Adams Rubble: Hello Riddle :)
Riddle Sideways: Hello and sorry to be late
Adams Rubble: It is not 7 yet
Riddle Sideways: was reading and lost track
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: oh! right
Adams Rubble: I hope your RL person liked the eclipse
Riddle Sideways: really did
Riddle Sideways: had a great time
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: most of the story is in Eden's session yesterday
Adams Rubble: I guess your rl person nearly doubled the populatiopn of Wyoming :)
Riddle Sideways: will just add to that as details come up
Adams Rubble: OK, I will read that
Riddle Sideways: think the population of Wyoming did double or more
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: on the 'drive' thru the country
Riddle Sideways: we went through a camp ground
Riddle Sideways: that on July 4th (their biggest day) is usually 20-30 campers
Riddle Sideways: that day it was 50-75 rigs
Adams Rubble: wow
Adams Rubble: there gores the neighborhood
Adams Rubble: goes
Riddle Sideways: and tents were out around all over
Riddle Sideways: it is a National Forest so all these people were camping everywhere
Riddle Sideways: No, Adael, nobody said typos ㋡
Adams Rubble: I thought I heard someone goring the neighborhood
Riddle Sideways: ha
Riddle Sideways: there's a typo
Riddle Sideways: We also went for a car drive over toward the Titans to guage traffic and to see them
Adams Rubble: whar are the Titans?
Riddle Sideways: since with the Idaho fires' haze
Adams Rubble: :) WHAT
Riddle Sideways: we could not see them from the mountains we drove up
Riddle Sideways: ㋡
Riddle Sideways: Yellowstone, Jackson Falls and the Titons are on the west border of Wyoming
Riddle Sideways: Jellystone park is somewhere else
Riddle Sideways: Oh! yes
Riddle Sideways: French explorers named them
Adams Rubble: ahhh
Riddle Sideways: because the men had not seen women in quite a long time
Riddle Sideways: anyway... we hit a Huge traffic jam
Adams Rubble: awwww
Riddle Sideways: seems about a hundred bison/buffalo were in a meadow near the road
Riddle Sideways: and all those tourists had to stop
Adams Rubble: Ces Français sont si diaboliques
Adams Rubble: ohhh buffalo, reminds me of the traffic jams in India
Riddle Sideways: yes, every car had to stop, open their doors into traffic, jump out (into traffic) and snap a phone call at them
Riddle Sideways: the bulls were all Playing their fun game of which (and how many) girls they go to the prom with
Adams Rubble: Wyoming sounds like a very risque place
Riddle Sideways: oh yes... who knew?
Riddle Sideways: earlier there was a dead something out in a huge meadow that had crows, ravens, vultures, etc. dining
Riddle Sideways: and a bald eagle dove on them to scare them away so he could eat
Adams Rubble: the symbol of US
Riddle Sideways: hehehe
Riddle Sideways: on the way out to Denver, in the line at airport security
Riddle Sideways: lady ahead in line
Riddle Sideways: staring at her bare feet
Riddle Sideways: very fancy scroll work tattoo
Riddle Sideways: finally made out that it was a word
Riddle Sideways: hard to read
Riddle Sideways: "Laugh"
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: yes! back to to the Smile Practice
Adams Rubble: good for airline security
Riddle Sideways: good for anybody
Riddle Sideways: IF... were Ever to get a tattoo ...
Riddle Sideways: new topic ...
Riddle Sideways: yesterday, a discussion came up
Adams Rubble listens
Riddle Sideways: that was on
Riddle Sideways: the section of Maxine wanting to explore different ways of knowing
Riddle Sideways: would like your thoughts
Adams Rubble: The editor missed some typos for starters :)
Riddle Sideways: ha, not that
Adams Rubble: Of course I missed yesterday's conversation. Off the top of my head, I am not sure it is not that different from where many of us were on arriving at PaB, i.e. looking for something more than what we had, a new way of looking, seeing. The interview was a long time ago and I do not have any inside angles
Adams Rubble: I hope that is not too disappointing. When it is posted I will read yesterday's log
Adams Rubble: maybe have some comments then?
Adams Rubble: thank you for asking
Riddle Sideways: it was in the 1300 session
Adams Rubble: ohhh
Adams Rubble: sometimes we are looking in the wrong places :)
Riddle Sideways: Maxine's book session. the section being reviewed was re Piet and the start of PaB
Riddle Sideways: that PaB was to be a leader-less place of Dialogues
Riddle Sideways: each of the Being(s) brings expectations
Riddle Sideways: and histories
Riddle Sideways: and agendas
Riddle Sideways: and
Riddle Sideways: and
Adams Rubble: I just read it
Adams Rubble: yes, i would agree we each brought different agendas
Adams Rubble: I don't think I would want to make too much of this.
Adams Rubble: sometimes people seem to looking for strife
Riddle Sideways: ah, good point
Adams Rubble: Both Maxine and pema added much to our discussions and growth
Adams Rubble: whatever disagreements they may have had do not affect us
Riddle Sideways: yes
Adams Rubble: now, different have not seem to have noticed my shirt and skirt :)
Adams Rubble: or not curious :)
Adams Rubble: 5/ curiosity killed the cat
Riddle Sideways: Oh!
Adams Rubble: Dubrovna has been working away on a new exhibition that is almost complete
Riddle Sideways: try not to stare at women's shirts
Riddle Sideways: Song of Nomad Flute
Adams Rubble: I missed yesterday mornings session and eden would have been most interested
Riddle Sideways: complete enough for the t-shirts to be printed ㋡
Adams Rubble: hehe
Adams Rubble: and skirts
Riddle Sideways: yes!
Adams Rubble: the skirt is the land of the northern nomads, sparse vegetation
Riddle Sideways: can you stand up for a photo?
Adams Rubble: here's some teasers
Riddle Sideways: or not
Adams Rubble: Lady Wenji was abducted from the capital of Han Dynasty China as the empire was beginning to break up (ca. 195 CE)
Adams Rubble: She was a poet and a muscian
Adams Rubble: She was carried off by nomads and lived among them for 12 tears
Adams Rubble: had two children which turned her hatred to love
Adams Rubble: was ransomed by the Chinese emperor and had to leave her husband and children and return to China where her nearest relatives were dead and gone
Adams Rubble: The exhibit is around a 14th century Ming scroll and poems written in the Tang Dynasty for each of 18 scenes
Adams Rubble: It is quite moving
Adams Rubble: End of promo
Riddle Sideways: nice Promo
Riddle Sideways: already looking forward
Adams Rubble: It was inspired by a RL visit to the Met where the scroll was being exhibited as part of a Narrative Art exhibition
Riddle Sideways: love the Met
Adams Rubble: it has been a fast moving exhibition--the other just came down on Saturday and it is close to being finished
Adams Rubble: the space has been magically transformed by Mr Dubrovna
Riddle Sideways: moving fast
Riddle Sideways: makes it seem like magic
Riddle Sideways: Adael, your words are not logged
Adams Rubble: Adael is reminding us of Pema's roll in encouraging the museum and providing the first place for it
Adams Rubble: role not roll :)
Riddle Sideways: Adael loves typos
Riddle Sideways: oh! now that song is stuck
Riddle Sideways: (not included into log, to save the reader)
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: inquiring minds would like to know a guessiment of new exhibits opening date?
Adams Rubble: It may be open for viewing by the weekend but a opening with gallery talk needs to eb scheduled
Adams Rubble: be
Adams Rubble: sometimes an exhibition needs to sit for a few days to determine what is missing
Riddle Sideways: of course. the grand opening, talk, party and etc. are always days later
Adams Rubble: some ideas from last night need to be implemented
Adams Rubble: there is a poster for the exhibit outside the museum but the door is still barracaded
Adams Rubble: you are the first person to know
Adams Rubble: when you post the log, a few more people will know :)
Riddle Sideways: ok, won't tell anybody ㋡
Riddle Sideways: waves to Eliza
Adams Rubble waves too
Riddle Sideways: on the subject of "Riddle just does not notice ..."
Riddle Sideways: there was once a session
Adams Rubble listens
Riddle Sideways: on smells, senses and favorite/personal scents
Riddle Sideways: very active discussion
Riddle Sideways: that Riddle had no input into
Riddle Sideways: ㋡
Riddle Sideways: seem to only notice rotten food smells when opening refrig
Adams Rubble: hehe
Adams Rubble: Before we close we should mention that our hearts go out to the suffering people of southeast Texas
Riddle Sideways: yes
Adams Rubble: It was good seeing you this morning Riddle
Adams Rubble: Thank you for your presence
Riddle Sideways: took 90-sec to think of them
Adams Rubble: ohhhh, good thing to do
Riddle Sideways: thank you for
Riddle Sideways: everything
Riddle Sideways: and this day
Adams Rubble: Bye for now, may you have a great day
Riddle Sideways: and you
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Adams skirt-shirt_001-cropped.jpg No description | 51.74 kB | 00:33, 1 Sep 2017 | Riddle Sideways | Actions | ||
Adams skirt-shirt_001-cropped.png No description | 352.46 kB | 00:42, 1 Sep 2017 | Riddle Sideways | Actions |