2016.02.14 01:00 - Musical Attire

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Wol Euler.


    Wol Euler: buongiorno, Qt
    Qt Core: Hi Wol
    Qt Core: (i'd like to know why i always think that guardian session are on sundays instead of saturdays...)
    Wol Euler smiles.
    Wol Euler: they used to be on Sundays, if I remember rightly
    Qt Core: i may have cancelled the message too fast, feeling guilty ;-)
    Wol Euler: heheheh "I hate to think of your shoes and trousers getting wet."
    Wol Euler: enjoy :)
    Qt Core: ty
    Wol Euler smiles.
    Qt Core: (but i was speaking about the guardian session invitation ;-)
    Wol Euler: oh I see hehehehehh
    Wol Euler: yes it is all about me :)



    Qt Core: I so rarely change outfit i almost don't know anymore how to manage it ;-)
    Wol Euler: the "worn" inventory tab is your friend :)
    Wol Euler: it looks like the pants need an alpha for your upper thighs, that should be in the package
    Qt Core: in SL viewer is "wearing" ;-)
    Wol Euler: ah yes, it rezzed now
    Wol Euler smiles.
    Wol Euler: quite a change, eh?
    Qt Core: ahh, wondering what it was as it appears to be a shirt
    Wol Euler: oh that must be something else ...
    Wol Euler: check the "worn" tab again
    Qt Core: no, i just worn it
    Qt Core: and it works
    Qt Core: i juat noticed the Yurta just outside the pavillion...
    Wol Euler nods.
    Wol Euler: it's new to me too, saw it there yesterday
    Qt Core: Ok, sometimes i wonter at my noticing speed
    Wol Euler: heheheheh
    Wol Euler: me too, if it helps :) it may be weeks old really

    Qt Core: At first sight i wondered why we had an Apollo capsule in our garden ;-)
    Wol Euler chuckles.
    Qt Core: this week there was the Sanremo festrival here in italy, it ended yesterday and got tv shares well over 45% all week, almost even more that the soccer national team
    Wol Euler: wow
    Wol Euler: you've posted videos from past years of that, it looks like big fun
    Qt Core: if drm god permits this is the winning song: http://www.rai.tv/dl/RaiTV/programmi...675aad932.html
    Qt Core: "Un giorno mi dirai" (one day you'll say to me) it is about a father speaking about love to a daughter
    Wol Euler: it works, listening



    Qt Core: i'm not a fan but i'd like that band (that is around for a few decades now)
    Qt Core: (and if you have autoplay you get to hear a few other sanremo 2016 songs too)
    Wol Euler: is it typical of Italy or of the Sanremo festival, that they all wear black three-piece suits and ties?
    Wol Euler: nice song, I get the impression that it is probably quite moving if one understands the words
    Qt Core: well... sanremo is a little stuck in the past and usually singer wear a little more formal outfits
    Wol Euler smiles.
    Wol Euler: like the Oscars, I guess
    Wol Euler: and perhaps with the same social function
    Qt Core: that is if you aren't crazy as "Elio e le storie tese" that came on stage in full Kiss attire...
    Qt Core: as there isn't really an established formal female attire female singers usually have more freedom in their outfit choiche
    Wol Euler nods.
    Wol Euler: which is true of the Oscars as well :)
    Qt Core: speaking about sanremo and its past preferences one of the competitor (won the critics prize too) is celebrating 50 years of career this year.



    Wol Euler: that's a good record
    Wol Euler: I wonder when the Stones started? 1962-ish?
    Wol Euler: fifty years for them too
    Qt Core: Btw, she is Patty Pravo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patty_Pravo
    Wol Euler: a nice story, fighting on
    Qt Core: this is the video of "Elio e le storie tese" in Kiss attire, their song is a very silly one , faking being a remix of other songs just tied together by similar words: http://www.rai.tv/dl/RaiTV/programmi...4ec777140.html
    Qt Core: theirt more formal attire was.. pink suits
    Wol Euler laughs.
    Qt Core: and a few years ago they come out in sanremo outfitted like The Rockets
    Qt Core: (they can do that as they are very talented musician too, as usual to look like an idiot you have to be really intelligent)
    Wol Euler grins.
    Qt Core: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elio_e_le_Storie_Tese




    Wol Euler: fascinating :)
    Wol Euler: "The band has also been the first one, in 2004, to sell instant CDs of their live performances immediately after their end (which they dubbed CD brulé, as they were 'burned' on the spot, like mulled wine, in Italian "vin brulé")."
    Qt Core: strangely enough as much as i like them i don't own (bought or downloaded) any of their work ;-)
    Wol Euler: clever
    Qt Core: The group participated to the Sanremo Music Festival for the second time in the 2013 edition with the song "La canzone mononota", achieving again the second place and winning the Critics' Award "Mia Martini" for the second time, the award for the best arrangement and the Radio and TV Press-Room award.[6]
    Qt Core: "La canzone mononota" can be translated as "one one-note song"... and won best arrangenent...
    Wol Euler chuckles.
    Wol Euler: well, the "one note samba" is a great song
    Wol Euler: Tom Jobim
    Wol Euler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fz80O5FZrho
    Qt Core: the (too many) consonants of english don't go well with that music ;-)
    Wol Euler: yes, it's better in the original
    Wol Euler: I love Jobim so much, he's one of my favourite composers
    Qt Core: i tie that kind of music at night, as on the radio there is a night time show titled (strangely enough) Brasil
    Wol Euler nods.
    Wol Euler: I'd follow that station
    Qt Core: italian state radio, first channel, also known as Rai 1 or even simpler Radio 1
    Qt Core: you can probably find it online for streaming and or podcasting (is it a word ?)
    Wol Euler: definitely :)
    Qt Core: here the transmission podcast page: http://www.rai.it/dl/portaleRadio/Pr...type=undefined




    Wol Euler makes a note
    Wol Euler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpLLKvDAXNI
    Qt Core: the guy (which voice sound a little weird) seem to personally know many of the artist he speaks about and airs
    Wol Euler: might well be true ... my uncle was a famous jazz fan, travelled the world to meet the musicians
    Qt Core: from an italian pov portuguese sound very weird as it almost sound like italian but very little can be understood
    Wol Euler: I guess that must be true :) it is also quite similar to the Galician dialect of Spanish, less strange than I expected it to be
    Qt Core: but it stick well to the music, in that kind of music i often think about voice as another instrument, not something rolled over the music
    Wol Euler nods.
    Qt Core: it is very similar to Genova dialect, here a fun song about a fridge in genova dialect with a brasil stile music : http://www.rai.it/dl/portaleRadio/Pr...type=undefined
    Wol Euler: mmmmmmkay
    Qt Core: ops: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDTpp97oVBs
    Wol Euler: not available :/
    Qt Core: always the same video i presume it will be always be blocked, sorry
    Wol Euler: so annoying
    Wol Euler: I understand why it's done, but still .......
    Wol Euler: I've bought over a thousand songs on iTunes. Nearly every one of them, with very few exceptions, was something new to me which I first heard for free on the internet.
    Wol Euler: All of those sales would have been lost.
    Qt Core: and Germany seems to be one of the hardest on it




    Wol Euler nods.
    Qt Core: let see if it an artist sharing an almost homemade video of himself pass ;-) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6i9q...ature=youtu.be
    Qt Core: (i really love his music)
    Wol Euler: that works :) I think you've shared his songs before
    Qt Core: yes
    Qt Core: he came to europe at leas once a year in past three years,,, but never in italy (i'd lioke to go see him live, but without spending a night there, just for home logistics)
    Wol Euler nods.
    Qt Core: look at the time... better to get the day moving ;-)
    Wol Euler smiles.
    Wol Euler: thank you Qt, it was a fun morning
    Wol Euler: enjoy the day
    Qt Core: i'll try, have fun
    Qt Core: bye
    Wol Euler: bye

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