The Guardian for this meeting was Bruce Mowbray. The comments are by Bruce Mowbray.
Bruce Mowbray: Heya, Qt.
Qt Core: Hi Bruce
Bruce Mowbray: I trust all is well with you today.
Qt Core: no, not really, quite a bad day, started with the discovery that i left my car back windows open under an almost all night thunderstorm
Bruce Mowbray: omg.
Bruce Mowbray: Sorry to hear that.
Bruce Mowbray remembers that he had to run outside in the middle of the night last night to roll up his typist's car windows.
Qt Core: luckily a lot of sun after mid-morning so i let the car open under it
Bruce Mowbray: Sure, best way to dry it all out.
Qt Core: (i even went back to my car before sleeping to get the umbrella...
Bruce Mowbray: I've had to do that many times, actually.
Bruce Mowbray: :)
Bruce Mowbray: So, by now I'm guessing that your car has dried out.
Qt Core: i'll see tomorrow, (i just went to close it as it is 10pm after all
Bruce Mowbray nods.
Bruce Mowbray: brb,
Bruce Mowbray: I am recording a movie that has about ten more minutes until it's done.
Bruce Mowbray: so, will need to be away again in about ten minutes....
Qt Core: ok
Bruce Mowbray: :)
Bruce Mowbray: It's a super-schmultzy romantic drama: "Somewhere in Time" with Christopher Reeve and Sean Seymour.
Qt Core: interesting plot
Qt Core: it doesn't mention it being excessively romantic
Bruce Mowbray: Oh. You're down here.
Qt Core: ;-)
Bruce Mowbray: Do you know the movie?
Qt Core: no, never heard about it
Bruce Mowbray: Hmmmm.
Bruce Mowbray: It's really beautiful . . . in a sort of schmultzy way, of course.
Bruce Mowbray: Christopher Reeve played Superman....
Bruce Mowbray: and then he had a tragic accident in real life...
Qt Core: yes, and it feel a little weird thinking about such a big guy being overly romantic
Bruce Mowbray: His horse suddenly stopped when he was jumping a hurdle... and Chris fell over the horse’s neck to the ground and broke his neck.
Bruce Mowbray: Totally paralyzed from the neck down for the rest of his life.
Bruce Mowbray: Well, "overly romantic" is my take on that movie, of course.
Bruce Mowbray: I'll probably not feel less that way tonight when I watch it for the first time in decade or so.
Bruce Mowbray: (Going to check it again.... I think it's probably done recording now....) brb.
Bruce Mowbray: Everything done and it looks fine.
Qt Core: ok, that remind me about this movie:
Bruce Mowbray clicks.
Bruce Mowbray: ai ai! Soli en Italiano!
Qt Core: sadly
Bruce Mowbray: “scenery is the Tuscany countryside.”
Qt Core: for fame level Troisi is the neapolitan equivalent of Benigni for Tuscany (but sadly Troisi is already dead)
Bruce Mowbray: Hmmm.
Bruce Mowbray: I wonder if there are English subtitles for that movie.
Bruce Mowbray: It looks like something I'd like to watch.
Bruce Mowbray: I'm checking now on Netfliz.
Bruce Mowbray: Netflix, sry.
Qt Core: there are two scenes in it that became absolute memes of italian culture
Bruce Mowbray nods.
Bruce Mowbray: nope, unfortunately, it's not available on Netflix.
Bruce Mowbray: (nor Netfliz, either.)
Qt Core: they answer a monk saying "remember you'll have to die" (the answer being something like "ok, i'll tale a note about it")
Bruce Mowbray: let me guess: riding Vespas . . . and sipping red wine in a sidewalk cafe?
Qt Core: no, it is more a tragic comic style
Bruce Mowbray: ahhhh,
Bruce Mowbray: so is "Somewhere in Time"
Qt Core: yes ;-)
Bruce Mowbray: but not so comic.... just Schmultzy romantic.
Bruce Mowbray: "Romantic" comes from "Roman," doesn't it?
Bruce Mowbray: and implies that everything reconciles and harmonizes in the end?
Bruce Mowbray: sweetness and light wins out over darkness and gloom?
Qt Core: i think was most a reevaluation of past and emotions in 1800 if i remember mi literature classes
Bruce Mowbray: yes, both that and an emphasis on individuals . . .
Bruce Mowbray: as in: ‘Individuals can make their own harmony and happiness.... but will have to endure much suffering to do so…”
Bruce Mowbray: As Thaddeus Golas put it: "When you learn to love hell, you'll be in heaven."
Qt Core: it lead me to all those obnoxious poets that made us students ask why they just would not commit suicide instead of writing sad poetry ;-)
Bruce Mowbray: for sure! (and some of them actually DID.)
Bruce Mowbray: Remember Goethe's "The Sorrows of Young Werter"?
Bruce Mowbray: that was the "early" Goethe, though.
Bruce Mowbray: Goethe gradually grew out of his romanticism....
Qt Core: i once submitted a poem to a school competition, went pretty high but i didn't won... and my work was the only not sad one in the entire lot
Bruce Mowbray: (I think Goethe's 'personal growth' may have largely - or entirely - been due to his astounding powers of observation.)
Bruce Mowbray: Hmmm. You wrote a "not sad" poem..... Sounds fine!
Bruce Mowbray: I'm now thinking of that fine singer you turned me on to.... and of the poetry of his songs.
Bruce Mowbray: (can't recall his name at the moment, though).
Qt Core: Dalla ?
Bruce Mowbray: Maybe, yes.
Bruce Mowbray: He is no longer living.
Qt Core: no, and it was an abrupt end too, shocking almost
Bruce Mowbray nods.
Bruce Mowbray:
Qt Core: i was about to write about Caruso, his most famous song outside italy
Bruce Mowbray: beautiful.
Qt Core: i so much favor his version against the more "beautiful" ones, like Bocelli's
Bruce Mowbray: hmmmm.
Qt Core: his own version is so much painful
Bruce Mowbray:
Bruce Mowbray: I had never heard of Dalla before you mentioned him. An amazing singer.
Qt Core: i often favor music with no words (or at least not putting attention on it) but Dalla's lyrics... wow
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, Dalla's lyrics are glorious...
Bruce Mowbray: that's probably not the right word.
Qt Core: poetic ? ;-)
Bruce Mowbray: "penetrating," maybe.
Bruce Mowbray: yes, poetic.
Bruce Mowbray: "Into each open window some rain must fall...."
Bruce Mowbray: Yikes!
Qt Core: often smirking i think
Bruce Mowbray: :))
Bruce Mowbray: I misread Bleu's email – I thought the pavilion discussion would be today -- but it's not until tomorrow.
Qt Core: yes, always on Sundays the pavilion ones, i think
Bruce Mowbray: (No wonder folks are not arriving.)
Bruce Mowbray: yes, tomorrow.
Bruce Mowbray: I'm going to need to go now and get in my one-mile evening walk.
Bruce Mowbray: I did tell you about my newly-acquired skiwalking poles, didn't I?
Bruce Mowbray: (Nordic walkers.)
Qt Core: yes, are they good ?
Bruce Mowbray: They are WONDERFUL.
Qt Core: great!
Bruce Mowbray: They really help me maintain balance... with my vertigo.
Bruce Mowbray: Be well!
Bruce Mowbray: Hope your car is all right.
Qt Core: have fun!
Bruce Mowbray: Thanks – You too.