The Guardian for this meeting was Bleu Oleander. The comments are by Bleu Oleander.
Bleu Oleander: 's current display-name is "Bleu".
Bleu Oleander: hi Wol :)
Wol Euler: hello colourful bleu!
Wol Euler: nice hat
Bleu Oleander: ty!
Bleu Oleander: my nod to Taliesin :)
Bleu Oleander: how are you?
Wol Euler: oh wow :D
Wol Euler: stressed and annoyed, but fine otherwise
Santoshima Resident: 's current display-name is "San".
Bleu Oleander: seems the norm these days!
Bleu Oleander: hi San :)
Wol Euler: hello san
Santoshima Resident: hello Wol and Bleu :)
Wol Euler: hello aggers
Bleu Oleander: hey Aggers :)
Santoshima Resident: greetings Agatha :)
Agatha Macbeth: Bonsoir mes amis
Bleu Oleander: ;0
Bleu Oleander: so we can start now that Aggers is here ...
Santoshima Resident: yay
Agatha Macbeth: Woot
Bleu Oleander: start with the slide with the red dot on it
Santoshima Resident: ok
Wol Euler listens.
Bleu Oleander: what do you all have your graphics set at?
Santoshima Resident: what is the arrow circle?
Bleu Oleander: its probably a good idea to click on the little arrow
Agatha Macbeth: What am I looking at?
Wol Euler: halfway to ultra, bcs I have a fibre optic line now
Bleu Oleander: resets your graphics to your computer
Santoshima Resident: currently btween high and ultra / with atmospheric shders and advanced lighting
Bleu Oleander: it sets mine to mid way
Santoshima Resident: i see
Agatha Macbeth: Oh that...mine's on mid
Bleu Oleander: great San so you should be having a great environment experience
Bleu Oleander: I find Atmospheric Shaders (AS) is enough for me
Bleu Oleander: Advanced LIghting Model (ALM) slows my computer down too much
Santoshima Resident: yes, agreed
Agatha Macbeth: Indeed
Santoshima Resident: was checking a build
Bleu Oleander: but for EEP I think using AS is best
Santoshima Resident: will lower them now
Agatha Macbeth: What does EEP actually mean?
Bleu Oleander: Enhanced Environmental Program I think
Agatha Macbeth: (Other than eep!)
Wol Euler nods.
Agatha Macbeth: Ah thanks
Bleu Oleander: its the new "wind lights" thing
Agatha Macbeth: Right
Bleu Oleander: so now your environments are in your inventory
Agatha Macbeth: This is what the update was all about?
Bleu Oleander: mostly yes
Agatha Macbeth: Gotcha
Bleu Oleander: so you can find environments under world at top of screen
Santoshima Resident: yes
Agatha Macbeth: Well I have mine on daytime the whole time, cos I like to see what I'm doing :p
Bleu Oleander: and you can set any environment for you only here
Bleu Oleander: if you open "my environments"
Santoshima Resident: very cool
Santoshima Resident: didn't know
Bleu Oleander: you should see settings and library
Agatha Macbeth: Ah
Wol Euler: only library here (perhaps befause I haven't used it yet?)
Bleu Oleander: under library you'll see many available environments to use
Agatha Macbeth: Same
Agatha Macbeth: Anddays, skies, water
Bleu Oleander: ah right Wol, you haven't entered any environments yet
Santoshima Resident: some one gave me a windlight and I see it is filed in the inv / settings /
Wol Euler: ah yes
Agatha Macbeth nods
Bleu Oleander: so when you create environments they will go in the settings folders
Bleu Oleander: from the library you can click on any of them and choose "only for me"
Agatha Macbeth: Right
Santoshima Resident: ok
Wol Euler: yeahhhhh
Bleu Oleander: you can't open one for everyone to use here unless you are an owner
Wol Euler: Bryn Oh Grey dust :D
Bleu Oleander: :)
Agatha Macbeth: Oh there's a quite a few
Wol Euler: I'l put that on for all of you to enjoy :D
Bleu Oleander: quite a few
Bleu Oleander: great Wol
Bleu Oleander: so when Wol chooses Bryn Oh's we can see it
Wol Euler: oh shoulod I do that? I was just being silly
Agatha Macbeth: Is this Shared Environment?
Bleu Oleander: ok to do
Wol Euler: its on the parcel now
Santoshima Resident: nice
Bleu Oleander: yes need to have shared environment checked
Agatha Macbeth: OK
Bleu Oleander: shared environment means you'll see whatever the owner chose
Santoshima Resident: can only do if you are a parcel boss
Bleu Oleander: or sim owner
Agatha Macbeth: Ahhh
Bleu Oleander: now all parcel owners can do this too
Agatha Macbeth: Hence the topic :p
Bleu Oleander: which is cool
Santoshima Resident: yes
Bleu Oleander: so I'll give you one I did
Santoshima Resident: ty
Agatha Macbeth: This one's a trifle murky
Bleu Oleander: you can use that one as for me only
Santoshima Resident: so interesting!
Santoshima Resident: thanks Bleu
Wol Euler: too late :D
Bleu Oleander: I took a pic of this ... see upper right
Agatha Macbeth: How do you get it to work?
Santoshima Resident: some like haze some like contrast
Bleu Oleander: just click on it and choose for me only
Agatha Macbeth: OK
Bleu Oleander: I was able to change the texture of the "moon" to a texture I had with the PaB symbol on it
Wol Euler: what do the rest of you see now? Did it revert to "normal" for you? Because I bobviuosly can't tell
Santoshima Resident: the pavilion looks great with your settings Bleu
Bleu Oleander: yes normal
Wol Euler: good
Bleu Oleander: thanks San
Bleu Oleander: that texture is a cycle one
Santoshima Resident: how does one change the moon?
Bleu Oleander: most of the ones in your library are static
Bleu Oleander: one sec and I'll get that
Santoshima Resident: this has a strong violet cast
Agatha Macbeth: Interesting
Bleu Oleander: ok so next slide
Bleu Oleander: if you double click an environment in your inventory
Bleu Oleander: you can edit it
Bleu Oleander: oops
Bleu Oleander: first you have to copy it
Bleu Oleander: and paste it into your settings folder
Bleu Oleander: then double click and edit
Bleu Oleander: should see this window
Santoshima Resident: sec
Agatha Macbeth: Done
Santoshima Resident: ok
Bleu Oleander: you can play with the colors and sliders
Agatha Macbeth: All looks very complex :p
Bleu Oleander: not really
Bleu Oleander: but once you get the hang of it its fun
Agatha Macbeth: To me I mean
Bleu Oleander: so change the colors
Bleu Oleander: and the haze etc and if you get one you want to keep do a save or save as and you can then go back to it
Bleu Oleander: next slide
Agatha Macbeth: Far out man
Santoshima Resident: this is very cool
Bleu Oleander: clouds
Bleu Oleander: you can put ANY texture in the clouds
Santoshima Resident: sec
Bleu Oleander: so unlimited
Wol Euler: renaissance putti!
Bleu Oleander: exactly
Agatha Macbeth: Oh
Wol Euler: aph would love that
Agatha Macbeth: Pictures in the sky?
Bleu Oleander: you can make your own cloud patterns as well
Santoshima Resident: whoa
Bleu Oleander: play with the sliders
Bleu Oleander: next slide
Bleu Oleander: sun and moon
Agatha Macbeth hums Medicine Head
Bleu Oleander: similar to clouds
Bleu Oleander: you can move the sun and moon around by grabbing the little yellow sun and moving it
Santoshima Resident: did you put an image for the sun? in your sample file?
Bleu Oleander: great for photos
Agatha Macbeth: I really don't know clouds at all <wink>
Wol Euler: so a sci-fi place coulld use Jupiter for the moon, to look like htey were in orbit around it
Bleu Oleander: yes
Wol Euler: this is really cool
Agatha Macbeth: Brill
Bleu Oleander: so I put the stars and PaB symbol in the moon slot
Bleu Oleander: on the texture I gave you
Santoshima Resident: nice
Bleu Oleander: so you can see it rise in the night sky
Santoshima Resident: so all this could be applied ton one's own parcel?
Agatha Macbeth: Neat
Santoshima Resident: to not ton
Bleu Oleander: YES!
Santoshima Resident: :))
Santoshima Resident: are we on phototools now?
Bleu Oleander: so in a minute we'll walk over and see how the environments change
Bleu Oleander: yes now photo tools
Santoshima Resident: ok
Bleu Oleander: if you open it
Santoshima Resident: done
Bleu Oleander: you'll see many things you can do while taking photos
Santoshima Resident: moment, afk
Bleu Oleander: so if you get somewhere and need to adjust before taking a shot you can
Bleu Oleander: there are 6 tabs of things you can do
Agatha Macbeth: Where is photo tools?
Santoshima Resident: red dot, Aggers
Bleu Oleander: under world
Bleu Oleander: photo and video
Bleu Oleander: opens this window
Bleu Oleander: lots to play with there
Wol Euler nods.
Bleu Oleander: ok next slide
Bleu Oleander: is the "about land" window
Santoshima Resident: sec
Bleu Oleander: which now has an "environment" tab
Santoshima Resident: question
Bleu Oleander: sure
Santoshima Resident: re: photo tools
Bleu Oleander: there is a button you can put in your dock for that too
Santoshima Resident: it has a box for "enable atmospheric shaders"
Bleu Oleander: yes
Bleu Oleander: a short cut
Bleu Oleander: same thing
Bleu Oleander: there are many ways to get to everything
Santoshima Resident: does it change it temporarily or change it in the Preference settings?
Santoshima Resident: oh i see
Bleu Oleander: which seems confusing at first
Santoshima Resident: ty
Agatha Macbeth: Ein moment bitte
Bleu Oleander: I think its temporary
Bleu Oleander: but I don't remember
Santoshima Resident: ok, will check later
Bleu Oleander: so about land
Santoshima Resident: ok
Bleu Oleander: ok so Wol, did you change the environment back now?
Wol Euler: wb
Wol Euler: it should be "just me"
Bleu Oleander: it went to Art of Being
Bleu Oleander: for everyone
Wol Euler: I chos "only me" from the menu
Bleu Oleander: if you open the about land
Santoshima Resident: where?
Bleu Oleander: I see it
Bleu Oleander: About land is at the top left
Bleu Oleander: also you can click on ground
Wol Euler: I am changing only the World/My environments
Bleu Oleander: open this window
Santoshima Resident: ok
Bleu Oleander: go to environments tab
Wol Euler: y
Santoshima Resident: ok
Bleu Oleander: and you'll see what has been selected for the land parcel
Santoshima Resident: oh
Bleu Oleander: its probably greyed out for all but Wol
Bleu Oleander: because Wol is owner
Santoshima Resident: is this how one can set several areas for differnt windlight settings?
Bleu Oleander: and can set this
Wol Euler: yes I can /could/ modify them
Bleu Oleander: so you see the altitudes
Bleu Oleander: you can now have 4 different levels on your parcel
Santoshima Resident: i can see the settings for Art of Being
Wol Euler: oh I see, I *did* apply AoB
Wol Euler: damn
Santoshima Resident: maybe i have the windlight for myself Wol
Bleu Oleander: haha
Santoshima Resident: what are others using?
Bleu Oleander: gotta watch those owners !!
Wol Euler: it is really unfortunate that this can be done so easily by accident
Bleu Oleander: yes hehe
Bleu Oleander: but only owners
Wol Euler: if I click on "use region settings" will it reset to normal?
Bleu Oleander: yes it should
Wol Euler: now says "region env." on all slots
Bleu Oleander: now if you check the about land tab it will show you that
Santoshima Resident: yes it does
Bleu Oleander: mine says Region environment now and that's what I see as long as I have shared environment checked
Bleu Oleander: now you'll also see
Bleu Oleander: "day settings"
Santoshima Resident: yes
Wol Euler: to confirm: night time, fairly dull no colour distortion
Wol Euler: yes?`
Santoshima Resident: yes, Wol
Bleu Oleander: most of sl is set as 4 hour days
Wol Euler: good
Bleu Oleander: and offset to Pacific time
Bleu Oleander: 24 hour can be nice if you come in a lot and want it to match with RL
Santoshima Resident: oh i see
Agatha Macbeth: •✠• Øh Μч ɢøɖ •✠•
Wol Euler: many online games do that
Bleu Oleander: it also tells you the apparent time of day
Agatha Macbeth: In California presumably? ;P
Bleu Oleander: for our plots here, it might be nice to keep them on the same clock for continuity?
Bleu Oleander: we can talk about that as a group
Santoshima Resident: so if i want ti to match Pacific time, i change to 24 hour clock, and et offset to what?
Santoshima Resident: on my parcel that is
Wol Euler: well that is where it gets tricky. My time RL is offset to yours :D
Bleu Oleander: the day cycles and environments, do we want them consistant?
Santoshima Resident: yes please
Agatha Macbeth: The estate setting is quite nice
Wol Euler: I think so
Wol Euler: yse
Bleu Oleander: its already offset to Pacific
Bleu Oleander: Pacific is -8
Agatha Macbeth: For me yes
Bleu Oleander: estate/region setting is nice and best if using AS
Bleu Oleander: if AS is not checked it can look harsh
Agatha Macbeth: Oh I have tose on
Agatha Macbeth: h*
Bleu Oleander: turn them off and see
Wol Euler: which is what my friend and I were seeing, way back when tthis all began
Wol Euler: it now makes sense
Wol Euler smiles.
Santoshima Resident: yes, harsh it can be
Bleu Oleander: also when you turn them on/off check your performance tools under Advanced tab
Bleu Oleander: you'll see your FPS drop as you add more advanced lighting options'
Wol Euler nods.
Santoshima Resident: wait
Santoshima Resident: sec
Bleu Oleander: ok
Agatha Macbeth: Oh I already know about that >.<
Santoshima Resident: acronyms confusing me
Bleu Oleander: great ;)
Santoshima Resident: AS atmospheric shaders
Santoshima Resident: FPS ?
Bleu Oleander: Frames Per Second
Agatha Macbeth: My prefs are set for max perormance
Santoshima Resident: ok
Santoshima Resident: sex
Santoshima Resident: oops
Santoshima Resident: sec :)
Agatha Macbeth: Sex?
Bleu Oleander: open your advanced menu
Santoshima Resident: typo
Bleu Oleander: performance tools ... statistics
Agatha Macbeth: Ah
Bleu Oleander: I'm at 16 FPS
Agatha Macbeth: Oh I know that one
Bleu Oleander: so suffering a bit
Wol Euler: 19.4
Santoshima Resident: 92.4
Wol Euler: what.
Wol Euler: with AS enabled?
Santoshima Resident: yes
Agatha Macbeth: San's flying
Santoshima Resident: let me check
Bleu Oleander: wow you must have a great graphics card!
Santoshima Resident: it is ok, a mac laptop
Bleu Oleander: I'm on a 5 year old iMac :(
Agatha Macbeth: Could certainly play minecraft!
Wol Euler: this is interesting, I toggled AS off and it's gone DOWN to 19.0
Bleu Oleander: but I have gotten high FPS a lot
Wol Euler: whats your draw distance, San?
Bleu Oleander: depends on the environment and how many avies
Bleu Oleander: and draw dist
Santoshima Resident: right
Bleu Oleander: and jellies :)
Santoshima Resident: many aspect will influence
Bleu Oleander: yep
Bleu Oleander: not sure what's causing it here
Santoshima Resident: what is your LOD factor?
Wol Euler: ahhhh
Wol Euler: my draw distance was 344 metres (for sailing)
Agatha Macbeth: So basically EEP relaces windlight then?
Bleu Oleander: where's my LOD?
Bleu Oleander: yes Aggers
Santoshima Resident: in the firestorm icon, bottom right
Agatha Macbeth: Developer menu?
Santoshima Resident: quickest way
Santoshima Resident: the phoenix icon
Bleu Oleander: 2
Santoshima Resident: set to 4
Santoshima Resident: for mesh
Wol Euler: now at 73 fps with a 64 metre draw distance
Bleu Oleander: ok
Santoshima Resident: better
Bleu Oleander: no it went down to 14
Santoshima Resident: check draw distance
Santoshima Resident: for that high FPS mine was 128 m
Bleu Oleander: draw is 128
Santoshima Resident: now at 568 m the FPS is only 6.2
Wol Euler: O.O
Bleu Oleander: if I go to mid graphics i'm at 17 now
Santoshima Resident: hmm
Bleu Oleander: its usually much better
Santoshima Resident: hmm
Bleu Oleander: anyway, any other questions on EEP?
Wol Euler: interesting that AS on its own has little to no effect on FPS
Bleu Oleander: yes for me too
Santoshima Resident: yes
Agatha Macbeth: Good
Santoshima Resident: the About land
Wol Euler: it has one really nasty side effect for sailing, as I said in email
Santoshima Resident: the way the splits are
Santoshima Resident: how does one apply a setting to each area?
Bleu Oleander: oh ok
Bleu Oleander: so you need to create a cycle environment
Bleu Oleander: easiest way is to take one from library
Bleu Oleander: and copy to settings
Bleu Oleander: and edit it
Bleu Oleander: use Art of Being one
Santoshima Resident: can it be a static environment for each area?
Bleu Oleander: yes
Bleu Oleander: when you open/edit Art of Being one
Santoshima Resident: ok
Bleu Oleander: under the first tab
Bleu Oleander: you'll see the ground level
Santoshima Resident: oh i see
Bleu Oleander: and the bright greenish line with dots on it
Bleu Oleander: that line is the cycle
Bleu Oleander: and you can set a sky sun moon water for each of those
Wol Euler: what are the dots?
Santoshima Resident: the bright green line with dots?
Bleu Oleander: those are spots where things change
Bleu Oleander: you can delte all of them
Bleu Oleander: if you want a static environment
Santoshima Resident: k
Bleu Oleander: or set as many as you want
Bleu Oleander: each one you click on will have its own settings
Santoshima Resident: k
Santoshima Resident: how do i delete a dot?
Bleu Oleander: if you click on the dot under 75%
Wol Euler: and is that line a single SL day, which repeats six times in a RL day?
Bleu Oleander: you'll see I changed the moon to my own texture
Bleu Oleander: line is a day
Wol Euler: SL day?
Bleu Oleander: so here a day is 4 hours
Bleu Oleander: yes
Wol Euler: ty
Bleu Oleander: click on each dot
Bleu Oleander: and you'll see different settings
Santoshima Resident: i see
Santoshima Resident: but how do i delete a dot
Wol Euler: the arrow keys and teh movie camera are really good too :)
Bleu Oleander: so in the morning you can have one kind of sky and sun and as day progresses another
Bleu Oleander: run the camera
Santoshima Resident: or do i just set the same setting on each for static
Bleu Oleander: and see the whole day
Bleu Oleander: yes one for static
Santoshima Resident: that is so cool
Bleu Oleander: it is
Wol Euler: this is really amazing stuff
Bleu Oleander: many possiblities
Bleu Oleander: yes I think so
Bleu Oleander: lots are complaining that windlights were taken away but I think they just don't understand all this
Santoshima Resident: yes
Wol Euler: surely there must be a way to import a windlight for reuse?
Bleu Oleander: playing with it will help a lot
Bleu Oleander: there is Wol
Wol Euler: they can't just have thrown all that work by all those people away
Agatha Macbeth: One would hope so
Wol Euler: right
Bleu Oleander: well there's still over 200
Santoshima Resident: in the library?
Bleu Oleander: but yes you can import
Bleu Oleander: old ones
Santoshima Resident: from where?
Agatha Macbeth: Nothing would surprise me where the Lindens are involved
Bleu Oleander: on one of those links I shared it tells you how
Santoshima Resident: ok, ty
Bleu Oleander: I just make my own ... its fun
Agatha Macbeth: You're an arty cutie that's why
Bleu Oleander: but editing existing ones can teach you a lot
Bleu Oleander: LOL
Bleu Oleander: the color sliders are really nice and you can get some beautiful effects
Santoshima Resident: colour sliders ... you mean ... Ambient colour, blue hz, blue density ?? changing those?
Bleu Oleander: take an existing one from the library, copy to settings folder, edit and "save as" for yourself
Bleu Oleander: yes San
Santoshima Resident: perfecto
Santoshima Resident: ty
Santoshima Resident: Bleu!! this is wonderful
Wol Euler: yes )
Bleu Oleander: and play with various textures for clouds, sun and moon
Bleu Oleander: great ... well feel free to IM if more questions
Santoshima Resident: you are a great teacher, Bleu
Wol Euler: thank you so much <3
Santoshima Resident: thanks so much for this
Wol Euler applauds!
Agatha Macbeth: Yay
Bleu Oleander: also if you make a nice one share it or sell it :)
Agatha Macbeth: Are they on the MP?
Bleu Oleander: so for now we'll leave the pavilion on region setting
Bleu Oleander: but we can discuss at future meeting if you want
Bleu Oleander: yes there are some on MP
Agatha Macbeth: Good heavens
Wol Euler nods.
Bleu Oleander: but so far not that many and not so great
Santoshima Resident: maybe you could set up a cycle for the pavilion Bleu, and propose it
Santoshima Resident: that would be good
Bleu Oleander: except for the milky way one .... very cool
Wol Euler: Torley "Das Fog" is very nice
Agatha Macbeth: Eaten a few of those in my time
Bleu Oleander: well we can all make a cycle and we can try them out :)
Agatha Macbeth: Could be an Art of being project :p
Santoshima Resident: yes!
Bleu Oleander: ok so before we go lets walk over to my plot
Santoshima Resident: alright
Bleu Oleander: and watch the environment switch
Bleu Oleander: this way
File | Size | Date | Attached by | |||
About-Land.jpg No description | 32.75 kB | 21:38, 15 Feb 2021 | Bleu | Actions | ||
Environ-Settings-1.jpg No description | 32.7 kB | 23:10, 15 Feb 2021 | Bleu | Actions | ||
world-environments-1.jpg No description | 72.21 kB | 21:38, 15 Feb 2021 | Bleu | Actions |