Present: Alfred (chairing), Aphrodite, Bruce, Santoshima, and Bleu
Regrets: Stevenaia
1: Guardian nominations:
Action: Eliza has nominated Raffila to be Guardian and all WG members supported this nomination. Following PaB's standard process for nomination of new guardians, Aph will send out emails re Raffila's nomination to get further input from all other guardians before she is invited.
2: PaB Friends Group - maintenance and solicitation.
Action: Aph (with the help of Eliza) will make a report to the WG of the situation next month and make recommendations.
3: The Anniversatree
Issues:Where to place it, the size of the tree as well as the size and shape of leaves/flowers. Building "permissions" pose problems for persons who are not guardians.
Action: Alfred will send out notices saying there will be a workshop on Friday, March 16th, at 2 p.m. SLT, during which Bleu will give instruction for making and placing flowers/leaves/quotes on the Anniversatree.
Action: Aph will contact Storm to find the best place to put the tree and let Bleu know.