiku: No wonder Egyptians worshipped them

    Adams Rubble: a feather that pops out of holes randomly

    Eden Haiku: Funny :)

    Eden Haiku: Lucky cats with considerate pen pals who send them gifts :)

    Adams Rubble: are still at the vacation place?

    Eden Haiku: Yes, until October:)

    Adams Rubble: nice

    Eden Haiku: First chimney fire yesterday night






    Eden Haiku: It's getting cooler

    Adams Rubble: When do you get snow up there?

    Eden Haiku: In the world the two years old of now live, there will be more than obsolete telephone signals towers in desolate meadows...

    Adams Rubble: :)

    Eden Haiku: Oh, snow comes about the same time as in Montreal up the hills, Mid-November. But we rent this house only in the summer. I used to ski but stopped years ago.

    Adams Rubble: They still get so much pleasure from a rubber bouncing ball

    Eden Haiku: Two years old are as lovely as cats: they love to play!

    Adams Rubble: :)

    Adams Rubble: I have never skiid

    Adams Rubble: kied?

    Adams Rubble: skied?

    Adams Rubble: skiied?

    Adams Rubble: skeed?

    Eden Haiku: skied, yes :)

    Adams Rubble: If you can't spell it you shouldn't do it :)

    Eden Haiku: There is much more snow up here than in Montreal.

    Eden Haiku: laughs

    Adams Rubble: are you much further north than Montreal?

    Eden Haiku: Once I had a neighbor up the hills babysit our cat while we were both traveling, he in Mexico, I in France. When I came back to pick up the cat, the snow banks around her house were so huge!!!! It was Mid-March already and still so much snow!!!

    Eden Haiku: No, Val-David is 76 kilometers up North. That's a 54 minutes drive or so...But we don't go back to Montreal for three months so it feels very remote :)

    Adams Rubble: sometimes the late storms bring the most snow

    Eden Haiku: True

    Eden Haiku: Contemplating the chimney fire yesterday night I was wondering why the burning pieces of woods look like prehistoric beasts and dragons

    Adams Rubble: Once in a while I look at a map of Canada and am amazed at how much is north of the settled area




    Eden Haiku: Yes, many inhabited territories, Except for some remote Innu and Inuit settlements. Would love to go there some day, but it's incredibly expensive. And you have to go there during Summer. And our Summer is so short, it's hard to sacrifice it...

    Adams Rubble nods




    Adams Rubble: I used to fantasize about going dogsledding when i was a child

    Adams Rubble: call of the wild

    Adams Rubble: Yukon gold

    Adams Rubble: I decided I liked art history better

    Eden Haiku: One place I want to go for sure isAnticosti Island. Dogsledding yes! I played in the snow pretending I was in a sleigh pulled by Eskimo dogs when I was a kid...

    Adams Rubble: mush

    Eden Haiku: https://int.search.myway.com/search/...pr=sbt&trs=wtt

    Eden Haiku: I hate the way Google gives you a lot of adverts BEFORE the images you are looking for...

    Adams Rubble: my computer is slowing down to a stop

    Adams Rubble: ohh at the mouth of st lawrence

    Adams Rubble: brb

    Eden Haiku: Yes.

    Eden Haiku: There are lots of deer there!

    Eden Haiku: Here is a Wikipedia link to Anticosti Island: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anticosti_Island

    Adams Rubble: back--it is raining out there here

    Adams Rubble:we are loaded with deer here

    Eden Haiku: Oh...It rained here this morning.

    Adams Rubble: they walk calmly down the middle of the streets




    Deer are a menace in this number


    Adams Rubble: up and down the sidewalks

    Eden Haiku: Lovely deer :)

    Adams Rubble: like they own the place :)

    Adams Rubble: they are lovely and a thrill to see but they are a menace in these numbers

    Eden Haiku: Not in New Jersey? You mean on Anticosti?

    Adams Rubble: the deer say that about people

    Eden Haiku: In New Jersey really?

    Adams Rubble:no here in NJ

    Eden Haiku: wow!

    Adams Rubble: the does regularly produce two fawns and sometimes three

    Adams Rubble: no place to go except to the streets

    Eden Haiku: It's dangerous here too. They can cross the road right in front of you.

    Adams Rubble: yes, I have had a close call on the bicycle

    Eden Haiku: It happened to me last time I rented a car...

    Adams Rubble:we hit one once

    Eden Haiku: Oh!

    Adams Rubble: it came running out of the woods like a ghost shadow

    Eden Haiku: That must be a terrible feeling and scary for your safety!

    Eden Haiku: What happened?

    Adams Rubble: Safety for us was not an issue--it cost over $1000 of damage and the deer was killed

    Adams Rubble: it went somersaulting across the road

    Eden Haiku: Phew... but still traumatizing...

    Adams Rubble: yes

    Adams Rubble: funny but we were watching out for deer

    Eden Haiku: They are very fast!

    Adams Rubble:could never have stopped with the way it came out without warning

    Adams Rubble: we could not have stopped that is

    Eden Haiku: A suicidal deer...

    Adams Rubble: now the deer are in much greater numbers

    Eden Haiku: Any idea why?

    Adams Rubble: when I was in a little woods a few months ago, thirty deer were following me around the woods

    Adams Rubble: every time I stopped and turned around they were the same distance away

    Eden Haiku: Oh yes, I remember that. Must have been scary...

    Adams Rubble: So I sang Rudolph the red Nosed Reindeer to them

    Eden Haiku: laughs

    Adams Rubble: I wasn’t scared I don't think. I was thrilled

    Adams Rubble: Later I realized that someone must have been feeding them in that woods

    Eden Haiku: Yes :) But still in a so large number...

    Adams Rubble:the woods have since been bulldozed for housing

    Eden Haiku: sad...

    Adams Rubble: so where did the thirty deer go

    Adams Rubble: out to the streets

    Adams Rubble: tasting all the luscious plants in gardens around :)

    Adams Rubble: the little one is thrilled seeing the deer

    Eden Haiku: ah yes! Understandable: we bulldoze their territories, they invade ours...

    Adams Rubble: but also pretty happy with seeing squirrels


    Icebergs melting 


    Adams Rubble is looking at the map and wonders where Anne of Green gables lived

    Eden Haiku: Sometimes a small male fawn scares me away when I follow him into the woods to snap pictures...

    Adams Rubble: was that Prince Edward island?

    Eden Haiku: Anne of Green Gables lived in Prince Edward Island further East. yes

    Eden Haiku: Been there once, giving a poetry workshop. Nice place!

    Adams Rubble: :)

    Eden Haiku:Icebergs were still floating in Mid-May when I took the ferry back to the mainland...

    Adams Rubble: ohhhhh

    Eden Haiku: They built a bridge now. I wonder where the icebergs float now...

    Adams Rubble: they are becoming rarer

    Adams Rubble: or more frequent

    Adams Rubble: more ice melting

    Adams Rubbles:scary

    Eden Haiku: They are...melting away yes...Scary.

    Eden Haiku: Will seem legends to two years old when they grow up. Like elephants and giraffes

    Eden Haiku: We are the lost world of Atlantis...

    Adams Rubble: hmmm

    Eden Haiku: Not wishing to trigger you climate anxiety Adams, sorry :(




    Rocking chairs and lap cats


    Sept 2_004.jpg

    Adams and Eden  vanishing in "onigokko"


    Adams Rubble: Once MesoAmerica was all farms until something happened. They used up some resource--water? Anyway they died out or moved elsewhere and the farmland reverted to jungle. I sometimes wonder if that is the way the earth will go. Once it rids itself of human beings, it will just heal itself

    Eden Haiku: Maybe yes...Mysterious ways of nature...

    Adams Rubble is scary

    Eden Haiku: Freezing like a deer in the spotlight

    Eden Haiku: Adams on her bike is chasing me!!!! Ahhhhh!!!

    Eden Haiku: onigokko

    Eden Haiku: You will never catch me!

    Adams Rubble: :)

    Eden Haiku: stop

    Eden Haiku: Out of breath :)

    Adams Rubble: pant pant

    Eden Haiku: Good for my back to run a bit though...

    Adams Rubble: it's nice you have another month in your little paradise

    Eden Haiku: There is an antic rocking chair as an addition to the rental this summet

    Eden Haiku: I love rocking chairs! So good for your sympathetic system.

    Adams Rubble: :)

    Eden Haiku: With a cat on my lap that would be perfection!

    Adams Rubble: wish I could lend you these :)

    Eden Haiku: You have vats on your lap all the time lucky you!

    Adams Rubble: they are not lap cats though--they get scared and claw their way free

    Adams Rubble: they are floor cats :)

    Eden Haiku: Lap cats are pretty rare

    Adams Rubble: if you put our cats on your lap they immediately think, oh no they are going to eat me

    Eden Haiku: I scare them and they always prefer my companion who can be perfectly still..

    Adams Rubble: cats are finicky

    Eden Haiku: Tell them I'm vegan, no chance to be eaten by m e :)

    Adams Rubble: the one cat comes up to meet me in the morning though like a dog but then gets finicky

    Eden Haiku: Nice to be greeted like that :)

    Adams Rubble: yes, I always remember to be grateful

    Eden Haiku: Grateful to be alive and to have a welcoming cat :)

    Adams Rubble: the other cat lurks at the bottom of the stairs, jealousy seeping out of every pore

    Eden Haiku: No?

    Eden Haiku: You can "read" cats feelings. You are cat whisperer Adams!

    Adams Rubble: I am putting feelings inside their heads :)

    Eden Haiku: My companion is one too. He's really good at it. He's now training as a deer listener. That's harder…




    Adams Rubble: :)

    Eden Haiku: Well, it sounds right on :)

    Adams Rubble: It will be rutting season soon so we all need to be careful :)

    Eden Haiku: So glad I met a cat whisperer this morning :)))

    Adams Rubble: they are going to get loony

    Adams Rubble: given the number of fawns, it seems they are quite good at it :)

    Eden Haiku: Rutting as in mating season?

    Eden Haiku: I noticed the deer skins are getting darker already and some red leaves in the maple trees..

    Adams Rubble: yes, rutting as in mating season

    Eden Haiku: It's the end of Summer in a few weeks...

    Adams Rubble: all the bucks hanging out on the corner outside the drug store

    Adams Rubble: whistling at the does

    Adams Rubble: then it's off to the chase

    Adams Rubble: Thank you for being here today and being welcoming as always :)

    Adams Rubble: Thank you for introducing me to Anticosti Island too :)

    Eden Haiku: Thank you Adams. Funny picturing the bucks outside the drugstore :))

    Eden Haiku: Have a great Monday !

    Adams Rubble: you too :)

    Adams Rubble: so grateful I do not have to start a new semester tomorrow

    Eden Haiku: Maybe we should organize a PaB retreat on Anticosti some day? He he

    Adams Rubble: :)

    Eden Haiku: Enjoy your day and your cats!!

    Eden Haiku: Thank you for being here :)

    Adams Rubble: you enjoy your paradise and rocking chair :)

    Adams Rubble: I wonder how Riddle is doing

    Eden Haiku: No more new semesters yes, that's a joy!

    Adams Rubble: He should return sometime this week

    Adams Rubble: bye for now :)

    Eden Haiku: He's traveling for quite a while I think? Oh, this week. We miss you Riddle! Hope you enjoy your journey!

    Eden Haiku: Bye for now Adams :)

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