2017.07.16 13:00 - work and health

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Wol Euler.


    Wol Euler: guten morgen, berti
    Bertram Jacobus: yay - good mornung wol ! :-)
    Wol Euler: how are you today?
    Bertram Jacobus: fine, so far or mostly - ty - how about you ?
    Wol Euler: waking up slowly, working this afternoon
    Bertram Jacobus: i missed you here last week ...
    Wol Euler: working as well, but earlier. I started at 10 that day because we had to get a tender document released on Monday
    Wol Euler: I've given up my Sunday morning sessions, with help from Eliza <3
    Bertram Jacobus: tender, love me tender *sing and remember elvis presley* :-)
    Wol Euler: because I miss so many of them
    Wol Euler smiles.

    Bertram Jacobus: oops - but today you are here, nevertheless ! why is that ? ( and i´m happy about it, naturally )
    Wol Euler: I came here to meet you
    Bertram Jacobus: ooohhh :-))
    Wol Euler: because you said that you had missed me last weekend
    Bertram Jacobus: zen said, i should start the meditations again ... hm -
    Wol Euler: as you wish
    Bertram Jacobus: and i said, perhaps i could try to do at least single meditations now and then and inform some of the people about it, announce ... may be on sundays at 7 pm german time, which is 10 am sl time, right ?


    Wol Euler: nine hours back, yes
    Wol Euler: I know from many other people that meditation sessions would be welcomed
    Bertram Jacobus: okay - so lets see. perhaps next week would be possible ... i´ll check that and announce as soon as possible
    Wol Euler smiles.
    Wol Euler: nice!
    Wol Euler: but only as long as it isn't stressful for you
    Bertram Jacobus: ty dear woly ! ...
    Bertram Jacobus: but that may help me a lot : when i "must" not be present every week ...
    Wol Euler: sure
    Bertram Jacobus: when will your work start today ? which time ?
    Wol Euler: noon, so leaving here at 11:45
    Wol Euler: so leaving SL not less than a half hour before that
    Bertram Jacobus: oh. that´s not much time left ! not much time for your own i mean - hm
    Wol Euler: that is true, and it's a real and frequent problem these days
    Wol Euler: my perception is that I have no time for myself at all
    Wol Euler: I wake up and go to work, then come home, have dinner and go to bed two hours later, three at most
    Wol Euler: six days a week
    Wol Euler: and on the seventh day I do shopping, laundry and home maintenance

    Bertram Jacobus: why do many work so much for the absurd richness of only very few ?
    Wol Euler: because for many of them (us) it's the only game in town
    Bertram Jacobus: hm - fear of having only little, few, not enough ?
    Wol Euler: not fear, fact
    Wol Euler: this has nothing to do with piling up huge amounts of money
    Wol Euler: I'm living hand to mouth
    Wol Euler: don't imagine that I am rich, please
    Bertram Jacobus: hmmm - but the needs here in germany will be granted by the authorities if necessairy
    Wol Euler: really? do you really think they would pay my rent if I stayed home and read novels all day?
    Wol Euler: somehow I doubt that
    Bertram Jacobus: no i don´t wol. but i can´t understand why ... yes ! at least for people with german documents they do it here
    Wol Euler: wow
    Bertram Jacobus: and novels are wonderful for the society
    Wol Euler: agreed :)
    Bertram Jacobus: you get paid your lil flat and above it around 400 € - more then enough for a simple material life ...
    Wol Euler: you are talking about retirement, now?


    Bertram Jacobus: no. about the so called "hartz iv" in germany. a minimum amount you get when you have no work or other income
    Wol Euler: I didn't know that it applied to people who choose not to work, only to those who are unable to find work. Is that not so?
    Bertram Jacobus: yes - it´s for people who don´t find work. but that is a kind of game sometimes - some people don´t want to or never learned how to do it - it´s a question of so many aspects
    Bertram Jacobus: but when you are older the market has less and less work for you. so it becomes more and more easy to live without that horrible conditions we sadly have these days ...
    Wol Euler nods.
    Bertram Jacobus: and that will increase - because of robots and all those developments we see ...
    Wol Euler: agreed
    Bertram Jacobus: so when all this automatically produced things and services will become more and more, that must be given in at at least a way and bit to all -
    Wol Euler: that is going to be a great problem, and a huge change will be necessary
    Bertram Jacobus: otherwise nobody couldn´t buy anything anymore (!) *g*
    Wol Euler: either willingly or by force
    Bertram Jacobus: many at least

    Bertram Jacobus: in this world, where now more and more people can now how the world situation is, we see it already, is not possible to stop the wish to participate
    Bertram Jacobus: all want to have at least enough to eat and such
    Wol Euler nods.
    Wol Euler: plus a holiday in Majorca or so
    Bertram Jacobus: otherwise they move, fight and all that. that can only be stopped by giving at least a bit to ALL
    Wol Euler: and don't forget the new car, or bicycle, or large TV
    Wol Euler: none of which I have, by the way :)
    Wol Euler: although I did replace a perfectly good phone simply because I didn't like the old one :)
    Bertram Jacobus: like mahatma ghandi said : enogh to feed all, but not enogh to satisfy greed
    Wol Euler: berti, if I seriously thought that all I would ever do for the rest of my life is to have enough money to eat, with nothing left for reading novels or taking a train trip to see a friend, I would kill myself instantly, that same half hour
    Wol Euler: because a life that consists only of enough to eat seems like bullshit to me
    Bertram Jacobus: that is meant metaphorically
    Bertram Jacobus: and shows at least a beginning
    Bertram Jacobus: for many reality !
    Bertram Jacobus: as long as people die from hunger
    Wol Euler: yes of course, I know that
    Bertram Jacobus: and a kind of orientation, hint . which wants to point out that sharing is needed
    Wol Euler: and I am very grateful that I am not one of those, nearly the majority, who struggle against hunger or cold or violence every day. of course.
    Bertram Jacobus: but it´s very helpful, when we have no big needs - and then it´s possible here as well not to remain in the crazy world as i like to name it right now ... ;-)
    Bertram Jacobus: work as well as prosperity should be shared and we can help to make that come trough i think
    Wol Euler: we try to share the work :) we have been trying for over a year to take on additional staff



    Bertram Jacobus: my last gf helped me to come free from such an unacceptable job
    Bertram Jacobus: and some years before i had stopped my own company because i was not able anymore to have acceptable conditions for my personal and me to continue it
    Wol Euler: very good <3
    Bertram Jacobus: yes. i never had regrets about these decisions, in contrary !
    Wol Euler smiles.
    Bertram Jacobus: and i´m really thankful, that here the authorities then help, although sometimes also that is not only an easy path - but in the end ... we must not fear ... to die by hunger or cold or spitual poorness (!) :-)
    Bertram Jacobus: + ri *g*
    Wol Euler: understood :)
    Bertram Jacobus: do you have german documents or could have if you liked to ?
    Wol Euler: I'm British and Canadian. I am not sure whether I could get triple nationality with Germany
    Wol Euler: I would not give up my Canadian nationality
    Bertram Jacobus: ah i see. okey ...
    Bertram Jacobus: no. canada here also is appreciated a lot i think. may be because of the freedom there ?
    Wol Euler: and because we are sane, unlike the Americans
    Wol Euler: who for the time being are also still free, but largely insane
    Bertram Jacobus: but when you have no work and no family and support in canada - do the authorities help or do you die, then ?
    Wol Euler: we are helped
    Bertram Jacobus: ah. good !

    Wol Euler: anyway, I must start getting ready
    Bertram Jacobus: ok daer woly - i hope, i didn´t irritate with my words and thoughts ...
    Wol Euler: no, I appreciate the thought and know that you mean it kindly
    Wol Euler: <3
    Bertram Jacobus: yeah - ty ! that is the solution : always take the good view ;-)
    Wol Euler: as far as possible :)
    Wol Euler: but no further than that
    Bertram Jacobus: there are no fixed boundries, in the end, finally and always. at least that are my impressions ... ;-)
    Wol Euler smiles.
    Bertram Jacobus: because everything changes, always
    Bertram Jacobus: so nothing fixed can exist
    Wol Euler: take care, dear Berti
    Bertram Jacobus: only on the surface sometimes things seem to be fixed
    Bertram Jacobus: i try to - help
    Wol Euler: and I hope you will be able to start the meditations again
    Wol Euler: as and when you can
    Wol Euler: your own health comes first
    Bertram Jacobus: ty ! i try to ... :-))
    Wol Euler smiles.
    Bertram Jacobus: everybody comes first
    Bertram Jacobus: :o)
    Wol Euler: no
    Bertram Jacobus: to me
    Wol Euler: if you die, you will cease to be able to help others
    Wol Euler: you have an obligation to the others to stay alive
    Bertram Jacobus: the others are more then me and it helps me as well when i help others
    Wol Euler: anyway <3
    Wol Euler: bye for now

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