Riddle Sideways and MaggieFairy Resident (Paradise's Alt) Joined me this evening for a 2 hour session
We intially talked about the recent Jewish holidays and time travel movies then about PaB's Past.
stevenaia Michinaga: haven't had a visitor for quite some time
Riddle Sideways: so, might as well moved to the recording Pavillion
stevenaia Michinaga: here we are
stevenaia Michinaga: flew home on Tuesday, slept through Yom Kippur
Riddle Sideways: wha... slept through it ㋡
stevenaia Michinaga: well if I would have gone, I would have slept
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
Riddle Sideways: hahahaha
Riddle Sideways: saw many who did also
stevenaia Michinaga: My mother said it wasn't "filled"
Riddle Sideways: oh... too bad
Riddle Sideways: our's wasn't filled either, but ran out of books
Riddle Sideways: so that was good
stevenaia Michinaga: as people get older they often spend the holidays away
Riddle Sideways: or they die
stevenaia Michinaga: with family elsewhere
Riddle Sideways: whoops
stevenaia Michinaga: yes, or that
stevenaia Michinaga: something that waits for all of us
Riddle Sideways: had a mental list of whom had not been seen
Riddle Sideways: on the last blast. one friend, who had missed, was standing right next
Riddle Sideways: small tradition started a few years ago was to have everybody that has a shofar at home to bring and try
stevenaia Michinaga: saw an interesting movie only to find it was a Spike Lee movie, which surprised me, "See you Yesterday" interesting time travel movie
Riddle Sideways: looking it up
stevenaia Michinaga: as a former trumpeter, I attempt to blow the one my son got for his Bar Mitzvah, still works, but not for 100 notes
Riddle Sideways: ah, putting it on the list to watch
Riddle Sideways: did you become the last shofar standing?
stevenaia Michinaga: shows what a mess time travel can be, especially for high schoolers in Brooklyn
Riddle Sideways: good. love a good 'Time Travel Goes Wrong' flick
stevenaia Michinaga: no, haven't blown it in years, but the one at Rosh Hashanah was amazing, long loud notes right up to the end, really penetrating sound
stevenaia Michinaga: no sure I have ever seen a "Time Travel goes right" movie
stevenaia Michinaga: *not
Riddle Sideways: Both the kids at Rosh Hashanah and at Yom Kippur were almost 'Pros'
stevenaia Michinaga: nods
Riddle Sideways: why would that movie be made?
stevenaia Michinaga: good point, but everyone thinks you can just "fix" the past
Riddle Sideways: there would be some small detail messed up
Riddle Sideways: that makes you never exist
stevenaia Michinaga: broken hearts, life and death, the easy things to fix, like Groundhog day
stevenaia Michinaga: I've seen a couple that are complex and confusing you have to watch them 2x or more
Riddle Sideways: Back to the Future, gets it almost right
stevenaia Michinaga: like grandaughter kills grandfather, etc
Riddle Sideways: right! this morning was forgetting last night's Netflix movie name, so looked it up.
Riddle Sideways: found a list of sciFi movies watched that can't remember
stevenaia Michinaga: so I assue if anyone actually does time travel, we would never know
Riddle Sideways: made of list of all those 'feel asleep during' shows to re-watch
stevenaia Michinaga: or we would never exist
stevenaia Michinaga: lol
Riddle Sideways: hmmmm, would your logs from SL exist even you got erased?
Riddle Sideways: no, they won't
stevenaia Michinaga: there was an interesting Spanish series about time travel, middle ages cavern with doors that brought modern day travelers to different points in Spanish history to "fix" things ("Ministry of Time" I believe it was called) a government agency
Riddle Sideways: ha, "A future Guide fell into a time hole and showed that the Marketing Dept. of the Serious Corp. were lined up and shot as the first act in the relolution"
stevenaia Michinaga: like "Time Tunnel" only ot was a cave
Riddle Sideways: writes that down too
Riddle Sideways: sorry, beel
stevenaia Michinaga: beel?
Riddle Sideways: oh! long story... that is what a typo did a few years ago
Riddle Sideways: ago
Riddle Sideways: and stuck
Riddle Sideways: *Bell to some
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
Riddle Sideways: middle part of the story has to do with the time a 'Bill' from Norlensss tried to say his name
Riddle Sideways: in such a thick accent
stevenaia Michinaga: 'Bill' from Norlensss ?
Riddle Sideways: New Orleans to the rest of us
Riddle Sideways: darn spelting
stevenaia Michinaga: ever see Next w/ Nicholas Cage? sees 2 minutes ahead
Riddle Sideways: oh yes
Riddle Sideways: very great concept
Riddle Sideways: liked that one
stevenaia Michinaga: I'm looking through my Netflix watched log to try to remember the good ones
Riddle Sideways: as said... looked through this morning and some were slept through
Riddle Sideways: mostly the AI ones
Riddle Sideways: Harry Potter did time travel pretty right
Riddle Sideways: Hermione was super smart about it tho
Riddle Sideways: OMG IMDB search shows some great ones: 12 Monkeys
Riddle Sideways: Terminator
Riddle Sideways: Jumanji?
Riddle Sideways: Star Trek had a bunch
stevenaia Michinaga: yes, loved 12 monkeys
MaggieFairy Resident: 's current display-name is "MaggieFairy".
stevenaia Michinaga: greetings Maggie
Riddle Sideways: Hi MaggieFairy
Riddle Sideways: welcome to Play as Being
MaggieFairy Resident: Hello!
MaggieFairy Resident: How is everyone tonight?
stevenaia Michinaga: maggie has been here before
Riddle Sideways: oh! not knowing you
Riddle Sideways: glad to meet you
MaggieFairy Resident: nods I am just borrower an av from stev... I am Paradise. but have had trouble logging into my account
stevenaia Michinaga: We were talking about Time Travel and AI movies
MaggieFairy Resident: hmm ok
stevenaia Michinaga: yes, everyone needs a spare Alt to give out
MaggieFairy Resident: *borrowing
MaggieFairy Resident: smiles
Riddle Sideways: Flash
MaggieFairy Resident: Do you believe it is possible to time travel? I don't think we really understand time very well
Riddle Sideways: not heard from Paradise in sooooo long
MaggieFairy Resident: nods yes have not logged in a very long time ..
Riddle Sideways: right 1. we don't understand well ㋡ 2. yes
Riddle Sideways: guessing thatz needz story
MaggieFairy Resident: nods and listens
stevenaia Michinaga: I think h meant your story
MaggieFairy Resident: oh lol
stevenaia Michinaga: forgotten password, that's all it takes
Riddle Sideways: standing on a mat with a live blade coming at me. experienced the first slow down of time
MaggieFairy Resident: not much of a story .. mostly just got busy with rl and other hobbies... been doing lots of painting.
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
Riddle Sideways: that is more of a time stoppage or slowage, but it leads to others
Riddle Sideways: after a first crack in some idealized 'fact' that time only goes forward at constancy. it all unravels
Riddle Sideways: leads to a small question ... how long are Your Dreams?
Riddle Sideways: do you live your dreamscapes?
stevenaia Michinaga: hmmm, there never seems to a clock running until you wake up
stevenaia Michinaga: Dreams seem to be outside of time
MaggieFairy Resident: lol yes and it can be very annoying ...:))
Riddle Sideways: or meditate for the available half-hour and live through 12 days of adventures?
stevenaia Michinaga: mine are usually one or two scenes of a movie equivalent of time
Riddle Sideways: often yes
Riddle Sideways: but, some exceptions
MaggieFairy Resident: hmm does any one have a dream to share?
stevenaia Michinaga: but some power naps during the day (20 minutes) I would dream
Riddle Sideways: not really. if you have a dream please tell ㋡
stevenaia Michinaga: I can llok back at my logs here, but nothing I can remember recently
MaggieFairy Resident: here is a need link to Emmanuel Swedenborg's dream journal I was reading early this morning ..
Riddle Sideways: Fitbit says more REM than in history, but nothing recalled. Except very tired in morning. like Ran all night
MaggieFairy Resident: https://publicdomainreview.org/colle...eriences-1918/
Riddle Sideways: thank you
MaggieFairy Resident: he was a vivid dreamer and left behind the most wonderful collection of quotes and writings
MaggieFairy Resident: https://www.azquotes.com/author/1435...uel_Swedenborg
stevenaia Michinaga: nods, that book reminded me, I had a tooth vagina dream when I was about 14, wonders of all men do and if there was a female equivalent... Paradise?
MaggieFairy Resident: lol
MaggieFairy Resident: sounds more like a nightmare
stevenaia Michinaga: it was, especially since I knew the person
stevenaia Michinaga: (in RL)
stevenaia Michinaga: ok, here the last dream I wrote down....
MaggieFairy Resident: cool !
stevenaia Michinaga:
07.24.19 A dream about falling asleep in a bathtub. I was taking a bath in my bathroom at my house. The warm water was running from the faucet at my feet. I was tired and the next thing I know I was fell asleep in the tub. I woke up to the water running and the tub was full with about a foot of water on the bathroom floor. I got out of the tub and tried to stuff a towel under the door so the water didn’t leak out. Then I thought to grab a small trash can to bail the water out of the window only to see the water has gotten too low to be effectively bailed. So I opened up the door and I was in the house I grew up in that my mother sold a few years ago. It had deep blue shag carpet that I removed to get at the water. Upon removing the carpet from the small hall at the top of the stairs I found many of my socks that I assumed I had lost in the laundry. End
stevenaia Michinaga: a sleeping in a dream dream
Riddle Sideways: great
MaggieFairy Resident: lol socks are treasure ! my dog would steal a sock from each of our guests at the chalet and hoard them to the end of the season in a crook and cranny.. they were his retirement fund
MaggieFairy Resident: maybe a lost bit of yourself went with the house?
Riddle Sideways: oh great.... a dog's retirement fund
stevenaia Michinaga: I'm sure, and the dislike of shag carpeting
MaggieFairy Resident: lol but we all thought it was cool in its day
Riddle Sideways: the great and wonderious Lucy(Cinda) would say "Dreams of overflowing water are wake up dreams that you need to pee. Now!"
MaggieFairy Resident: oh she is so wise !!!! have you heard from her recently
Riddle Sideways: personally, have a Cat that reads minds/dreams and ponces when wet the bed dreams are coming
stevenaia Michinaga: she is on FB now and then
Riddle Sideways: not seen in SL for some toime
Riddle Sideways: still has her universe cube over yonder
stevenaia Michinaga: I always enjoy visiting there
MaggieFairy Resident: hmm cats are intuits for sure .. I use to have one that would swipe at me if I did not feed her on time which could be whenever she fancied. She would imperiously sit beside her dish and give me a little tilt of the head ..
MaggieFairy Resident: by way of command .. :)
Riddle Sideways: ah yes! have that cat (Minnie) now
MaggieFairy Resident: she knocked me on my head once.. quite a left paw... I was young and reading upside down hanging out of a chair...my face was at her eye level :) perfect for a left hook ..
Riddle Sideways: comes up at say 3am to meow that the dish can see empty spots
stevenaia Michinaga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKffm2uI4dk
Riddle Sideways: oooo the needed black pants on sofa
Riddle Sideways: ooooommmmgggg love that vid
stevenaia Michinaga: yes, it never gets pl
stevenaia Michinaga: pld
stevenaia Michinaga: old
Riddle Sideways: spelting is optionalll
MaggieFairy Resident: very cute
Riddle Sideways: sooooo, can your orginal av not log in?
Riddle Sideways: a password thing or a SL thing?
MaggieFairy Resident: here is one that reminds me of one of our cottage dogs.. she would eat anyhing in the cupboards we only started to catch her when she got deaf
MaggieFairy Resident: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyQiPWufjwU
Riddle Sideways: cat says "beagles are Evil"
MaggieFairy Resident: I changed email accounts and they do not have the new one and the old one is toast - so there is not way online to fix it. I cannot remember the password I used. I suspect if I call someone a human .. it can get sorted ..
MaggieFairy Resident: *no
stevenaia Michinaga: only in Second Life
MaggieFairy Resident: I have been dreaming about being outside a lot lately. lying in fields looking at the sky .. but not much happens in those dreams.. the clouds spin by that is about it .. they are really restful
MaggieFairy Resident: there is a great lucid dreaming workshop in sedona this month..
Riddle Sideways: restful is great
Riddle Sideways: imagining the need to restful dreams
MaggieFairy Resident: https://www.andrewholecek.com/events/advanced-lucid-dreaming-and-dream-yoga-retreat-sedona-arizona/
MaggieFairy Resident: one year I really want to make it to one of these.. it would be so cool to be able to control your dreams..
Riddle Sideways: oooo so cool
MaggieFairy Resident: I have a friend who can fly anywhere he wishes to go .. he just thinks it in his dream ..
Riddle Sideways: many flying dreams
Riddle Sideways: not controling where they go tho
MaggieFairy Resident: must feel great ..
MaggieFairy Resident: very free
stevenaia Michinaga: nods
Riddle Sideways: yes very free
MaggieFairy Resident: and an entirely different perspective
Riddle Sideways: but, to fly where your want would be great
stevenaia Michinaga: although sounds like alot of work vs letting your dreams control themselves
stevenaia Michinaga: something very freeing about that
Riddle Sideways: like put on the virtual 3d glasses and go
Riddle Sideways: like put on the dream and go
Riddle Sideways: like time travel ㋡
stevenaia Michinaga: never thought (or noticed if) I was in any other time than now when I dream
Riddle Sideways: like that dream where the horse and I are discussing where to go next
Riddle Sideways: you might not 'notice', but probably are
Riddle Sideways: the 'when are freams' ?
MaggieFairy Resident: Once in a dream I was a bird and their vision was so different it felt amazing to bank and soar.... but it was strange in a way too because I felt plugged into the flock ..
MaggieFairy Resident: so many different ways to experience life
MaggieFairy Resident: each so unique
Riddle Sideways: yes!
Riddle Sideways: get out of yourself and BE a different Point Of View
Riddle Sideways: Play as Being different? hmmmm
stevenaia Michinaga: yes, good point
stevenaia Michinaga: that was one of the early exercises
Riddle Sideways: Appreciation for a different Presentation
stevenaia Michinaga: like dream seeing
Riddle Sideways: bird's eyes look sideways, not including the straight forward
MaggieFairy Resident: smiles .. nods ..
Riddle Sideways: btw - Pema can't remember the SL password either and can't login
stevenaia Michinaga: my computer remembers mine for me
MaggieFairy Resident: yes it is hard to describe but there was a different depth perception .. it was broader.
MaggieFairy Resident: nods but after a really long time the passwords seem to get wiped..
Riddle Sideways: hmmm, hard to describe ... that is where we'all should look "a different depth perception. a different Point of View. dare to say... a step outside yer comfort zone. and Play
Riddle Sideways: sorry, really like to Play
stevenaia Michinaga: no apologies necessary
MaggieFairy Resident: smiles and waves
Riddle Sideways: maybe an early childhood thing. somebody explained the rules of some games. then made up a new rule
Riddle Sideways: later. when boxed into an unsolvable situation
Riddle Sideways: Play a new rule
Riddle Sideways: see what happens
Riddle Sideways: Be
Riddle Sideways: some else
stevenaia Michinaga: seems Play by the Rules isn't really play
Riddle Sideways: hmmm, nope
stevenaia Michinaga: more like reality
MaggieFairy Resident: smiles yes .. never been fond of rules .. chaos has so much more potential than order really
stevenaia Michinaga: and variety
Riddle Sideways: ah, Choas
Riddle Sideways: ir Chaos
Riddle Sideways: there is a (real) point in Chaos theory where ya fly off the rules/pattern/usual/normal/etc is such a way that creates a new normel/etc
Riddle Sideways: you orbit a new star
Riddle Sideways: you Play as a new you
Riddle Sideways: or maybe not
Riddle Sideways: up to you
MaggieFairy Resident: yes the universe has a tendency towards chaos simply because it has so much more potential.. i have visual proof from what happens in the bottom of purse. chaos reigns possibilities !
stevenaia Michinaga: lol
Riddle Sideways: yes!!!! have visited that
stevenaia Michinaga: they place so deep you can;t ever find what's in the bottom?
stevenaia Michinaga: The
Riddle Sideways: a different person playing from a different space can never reach that place
Riddle Sideways: a mire MAN can never reach into that purse
MaggieFairy Resident: I have rocks in mine .. wanted to be a geologist at one point there are so many beautiful rocks and they are so lovely to touch .. but sigh a bit heavy if you over do it .
Riddle Sideways: yet, same with jeans pockets. have a small stone in front left pocket
Riddle Sideways: it looks black
Riddle Sideways: hold it up to light and can see through
Riddle Sideways: very strange person gave one. carried it for years. then lost. Son, heard story and gave one at one holiday. carry it now.
Riddle Sideways: reaching in pocket. or purse. connects to ...
MaggieFairy Resident: smiles yes it connects us to something..
Riddle Sideways: don't even go down that road of trying to name that something..
Riddle Sideways: just live with there is a something
Riddle Sideways: never regrets. re: going to be a geologist
Riddle Sideways: you turned into a person
Riddle Sideways: new story. Paradise, am never knowing "how you' came to PaB?
MaggieFairy Resident: lol yes ... I think the ultimate profession is just to be a good human. one who is kind... convinced kindness is the path .. really don't need much more than that..
Riddle Sideways: please tell
Riddle Sideways: exactly
stevenaia Michinaga: it's amazing how hard it is for some to be kind
Riddle Sideways: oh yes. Adams and an I talk of that a lot
MaggieFairy Resident: rainy afternoon .. read a story on it in the globe and mail.. and logged on that afternoon. I spent my first three days flying to the top of the grid and falling back to earth .. it was so much fun I was hooked.. I landed on a little Elvin island .. which was beautiful.. use to tuck myself to sleep in the clouds above it.. so when I logged in would always crash to earth!
MaggieFairy Resident: I really enjoyed the music too . still listen to cds of sl artists
Riddle Sideways: still do that ㋡
Riddle Sideways: the falling
stevenaia Michinaga: was Paradise ever interviewed by Adams?
MaggieFairy Resident: hmm yes ..
stevenaia Michinaga: will have to look
Riddle Sideways: tough site to search
stevenaia Michinaga: yes, listed by season
stevenaia Michinaga: https://wiki.playasbeing.org/Chronicles
Riddle Sideways: https://wiki.playasbeing.org/Chronicles/The_Chapter_26%3a_Winter_2012/C._Paradise_Tennant
stevenaia Michinaga: Riddle was 1st
Riddle Sideways: that little cabin with dogs
Riddle Sideways: you gave the first Riddle plot
Riddle Sideways: well, Storm gave the first plot, but it wasn't the same
stevenaia Michinaga: You new Storm before SL?
stevenaia Michinaga: knew
Riddle Sideways: no Storm was the first non-Wol person
Riddle Sideways: WoK
stevenaia Michinaga: lol
MaggieFairy Resident: loved that little house .. :))) how is Wol doing?
Riddle Sideways: doing fine
Riddle Sideways: has same beach place
stevenaia Michinaga: Riddle and I were on recently and Wol was on
stevenaia Michinaga: we chatted
Riddle Sideways: San and Riddle were neighbors in a paradise group
Riddle Sideways: then a neighbor got into a war
Riddle Sideways: and we went elsewhere
stevenaia Michinaga: neighbors...sigh
MaggieFairy Resident: lol
Riddle Sideways: yes, Stevenaia was at RL house and on SL, Wol was on
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
Riddle Sideways: S gave away far too many RL secrets
Riddle Sideways: was little kid listening
stevenaia Michinaga: was showing Riddle pics from the Princeton Retreat
MaggieFairy Resident: ahh nice .. I really enjoyed that meet up
stevenaia Michinaga: hehe, I may have accumulated for too much info about Pab and both sides of many ppl (RL/SL
Riddle Sideways: whoops, can't remember seeing Paradise
MaggieFairy Resident: Berlin was fun too ..
stevenaia Michinaga: she was with the dog
stevenaia Michinaga: and Adams
stevenaia Michinaga: Sophia/Eliza/Eos
MaggieFairy Resident: And I did one in Malta as well ..
stevenaia Michinaga: Malta seemed dreamy
MaggieFairy Resident: yes it was interesting.
Riddle Sideways: might be Seattle pics
Riddle Sideways: brb
Riddle Sideways: back
stevenaia Michinaga: find them?
Riddle Sideways: ummm no. lol. found bathroom and food
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
MaggieFairy Resident: how is Pema doing ? does he ever come into second life?
Riddle Sideways: no, he can't find his password
MaggieFairy Resident: hmm need to share an alt with him that has a password ??
Riddle Sideways: has Y ?? going
Riddle Sideways: what is the name of the NYC thing?
stevenaia Michinaga: haven't seen much at Y House, Piet's current initiative, there is a FB page of it
Riddle Sideways: oh! right should give an alt
Riddle Sideways: would he like a robot?
stevenaia Michinaga: he can make his own of course
MaggieFairy Resident: https://www.yhousenyc.org/team/piet-hut
Riddle Sideways: president & board member
stevenaia Michinaga: not much on the calendar
MaggieFairy Resident: yes just noticed that.
MaggieFairy Resident: interesting website though
MaggieFairy Resident: it is lovely to have resources that point you in a direction of study .. :)))
stevenaia Michinaga: Riddle poofed
stevenaia Michinaga: wb
MaggieFairy Resident: smiles.. you did a somersault back into sl !! opps now another poof
Riddle Sideways: crash. this computer does that
stevenaia Michinaga: you must send me the link to your fish tank cam someday
Riddle Sideways: oh
Riddle Sideways: saltwater is still down
stevenaia Michinaga: I guess the fish had something to say about that
Riddle Sideways: will send when both are up
MaggieFairy Resident: smiles at you two.. I am getting sleepy I am afraid past midnight here .. and the dog is giving me pointed looks .. will swing by again now I have a way in :)))
Riddle Sideways: think they splashed salt onto the raspberry pi
MaggieFairy Resident: thanks for the company and conversation :)
stevenaia Michinaga: great to sit with you again, it has been too long
Riddle Sideways: oh so good to see/talk with you
MaggieFairy Resident: sorry I am right back to being a newbie so don't know how to wave goodby :)))
MaggieFairy Resident: be well my friends.. sweet dreams .. of flying :)
stevenaia Michinaga: night Paradise
Riddle Sideways: yes.
stevenaia Michinaga: I should go too, getting late
stevenaia Michinaga: take care Riddle
Riddle Sideways: si glad to have made it tonight
Riddle Sideways: have your best days
stevenaia Michinaga: Now I have to figure how to post a log again, it's been a while
stevenaia Michinaga: thanks, you too
Riddle Sideways: only 2 hours
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