The Guardian for this meeting was Eden Haiku. The comments are by Eden Haiku.
Storm, Adams, Eden, Riddle and Eliza
Fashion statements and a Tinker Bell Look
Eden Haiku: Hello Riddle :)
Eden Haiku: Good morning Adams:) Been running?
Adams Rubble: Hello Riddle and Eden :)
Adams Rubble:It's a fashion statement :)
Eden Haiku: smiles
Riddle Sideways: ? what is a fashion statement?
Riddle Sideways: oh... running
Eden Haiku: Hawaain shirt is a fashion statement Riddle :)
Adams Rubble: Hello Eliza :)
Riddle Sideways: Hey, All
Adams Rubble: yes
Eliza Madrigal: Morning :)
Eliza Madrigal: wb Riddle
Eden Haiku: Hello Eliza, looking like a fairy this morning :)
Riddle Sideways: Hey Storm
Adams Rubble: Hello Storm :)
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Storm
Storm Nordwind: Good morning :)
Eden Haiku: A Tinker Bell look :)
Eden Haiku: Good morning Storm :)
Storm Nordwind: She casts a spell on us :)
Eliza Madrigal smiles at Eden
Eliza Madrigal likes your relaxed sophisticated look too, Eden :)
Eliza Madrigal: This is the first thing I ever bought in SL actually... this dress, along with some tattoos
Eliza Madrigal: :)
A High School reunion
Eden Haiku: We want to know everything about the high school reunion and the first day at the University of Miami !
Eden Haiku: Thank you Eliza :)
Riddle Sideways: have small comments re: going to see a bunch old old people that seem to remember being a group young together
Riddle Sideways: = very strange
Eden Haiku: Was it?
Eliza Madrigal: will happily listen about reunion, since not all that much to report [here it is: great class, full of already attorneys and interesting stories]
Eliza Madrigal: Why strange, Riddle?
Eden Haiku: Ah, then I will have to report about the deers I guess :)
Eliza Madrigal: yay
Riddle Sideways: how some old people that are not recognizable seem to know about our youth
Adams Rubble: an everyone got old but me story?
Eden Haiku: I see...
Eliza Madrigal grins
Riddle Sideways: yes!!!
Riddle Sideways: to have shared 12 years with those people
Riddle Sideways: then never seen again
Riddle Sideways: then reunite
Eden Haiku: And maybe Storm has a new poem for us this morning?
Eliza Madrigal: that must be strange, yes. You stayed in the same place all through early schooling, Riddle?
Adams Rubble is a little jealous of people that can reunite with elementary school classmates
Riddle Sideways: yes and 85
Eden Haiku: 12 years with the same people is a looong time...
Riddle Sideways: % of them did too
Adams Rubble: wow
Eliza Madrigal nods, wow
Riddle Sideways: small town, nobody moves
Eden Haiku: That must create stron bonds does it?
Riddle Sideways: so many with great grand kids
Adams Rubble: the fast bloomers :)
Riddle Sideways: well strong bonds for 12 years
Riddle Sideways: then lose of connections
Riddle Sideways: but, some bonds are still there
Eliza Madrigal: must be what heaven feels like... "Oh, you, had forgotten about you..." (lol)
Eden Haiku: ah yes...But you are not a grandpa yet, so you are still very young Riddle :)
Riddle Sideways: ha yes, Eden
Eden Haiku: enjoying Eliza's view of heaven :)
Eliza Madrigal grins
Riddle Sideways: then there were people that were nothing like they were
Riddle Sideways: some small people got real big
Eden Haiku: An example maybe?
Eden Haiku: Oh!
Riddle Sideways: a extremly shy almost fatally shy person in school
Riddle Sideways: got up and did a skit
Eden Haiku: Did you feel attracted to the same people who attracted you as a youngster?
Riddle Sideways: some yes and some no
Eden Haiku: Oh wow!
Riddle Sideways: it was funny
Eden Haiku: The skit person :)
Eden Haiku: What a metamorphosis!
Eliza Madrigal: like to hear those stories :))
Riddle Sideways: 4-5 people that never really socialized with were most entertaining there
Riddle Sideways: now
Eden Haiku: How many were you, 85 you said?
Riddle Sideways:in alphabetic seats, Brenda sat next to me for almost 12 years and said nothing
Riddle Sideways:then she was the first to scream hello and run give a hug
Eden Haiku: Maybe Brenda was your silent lover for 12 years :)
Riddle Sideways: then Friday night she got up and did a very funny song and dance with props pulled out of her cloths
Eden Haiku: oh my!
Eliza Madrigal smiles, and maybe Riddle was/is a friendly oasis in the midst of strangeness
Eden Haiku:A friendly oasis seems a good definition of Riddle :)
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Eden Haiku: Did you play guitar or something Riddle?
Riddle Sideways: another shy women all those years was beaming about a new love affair with another classmate (both have lost their spouses) it was so cute
Eden Haiku: Cute indeed :)
Eliza Madrigal: life taking funny turns ^.^
Riddle Sideways: no, however, the drummer from back then gave a photo of us
Riddle Sideways: oh the embrassassment
Riddle Sideways: short hair
Eden Haiku: Long hair?
Eliza Madrigal: did they put it up on a giant screen?
Riddle Sideways: bangs
Eliza Madrigal: bangs!
Eden Haiku: erk...
Riddle Sideways: early Beatle cuts
Eden Haiku: LOL
Riddle Sideways: it was in the slide show
Eliza Madrigal: hah, that's great
Riddle Sideways: ok ok ok ... enough
Riddle Sideways: /listens to poems and other reunions
Riddle Sideways: and running
Eliza Madrigal: sounds so fun, Riddle, thanks for sharing pieces of the time
Riddle Sideways: and Yurt rebuilds
Storm Nordwind has never been to a reunion
Adams Rubble also never
Riddle Sideways: advice is to not go to one ㋡
Storm Nordwind: Thank you for that :)
Eden Haiku: Yes, thanks Riddle, I enjoyed your stories too :) Yeah, I reconstructed by yurt yesterday after deleting it by mistake phew!
Eliza Madrigal: has only been to one with ex-spouse.... in that case he was awkward one people were surprised at.. was fun
Adams Rubble: 1500 people in my graduating class and I graduated in January so it was a small class
Riddle Sideways: wow 1500. we were only 73
Old and renewed connections
Storm Nordwind: Oddly a bunch of old school friends have contacted me in the last year or so. Most drift away quickly though one I'm now in daily contact with and we FaceTime once or twice a week.
Eden Haiku: Oh, that's quite nice Storm :)
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: that would be nice
Eliza Madrigal:with social media, lots of mini and casual reunions possible. Nice when there is still a bond or something in common after so long
Storm Nordwind: I think they were all coming up to retirement and this looking back and assessing thing happened.
Riddle Sideways: yep, that state of mind happens
Riddle Sideways: Near death years
Adams Rubble: Good to assess things before one gets too busy with retirement and volunteering :)
Storm Nordwind: It's tough in one way, as they are all markedly better off financially than me. :/
Riddle Sideways: or say they are
Eliza Madrigal: but you are content and OK
Storm Nordwind: Oh they are
Eliza Madrigal: which is *good*
Eden Haiku: smiles
Storm Nordwind: I have done more in my life than all of them combined.
Riddle Sideways: yes
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Riddle Sideways: they have saved it all up
Riddle Sideways: for what?
Eden Haiku: good point
Eliza Madrigal: I have same sensibility... feel okay about things, plugging along, til sitting with friends fretting over their lives who have 100X as much security
Eliza Madrigal: it is weird
Adams Rubble: sometimes things just work out
Eden Haiku: I know what you mean Eliza...
Storm Nordwind: As a friend once told me 35 years ago, you may think you're broke, but these people are just broke at a higher level. :)
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Riddle Sideways: like that
Riddle Sideways: and it all does work out. Just gets seen from different points of view
Storm Nordwind nods
Eliza Madrigal: Some days I feel amazed at my lucky life.. as long as I don't look down :)
Riddle Sideways: ya get the same life ... you can feel good or bad about that
Adams Rubble: yes
Eliza Madrigal smiles
Storm Nordwind: :)
Eden Haiku: smiles
An eagle soul
Adams Rubble: it is the same human family around us all
Riddle Sideways: with that same uncle
Adams Rubble: try and forget that uncle
Eliza Madrigal laughs
Adams Rubble giggles
Riddle Sideways: whoops, should have said Aunt
Eden Haiku: Uncle Sam doesn't cross the border :)
Riddle Sideways: your lucky
Eden Haiku: I know :)
Adams Rubble: been thinking about Woody Guthrie more about borders although he referenced fences
Riddle Sideways: noted that 3 classmates were wearing little flag label pins and stayed quiet
Riddle Sideways: yes, Adams
Adams Rubble: was wondering how you did with that Riddle :)
Adams Rubble: must have been hard
Riddle Sideways: few months ago saw Arlo and his kids sing the good ol Woody songs
Eden Haiku: When I lived in New York for more than a year in 1985 and 1986, I used toenvy the strenght of American identity. it felt like an eagle soul to me :)
Eliza Madrigal: strong identity turned into bully identity
Storm Nordwind: Eagles are strong and far-sighted, though they are prone to tunnel vision.
Riddle Sideways: just love the way Eden looks at things
Adams Rubble: every country has its dark side--we need to find our generous side again in US
Eden Haiku: Sadly and temporarily I hope...
Adams Rubble hopes too
Adams Rubble: maybe in November
Riddle Sideways:the National bird was almost the Turkey
Adams Rubble: Ben Franklin also wanted German as the language
Riddle Sideways: ah Uncle Ben
Eden Haiku: Really, German?
Storm Nordwind: It was mooted, yes
Eden Haiku: Turkeys like the ones in your courtyard Riddle?
Riddle Sideways: yes
Eden Haiku: hehe, that would be a different soul :)
Storm Nordwind: A borrowed soul
Eliza Madrigal: feels optimistic about elections except that 'liberal' divisions are quite stark, too
Adams Rubble: the Stadtvogel would have been the Truthahn
Eden Haiku: But why did Franklin wanted German as language for US?
Adams Rubble:to separate from the British
Eden Haiku: Ah yes, understandable....
Adams Rubble: knowing Franklin it all may have been tongue in cheek
Eden Haiku: he could have proposed French...Did you know that Quebec almost joined the first independant states?
Adams Rubble: Franklin liked the French ladies
Storm Nordwind: For your later enjoyment:
Eden Haiku: We changed our minds in 1774 when the British gave us back our rights to speak French and practice our religion.
Eliza Madrigal: near miss :)
Eden Haiku: British didn't want us to join you guys ...
Adams Rubble: never heard that one Storm
Eden Haiku: We were called "Lower Canada" then and became the Province of Quebec later.
The present tense
Eden Haiku: We are stretching ourselves between the future and the past :)
Adams Rubble: good thing Pema is not here :)
Storm Nordwind doubts whether that is ever a good thing
Adams Rubble: :)
Eden Haiku: November election and the beginning of the colony. The 90 seconds made us realize that Adams :)
Eden Haiku: The stretching takes place in our present tense :)
Adams Rubble: we are all we need to be
Adams Rubble: or is it we have ebverything we need?
Riddle Sideways:yes, most spend Now stretched between past and future
Huddling around a beam of light
Adams enlightening us
Eden Haiku: The night is engulfing us on my screen :)
Riddle Sideways: good thing the lights are on in here
Storm Nordwind: We need a fire to huddle together by
Eliza Madrigal: snuggled up around Eden's blinging
Eden Haiku: laughs at Adams :) [she just beamed a large frontal lamp on the lotus fountain]
Eliza Madrigal: wow, that works!
Eden Haiku: Huddling by a highlighted water fountain!
Storm Nordwind: If that's carbide, don't get too close to the pool!
Eliza Madrigal:spotlight on the now
Riddle Sideways: it is from Rezzable Industries ... so it must be good
Eden Haiku: Now and now and now and now
Riddle Sideways: or ok
Eden Haiku: listening to my heart beat
Storm Nordwind:Pass the baked potatoes (or marshmallows for the Americans ;)
Eden Haiku: LOL
Riddle Sideways: baked potato ?
Riddle Sideways: never heard that
Adams Rubble: Hotdogs, Apple pie and fire crackers for Americans
Storm Nordwind: It's what Brits put in the campfires, wrapped in foil
Eliza Madrigal: have heard sweet potatoes
Eden Haiku: British eat baked potatoes around campfires?
Storm Nordwind:Yes, they cook them in the embers
Eden Haiku: Must be yummy!
Storm Nordwind: Delightful tradition. Lashings of good butter
Riddle Sideways: now wondering when foil was developed
Eden Haiku: Haven't light a campfire yet this summer. It was too hot, even at night.
Storm Nordwind: Foil was developed precisely to help this tradition stop charring too many potatoes. There was of course no other reason. :)
Eden Haiku: Had some volunteer at a Book Fair showing me around a factory of foil where he used to work. I know a lot about aluminium now :)
Eliza Madrigal: :))
Storm Nordwind: It was once an extremely valuable metal.
Eden Haiku: They import bauxite from Antillas and they heat it in huge cuves...
Eden Haiku: Then they cool it... Fuzzy memories, not ready yet to cook up some foil :)
Riddle Sideways: 1910 aluminium replaced tin
Storm Nordwind also recalls beingaround a campfire with an Indian family,who used a wok-like vessel to hold fat and they cooked pakoras over the fire and shared them out to everyone. :))
Eden Haiku: Vegetable pakoras with curry yummy...
Storm Nordwind: Yes they are!
Eliza Madrigal: mmm
Eden Haiku: All over India in trains and buses, people insist in sharing their food with you...
Riddle Sideways: mmm, is it too early for dinner?
Storm Nordwind looks toward the kitchen...
Eliza Madrigal: have to sign off before I start eating instead of doing homework
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Riddle Sideways: ㋡
Eliza Madrigal: ((((friends)))) Thank you
Eden Haiku: Just had stawberries, raspberries, cherries for breakfast :)
Storm Nordwind: Bye Eliza :)
Riddle Sideways: study well, Eliza
Riddle Sideways: by
Eden Haiku: Bye bye Eliza ! Have a great day!
Adams Rubble: bye Eliza :)
Riddle Sideways:break Fast was always a neat word
Eden Haiku: After one hour and a half walking around the lake :)
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: 10K steps already?
Eden Haiku: And now the sun is coming out!
Eden Haiku: Nope, only 6, 300 something. Will go back later, before the rain.
Riddle Sideways: here comes that Sun do da do do
Eden Haiku: Such a beautiful tune!
She loves you yes yes yes!
Riddle Sideways: there are places I'll remember, all my li-ii-fe due to Beatle songs
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble immediately thinks of three
Storm Nordwind recalls "Days" by the Kinks
Eden Haiku: In a Yellow Submarine, Octopuses Garden, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds...
Riddle Sideways: those high school years were all Beatle songs
Eden Haiku: Penny Lane
Riddle Sideways: ah
Eden Haiku: A street in Paul's neigborhood
Riddle Sideways: She loves You, Yes Yes Yes
Eden Haiku: Ah! you saw the video Riddle :)))
Adams Rubble doesn't associate the songs with the place except for one but associates places with listening to Beetles
Riddle Sideways: yes, it was great
Eden Haiku: I will post the link again for others to see. A recent video of Mc Cartney. Very sweet!
Eden Haiku:
Riddle Sideways: many songs associated with the people of the time of hearing the songs
Adams Rubble: is that the James Corden?
Eden Haiku: Yes Adams!
Adams Rubble: watched that twice :)
Adams Rubble: maybe three times
Eden Haiku: His looks at 75, incredible! And so simple...
Eden Haiku: So natural
Riddle Sideways: and natural brown hair
Eden Haiku: Grey Riddle, but in men grey hair is sexy :)
Eden Haiku: Even in some women :)
Adams Rubble:I need to leave the present and go back to my RL historical project :)
Riddle Sideways: the surprised look on the ladies face after hours of TV filming crews in her front yard
Adams Rubble: yes, gray looks good on women too
Eden Haiku: Oh sure Adams. Will you tell us about this project next time maybe?
Adams Rubble:me is making a digital archive of a local historical archive
Riddle Sideways: hopes to hear about it too
Eden Haiku: It was a bit staged yes I agree Riddle :))
Adams Rubble: nothing too exciting -- it is a small town
Eden Haiku: Oh! Interesting Adams.
Adams Rubble: bye for now :)
Eden Haiku: Still, they are lucky to have you, Thanks for enlightening bus dear Adams :)
Riddle Sideways: bye for now
Eden Haiku: Bye bye, have a good good day!
Storm Nordwind: Bye!
Storm Nordwind: I will go too. Thank you Eden for giving us such a wonderful start to the week again! :))
Riddle Sideways: yes, Thank you Eden
Riddle Sideways: and Storm
Riddle Sideways: and Et.Al.
Eden Haiku: Thank you for being here Storm and Riddle, have your best day!!!
Storm Nordwind: :)
Riddle Sideways: ooooo recycling day
Eden Haiku: :))
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July 23 spotlight.jpg No description | 24.78 kB | 20:47, 23 Jul 2018 | eden | Actions | ||
July 23.jpg No description | 23.59 kB | 20:47, 23 Jul 2018 | eden | Actions |