The guardian for this meeting was Zen. The log is by Aggers.
Agatha Macbeth: Bonsir mes amis
Zen (Zen Arado): bonsoir ma cherie
Agatha Macbeth: Good heavens Tu
Riddle Sideways entered chat range (17.38 m).
Tura Brezoianu: This time, one person strongly recommended it, and we went with that
Agatha Macbeth: Hi Rid
Zen (Zen Arado): hi Riddle
Tura Brezoianu: hi Ag, Ridddle
Riddle Sideways: hi All
Riddle Sideways: nice new outfit, Tura
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala) entered chat range (18.34 m).
Zen (Zen Arado): ' I shall wear purple...'
Zen (Zen Arado): Hi Alma
Agatha Macbeth: Hello Al
Tura Brezoianu: It was for an event a couple days ago.
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): hi Zen, Tura, Riddle, Agatha
Agatha Macbeth: Must have been some event
Riddle Sideways: hi Alma
Zen (Zen Arado): it's a lovely colour
Tura Brezoianu: A concert by Yadleen at alphatribe
Zen (Zen Arado): us baby boomers liked plenty of colour
Zen (Zen Arado): I know Yadleen
Tura Brezoianu: Although yesterday someone described the outfit as "having been elegantly pulled through a hedge backwards" :)
Zen (Zen Arado): used to play concerts with her
Agatha Macbeth: Oh she's great
Agatha Macbeth: Haven't seen her for ages
Zen (Zen Arado): yes I like her music
Agatha Macbeth: Used to play at a lot of Bryn's things
Zen (Zen Arado): cats club
Agatha Macbeth: ^.^
Zen (Zen Arado): I was listening to somePrince music last night
Agatha Macbeth: 0.0
Zen (Zen Arado): never really understood that
Zen (Zen Arado): lots of transgender stuff
Agatha Macbeth: 'My name is Prince...I'm an alsatian'
Zen (Zen Arado): generation X
Agatha Macbeth: Nothing wrong with that Zenny <cough>
Zen (Zen Arado): I've got interested in this generation stuff
Agatha Macbeth: Oh my
Zen (Zen Arado): only generalisations
Zen (Zen Arado): a lot of it but interesting
Zen (Zen Arado): anyway have we any dreams?
Ari (Arisia Vita) is online.
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): my reservoir of dreams seems to be running dry
Zen (Zen Arado): Ullman (not Tracy) seems to be stressing the importance of recent dreams
Agatha Macbeth: Must be the summer
San (Santoshima Resident) is online.
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): I had one short dream a couple of nights ago
Riddle Sideways: last 4 days did not have ability to write
Agatha Macbeth listens
Zen (Zen Arado): okay listens
Tura Brezoianu listens
Riddle Sideways: /listens
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): I'm in a car. We drive past the building where my grandfather's office used to be. Everything else around it has been torn down, so just that one building is all that is still standing. [end]
Riddle Sideways: yes, short
Agatha Macbeth: Sounds like Hiroshima
Zen (Zen Arado): did you feel sad Alma?
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): the scene was rather stark, just a kind of blank setting with that one building standing alone
Zen (Zen Arado): or feel anything?
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): there was no strong emotion. maybe just a feeling of interest to see that building again after a very long time
Agatha Macbeth: Do you think the building represented him in some way?
Zen (Zen Arado): is your grandfather still alive?
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): maybe. he was a doctor. he died many years ago
Riddle Sideways: the other buildings are not as important to the story so they did not rez
Agatha Macbeth: :P
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala) smiles
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): it was actually kind of like that
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): not a sense of destruction, just that the other buildings were absent from the scene
Zen (Zen Arado): It seems to suggest to me something about holding onto the past?
Zen (Zen Arado): I seem to remember something like that coming up for my weird dreams?
Zen (Zen Arado): in your dreams
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): actually, I just thought of a possible association between my grandpa and something in my present life. but it's not something I want to share just now
Agatha Macbeth: Understood
Zen (Zen Arado): okay fine
Zen (Zen Arado): Dragon is really playing up tonight
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): but I wonder why the dream showed me his office instead of his house, which is nearby and is where we always went to visit him
San (Santoshima Resident) is offline.
Zen (Zen Arado): so maybe it's Tied in again with work somehow?
Riddle Sideways: maybe more of a business meeting with him instead of social call
Zen (Zen Arado): wasn't it a surgery if he was a doctor?
Riddle Sideways: oh Zen's dragon is faster than typing
Zen (Zen Arado): Only it's a stupid dragon
Agatha Macbeth: It has turbo wings
Bruce (Bruce Mowbray) is online.
Tura Brezoianu: maybe the dream is emphasizing his role as a doctor
Zen (Zen Arado): his caring element
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): I didn't really know him as a doctor. he was just my grandpa to me. he had pretty much retired from practice when I was growing up
Zen (Zen Arado): I see
Zen (Zen Arado): sometimes retired doctors don't get much peace from people asking them for medical advice
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): but it still could relate to a medical issue, I suppose
Zen (Zen Arado): there was one in one of my art clubs like that and he hated people asking him for medical advice
Zen (Zen Arado): he would hint that he should be charging for it
Zen (Zen Arado): :-)
Zen (Zen Arado): there's something there about the building still standing when the buildings around it had disappeared
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): yes, that part is strange
Zen (Zen Arado): something about endurance may be
Zen (Zen Arado): something like that
Zen (Zen Arado): perhaps some kind of clinging to the past?
Zen (Zen Arado): Can go a lot of ways
Zen (Zen Arado): any other dreams?
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): it's like everything from that past in that town had been removed, except for that one building
Tura Brezoianu: kept in existence by your memory of it
Zen (Zen Arado): Yes it's like there's something just on the verge of understanding but can't seem to get it
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): but I don't have many memories of his office. I was only in there once or twice, I think
Zen (Zen Arado): good one to meditate on
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): all my memories are of the house where he lived
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): I will contemplate it :)
Zen (Zen Arado): sometimes I think Dreams that are more stark can tell us more than ones with lots of details because they are more open ended?
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): or more focused
Zen (Zen Arado): yes because they are more complete in themselves
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): ok, any other dreams?
Zen (Zen Arado): well I have one from last night
Agatha Macbeth: Yay
Zen (Zen Arado): I have to have one Tuesday nights in time for the session :-)
Riddle Sideways: ㋡
Agatha Macbeth: Course
Zen (Zen Arado): 25 June 2019 bad weather
I am driving a car with a couple of others in it. The weather is very bad – very windy and wet. We come to this strange looking structure. Like a skyscraper but with no windows and vertical pointed segments. We go into the building and there are three people huddled together at the bottom and I tell them they should get out because there will be very high wind speeds and the building might collapse. Then I am walking out against the wind and the rain and finding it hard to keep standing up.
Zen (Zen Arado): end
Agatha Macbeth: Sounds exactly like the weather we've been having
Zen (Zen Arado): probably influenced by reading about climate change lately
Zen (Zen Arado): I just finished a short course about it couple of weeks ago
Agatha Macbeth: You're reading too much Zenny :p
Zen (Zen Arado): funny that there is a building in my dream too
Agatha Macbeth: (Says she whose walls are lined with books)
Agatha Macbeth: Must be building week
Zen (Zen Arado): building demolition week
Zen (Zen Arado): :-)
Agatha Macbeth: Yeh
Zen (Zen Arado): the building looked so strange like something futuristic
Zen (Zen Arado): and no windows
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): and people taking refuge from the storm
Zen (Zen Arado): maybe we were driving around looking for survivors or something
Zen (Zen Arado): I wonder if it ever will get as bad as they say
Zen (Zen Arado): I guess I won't be around to find out
Riddle Sideways: keep thinking of... in RL few days ago was talking with Safeway clerk whose Grandmother's house is one of the only houses standing in Paradise after the fire
Zen (Zen Arado): yes it's easier to take on board if you are personally affected
Zen (Zen Arado): that connects with Alma's dream
Riddle Sideways: both dreams
Zen (Zen Arado): yes
Zen (Zen Arado): there is going to be a big heat wave in Europe this weekend
Zen (Zen Arado): temperatures around 45 C predicted
Agatha Macbeth: There was one in India - killed a lot of people
Zen (Zen Arado): and it was very hot last year as well if I remember correctly
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): that's pretty hot
Zen (Zen Arado): it surely is
Zen (Zen Arado): might get to 20 C where I live :-)
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): that's like summer in Arizona
Zen (Zen Arado): perhaps in the future I will be glad that Ireland is so cool
Agatha Macbeth: I'll take that!
Zen (Zen Arado): the last part of that dream reminds me of my childhood
Zen (Zen Arado): we used to have to walk to school in all weathers
Zen (Zen Arado): and I still remember the rain blowing into my eyes and biting cold rain on my face
Zen (Zen Arado): they have cars and buses nowadays so most never experienced that I guess
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): I remember walking to school in the snow
Zen (Zen Arado): yes
Agatha Macbeth: Yay
Zen (Zen Arado): my father had an old car but they didn't dream of taking children to school in those days
Agatha Macbeth: 'Mustn't spoil them'
Bertram Jacobus is offline.
Zen (Zen Arado): us baby boomers had it tough:-)
Zen (Zen Arado): yep
Riddle Sideways: yep, walked to school also
Zen (Zen Arado): maybe my dream is telling me I should do more
Riddle Sideways: have a not really a dream, but seeing a semi pattern
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): trying to warn other people of danger
Zen (Zen Arado): more to try to stop climate change
Zen (Zen Arado): ok Riddle
Zen (Zen Arado): listens
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala) listens
Riddle Sideways: was recording a dream of big blob chatacters. stopped and search journey, seeing how often the characters are just blobs. colorful and different sizes and energies.
Then when recording there the tendency is to try to describe them as like the robot in "Big Hero 6". A puffy marshmelow man.
But, no they are just blobs.
Riddle Sideways: should not change them for writing down.
Riddle Sideways: done
Agatha Macbeth: Sounds like Kirby
Zen (Zen Arado): what do you mean by 'stop and search journey"
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): let blobs be blobs
Riddle Sideways: stopped writing. and searched journal
Zen (Zen Arado): ah
Riddle Sideways: typos are fun
Bruce (Bruce Mowbray) is offline.
Zen (Zen Arado): amorphous blob characters
Riddle Sideways: all they needed to Be
Zen (Zen Arado): maybe that's all we are
Zen (Zen Arado): yet we take ourselves so seriously
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): maybe you need a new video adapter for your dreams, so the blobs can rez completely
Agatha Macbeth: Taking yerself seriously is usually a fatal error
Zen (Zen Arado): and the mind immediately starts to liken them to something or someone
Riddle Sideways: maybe. maybe need to wear glasses to see in dreams better
Agatha Macbeth: 3D spex
Agatha Macbeth: Technicolour dreamin'
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): (keep thinking of the orange clouds that appear in SL before an avatar rezzes)
Zen (Zen Arado): blob characters can have fun can't they?
Riddle Sideways: oh yes
Agatha Macbeth: Kirby sure does
Zen (Zen Arado): they defy being taken seriously
Agatha Macbeth: 'Right back at ya'
Zen (Zen Arado): I never seem to hear much in dreams
Riddle Sideways: is there car engine noise in your dreams?
Zen (Zen Arado): must make an intention to listen more
Zen (Zen Arado): I don't think so
Zen (Zen Arado): I mean, I was in a storm but I don't remember hearing wind noise or anything in my last dream
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): just googled Kirby ... one of the games is called "Nightmare in Dream land"
Agatha Macbeth: Yes!
Agatha Macbeth: Know it well
Tura Brezoianu: When people speak in my dreams, it's more like I know what they say but the dream doesn't really fill in the sounds
Zen (Zen Arado): I never heard of Kirby :-)
Agatha Macbeth: So cute
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): that how it is in my dreams too, Tura
Tura Brezoianu: I never heard of Kirby either
Zen (Zen Arado): yes it's like that for me too Tura
Zen (Zen Arado): might as well be using telepathy
Agatha Macbeth:
Zen (Zen Arado): silent dreams
Agatha Macbeth: With Charlie Chaplin
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): sometimes I will recall a specific word or phrase, but it never makes much sense
Zen (Zen Arado): yes I need to move on
Zen (Zen Arado): can I post something?
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): yes
Tura Brezoianu: go ahead
Agatha Macbeth: Please do
Riddle Sideways: yes
Agatha Macbeth: (Keep it clean)
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): awww
Zen (Zen Arado): Timing of Dreams
Zen (Zen Arado): If no mention is made of when the dream occurred, the leader should inquire about the timing of the dream prior to its telling. When the time is known, the group members can begin to think of possible contexts for the dream as they listen to it. If, for example, in a new group the dream being presented occurred the night before the group met, the feelings about coming into the group may have acted as an anticipatory day residue. That is, it may have been on the dreamer’s mind along with any anxieties or other feelings she may have had about doing dream work in a group setting. When an older dream is presented, it is also important to pin the date down as closely as possible. When that date is known, it may still be possible for the group to begin to generate ideas about a possible context for the dream.
Zen (Zen Arado): When asked about the time of occurrence of an older dream, a dreamer may respond initially with some approximate range of time—for example, 2 or 3 weeks ago. Careful questioning may help the dreamer narrow it down and even get to a specific date: “Did it occur over a weekend or during the week?
Zen (Zen Arado): Because it is a recent happening that gives rise to the tension that, in turn, channels the direction that dreaming consciousness will take, it becomes a matter of some importance to be able to help a dreamer identify that event and recapture the feelings associated with it. This isn’t to say that the dream is concerned only with this event but, rather, that it marks the starting point of a journey the dreamer will take into her own past. The references to the past may be explicit, such as an image of a childhood home, or it may emerge in the associations of the dreamer.
Zen (Zen Arado): This journey is not random but is precisely programmed to link seemingly scattered residues from the past in their emotional relevance to the issue being focused on in the dream. In other words, although a dream starts in the present, it doesn’t end there. There are, of course, times when the connections to the past are not obvious, particularly if not enough of the dream has been remembered. It follows that the more recent the dream, the greater opportunity there is for the group to be of help to the dreamer in identifying the stimulus for the dream. This is done most easily with a dream presented the day after it was dreamed and generally becomes more difficult when a long time elapses after the dream.
Ullman, Montague. Appreciating Dreams
Zen (Zen Arado): end
Zen (Zen Arado): He certainly does stress the importance of recent dreams
Zen (Zen Arado): don't remember reading that in any other books
Zen (Zen Arado): but it seems to make sense
Zen (Zen Arado): especially when you take any daytime residue into account which you might forget about otherwise
Zen (Zen Arado): what do you think?
Tura Brezoianu: Each o fthese dream books has its own slant.
Agatha Macbeth: Guess recent ones are just easier to recall
Tura Brezoianu: yes, even with a journal to keep old ones in, the memory will be more alive for a recent one
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): he seems convinced that all dreams are triggered by recent daytime events
Riddle Sideways: or that Zen needs a Tuesday dream
Zen (Zen Arado): :)
Tura Brezoianu: and the interpretations are all quite direct
Zen (Zen Arado): But it's funny that I always seem to have dreams on Tuesday nights
Agatha Macbeth: 'Wake up Zenny I think I got something to say to you...'
Zen (Zen Arado): it strengthens the intention to remember and log the dream too I guess
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): standing appointment with the dream maker
Zen (Zen Arado): yes
Zen (Zen Arado): I think this dream work depends a lot on having a strong intention to remember them
Zen (Zen Arado): otherwise will only remember the strongest ones
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): yes
Zen (Zen Arado): is this just finished now for the summer?
Agatha Macbeth: Let's give a couple of months and see
Riddle Sideways: oh! forgot to think about that
Zen (Zen Arado): Well next week would be into July
Agatha Macbeth: Yep
Riddle Sideways: is July the deadline to stop dreaming?
Zen (Zen Arado): nope we have to keep dreaming going over the summer
Agatha Macbeth: Too hot to dream
Zen (Zen Arado): I think I'm getting a bit better at remembering dreams
Zen (Zen Arado): it's like everything – the more you do it the better you get
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): take your dreams on vacation
Agatha Macbeth: Just wish dragon was better at typing them
Zen (Zen Arado): but you can't command dreams to appear
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): you can, but they won't obey. they're kind of like cats that way
Zen (Zen Arado): I wish I was better at typing them :-)
Agatha Macbeth: :3
Zen (Zen Arado): I guess we can make them feel like honoured guests and make them feel important
Zen (Zen Arado): as it said in one of the books
Zen (Zen Arado): when they do decide to honour us with their presence
Agatha Macbeth grins
Zen (Zen Arado): and listen carefully to what they are trying to tell us
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): true for both dreams and cats ;)
Agatha Macbeth: Indeed
Riddle Sideways: ㋡
Zen (Zen Arado): good metaphor
Zen (Zen Arado): is anyone going away on holidays?
Riddle Sideways: just got back
Riddle Sideways: another in a couple weeks
Tura Brezoianu: I'll be away some of August and September
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): no need to. other people come to where I live for their vacations :)
Zen (Zen Arado): I just go to perfect paradise :-)
Agatha Macbeth nods
Zen (Zen Arado): second life holiday
Zen (Zen Arado): it would be great to go there in real life it's such a beautiful place
Riddle Sideways: SL ... where everyday is a virtual holiday
Riddle Sideways: ok, dreamers. need to go
Agatha Macbeth: Dream well Rid
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): bye Riddle
Riddle Sideways is offline.
Zen (Zen Arado): have a good summer everyone
Alma di Masala (Almadi Masala): dream on, everyone :)
Zen (Zen Arado): byee
Agatha Macbeth: TC
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