2019.03.14 13:00 - New Books and Squeaky Voices

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Agatha Macbeth. The comments are by Agatha Macbeth.



    Bleu Oleander's current display-name is "Bleu".
    Bleu Oleander: hey Riddle :)
    Riddle Sideways: hey
    Riddle Sideways: likey the new ice rink
    Riddle Sideways: looks like a good party place
    Bleu Oleander: hi Aggers :)
    Agatha Macbeth: Hello Bleu & Rid
    Bleu Oleander: thanks!
    Riddle Sideways: Hey Ag
    Agatha Macbeth: Someone has been building I see :)
    Bleu Oleander: yeo :)
    Bleu Oleander: yep
    Almadi Masala: 's current display-name is "Alma di Masala".
    Bleu Oleander: thought we might need a party place :)
    Riddle Sideways: Hey Alma
    Agatha Macbeth: Thought I was in the wrong place when I landed :p
    Bleu Oleander: hi Alma
    Agatha Macbeth: Hello Alma welcome
    Riddle Sideways: often think that
    Almadi Masala: hi Riddle, Bleu, Agatha
    Bleu Oleander: its always the right place when you land!
    Riddle Sideways: wherever you are
    Agatha Macbeth: Ha
    Riddle Sideways: there you are
    Bleu Oleander: !!
    Agatha Macbeth: Hi Tu
    Riddle Sideways: Hey Tura
    Bleu Oleander: hi Tura :)
    Tura Brezoianu: hi all
    Agatha Macbeth: Wonder if anyone else is coming
    Riddle Sideways: hmmm, gobbled up lunch to quick
    Riddle Sideways: all gone

    And so to books...

    Agatha Macbeth: So about our new book then
    Agatha Macbeth: First up what's it going to be?
    Tura Brezoianu: I have the Puett and the Slingerland books, and I'm more inclined towards Slingerland.
    Agatha Macbeth: Which is that one?
    Almadi Masala: is that the one on trying not to try?
    Bleu Oleander: either is ok with me
    Tura Brezoianu: He's certainly more watchable on video, I can't stand Puett's squeaky voice.
    Agatha Macbeth: :p
    Bleu Oleander: its probably better to choose based on content, not voice :P
    Agatha Macbeth: I would agree :)
    Bleu Oleander: both seem very professorial to me
    Tura Brezoianu: Are there other books to consider?
    Agatha Macbeth: No voice from a book
    Agatha Macbeth: I think we narrowed it down to what Bleu and Stormy suggested
    Bleu Oleander: Slingerland was added too
    Bleu Oleander: and both seem good to discuss
    Agatha Macbeth: Oh so three?
    Bleu Oleander: I (and Storm) had suggested the Puett book
    Agatha Macbeth: Ah
    Bleu Oleander: so only 2 books to consider atm
    Agatha Macbeth: So 3 people, 2 books :p
    Bleu Oleander: yep :P
    Bleu Oleander: I could through in many more, but then we'd have too many ha ha!
    Agatha Macbeth: And Tura prefers the Slingerland one
    Agatha Macbeth: Anyone else have any prefs?
    Almadi Masala: I like that one too
    Bleu Oleander: either ok for me
    Almadi Masala: both look interesting
    Agatha Macbeth: I'm good with both too (since I don't know either)
    Bleu Oleander: a comparison of the books is interesting for me since I've already read Puett
    Agatha Macbeth wonders about Riddle
    Almadi Masala: I like the paradox of trying not to try :)
    Agatha Macbeth: Ha
    Bleu Oleander: Wester is here, who suggested Slingerland
    Riddle Sideways: Riddle is off looking at the books in Google
    Agatha Macbeth: Good plan
    Riddle Sideways: Slingerland is a Drum kit company
    Agatha Macbeth: 0.0
    Almadi Masala: badaboom!
    Agatha Macbeth: Rimshot!
    Agatha Macbeth: Hi Wester!
    Bleu Oleander: waves hi to Wester :)
    Agatha Macbeth: Good to see you again
    Wester Kiranov: hi
    Riddle Sideways: Hi Wester
    Agatha Macbeth: We were just deciding between the Puett and Slingerland books
    Agatha Macbeth: Do you have a preference Wester?
    Wester Kiranov: thats what i came for
    Agatha Macbeth nods
    Bleu Oleander: :D
    Wester Kiranov: i admit i don't know much about puett but i do love slingerland
    Agatha Macbeth: I admit I don't know much about either
    Bleu Oleander: what do you love about it?
    Agatha Macbeth: Slingerland makes me think of slumberland
    Wester Kiranov: one thing that i like about slingerland is he handles the text by the metaphors
    Bleu Oleander: I'm interested in it, although I don't know much about it
    Wester Kiranov: so he goes deep into confucius using the metaphor of carving, and the lao zi replies by going back to the unhewn wood
    Agatha Macbeth: That sounds interesting
    Wester Kiranov: it's a way of dealing with the subject matter that i like and i think fits this group of thinkers here
    Agatha Macbeth nods
    Bleu Oleander: I'm game for that one, if others are
    Wester Kiranov: he also links it to current psychology
    Agatha Macbeth: Tura doesn't like Puett's voice anyway...
    Wester Kiranov: he's got a nicer voice too ;-)
    Bleu Oleander: we are going to read it, right?
    Agatha Macbeth: :P
    Bleu Oleander: :P
    Wester Kiranov: you mean as opposed to listen?
    Bleu Oleander: yes :)
    Wester Kiranov: :)
    Agatha Macbeth: I *think* that's the plan
    Bleu Oleander: kk
    Bleu Oleander: is there an audio book?
    Wester Kiranov: dont know
    Riddle Sideways: Bleu
    Agatha Macbeth looks sideways
    Riddle Sideways: sorry. not wrong window, wrong computer keyboard
    Tura Brezoianu: There's an audio version on Amazon
    Agatha Macbeth: It's amazin' what Amazon can do
    Bleu Oleander: yes, just found it thanks
    Tura Brezoianu: A bit pricey unless you subscribe to Audible though
    Bleu Oleander: kindle book is $11
    Bleu Oleander: to add audible is $7.49
    Riddle Sideways: even if have Audible credits?
    Bleu Oleander: credits even better :)
    Bleu Oleander: that's just if you aren't an audible member
    Riddle Sideways: ok, been Audible member since 1901
    Agatha Macbeth: 0.0
    Bleu Oleander: often when you buy the kindle version, they offer you the audible at a reduced rate
    Riddle Sideways: yes, like the combination
    Bleu Oleander: yes
    Bleu Oleander: nice to listen and follow along in book
    Riddle Sideways: whoops, just read the Bad reviews section
    Bleu Oleander: shouldn't do that!
    Agatha Macbeth: Judgemental!
    Riddle Sideways: yep, shouldn't read that
    Agatha Macbeth: 'Opinions are not facts' ;p
    Bleu Oleander: judge for yourself!
    Tura Brezoianu: I saw a pretty scathing review of Puett in the Guardian.
    Bleu Oleander: I saw some good ones too though
    Agatha Macbeth: About his voice?
    Bleu Oleander: I like it
    Bleu Oleander: not his voice ha ha!
    Bleu Oleander: I find I don't often agree with many book reviews ... they have agendas too :)
    Agatha Macbeth: True dat
    Agatha Macbeth: We seem to be inclining towards Slingerland then?
    Bleu Oleander: ok for me
    Almadi Masala: ok with me too
    Wester Kiranov: http://www.librarything.com/work/145...iews/105660279
    Agatha Macbeth: Seems to be the consensus...
    Agatha Macbeth: Thanks Wes
    Agatha Macbeth: Ah yes the wu wei one
    Agatha Macbeth: Now i remember
    Bleu Oleander: I would like to understand wu wei and de better
    Riddle Sideways: yea
    Agatha Macbeth: 'Backing up these ancient teachings using examples from modern science'...shades of Fritjof Capra
    Wester Kiranov: capra uses bad physics, slingerland proper cognitive science
    Wester Kiranov: :P
    Agatha Macbeth: Hm
    Bleu Oleander: Kahneman's book, thinking fast and slow, is an interesting contrast and adds some science to the older ideas
    Wester Kiranov: kahneman is excellent too
    Bleu Oleander: yes, great book
    Wester Kiranov: it's actyally mentioned in trying not to try, i'm pretty sure
    Agatha Macbeth nods
    Bleu Oleander: there's a wonderful recent podcast with Kahneman and Harris ...https://samharris.org/podcasts/150-m...understanding/
    Wester Kiranov: so, how are we going to do this practically?
    Bleu Oleander: yes I think so Wester
    Riddle Sideways: thanks
    Bleu Oleander: maybe Wester, you could suggest how best to divide it up?
    Tura Brezoianu: A chapter a week would be 8 weeks
    Bleu Oleander: since you've read it?
    Riddle Sideways: twice
    Bleu Oleander: :)
    Bleu Oleander: 8 weeks seems doable
    Tura Brezoianu: Plus the introduction, 9 weeks
    Wester Kiranov: but not discussed it with anyone yet
    Agatha Macbeth: Yes
    Agatha Macbeth: About the same as Hikari
    Agatha Macbeth: Harari*

    Hikari!! :P

    Agatha Macbeth: Duh
    Bleu Oleander: no 'de'
    Bleu Oleander: :P
    Agatha Macbeth: Shí :p
    Wester Kiranov: it's pronounced the same
    Bleu Oleander: yes
    Agatha Macbeth: De de de!
    Almadi Masala: the tao of duh?
    Wester Kiranov: a chapter a week seems good
    Bleu Oleander: so the intro for next week?
    Agatha Macbeth: Agreed
    Agatha Macbeth: Sounds good
    Wester Kiranov: fine with me
    Almadi Masala: do you always meet at this day & time?
    Bleu Oleander: ok thanks for the suggestion Wester!
    Agatha Macbeth: Usually Al
    Agatha Macbeth: Yes thanks
    Almadi Masala: I'll come when I can. ... might not be able to be here every time
    Agatha Macbeth: Tho it's an hour early for me ATM
    Almadi Masala: but I'll try to keep up with the reading
    Agatha Macbeth: We'd love to have you :)
    Almadi Masala: thank you :)
    Agatha Macbeth: Shame we lost Liz to RL
    Bleu Oleander: probably will be checking once and a while ... we hope :)
    Agatha Macbeth: We hope :)   (Waves to Eliza)
    Agatha Macbeth: Wish Bruce would come too
    Bleu Oleander: RL does demand things of us tho
    Agatha Macbeth: Doesn't it just
    Wester Kiranov: i hope i can kick my son off the computer every week :)
    Riddle Sideways: ha
    Agatha Macbeth: Get him an Xbox or something :p
    Wester Kiranov: that will make some quiet time :0
    Agatha Macbeth: Hehe
    Bleu Oleander: I must get going ... happy we made a choice today! thanks all and see you soon :)
    Wester Kiranov: bye bleu
    Riddle Sideways: by Bleu
    Agatha Macbeth: Yay
    Bleu Oleander: by y'all
    Agatha Macbeth: Thanks Bleuji
    Tura Brezoianu: bye Bleu
    Agatha Macbeth: Love to doggie
    Agatha Macbeth: As a group we seem to be good at making decisions
    Riddle Sideways: usually is harder to come to conscientious
    Wester Kiranov: well, none of you protested
    Agatha Macbeth wonders if Rid is using a dragon
    Riddle Sideways: hundreds of emails, weeks of "well what do you want"
    Tura Brezoianu: and "oh, I don't know, what do *you* want"
    Riddle Sideways: yep
    Wester Kiranov: i do hope you like the book too
    Agatha Macbeth: I'm sure we will
    Riddle Sideways: whatz not to like about We Wei
    Agatha Macbeth: The spelling?
    Almadi Masala: I should be going now
    Riddle Sideways: oh yeah dat
    Agatha Macbeth: Bye Al, thanks for input
    Wester Kiranov: bye alma
    Almadi Masala: bye everyone ... happy reading
    Agatha Macbeth: Indeed
    Tura Brezoianu: goodnight all
    Riddle Sideways: thanks
    Agatha Macbeth: Thanks to all
    Agatha Macbeth: Byee for now
    Wester Kiranov: bye all, thanks

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    >>(Waves to Eliza)<<

    Thank you ((friends)) for your love and support! <3
    Seems a great choice you've made with the book, too!
    Posted 16:15, 15 Mar 2019
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