Adams Rubble: Good morning Riddle :)
Adams Dubrovna: Good morning Riddle :)
Riddle Sideways: Good Day, Adams'
Adams Dubrovna: you are surrounded
Riddle Sideways: you can sit anyway you want
Riddle Sideways: ㋡
Riddle Sideways: saw the Reconstruction part 1 show
Riddle Sideways: so many details had never known
Adams Dubrovna: I have not seen the whole thing yet
Adams Dubrovna: I fell asleep and had to go to bed
Riddle Sideways: ha, yes nodded off also, backed the tape up
Adams Dubrovna: I will watch this week
Riddle Sideways: should take it in small amounts to absorb
Dubrovna mentions the real life Talk
Adams Dubrovna: I have been over so much of this stuff the past few weeks
Riddle Sideways: yes
Riddle Sideways: except a different presentation
Adams Dubrovna: It was quite an experience taking SL into RL
Adams Dubrovna: was thinking about all you guys
Riddle Sideways: scary? or might have to explain too much
Adams Dubrovna: it gave me the confidence to do it
Riddle Sideways: the material was already done
Adams Dubrovna: funny, I get very nervous the two weeks before and then calm down when it is time to talk
Adams Dubrovna: It was something that happned in graduate school
Adams Dubrovna: I was giving a report and kept mispronouncing one of the key words in the presentation
Adams Dubrovna: the professor who was very formidable kept correcting me each time
Adams Dubrovna: finally I found it funny and laughed every time the word came up
Riddle Sideways: good
Riddle Sideways: but scared
Adams Dubrovna: since then I think of that when it is time to talk and am not nervous any more
Riddle Sideways: great tool
Adams Dubrovna: yes and I have never mispronounced that word
Riddle Sideways: move on to mispronouncing other words
Adams Dubrovna: ha
Riddle Sideways: is it 'creek' or 'creek'
Adams Dubrovna: both
Riddle Sideways: trying to get your point across
Riddle Sideways: and audience drifting off on mispronounced words
Riddle Sideways: like where the mind gois on typos
Adams Dubrovna: with this topic the images kept people awake
Riddle Sideways: you had disturbing images
Adams Dubrovna: yes
Riddle Sideways: they were awake to see the next one
Adams Dubrovna: I developed it quite a bit from what was presented here
Riddle Sideways: did you include the WWII vet stuff?
Adams Dubrovna: no
Adams Dubrovna: jumped from 1940 to 1977
Riddle Sideways: ok
Adams Dubrovna: had to cut lots of m,aterial
Adams Dubrovna: it turned out a good length and there was some good dialogue
Riddle Sideways: no 4 hour talks
Adams Dubrovna: I have been thinking (insert your uh-ohs here)
Adams Dubrovna: from a sort of Buddhist viewpoint
Adams Dubrovna: when we try to change our own behavior, we examine our thoughts
Adams Dubrovna: we watch the thoughts until we see our mind acting against our interests
Adams Rubble wakes up
Riddle Sideways: *:::* WELCOME BACK *:::*
Riddle Sideways: whoops
Adams Rubble: thanks
Adams Rubble: and yikes
Riddle Sideways: Yes! spent from 3:06 to around 4:30 doing that
Riddle Sideways: am
Adams Rubble: I did much of that in my first year in PaB
Adams Rubble: began to see (hear) the voices from the past telling me do act in ways I did not want to act
Dubrovna's Prescription for the Country
Adams Dubrovna: I think that as a country we need to do some of this
Adams Dubrovna: White people should stop feeling guilty about what their counterparts or ancestors did in the past
Adams Dubrovna: but they do need to see the stereotypes that were passed down to them by these ancestors
Adams Dubrovna: they need to learn about this difficult history-the terrible things done in the name of our country
Adams Dubrovna: that pause was untimely :0
Riddle Sideways: compounded by the terrible things done in the name of our religion
Adams Dubrovna: they need to put themseleves in place of the oppressed
Adams Dubrovna: see what it might feel like
Riddle Sideways: add the terrible things done by groups we are members of
Adams Dubrovna: The diffferent is just skin pigment
Adams Dubrovna: the sterotyping was done by people who wanted to control people in order to become wealtthy
Adams Dubrovna: we see all of this today
Adams Dubrovna: rich becoming more brazen in their greed
Adams Dubrovna: the vote still being depressed
Adams Dubrovna: anyway I wanted to come today and try out that line of thought
Riddle Sideways: good
Adams Dubrovna: how do we stop this stuff?
Adams Dubrovna: it starts with ourselves
Riddle Sideways: so, we need to remember history and not be controlled, depressed, etc. by it
Adams Dubrovna: yes
Adams Dubrovna: all of this is going on today
Adams Dubrovna: we need to see the connection
Adams Dubrovna: all coming from those stereotypes
Riddle Sideways: e.g. heard there was a meeting yesterday about Hate Speech
Riddle Sideways: everybody there ended up pointing fingers
Riddle Sideways: at Other
Adams Dubrovna: ohhh
Riddle Sideways: House Committee on Not getting anything done
Adams Dubrovna: there were some low moments in Congress yesterday
Adams Dubrovna: Here is how I ended the talk Monday:
"William Anderson wrote an column about his experience at the memorial in Hyperallergic, an online blog. The author described how as the floor descends the individual columns seem higher and one begins to feel they have become a callous viewer of lynchings. In his grief, Anderson felt estranged from white visitors photographing the monument reminding him of those who took the photographs at the actual lynchings. This feeling was intensified when he viewed people taking selfies as they sought out and found a jar of soil from their own county.
"The memorial has become sacred ground for some of us. For others it is a teaching museum, maybe an entry point to learning about the extent of horror. It is difficult to bridge centuries of misinformation and stereotyping. Facing our shared history is a first step."
Adams Dubrovna: the last slide was the Lynching Museum in Montgomery.
Adams Rubble: Thanks for coming today AD!
Riddle Sideways: yes, thanks for sharing
Riddle Sideways: when one goes to the Memorial, they bring their attitude and hard to see/hear the Other attitudes
Riddle Sideways: unless Open happens
Adams Dubrovna: yes
Adams Dubrovna: I thought it was a good example of misunderstandings as we try to move forward
Dubrovna does not like to be shusshed; Riddle picks up on Different reactions to the Memorial
Adams Dubrovna: what's this shhh stuff
Riddle Sideways: giggles
Riddle Sideways: Some observing the reverent silent pause. Others getting shhhhh'ed
Adams Dubrovna: what kind of place are you running here AR?
Riddle Sideways: "why are those kids being allowed run across the scared lawn"
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: some come to pray
Riddle Sideways: some come to learn
Adams Rubble: Oh, I should mention that we are recorded here AD and whatever you say can be used against you
Riddle Sideways: some come to Be
Adams Dubrovna: yes Riddle
Riddle Sideways: and Will be used against us All
Adams Dubrovna: my sister is a sassy one
Riddle Sideways: the pointing of fingers
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble: poor Riddle is caught in the middle
Adams Dubrovna: it is so easy to let our feathers get ruffled by perceived slights
Riddle Sideways: ... on the Left, ... on the right of me, Stuck in the middle with you
Riddle Sideways: when the 'perceiving' was done internally
Riddle Sideways: by that Mind doing those Thoughts
Adams Dubrovna: we are working on many levels this morning
Riddle Sideways: yes
Riddle Sideways: as always
Riddle Sideways: first forgive yourself
Adams Dubrovna: love yourself
Riddle Sideways: with a good grip on that, flow out a bit and forgive your sisters
Riddle Sideways: each breath expanding a bit more
Riddle Sideways: at some unexpected point
Riddle Sideways: forgive the old white rich guy
Adams Dubrovna: andget the old rich white guy to pay his fair share in taxes
Adams Dubrovna: but yes, Riddle, breathing compassion
I had to leave early
Adams Rubble is going to slip away. The log is secured. Have a very good day. I will try to remember to breath compassion to today.
Riddle Sideways: by Adams
Riddle Sideways: an unfortunate personally fault is to find something funny in every moment
Adams Dubrovna: btw, Adams will not be here next Thursday or the following Monday
Adams Dubrovna: possibly Tuesday
Riddle Sideways: same here
Riddle Sideways: no, wait. Monday is ok
Riddle Sideways: next 2 Tuesdays and the Thursday between
Riddle Sideways: will be missing
Adams Dubrovna: ohhh
Riddle Sideways: flying on both Tuesdays
Adams Dubrovna: flying is a bummer
Riddle Sideways: yes
Adams Dubrovna: I had an uncle who advised me to laugh every day. he laughed all the time
Adams Dubrovna: He lived to be 98
Riddle Sideways: oh Dear, there is hope?
Riddle Sideways: and you keep doing research, collecting Art/facts/stories/artifacts and putting together shows
Riddle Sideways: and giving SL presentations
Adams Dubrovna: Something changed Monday night
Adams Dubrovna: I don't know what will happn next
Riddle Sideways: and now the excitement of taking them to the streets
Adams Dubrovna: they have asked me to do this one again
Riddle Sideways: maybe an invite to repeat the talk somewhere
Riddle Sideways: snap
Riddle Sideways: the small audience thought of others that would really like it
Adams Dubrovna: or learn from it
Riddle Sideways: need to hear-see it
No Museum Plans at this time
Adams Dubrovna: I wonder if I will have the energy to do another museum exhibition
Adams Dubrovna: have been thinking about the gods of the Mahabaratta
Adams Dubrovna: also the Celtic crosses
Riddle Sideways: Please forgive (ahead of the happening) those that would want selfies with you and a slide backgroung
Riddle Sideways: it takes *what seems like) a lot of energy to put those together
Riddle Sideways: *=(
Adams Dubrovna: yes and I need to get lindens from my sister
Adams Dubrovna: :)
Riddle Sideways: yet, you are 'Forced' to learn, collect, read, write, edit, arrange
Riddle Sideways: and Know
Adams Dubrovna: yes, period of research
Riddle Sideways: Labor of Love
Adams Dubrovna: making sure I have facts right
Riddle Sideways: (and yes, Museum directors are always trying to raise Lindens)
Adams Dubrovna: yes need a patron who is loaded
Adams Dubrovna better remember that someone who is going to edit this log will see what I say
Riddle Sideways: giggles
Adams Dubrovna: I have a very fine, generous patron
Riddle Sideways: there
Riddle Sideways: Powerful stuff you do
Adams Dubrovna: thank you. I have benefitted from it all
Riddle Sideways: back, had a disruption at that pause
Adams Dubrovna: oh, hope everything is OK
Riddle Sideways: mostly, yes
Riddle Sideways: one of the 5 items was News that the wikileaks guy got arrested
Adams Dubrovna: yes,
Adams Dubrovna: he annoyed the Equadorians
Riddle Sideways: sorry, almost looked at News on a browser
Riddle Sideways: slapped fingers
Adams Dubrovna: :)
Adams Dubrovna: I should go. I have to return some photos
Adams Dubrovna: they are actual photos and I can't just IM or email them
Riddle Sideways: should too, seem to have thrown the things to do today out with the bath water
Adams Dubrovna: it was very good seeing you and I hope you have a good trip
Riddle Sideways: hope your's is easy and fun too
Riddle Sideways: we should talk more often
Adams Dubrovna: yes, right now am dreading the day but hopefully things will go smoothly
Adams Dubrovna: yeah, it was good to come here today
Riddle Sideways: ok, by for now
Adams Dubrovna: bye
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2019_04_11_PaB_004.png No description | 1230.19 kB | 17:09, 11 Apr 2019 | Adams Rubble | Actions |