10-12 Person, Pattern, and Practice

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    Calvino Rabeni was Scribe for this series - January 10-12, 2010

    2010.01.10 01:00 - Sound of Rock

    The Moon Fargis sessions are known for a massive but temporary build-up of virtual "natural" features such as plants, water, ice, and rocks.  In a similar "vein", the discussion was about the power of music as a medium for public expression of emotional and spiritual sensibilities.

    Stargate Tone: well...star didn't look at Jimmy either with 'that eye', but loved his spirit and loved to listen to him
    Stargate Tone: as well loved to see and listen to this couple, but yes; the girl is the power and the man is the support
    Qt Core: you know, during the concert i found myself several time in an almost meditative state with the musing making ripples in my mind
    Stargate Tone: and see them to be the most good 'example' of honestly lived music and complete harmony 'working' together

    2010.01.10 07:00 - Watch Out for that Chiropractor Following You

    About Self, dreams, the UK slang word "poof", the Buddhist Pure Land sect, and chiropractors as a metaphor.

    The Self discussion seemed pretty innocent and touched some of the things that may happen with self-reflection.

    Adams Rubble: I find it helpful to look at myself from different directions which might be looking at how I am looking at myself
    SophiaSharon Larnia: maybe some are made that way, or maybe learned through childhood, a some benefit gained in the past by reacting a certain way
    Eliza Madrigal: yes some of us seem to require more tools than others... to set things out and see.. writing, for instance
    Geoff Baily: nature vs nurture?
    SophiaSharon Larnia: yes but maybe some with a more jumpy nervous system:)
    Adams Rubble: It is useful to re-examine the tools we are using to see
    Eliza Madrigal: :))
    Eliza Madrigal: True, Adams
    Geoff Baily: absolutely true Sophia
    Eliza Madrigal: Or the proportions we are using, in using the tools... I used to blog and write quite a bit, for instance... doesn't seem too helful right now but I keep going
    Adams Rubble: I find writing very important
    SophiaSharon Larnia: thats just now, Eliza, maybe it wont stay that way
    Adams Rubble: It helps me to discipline my thinking
    Eliza Madrigal: sometimes I look back to see that what I write when I don't 'feel' it was useful, was actually more clear
    Adams Rubble: I rarely read what I have written (giggles)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: That seems a tool in itself! :)
    Geoff Baily: don't think the method matters too much, its the curiousity and continual questioning that maters
    Eliza Madrigal: hmmm, yes Geoff
    Geoff Baily: and discipline yes that too
    SophiaSharon Larnia: I stopped writing because I was telling myself the truth in it, things i didnt know until I started writing, and then I started to lie to myself, because i didnt like what i was seeing
    Adams Rubble: we need to change or hone our methods as we go along
    Eliza Madrigal: wow.. that's something to see, Sharon
    Geoff Baily: always changing, eh Eliza??
    Eliza Madrigal: Well, maybe not lies but ways in which we fool ourselves maybe :)
    Or maybe we entertain ourselves and others with well-crafted, clever, and creative stories - or Beings perfectly constructed to make the best of all the conflicting requirements of modern personal and social life...
    This suggests an idea for a PaB Theme session - "Ways of Knowing Self".  Some are constricting;  some can lead to a feeling of freedom and spaciousness, appreciation, or even astonishment, as in -  Wow - how about that? - isn't that something!

    2010.01.10 08:00 - Guardian Retreats

    During this meeting the Guardians discussed the topic of retreats and the idea of creating a new virtual "cafe" style for informal meetings.  I think the idea is to try to make the Kira SL area support more informal and social "presence" as a reminder basic PlayAsBeing ideas.

    2010.01.10 13:00 - Beyond concepts

    The topic of self-observation (and its many ramifications) continued in this session.

    The Guardian for this meeting commented:

     This meeting was a bit slow to get going but then began to discuss the hesitations toward practice, including self doubt or judgment, but also perhaps the fear of going beyond the concepts and images which seem to offer stability of a sort.
    As often occurs, the discussion seemed to become a bit more free-wheeling after the goc (me) left after an hour. 

     Concepts always seem to put in an appearance - at least for a while - when talking about "self."

    Maxine Walden: Fael, are you thinking that our attempts to make concepts are ways of trying to 'freeze' things?
    Fael Illyar: bound... another expression of permanence :)
    Trevor Berensohn: I've had jobs where I really had to alter how I behaved.. almost manage ppls perceptions of me
    Trevor Berensohn: It was only fun when I saw it as a game though
    Mickorod Renard: breaking from the concept that one has the idea that people expect you to be a certain person,,other than your real self is hard
    Trevor Berensohn: Eventually I felt bogged down by the culture there, and moved on
    Archmage Atlantis: We are more, more than any concept, yet concepts are useful tools


    Fael Illyar: Attachments don't exist without reason. They are sometimes useful.


    That was the easy part.  The discussion went to another level at that point and looked at the idea of making certain choices about self.  The feeling seemed to be, that it goes beyond easy formulas of the "just say no to identification" variety.  At a certain point the ethical dimensions can't be dismissed.  Near this edge, it was suggested, there is the possibility of worry, madness, demons, compassion, and what sort of choices should be regarded as having integrity.


    2010.01.10 19:00 - Dreams, Plans, Places, Pomo

    This session seemed nicely "grounded" in relationship, history, place, and profession, and had a comfortable feel.  So grounded, in fact, that I even invoked phenomenology and then - "postmodernism".

    Fox Monacular: well, some degree of specificity is often needed when you talk about stuff on a certain level of abstraction....
    Fox Monacular: but seriously, who can just sit down and read husserl or guattari without extensive background in academic philosophy?
    Calvino Rabeni: Yes, and often for the life of me, I can't find that element
    Calvino Rabeni: in which to ground the statements being made

    Pomo is the "odd member" of the intellectual family, relative to PaB - Father?  Daughter?  Maiden Aunt?

    POMO, if you are listening - come by more often, pull up a chair on the porch, and enjoy the party.  Just remember to speak to us slowly and use short, complete sentences :)

    2010.01.11 01:00 - Avatars want to be Human

    What does it take to be "real"?   Why do we do what we do?  A simple, focused, two-person discussion that was willing to look at complex questions right where they live:  being a human using an avatar in Second Life.  At the end the avatars were allowed to act out their repertoire of expressive behaviors.

    There's a critique of the possible deleterious effects of SL immersion, and some ideas about what do do about that.

    And then - curiouser and curiouser:

    Calvino Rabeni: Humans have natural curiousity
    Tarmel Udimo: yes but I guess I was curious about why you like my curiosty about the 'topic'
    Tarmel Udimo: are you curious about the difference between you and your AV?
    Calvino Rabeni: Yes a bit, but more than that, I am curious about your intelligence
    Calvino Rabeni: As a dynamic thing
    Calvino Rabeni: This is what gets people into SL to begin with I think
    Tarmel Udimo: that's an interesting idea
    Tarmel Udimo: SL+intelligence

    2010.01.11 07:00 - In Touch Out There

    This session had a nice fullness, like a ripe mango harvested from the tree of life:

    Geoff Baily: ah Being me, ......
    Eden Haiku: Being you?
    Geoff Baily: sometimes everything becomes very clear and brilliantly bright and sparkly
    Eliza Madrigal: with relationships and settings and words helping us to honor... notice and value
    Eliza Madrigal: People talk about the abundant resources of the internet, for instance... but it has always been that anything we need is 'everywhere'... does no good at all if we don't see/hear, etc ?
    Geoff Baily: important to give away ones achievements to others
    Geoff Baily: its not for personal benefit or ego boosting
    Eliza Madrigal nods...
    Eliza Madrigal: generosity
    Geoff Baily: that we do what we do here
    Eliza Madrigal: it expands us


    2010.01.11 13:00 - Retreats, Worry and guilt


    2010.01.11 19:00 - Empty

    "No Data".  Visitors wanted their confidentiality respected, and they got it.


    2010.01.12 01:00 - Poetry into Presence

    2010.01.12 07:00 - Googlers and the Delicious Moment



    2010.01.12 13:00 - Ecosia, the green search engine


    2010.01.12 19:00 - Fountain in Still Water

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