Pema Pera: did you see how the PaB blog is growing rapidly?
Riddle Sideways: yes
Riddle Sideways: it is very nice
Pema Pera: thank you!
Pema Pera: I just added a digest section
Pema Pera: since it will be impossible to wade through it all after a few more days
Pema Pera: hope that helps
Riddle Sideways: good, it should help
Pema Pera: no idea where this is going to
Pema Pera: in the long run
Pema Pera: we’ll see!
Riddle Sideways: me either
Riddle Sideways: it has been only a few days and I am seeing some patterns
Riddle Sideways: many slices are showing old patterns that I have been playing for years
Pema Pera: slices?
Riddle Sideways: I call the 15 min gong slices
Riddle Sideways: after what multitasking OSs do
Pema Pera: I see, yes.
Pema Pera: interesting!
Riddle Sideways: at each 15 I was writing done what I was playing at
Riddle Sideways: sometimes I play at being a business man
Riddle Sideways: sometimes I play at being a child
Riddle Sideways: a teacher, dumbie, musician, artist, etc, cook
Riddle Sideways: then there is the “which world” am I playing in
Pema Pera: yes, we have many different roles to play . . .
Riddle Sideways: RL, SL, qwaq, studio…
Pema Pera: yes, it is pretty amazing, the meta levels in our life!
Pema Pera: Do you find the notion of Being somewhat helpful in the midst of all this?
Riddle Sideways: yes, it gives a ref point
Riddle Sideways: a grounding and more. words fail here. more like a medium
Riddle Sideways: a culture
Pema Pera: the word grounding is evocative, it has come up a few times during these sessions, I find it helpful too.
Riddle Sideways: the word grounding is helpful to many. Yet it is limiting sometimes to me
Pema Pera: In what way?
Riddle Sideways: In my mind and practices there are 3 groundings depending on situation
Riddle Sideways: and each has a seperation from all
Riddle Sideways: many times it is a Me that needs to be grounded or put back upon
Riddle Sideways: or there is the You who are not grounded in My ground
Riddle Sideways: grounded (often) emplys gravity and earth
Riddle Sideways: all these are separate from ALLness
Pema Pera: which are the 3 groundings you refered to, the Me ground, the You ground, the ALL ground?
Riddle Sideways: oh different… physical grounding where I am rooted. mental grounding where I am at peace/readiness. and (hmmmm) worldly? groundedness where I am in this current world/reality(RL,SL,book
Pema Pera: I see, yes, body, mind and speech perhaps? There are many three-partitions but they often have somewhat similar divisions.
Pema Pera: As for Being,
Pema Pera: one aspect that I think is wonderful is that it is always there
Pema Pera: always already there
Pema Pera: no need to search or manufacture or reach in any way
Riddle Sideways: yes
Pema Pera: it really is a practical resource
Pema Pera: The funny thing is, with language: Being sounds so abstract
Pema Pera: and yet it is the most concrete aspect of our existence
Pema Pera: and Being can help us more than anything/anyone else, in a way that is very hard to point out in words.
Pema Pera: But perhaps we can let it unfold here, over the days and weeks and months
Riddle Sideways: yes, this is a good practice and the sharing helps too
Pema Pera: Indeed! Thanks for coming here, Riddle!
Riddle Sideways: ty for your efforts
Pema Pera: yw!
Pema Pera: thank you for yours too!
Pema Pera: Perhaps we should be on our way now. See you next time!
Riddle Sideways: have a good day
Riddle Sideways: bye
Pema Pera: bye