The Guardian for this meeting was Bruce Mowbray. The comments are by Bruce Mowbray.
Korel Laloix: Osiyo
Bruce: Hi, Kori.
Bruce: afk for a second -- brb.
Korel Laloix: ok
Bruce: I've spent most of today alerting all of my email contacts and online accounts of an email change - made necessary by Gmail's absurd system. . . a Catch-22 inside of a Catch-22 inside of a Catch-22.
Korel Laloix: I looked up the Catch-22 thing before, but can't remember quite what it was. But I think I know your meaning.
Korel Laloix: I am getting completely away from Google.
Bruce: It's a situation in which you can't change something until you change something else, but you can't change the something else until you change the first thing.
Bruce: And Google's mail chases you through three of those loops.
Korel Laloix: That is what I found when I was trying to delete my account there.
Korel Laloix: Just gave up after ab it.
Bruce: I was surprised when several folks from PaB wrote to tell me they had encountered the same problem with Google - YES!
Bruce: You too!
Bruce: I have to have a cell phone, which I don't have,
Bruce: so I can't receive their 6-digit code,
Korel Laloix: There are ways around that...
Bruce: so I can't change my account settings that require me to put in a 6-digit code, etc etc etc.
Bruce: I know there are ways - - - but I was so frustrated after trying to get a human at Google to help me that I decided to change my email address altogether.
Bruce: Someone in PaB actually volunteered to take the cell phone call for me,
Bruce: but I refused the offer.
Korel Laloix: Exactly.. but I change my email address every year or so. So not painful for me much.
Bruce: Do you change the server (Yahoo, Gmail, etc) as well?
Riddle Sideways: hi All
Bruce: Hi, Riddle.
Bruce: We're complaining about Google's Catch-22's.
Korel Laloix: Osiyo
Riddle Sideways: ah
Bruce: Storm told me that he had the same problem I did.
Korel Laloix: The other thing is, Google knows more about you than the government ever will.. and they will sell it to anyone.
Bruce: Well, at this point in life, I really don't care who knows what - so long as they don't try to sell me something.
Korel Laloix: You don't mind being sold then?.. smiles
Bruce: They can sell me - if they think there's anything worth selling there.
Riddle Sideways: yes, the government does not know that I wanted to buy an aquarium pump
Riddle Sideways: but Google does
Bruce: I played a game with Google once.
Riddle Sideways: yes, they can sell me
Korel Laloix: And the sad part, is probably already have sold you several times.
Bruce: After noticing that my searches for meditation sites turned up numerous ads for meditation stuff,
Bruce: I tested them by searching for sex toys and waited for ads for sex toys to show up.
Riddle Sideways: even before computer networks there were mailing list sellers
Bruce: Riddle Sideways: and ...
Bruce: but they never did.
Bruce: Last week I searched for book shelves, and ever since I've been getting ads for book shelves.
Bruce: Maybe I should start using a different search engine.
Riddle Sideways: and getting a lot of SL adverts
Korel Laloix: Yes. use DuckDuckGo
Korel Laloix: Or startpage
Bruce: Wow, really? SL alerts?
Riddle Sideways: ads
Bruce makes note to use DuckDuckGo
Korel Laloix: And use a proxy, like hidemyass
Riddle Sideways: thanks for reminder, need to fix proxy again
Korel Laloix: We teach this as part of our self defense course.
Qt Core: hi all
Bruce: Heya, Qt.
Korel Laloix: Osiyo
Riddle Sideways: hi QT
Bruce: The proxy software I use is Real Hide IP - and I love it.
Korel Laloix: And if you can, in your browser, you can load tracking prevention aps.
Bruce: Yes, Ghostery will hide trackers.
Bruce: All I want is to stop the ads, so I use ad blockers with every browser.
Qt Core: the only active form of defence i use is limiting all my facebook interaction to one browser program
Bruce: Just this week I stopped using FB altogether.
Qt Core: (oh, yes, and Ghostery in other browser
Bruce: Was it you, Qt, or Zen who recommended Ghostery?
Qt Core: i would lose sight of a few people that use only fb
Bruce: I thin k it was Zen.
Bruce: Does anyone know if FB alerts people when you unfriend them?
Bruce: I unfriended over a dozen this week.
Qt Core: i don't know
Qt Core: why unfriend if you stopped using it altogether?
Bruce: I was still getting notifications --- Didn’t totally delete my FB account.
Korel Laloix: NO idea... I have almost killed that account as well.
Bruce: I'm enjoying Twitter more and more, though.
Riddle Sideways: they use to, but somebody said lately that there is a way not to alert on unfriending
Korel Laloix: I unfortunately have people that want to track me... so just getting rid of it.
Qt Core: yes, as a social media twitter is my first choice too
Bruce: Use Twitter to check play-by-play at a high school football game a few states away - when it's not being broadcast on radio.
Bruce: The radio broadcast also has a delay of three minutes, but Twitter has no delay at all.
Bruce: I followed Twitter last Friday night -- for Paris updates.
Riddle Sideways: do you text-to-speak your twitter?
Qt Core: i followed it on radio news (i find radio news are always better than tv/web)
Bruce: btw, I have free Paris t-shirts for anyone who wants them -- with all permissions so you can give them away, if you wish.
Riddle Sideways: thanks, for this one
Bruce: Hmmm. have never used text-to-speech with Twitter.
Bruce: How does one do that?
Bruce: yw.
Bruce loads Twitter in browser.
Qt Core: have you heard of tonight’s scare (they found a bomb in the German stadium where Germany/Netherlands friendly soccer game should have been played
Bruce: Yes, I heard that.
Riddle Sideways: no
Bruce: Angela Merkel was planning to attend, too.
Bruce: They canceled the game.
Qt Core: the German players were rerouted somewhere safe and hidden while they were Bruce: A dangerous world.
Qt Core: wondering how much of a death risk was just getting outside your home let say every century for the past few millennia
Korel Laloix: You are still more at risk from a drunk driver.
Bruce: I have Twitter on-screen now. How do I set text-to-speech?
Bruce: or do I need a separate ap for that?
Qt Core: a quick search say it need a separate client
Riddle Sideways: not sure,
Bruce: kk, ty!
Qt Core: but i wonder about browser, haven’t they got text to speech options ?
Bruce: I think I stick with text.
Riddle Sideways: plug-in / extensions
Bruce: hmmmm, don't know about that with browsers.
Bruce: I do have ad-blocker plugins and extensions, but nothing for speech.
Riddle Sideways: ok, need to ask questions about not understanding something yesterday
Bruce listens.
Riddle Sideways: in Aph session there was a part about Fear
Bruce: yes?
Riddle Sideways: instead of hatred
Bruce nods.
Riddle Sideways: was really thinking terrorists
Riddle Sideways: were driven by hate
Bruce nods. . .
Riddle Sideways: others seemed to say Fear
Bruce: others were even saying grief.
Riddle Sideways: have re-read it and that is the begetting section
Riddle Sideways: so it went wild
Bruce: yes, I remember it well.
Bruce: What was your question?
Riddle Sideways: but, how are terrorists driven, recruited, happy, etc. with/from Fear?
Riddle Sideways: seems it would still be Hate as root feelings
Bruce: perhaps even despair, at root.
Qt Core: having the illusion of being in control of the thing they fear killing/destroying it ?
Bruce: Perhaps as an example, I feel that some forms of racism are driven by fear...
Bruce: fear of whatever is different...
Riddle Sideways: hmmm, enough to join a hateful organization
Bruce: Yes, Qt, dominating or overcoming the thing feared - even by killing it.
Riddle Sideways: go out and kill yourself by killing others
Bruce: Religious zealotry has a lot to do with it, too, I think.
Riddle Sideways: do they Fear France or Hate France?
Bruce: They fear and hate anything "secular."
Bruce: especially secular cultures and governments.
Bruce: (such as France.)
Bruce: Of course, I feel that it is much deeper than that
Bruce: I don't think that the Jihadi's even know what is at the root of their behavior and their emotion. Nor what the "goal" of their fight should be.
Bruce: I do understand that they want to subjugate women, etc...
Qt Core: a simpler, controllable, understandable world
Bruce: But how is that going to happen?
Bruce: They themselves use the modern technologies to promote their cause.
Bruce: Isn't that a bit hypocritical?
Qt Core: simpler as in social rules, not just or only in a material way
Bruce ponders what "simple social rules" might mean....
Qt Core: (even if I just read today about Taliban destroying cell towers left and right
Riddle Sideways: our way or the highway
Riddle Sideways: our way or death
Bruce: Hmmmm.
Bruce: Sounds to me like a generalized psychosis.
Bruce: Yikes!
Riddle Sideways: simpler world if all apposing are kilt
Riddle Sideways: does not sound like fear as much
Bruce: If I want "simple," I move into solitude – and turn off the Internet and TV.
Bruce: I don't need to attack anyone in order to simplify my life.
Qt Core: lucky us ;-)
Bruce: :)
Bruce: Indeed.
Bruce: I hear that Anonymous has taken down thousands of Jihadi websites.
Bruce: and recently (since Friday) has vowed to destroy even more.
Bruce makes note to get Guy Fawkes mask.
Riddle Sideways: :)
Riddle Sideways: good for Anonymous
Bruce: Yes, I agree.
Riddle Sideways: maybe Anonymous for president
Bruce: ha ha!
Korel Laloix: back to RL.. take care all
Riddle Sideways: well, need to go
Bruce: yeppers. back to rl.
Riddle Sideways: bye
Bruce: Be well, everyone.
Qt Core: Ok, bye all then
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