The Guardian for this meeting was Riddle Sideways. The comments are by Riddle Sideways.
Kryptos Firehawk: 's current display-name is "KRYPTOS".
a stranger in the fountain
Adams Rubble: Hello Kryptos
Adams Rubble: hello Riddle :)
Riddle Sideways: Hello Adams and Kruptos
Riddle Sideways: welcome to the rain storm
Adams Rubble: We are in a tropical storm here
Riddle Sideways: ah, was wondering
Riddle Sideways: had not checked the weather nationwide yet
Adams Rubble: isaias or something like that
Adams Rubble: moving up the coast\
Riddle Sideways: did Florida or other places get hurricane?
Riddle Sideways: Sorry, have been out of news for a few days
Adams Rubble: it brushed Florida and slammed into land at the border of North and South Carolina
Adams Rubble: did big damage in NC
Adams Rubble: the eye is getting ready to cross into the Delmar peninsular
Adams Rubble: will be here around 2 pm or so
Riddle Sideways: oh,
Riddle Sideways: find something to tie yourself down to
Adams Rubble: it's been raining since 8 pm last night
Adams Rubble: high winds will start in about an hour
Adams Rubble: that's the weather :)
Adams Rubble: I guess with all the rain no one will be working on the deck today
Riddle Sideways: no rain in Ca
Riddle Sideways: no rain in Col
Riddle Sideways: need to get report, they may have finished deck yesterday
Riddle Sideways: at least this week
Riddle Sideways: Kryptos? are you here? or AFK?
Riddle Sideways: guessing silence means AFK
Adams Rubble: you wanted to talk about grace today
Riddle Sideways: nice seg way
Adams Rubble: what did you want to say about grace?
Riddle Sideways: trying to remember :(
Riddle Sideways: don't really understand Grace
Adams Rubble: one way to think of it as what comes to you when you do wu wei
Riddle Sideways: after last week session, went down the Hebrew roots of how English got to Grace
Adams Rubble: it is the peace that comes from meditating
Riddle Sideways: ah good
Riddle Sideways: have already discussed 'full of grace' vs 'graceful'
Riddle Sideways: completely different
Adams Rubble: yes, graceful derives from grace
Adams Rubble: a metaphor :)
Adams Rubble: someone who dances or walks beautifully reminds us of the effect5s of grace
Riddle Sideways: like the walking style after meditation or meditative exercises
Adams Rubble: rain droplets are rolling down the wndow; the leaves on the tree are starting to dance
Riddle Sideways: such a scene
Riddle Sideways: compared to the walking style when the weight of the world is on one's shoulders
Adams Rubble: yes
Adams Rubble: shhhh
Adams Rubble: Trump walking back to the whote house after Tulsa
Adams Rubble: not graceful
Riddle Sideways: so both defines are related
Adams Rubble: The term Grace is used much in Christianity. For me it was helpful to relate it to other traditions
Riddle Sideways: was thinking Grace was derived from Hebrew Chesed through a twisted path
Adams Rubble: it is derived from hebrew
Adams Rubble: a superior giving favors to an inferior
Adams Rubble: the inferior opens to it
Adams Rubble: by asking for it or just needing it
Adams Rubble: in Christian terms it is having faith that it is being bestowed
Riddle Sideways: foggy, remembering that now
Adams Rubble: God does the rest
Adams Rubble: today's post is more about spiritual
Riddle Sideways: read today's/yesterday's looking for previous thoughts ㋡
Riddle Sideways: Krytos has a profile photo that includes the
Riddle Sideways: Welcome center over yonder
Adams Rubble: did not come far
Riddle Sideways: sometimes try to put self into the mind set of the People following Moses
Adams Rubble listens
Riddle Sideways: Moses talks with G-d and tries to pass on faith in the Grace bestowed
Riddle Sideways: often think of being one of the ones in the Host (huge gathering)
Riddle Sideways: and too far back to hear correcly
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble thinks Life of Brian is being referenced
Riddle Sideways: like the scene in Monty Python's movie where the sermon on the mount
Adams Rubble: yes!
Riddle Sideways: is being passed back through the rows
Adams Rubble: Blessed are the cheesemakers
Riddle Sideways: Yes!
Riddle Sideways: So, those in the back Really had to take it on Fait\h
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: go forth to the dessert buffet for 40 beers
Adams Rubble: hehe
Adams Rubble: you got it boss
Adams Rubble is being hypnotized by raindrops outside window
Riddle Sideways: ok, off to GraceLand we go
Adams Rubble: ohhh grace-land
Adams Rubble: take off your shoes, it is holy ground
Riddle Sideways: is being RL distracted by dead AC outlets, A/C controls, coffee non-makers, texts of waking people
Riddle Sideways: and still have space for Chesed
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: how wondrous is the brain
Adams Rubble: the chimes of the bells on the porch are sounding like an alarm being sounded
Adams Rubble: tropical storms have their own sets od sounds
Riddle Sideways: to everything
Riddle Sideways: turn turn
Riddle Sideways: there is a sound
Riddle Sideways: turn turn
Riddle Sideways: and/or Rain drops keep falling on my window
Riddle Sideways: Singing in the Rain
Riddle Sideways: hope you and yours stay high and dry and smiling and full of grace
Adams Rubble: thank you. I need to go take down the hanging plants on the porch. I left them up to be watered
Riddle Sideways: they liked the watering rains
Adams Rubble: yes
Riddle Sideways: take care and thank you
Adams Rubble: hope to see your Thursday :)
Adams Rubble: bye for now
Riddle Sideways: depends on noting time zone
Riddle Sideways: ㋡
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: Silly to carry an umbrella not over head
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: by All
Adams Rubble: bye :)))
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PaB_pavillion_in_rain_2.png No description | 1281.84 kB | 17:43, 4 Aug 2020 | Riddle Sideways | Actions |