Adams Rubble: Good morning Riddle :)
Riddle Sideways: yes, thar be Morning on da horizon
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: nice outfit
Riddle Sideways: Again
Riddle Sideways: how do you do that
Adams Rubble: The sun is shining broghtly here
Adams Rubble: brightly
Riddle Sideways: pick another nice outfit everyday
Adams Rubble speaks softly and carries a big inventory
Riddle Sideways: giggles
Riddle Sideways: and it is completely organized
Adams Rubble: well not completely
Adams Rubble: tomorrow is the Ides of March
Adams Rubble: for all the Brutus fans out there
Riddle Sideways: right! that was goig to say
Riddle Sideways: Hail, Erav Ides
Riddle Sideways: remember looking it up last year to see if all months have an Ides
Riddle Sideways: they don't really, but forget the reasons
Riddle Sideways: refuse to look it up again
Adams Rubble reminds everyone to stay out of the forum tomorrow
Riddle Sideways: Funny thing happened on the way to the forum
Riddle Sideways: there is a new ice rink in town
Riddle Sideways: what do you think?
Adams Rubble: it is very big
Riddle Sideways: seemed not so big when inside
Riddle Sideways: the outside is
Riddle Sideways: lots of standing room not on the ice
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: kind of a reverse Dr. Who Tartus(sp?) effect
Riddle Sideways: never watched any Dr. Who
Riddle Sideways: but, belong to a SL group that is crazy over it
Adams Rubble: I only watched a part of an episode or two
Adams Rubble: but remember the phone booth
Riddle Sideways: well, yes saw part of an episode too and ran screaming away
Adams Rubble: hehe
Riddle Sideways: looked so adictive
Adams Rubble: you needed a remote
Riddle Sideways: that might have been before remotes
Adams Rubble: hmmm
Riddle Sideways: oh those first remotes
Riddle Sideways: huge things
Adams Rubble: hard to remember what we did not have
Riddle Sideways: first TV with a remote and consciously hid it elsewhere
Riddle Sideways: last night, dinner with old friends, got talking all this old time stuff
Adams Rubble: all one needed was a couch, a big bag of cheese doodles and a remote
Riddle Sideways: was 30 years ago WWW started
Adams Rubble: wow
Adams Rubble: it was about 36 years ago that I began working on a computer
Adams Rubble: writing programs to write my name
Riddle Sideways: 3 or 4 people at the table simultaneously started making the dial-up modem sounds
Riddle Sideways: about the same time period, math is hard this morning
Riddle Sideways: got the first programing job
Riddle Sideways: was both hardware and software before that
Riddle Sideways: there was a program in a magazine that would plot world population vs food vs water and show extinction
Adams Rubble: receiver in the cradle fast asleep
Riddle Sideways: yes
Adams Rubble: ohhhh
Adams Rubble: one of the crime bosses was made extinct last night in Staten Island
Riddle Sideways: oh
Adams Rubble: shot six times in front of his home and then run over by a truck
Riddle Sideways: that stuff still goes on?
Riddle Sideways: just like the movies
Adams Rubble: first time in 34 years that a boss was rubbed out
Riddle Sideways: huh, Life emulating the movies
Adams Rubble: movies couldn;t imagine what is going on at the white house
Adams Rubble: sorry to throw that in
Adams Rubble: broke up all the early computer stuff
Adams Rubble: so glad they got rid of the dreen screens
Adams Rubble: green
Riddle Sideways: thanks
Adams Rubble: everything used to be pink when looked back at the world
Riddle Sideways: rose colored glasses
Riddle Sideways: so many olde stories
Riddle Sideways: flat screens have made so much desk space
Adams Rubble: you betcha
Riddle Sideways: however, cat use to love sleeping on a warm CRT
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble: let them east cake
Adams Rubble: eat
Riddle Sideways: also talked of watching the young try to dial a rotatry phone
Adams Rubble: you might say that does not make an sense
Riddle Sideways: or tell time on an analog clock
Adams Rubble: back in my day we could didal a rotary phone with just one finger
Riddle Sideways: well, when whatshername said it, it did not make sense either
Adams Rubble: Marie Antoinette
Adams Rubble: everyone knew her as nancy
Riddle Sideways: laughs at both refs
Riddle Sideways: at those people's house and pointed at a book sheif of LPs
Riddle Sideways: and they said when we moved here had to cut back to only the best ones
Adams Rubble: yeah and no lobger play the best ones
Riddle Sideways: don't want to wear out the Grooves
Adams Rubble: or open the record player :)
Riddle Sideways: in dayz of olde they did the same things. Only it was harder
Adams Rubble: yes
Riddle Sideways: ha, like those first 9-sec exercises
Adams Rubble: :)))
Riddle Sideways: how long is 9 seconds?
Riddle Sideways: is looking at a Sweep Second hand ok?
Riddle Sideways: what clock in the house has a Sweep Second hand?
Riddle Sideways: Beginner's mind
Adams Rubble: my watch :)
Riddle Sideways: wall clock here
Adams Rubble looks. Yes, wall clock here too
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: In A beginning. there were very different beginner thoughts each 15 minutes
Riddle Sideways: Is and then Was
Riddle Sideways: that right?
Riddle Sideways: what is Right?
Adams Rubble: not sure
Adams Rubble remebers some fool blogging like crazy
Riddle Sideways: with an entire alphabet of shorthand
Riddle Sideways: tried to copy, learn, use that alphabet also
Riddle Sideways: would scribble 1 word on the nearest scrap of paper
Riddle Sideways: piles of napkins, scraps, corners, etc.
Riddle Sideways: never to be gotten into 'soft copy'
Riddle Sideways: funny, once a boss walked in to check how project was going
Riddle Sideways: saw scrap of paper on top with "At Peace"
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: think that is how so many scraps piled up.
Riddle Sideways: the top one would get a word or phrase then put on the bottom of pile
Riddle Sideways: 15 minutes later, repeat
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: it sure was grounding tho
Adams Rubble: a good start for us
Riddle Sideways: 90 seconds is a long time
Riddle Sideways: can't recall when the 90-sec pause started
Adams Rubble: somebody suggested it and then I think left PaB :)
Adams Rubble: I betcha it is noted in teh Chronicles
Riddle Sideways: those Chronicles sure cover everything
Riddle Sideways: thank you for those
Adams Rubble: thank you for thanking
Adams Rubble: someday someone will be wondering who the heck that Adams Rubble was
Adams Rubble: the Currier Bell of paB
Riddle Sideways: hmmmm
Adams Rubble: (Currier bell was the pen name for one of the Brontes)
Riddle Sideways: oh
Riddle Sideways: there are those that try so hard to get to know the author instead of the writtings
Adams Rubble: people love a mystery
Riddle Sideways: summarizing, analyzing, knowing what Adams meant
Riddle Sideways: as if Adams was the same person every time the pen was picked up
Adams Rubble: picking through the inventory, looking for clues
Adams Rubble: ahhh, yes, you hit it
Riddle Sideways: 6 red dresses, hmmmm, that means ...
Adams Rubble: 6?????
Riddle Sideways: very interesting, only 1 orange one
Riddle Sideways: Class, we can assume that the author Adams was ...
Riddle Sideways: when it was written ...
Riddle Sideways: ergo therefore, With the lead pipe the Devil with the Blue dress, Blue dress, Blue dress on
Adams Rubble did a count
Adams Rubble: 31
Riddle Sideways: ha
Riddle Sideways: oh WOOOOOWWWWW
Adams Rubble: red
Adams Rubble: not so many orange
Riddle Sideways: were it not for Halloween
Riddle Sideways: there might be none
Riddle Sideways: Now they know how many red dresses it takes to fill Albert's Hall
Adams Rubble: 31 Adams Ribbles?
Adams Rubble: Rubbles
Adams Rubble: Googles sends me Google alerts about somebody named SAdams who has knocked down some buiding and only Rubble remains
Adams Rubble: they think that is funny
Riddle Sideways: Adam's Rubble is NOT funny
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble: no sireeee
Riddle Sideways: The most organized, has no Rubble
Riddle Sideways: ya know, some times Google should just be corrected
Riddle Sideways: like Wikipedia, Perr reviewed
Riddle Sideways: *Peer
Adams Rubble: Google all powerful
Riddle Sideways: gets out the rotary dial phone to re-spelt the Google entries
Riddle Sideways: Random Revelation: Too many people have littered memory lane
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble: I need to go and transact some business in RL. There has been a schedule change that is going to need lots of emails
Riddle Sideways: good luck with that
Adams Rubble: It is funny that whenever i stand I am facing away from you
Riddle Sideways: thanks for the memory lane walk today
Adams Rubble: you too. I'll have to remember to post :)
Riddle Sideways: oh yes, that
Adams Rubble: take good care and have a nice weekend
Riddle Sideways: hope you one also
Adams Rubble: bye for now
Riddle Sideways: too
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