2021.02.09 07:00 - playing with kleshas by any other name

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Riddle Sideways. The comments are by Riddle Sideways.

    Riddle Sideways: Morning Adams ㋡
    Adams Rubble: good morning Riddle :)
    Riddle Sideways: how is your weather now?
    Adams Rubble: it is quiet today. we seem to be dodging today's bullet
    Adams Rubble: storm went more northerly
    Riddle Sideways: had a beautiful and warmer weekend here, got out and enjoyed. now back to a bit cool by our standards
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Adams Rubble: we are supposed to have snow 11 or the next 14 days
    Adams Rubble: of
    Riddle Sideways: wow

    Riddle Sideways: Thanks for the email re: historic weather
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Adams Rubble: the internet can do anything :)

    Riddle Sideways: watched a completely different thing on TV last night
    Riddle Sideways: YouTube asked everybody to video they life on July 25th
    Riddle Sideways: then some poor soul edited 300,000+ vids down to and hour and a half movie
    Riddle Sideways: is was good, boring, special, dull, tearful, a day
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Riddle Sideways: you would enjoy "Life in a Day"
    Riddle Sideways: well parts of it
    Adams Rubble: I am very challenged to find time to watch things
    Riddle Sideways: Spoiler alert ... babies are born, the Sun comes up, some eating is done, the sun goes down
    Riddle Sideways: the Pandemic affects everybody
    Adams Rubble remembers a baby being born of July 25 but not last year
    Riddle Sideways: ㋡
    Riddle Sideways: checks that beel sound was not high enough
    Riddle Sideways: funny to be angry at a Fitbit this morning.
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Riddle Sideways: It is reporting a Completely different view of last night

    Adams Rubble: did you see my blog today?
    Riddle Sideways: read yesterdays
    Riddle Sideways: today = Things that hurt us
    Adams Rubble: a bit about anger today
    Adams Rubble: yes, things that hurt us
    Riddle Sideways: yes, the evil Fitbit starts angering most mornings
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Riddle Sideways: and it will die someday soon
    Adams Rubble: fitbit the enemy
    Riddle Sideways: either by dead battery or being thrown against a wall
    Adams Rubble: fitbit the teacher about kleshas
    Riddle Sideways: after it is long gone, the anger inside will continue
    Riddle Sideways: will not let another be loved again
    Adams Rubble: :)

    Adams Rubble: playing with kleshas
    Riddle Sideways: tech starts nice on Valentines day
    Riddle Sideways: then will turn to kleshas and anger
    Riddle Sideways: the attachments over the years
    Riddle Sideways: the memories of those past attachments
    Riddle Sideways: that left us
    Riddle Sideways: and left the hurt behind
    Adams Rubble: yes, it is amazing, isn't it

    Adams Rubble: There was a person who threatened me with a mafia-like threat when i was too young and naive to know ther was no substance behind it
    Adams Rubble: he turned into an enemy
    Adams Rubble: his name came up from time to time and reminded me of my anger at him
    Adams Rubble: one day I was in a public place and came across a plaque
    Adams Rubble: a public installation had been named after him as a memorial to money he had donated
    Adams Rubble: the plaque included his death date
    Adams Rubble: what to do now?
    Adams Rubble: my beloved klesha reminded but he was gone
    Riddle Sideways: many believe you are still keeping him alive with your memories
    Adams Rubble: :)

    Adams Rubble: we should learn lessons like that when we are young :)
    Riddle Sideways: that would have been nice
    Riddle Sideways: remembering all those Old people trying to tell those lessons
    Riddle Sideways: wasn't there some saying about "Youth is wasted on the young"
    Adams Rubble: yep
    Adams Rubble: and life experience is wasted on the old :)
    Adams Rubble: I made that up :)
    Riddle Sideways: ㋡ but it is good
    Adams Rubble: we can learn to be attentive when young
    Adams Rubble: there is so much we were not taught when young
    Riddle Sideways: if only the young would pay attention in class
    Adams Rubble: well there is the saying that you can bring a horse to water but can't make him drink
    Adams Rubble: probably coined by some person who had a tub full of dirty water
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Riddle Sideways: so many teachers came along and had deaf ears turned toward them

    Adams Rubble: Ohhh, I heard something that made me think of you
    Riddle Sideways: oh dear
    Adams Rubble: There is this comedian whose parents are Nigerian named Godfrey something
    Adams Rubble: and he constantly talked about the things his father said
    Adams Rubble: well the comedian was raised in Chicago and talked about Chicago winters
    Adams Rubble: one day the bus broke down and they had to walk five blocks to school in the bitter cold
    Adams Rubble: that night he told his father
    Adams Rubble: his father sarcastically said "five blocks" ... "did you survive?"
    Adams Rubble: he went on
    Adams Rubble: when I was young we had to walk 100 miles to school
    Adams Rubble: when we got there the school was not there
    Adams Rubble: we had to build it
    Adams Rubble: done
    Riddle Sideways: :))
    Adams Rubble: it looses something without the Nigerian accent :)
    Riddle Sideways: walk miles to school in the snow, uphill, both ways
    Riddle Sideways: things were soooo tough when we were young
    Riddle Sideways: these kids these days have it sooo soft
    Adams Rubble: they are not getting snow days because school is virtual
    Riddle Sideways: they did not want to get up and go to school
    Riddle Sideways: Now, they Want to get out of the house and go to school
    Adams Rubble: yes
    Riddle Sideways: never satisfied
    Adams Rubble: and their parents want them to get out of the house and go to school
    Adams Rubble: never satisfied
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Riddle Sideways: the Joys of never satisfied
    Adams Rubble: I think that is a kind of klesha
    Adams Rubble: if it walks like a klesha, and quacks like a klesha...

    Riddle Sideways: Ram Dass would go on about I scream for Ice Cream. then get the Ice Cream. Now want a glass of water
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Riddle Sideways: :)) hahaha

    Riddle Sideways: A Klesha by any other name
    Adams Rubble: today's topic all started with that great teacher, the fitbit
    Riddle Sideways: Fitbit the teacher taught all about how much good quality sleep was had last night
    Riddle Sideways: which started an arguemnet
    Riddle Sideways: "Oh No! is wasn't"
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Riddle Sideways: all the spicy food gave indigestion
    Riddle Sideways: no way to sleep on side or stomach
    Riddle Sideways: watched the digital clock say our favorite numbers: 3:21, 3:33, 3:45 etc.
    Riddle Sideways: Fitbit mildly just said "No, you didn't"
    Adams Rubble sings "What shalll we do with a drunken fitbit..."
    Riddle Sideways: image how mad a person gets if anOther mildly shows them some science facts
    Riddle Sideways: Here is the recording, see for yourself
    Riddle Sideways: you were asleep 79.36% of the time
    Adams Rubble: and leave you to choose between kleshas
    Adams Rubble: one to be sad about being wrong
    Adams Rubble: two to be angry at the firbit
    Adams Rubble: nice to have choices between our kleshas
    Adams Rubble: anger makes us feel powerful so that is the first chhoice
    Adams Rubble: grrrrr

    Riddle Sideways: imagine 70 million US voters making those choices
    Riddle Sideways: whoops
    Adams Rubble: yes, when the bad guy wins choice between sad and depressed or to anger and rage
    Adams Rubble: or seeing that they are just kleshas and go on with life
    Riddle Sideways: wha, that would not work

    Adams Rubble: I am sorry to leave as we are heating up but alas I must get going
    Adams Rubble: (singing Groucho Marx "I must be going")
    Riddle Sideways: and the movie goes out with "Always look on the bright side of Life"
    Adams Rubble: Thank you for the discussion and the lessons of the fitbit
    Riddle Sideways: ㋡
    Adams Rubble: :)))
    Riddle Sideways: go have your best day
    Adams Rubble: Now I will have that in my head all day :)
    Adams Rubble: Will need it the next 14 days :)
    Adams Rubble: have a great day :)
    Adams Rubble: bye for now
    Riddle Sideways: thanks and by All

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