28-31 Containment

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    Looking into containers: dreams, thoughts, sessions, insights, senses, inside, moments, outside, places & spaces ...hooks?

    Does "Awareness" contain?

    (Scribe by Eliza who had a sensitive day and was greatly cheered pulling together this scribe) 

     2010.07.28 07:00 - July Dream Circle

    AA: the things that have been shared about the difficult path leading to beauty, the beauty to be uncovered and created from basic things.....this seems to agree with my thoughts

    2010.07.28 13:00 - Thoughts, Pain and Aggression

    F: When i looked at a fresh cut salad, I noticed that when looking at the tomato, i already and immediately feel it's taste, structure, texture and
    M: I guess thats conditioning from lifes experience?
    F: moisture etc., as it came along with the visual perception
    F: yes i guess.
    M: but its nice to notice that Fef
    F: it's just that till now i was aware that my 'thoughts' obscure the world from me\
    F: and now i saw that its not just thoughts, but sensations as well
    D: yes, it can be anything
    F: which seems to me as a more basic and deep veil of interpertation
    C: Categorically, sensations are also thoughts
    M: yes,,these are things i muse with,,for example,,if we become experienced at altering our perceptions,,we have a life line to return to normality,,but the more one may explore the more I worry that one may loose the way back?

    2010.07.28 19:00 - Looking at Architecture

    P: well ..what does something .. like falling waters communicate ? what was his message ? why does is it strike such a cord ?
    s: moving through nice spaces can be very meditative
    S: Falling Water is close to nature.
    P: yes
    s: some others hold you captivated, like falling water, other keep you moving in a flow, like the barcelonia pavilion
    P: yes
    s: it;s a very dynamic structure
    s: shifting planes of loves stone slabs

    P: we are influenced touched by the space we occupy .. sort of a mutual .. interaction .. often think there is almost an imprint of memories in some places some spots seem to resonate with their past
    s: it seems to be able to affect one's "chi"
    G: There is something about seeing so many names of people passed away in a single place ...

    P: wonders if you can surrender to a place like you can surrender to a moment or is it all just intertwined ...

    2010.07.29 01:00 - Dreams, Reality and Pets

    Z: I certainly like people interpreting my dreams
    Z: they see aspects you wouldn't think of yourself
    A: I accept that dreams come from our unconcious selves, and probably do reflect ourselves
    Z: we all reflect each other too I guess
    A: Yes, I think as the group shared, the tendency was to be reminded of meanings/patterns others in the group refect
    Z: it involves opening ourselves a bit to others as well
    A: That doesn't invalidate what one shares, however
    Z: allowing ourselves to become a little vulnerable
    A: Yes, the group yesterday was unusually open
    A: That was good
    Z: maybe we reach some kind of group unconsciousness
    Z: we are all part of larger 'being' anyway

    2010.07.29 07:00 - Awakeness and awareness

    E: Twice, a few weeks after my mother's death, I had written "conversations" with her "soul". Imaginative reverie kind of...
    S nods
    E: Only twice. Never read that notes after that,.
    S: I expect it was immensely helpful at the time. How did you find coming back to those notes?
    E: But as I did yesterday, the conversation felt so "real". So much full of insights.
    B: I can imagine
    E: Yes, very helpful at the time. And reading it yesterday was precious.
    S: :))
    E: She was even seeing things about the novel I'm writing that I discovered only a few days ago...Two
    different threads being only one in fact. And my best friend who had died a few years before my Mom was with her, orienting her, giving me advice for my writing too...
    E: Was I dreaming while awake :)?

    2010.07.29 13:00 - unhooked

    "It is disinterestedness that liberates. Don't hold on, that is all. The world is made of rings. The hooks are all yours. Make straight your hooks and nothing can hold you. Give up your addictions and the freedom of the universe is yours.
    Be effortless."

    - Nisargadatta

    L: what are my hooks?
    C: like, sometimes we can notice - the word is not clear, but the seeing actually is
    A: Everyone has different hooks
    D: and I think addiction here is meant in a much broader way then we normally do
    D: the hooks that keeps us in our old patterns and in Samsara
    D: those are a lot of hooks!!
    D: well a lot are the same
    D: we want safety
    D: we don't like change
    D: we like 'good' feelings
    a: but when we loose our hooks
    D: we like to be 'happy'
    C likes change and to feel pain too
    D: we don't like to be alone
    A: We need to unhook the hooks
    D: these all can be hooks
    L: i like change too
    a: i like to be alone

    2010.07.30 01:00 - memory and beyond

    C: It was interesting about memory, at the kira Dream workshop presentation by Fox
    B: it is said, that in hypnosis all could be recalled - also for example what cake you had on your third birthday. don´t know, whether that is correct (?) - and some spiritual texts say the same : there were a sometimes so called "akasha memory" from which is said the same : all would be in there ...
    C: They created a media lab version designed to create the experience of apparitions
    C: and tracked for dream uptake in the following days
    C: and found one the next night, then nothing for a while, then another group on the seventh night
    C: Do you have any theories about the Akashic Records?
    C: Actually I think all dreams are remembered, but it would be hard to prove
    C: But the memory isn't necessarily like a film
    B: me ? theories ? no, sry -

    2010.07.30 06:00 - The Tripartite Structure of Experienc {-er, -ed, -ing}

    P: somehow in the last week or so cats seem to be everywhere in PaB !
    E: :)
    F: sometimes i fill that 'attention' is more outward-actice, while awareness is more all-surrounding
    H: wow, really?
    E: Yes they do... what a funny string
    M: synchronicity-cats?
    P imagine kittens playing with strings . . . .
    S: the tripartite structure of experienc {-er, -ed, -ing}, while not confusing to me exactly, strikes
    me as... the subject doesnt exist, the object doesn't exist so the action doesn't exist. Like math, you cancel out the other two, the one left doesn't make sense. The only place they make any kind of 'sense' at all is in time.
    E: Playing as being cats :) A musical!
    M: :) Eden
    H: lol!
    P: yes, Sharon, they appear together, a kind of "co-dependent arising"

    E: TRying to grasp the tripartite Sharon was talking about...

    P: tripartite sounds like a dangerous explosive . . . .
    P: (and it actually is!)
    H: lol!

    B: I feel absolutely no difference between "awareness" and "experience."
    -- perhaps I need to be more aware and have more experience with that.

    2010.07.30 07:00 - Puppets, Snow Globes & All That

    tree hugging.jpgP: the funny thing about awareness and experience is: within experience there seems to
    be no room for awareness, while within awareness experience is nothing special, just one more
    form of awareness

    M: agree, Pema. Awareness seems more vast, spacious
    G: Who is aware of awareness being vast ... ?
    P: the *appearance* of subject and object does not bring us out of awareness -- it just means that we forget the unity that is intrinsic to awareness, but we can never really leave it
    P: so any intention we normally have can be accomodated by awareness

    B: The trees are hugging - the stars are hugging -- we are hugging.
    B: To me, that is what "sharing Being" is all about.
    B: inter-subjectivity, by another name: inter-hugging.


    2010.07.31 07:00 - appearance, being and retirement ...

    S: I saw a baby last week with the most awake, alert eyes I ever saw, in anyone

    D: I'm thinking of times when we think we're doing so much for another, only to find out they didn't think it was so great
    B: indeed - excellent point

    S: reminds me of what I thought of myself the other day.. I just want to help, even if I'm just helping to make a mess
    A: It takes courage to look these realities in the face
    A: On my gravestone will be the staement "she meant well"!

    2010.07.30 19:00 - Friday Free Time

    A quiet time, no one came while I was there. I hopped from pillow to pillow and walked on the pool.

    Practiced listening for a bit by myself. The phone rang and I listened there too. Then when 35 minutes had gone by I decided to go pick up chicken feed at our farm coop. Usually don't have errands that need doing at that time but every two months the feed comes in and I go pick it up at the old Rainier Brewery/ Tully's for our clutch. Smells like coffee down in the warehouse. Then people come over and pick up from us. The number of participants has grown so much that the warehouse will have open store hours soon. That way there won't be such large loads for the cars and trucks to carry. 

    All for now,

    Lucinda Lavender



    2010.07.31 13:00 - External vs. Innate Wisdom and Wondering Doors

    Gaya Ethaniel: Of course, I'm using words, inside ... outside ... but don't think these are actual locations :P




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