The month of May flowered with the creation of a new art project for Play as Being: "Being in Time; Being as Time" - a photography exhibition to begin in June. We started a Dream Circle which will take place on the last Wednesday of the month during the 0700 session. We wooed Wu Wei’s way, and reminisced about our last retreat in San Francisco, California. Some us played in voice on Friday afternoons, and attended the meditation sessions.
Theme Sessions -
2010.05.02 13:00 - Theme session: San Francisco retreat thoughts
By Pema via email 05/02/10 -"How we play as Being"- looking back
on the RL retreat in San Francisco See: 2010-04 San Francisco
for photos, retreat reports, and other background.
2010.05.19 07:00 - A Dream Circle (Introduction)
2010.05.24 07:00 -To Woo Wu Wei's Way
2010.05.26 07:00 - May Dream Circle
Art as Being Project - The Art as Being Project now has it’s own tab in the wiki, found here: PaB Art of Being. In May, Blue Oleander introduced the next art project to commence in June: "Being in Time; Being as Time" via email and in a Guardian session. During Guardian sessions, we also talked about our prim-sculpture art pieces.
Dream Circle - A new introduction to Play as Being this month was a Dream Circle. The Dream Circle theme session introduced by Lucinda Lavender prompted the creation of it’s own tab in the wiki for information, found here: PaB Dream Circle
Pema’s 100 day Play - Pema wrote Day 10, Day 20, and Day 30 via email to the guardian group, which I’ve placed on his page here: Pema’s 100 day Play
Weekly Guardian sessions - Many varied topics…
2010.05.02 08:00 - Guardian Session: Less is More
2010.05.09 08:00 - Guardian Session: 'About Time'
2010.05.16 08:00 - Guardian Session: Dreamlets
2010.05.23 08:00 - Guardian Session: Sculpture in the Village
2010.05.30 08:00 - Guardian Session: Donations & Dancing
Working Group -
2010.05.11 1400 - Working Group Minutes
2010.05.25 1400 - Working Group Minutes
May Guardians - Lucinda Lavender <3
May Scribes - Adams Rubble, Arisia Vita, Calvino Rabeni, Eliza Madrigal (who did 3!), Mickorod Renard and SophiaSharon Larnia.
A Note, sort of about the Scribes: We all read the logs in different ways. Some of us skim them, maybe to see who was speaking, maybe about what the topic was... and read closer if it's something we’re interested in. During the scribing process, we read each log from a (usually) 3 days period, and give a tourist view of what was talked about. This can be difficult for some people (most?) --- especially if you want to include everyone, not offend anyone, not feel like you sound you are less than a genius or not like a spiritual master (grin). Maybe most of us are busy in our 'real lives' and don't have time to write a scribe. Maybe we don't read the scribes.
The thing about Play as Being that I love, is the way it grows and branches on it's own, organically. At one time, I didn't know what the word 'organically' meant in this context, not really. But organic growth or progression arises as it transforms itself. It may be 'suggested' perhaps, but it's left to flow where it will, how it will, when it will. It’s part of the nature of letting go -- the ability to let any sort of structure, or life, flow organically. ~SSL
Picture from the 2010.05.24 07:00 -To Woo Wu Wei's Way session. Eden Haiku was the guardian. I think the picture is hers, which she named "A Perfect Circle". ^^
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