Regular Activities Coordinator Tasks

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    This page is an outline of tasks kept up with by the person who occupies the "Regular Activities Coordinator" role within the Working Group at any time.

    Currently: Eliza Madrigal in conjunction with others mentioned. 

    Daily: Chat Logs

    -Should be posted within 48 hrs, otherwise "friendly request" is sent,
    with inquiry as to whether a replacement was asked for that day.

    (This is also good way to stay in touch!)

    -If list of unposted chat logs goes beyond an acceptable
    point, email request is sent to Scathach who will send out a general reminder to
    the larger email group. Scribes require the chat logs posted in order
    to keep up to date with essays.

    -Logs which remain unposted for two weeks will be retrieved from the
    auto-logger by Wol.

    -Wol has generously offered to post log for anyone who can make
    a session but not post the log for any reason.

    Weekly: Guardian Meetings

    -Announcement sent to the playasbeing google group on Friday or Saturday, 
    containing the Sunday 8AM meeting time, the url to the Village Hall,
    and a topic if planned beforehand.

    -The session is attended and posted by Lia, and if Lia is unavailable, Eliza
    or another guardian who volunteers at the time of the meeting, will post. The
    session is posted including a complete alphabetical list of guardians who
    were in attendance.

    New Guardians

    New guardians are recommended to the Working Group, which
    then sends out an email recommendation to the larger group of guardians.

    One week is then given for any guardian to express enthusiasm, objections,
    or concerns to the Working Group. This is done so as to avoid uncomfortable
    situations if there are objections which even if worked out, would still be listed
    in the googlegroups archives.

    If no objections or concerns are raised, an invitation and request for
    email address is sent via notecard or IM in Second Life.

    If the invitation is then accepted, here are the steps to follow:

    -Add email 'directly' to Google List
    -Add name to List of Guardians at Wiki

    -add name to playasbeinghere SL group (signed in as 'manager")
    -Revise "Welcome New Guardian" template with new number of
     guardians and guardian slot schedule.
    -Once confirmation is given that new guardian is added, send 
    "Welcome New Guardian" message, with updated host list, to googlegroup.

    -Email Wol who then adds the name to:

     Wiki (Storm and Fael are also able to do this)


    New Guardians-as-Hosts in conjunction with Lia.

    "Welcome to Hosting" letter is sent which includes

    *Link to Guardian Tips for Hosting Meetings

    *Link to Chat log Posting instructions
    (which need to be updated for auto-logger)

    *People to contact who have made themselves available for
     mentoring/answering new host questions. At the time of this
     update, Stevenaia and Wol have offered to make time or set aside
     a session to work with new guardians.

    -Lia maintains the guardian schedule at the wiki, as well as a doc.,
    and sends requests as needed, for temporary and permanent
    session replacements.

    -Lia also regularly sends personal email requests to new guardians,
    or guardians who have shown interest but have not been able to host
    within the slots available, as various needs arise.


    Twice a year: Guardian Rotation (Jan. and July)

    A general email is sent by Lia and WG member,
    requesting that every guardian give preferences, request changes,
    and show other time slots they would be available.

    Twice a year: Guardian Sweeping (Best done at same time for convenience)

        "Guardian Sweeping" means that the list of guardians is 'swept' out
       for those who have not attended in quite some time. An email is sent
       to those guardians, asking whether they would still like to remain
       in the SL group and on the email list. If they are not heard from in
       a few days, an IM in-world is sent with the same request.   

       After a week (in most cases), they are removed from the googegroups
       list, and from guardian list. A notecard is then given in-world explaining
       the general policy and asking that if an error has been made by removing
       them from the list, we be contacted.  
       When Eliza and Lia have completed the process, a list is then sent
       to Wol with a list of names to remove from the auto-logger and wiki,
       and to Storm for removing grom the playasbeinghere SL group.

    New Scribes

    The ideal is to rotate scribes every six months,
    unless they choose to sign on for a continuous role. Often
    someone who would like to be involved in the community
    but finds it difficult to host a session, will enjoy the 
    once-a-month task, as a PaB Scribe.

    Welcome to Scribing"!" letter is sent, which contains
    *Examples of earlier scribes,
    *Link to instructions regarding *how* to post to Wiki easily,
    keeping in mind that a scribe may not have posted a session at all before.

    On the Wiki:

    -"Welcome to Scribing" template to be posted/revised as needed 
    -Changes posted to Volunteer List
    -Changes posted to Scribe Page


    Email sent pointing to the latest scribes, and drawing attention to the need for volunteers


    Chronicles in conjunction with SophiaSharon  

    -Updated monthly
    -Should include links to guardian sessions
    -Scribe List
    -Number of guardians
    -Significant Topics/Themes/Events (including those which arise in email)
    -Ongoing Interviews conducted by various guardians



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