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2017.02.06 13:00 - Complimentary Contradictions, Substrate Independence (?), and Algorithm or Fractal Self
2017.02.09 13:00 - Wisdom of Lived Experience Session: Mind on the Ropes!
2017.02.16 13:00 - Session with Maxine: I was trying to explore the question, "What brings us alive?"
2017.02.23 13:00 - Wondering about the mother who doesn't act as described
2017.02.27 13:00 - "In life, I think it means keep an open mind and don't fall in love with your own concrete ideas."
2017.03.16 13:00 - WoLE Session: We Can Heal Others Through Loving Empathy
2017.03.23 13:00 - WoLE Session: Compassion Chips, New Past Chips, Implicit Self, and Right to Right Hemisphere Communication
2017.03.30 13:00 - Security Blanket Gone Wrong?
2017.04.06 13:00 - WoLE Session: Brain Stem, Cortex, and Details of Consciousness
2017.04.10 13:00 - WoLE Session: Can the Cortex Really Be Unconscious? What Does it Mean to be Conscious, Anyway?
2017.04.17 13:00 - Grokking Entropy, Altruism, Adventures of Interest, and the Divine Move
2017.04.27 13:00 - Wisdom of Lived Experience (Maxine attending): Memory, Space, Emotion, Compassion, and Oxytocin
2017.05.01 13:00 - Pre-birth Impressions & La Parola Io
2017.05.04 13:00 - WoLE Session: Laughing, Crying, Keening, Screaming / Catharsis and 'Unpinching the Heart'
2017.05.11 13:00 - Us and Them
2017.05.15 13:00 - WoLE Session: Hence the croc in the pool...
2017.05.22 13:00 - WoLE Session: Hallucinatory Phenomena as Basic to Mental Functioning
2017.05.29 13:00 - WoLE Session: A Room Full of Dancers
2017.06.01 13:00 - In hoc signo vinces
2017.06.19 13:00 - WoLE Session: On Upwellings and Abandonments
2017.06.22 13:00 - Maxine Visits: Self Making, What is Real, Destabalization, and Death Instinct
2017.06.26 13:00 - The Thing is to Be Aware
2017.06.29 13:00 - "How could we have a choice with so much upwelling and conditioning by mother?" - Bruce
2017.07.20 13:00 - Grand Central Constellations, Oneness and Self
2017.07.31 13:00 - WoLE Session: Coherence and De-coherence, in the Garden
2017.08.03 13:00 - Rainbows of Variation
2017.08.10 13:00 - WoLE Session: mind-opening antidotes for cynicism and despair
2017.08.17 13:00 - WoLE Session: Experiencing Being through Play, Coming Up Empty Handed, and Greeting a Visitor
2017.08.24 13:00 - WoLE Session: Totality Paths and Substrate Understandings
2017.08.28 13:00 - Exploring Reality Differently, with New Hosts!
2017.08.31 13:00 - WoLE Session: Each Fish Individual and Not, Calm Capsules and Mitigating Factors
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