Greetings from your 'umble and tardy scribe, Wol Euler, who presents for your consideration (after great uncertainty and much vapid floundering) the following morsels of Play and of Being.
Adams Rubble: I haven't done much PaBing this week
Caledonia Heron: I can tell you've been engaged in your project:)
Adams Rubble: Yes, I am grateful for the opportunity to do something like this
Caledonia Heron: The pab is ... not sure, I guess taking different forms sometimes ... it certainly isn't the same as when I started
Caledonia Heron: is that true for you?
Adams Rubble: Nor even from one I did :)
Adams Rubble: Yes, there are so many of us going in different directions
Caledonia Heron: I agree
Adams Rubble: It is good to try to get back in touch with what we seemed to feel was the essence for each of us
Caledonia Heron: yes ... I think that essence is still there
Caledonia Heron: we have tried different variations, started other complex threads, with a constantly shifting group of people
Adams Rubble: yes..and it is hard to get to know all the new people and for them to know us
Caledonia Heron: there is of course a core group of people who those who have stayed around a long time can connect with
Adams Rubble: and we all have grown during that time too
Caledonia Heron: yes, I probably know 1/4 to 1/3 of the people
Caledonia Heron: so when having a discussion with say, newish people and pioneers, it's a challenge to strike a balance
Adams Rubble: yes
Caledonia Heron: and still have it be personally meaningful
Adams Rubble: I used to feel more continuity when I could go to three sessions a day too :)
Adams Rubble: now its three times a week or less
Caledonia Heron: yeah, for sure ... a luxury of time I wish I could generate
Adams Rubble: only for short bursts
Susi Alcott: _/!\_
Caledonia Heron: yes, short bursts of sharing but the pab is there, working, happening even when not at repeated discussions, for me anyway :)
Adams Rubble: yes
Adams Rubble hasn't been reading the last couple of weeks either
Caledonia Heron: I'm not sure where we are on it as a group anymore, from what I can see we have gone our individual ways .... maybe that is a function of the short burst thing
Does severe lag objectively exist?
Storm Nordwind is thankful for free Google SMS text to his phone from his calendar, otherwise he'd never know where to be and when!SL names and restorative exercise
stevenaia Michinaga: wondering if the peanut-butter in my Ben and Jerry's ice cream will cause illness
Corvuscorva Nightfire: If you ain't died yet you're probably ok
Pila Mulligan: ooooh, bad thought
stevenaia Michinaga: thanks.....
Corvuscorva Nightfire: welcome
Pila Mulligan: what a bummer, ruining ice cream with tainted peanut butter
stevenaia Michinaga: I think if I cook it it'll be ok
Corvuscorva Nightfire laughs.
Pila Mulligan: yes, fried ice cream and pb
stevenaia Michinaga: for the record, it's "chubby hubby"
Pila Mulligan: a favorite decadence: heat some canned cake icing, put it on top of a bowl of bananas, ice cream and peanut butter
Corvuscorva Nightfire grins..the best one.
Pila Mulligan: helps make chubby tubby
stevenaia Michinaga: we can see that Pila
ila Mulligan: you're as bad as the carpenter Steve
Pila Mulligan: he put on the composite deck board and looked at the warranty and said, well it will last for YOUR lifetime any way
Fael Illyar: well. mostly it doesn't really make sense that having missed a deadline makes me less willing to do it where I might do it were it not for the deadline
Wol Euler: true :)
Wol Euler: which does suggest that the deadline itself is hte difficulty
Wol Euler: the pressure that it presents, the restriction it implies?
Fael Illyar: Yes, I have a general dislike of restrictions... although less so if I don't see it as arbitrary.
Wol Euler ponders. How to move at right angles to that dilemma?
Fael Illyar: that's what I'm pondering about.
Wol Euler: so write about not writing.
Wol Euler: tell us why you can't write a scribe note. That would be interseting too
Fael Illyar: naturally :)
Fael Illyar: but that'll take some time to work out.
Wol Euler: no, just do it.
Wol Euler: right now, today.
Wol Euler: let it be rough and scrappy, bullet points even.
Wol Euler: (just please no powerpoint! shudders)
Fael Illyar: :P
Wol Euler: write a letter, if that is easier, and then post it
Wol Euler: "Dear PaB, I am struggling ..."
Wol Euler: set the kitchen timer for 59 minutes and post whatever you have.
Fael Illyar: Ah, anything I can say?
Wol Euler: what we said here could be a start.
Wol Euler: "Dear PaB, I am struggling to write this piece. I don't know why, I did want to when I signed up for it. But somehow I am not able to write it - yet."
Wol Euler: and so on.
Wol Euler: just like that, let it flow. Tell it as it is, no filtering.
Wol Euler: a stream
Wol Euler: then post the stream
Fael Illyar: oh, that's another thing I still have problems with. Not filtering.
Wol Euler: well, then do filter if that is easier :)
Wol Euler: but the idea would be to do this right now, in the flow, not making it into A Task.
Wol Euler: what I do when I get stuck on writing a proposal, is that I write ABOUT writing a proposal
Wol Euler: that gets me into it, and often more than half of what I write is diretyl useable in the proposal when I do get down to it
Fael Illyar: Ah, metawriting :)
Wol Euler: exactly!
"If I stagger and wander, come to my help.
You are also human beings
and you are also going home."
Adelene Dawner is pondering relationships, these last few days.
Adelene Dawner: I find myself suddenly less picky about who I consider a pridemate... I'm still very picky, but not as completely perfectionistic about it as I was... which is kind of scary, but I've figured out why that's happening, and I think it's probably a good thing in the end.
Adelene Dawner: (pridemate = seriously more of a big deal than 'friends')
Sylectra Darwin: I know what you mean, Ade.
Sylectra Darwin: We get it down to the essentials the next time around after a disappointing relationship.
Sylectra Darwin: Are we on a journey we can share? Can we grow and laugh together?
stevenaia Michinaga: I have considered similar things related to evaluation of new people... settled on acceptance until the situation tells me otherwise
Adelene Dawner: Well... the pridemate thing isn't really about Tommy... I've looked at people as pride/near-pride/friends/aquaintences for a long time, actually.
stevenaia Michinaga: open first, evaluate later, that way you start with closeness... of sorts, maybe not immidiately but soon after
Adelene Dawner: mmhmm
Sylectra Darwin: The trick is maintaining the childlike wonder of the other person.
Adelene Dawner: I tend to be really open with friends. The difference is that I don't trust friends to give advice or comment reasonably on my life.
ylectra Darwin: That sounds like a fair boundary line, unless you are needing their advice.
Adelene Dawner: Pride... I do... Three and Corvi are very good examples of that. They can talk me into things that I'd *never* do on my own, things that really realy scare me, that I see as dangerous... that's a lot of power to give someone.
stevenaia Michinaga: always amazed the impact of words on actions
Sylectra Darwin: That's trust.
stevenaia Michinaga: yes sylectra
Adelene Dawner: And up 'till... oh, a few weeks ago? I was *exceptionally* picky about trusting people like that, almost to the point of paranoia in some ways... and then all of a sudden... I'm not...
Sylectra Darwin: That's wonderful Ade.
Adelene Dawner is not sure 'wonderful' is the right word.
Adelene Dawner: 'dangerous' and 'stupid' come to mind first.
stevenaia Michinaga: if it allows you to "drop" resistance, it is
Squee: Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth, "you owe me". Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky.