Riddle Sideways: hey, nice leaping, Adams
Riddle Sideways: on the edge of a lotus
Adams Rubble: Hello Riddle :)
Adams Rubble starts to behave
Riddle Sideways: why?
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: so, what is on the mind today?
Adams Rubble: not much. busy morning with chores
Riddle Sideways: ok, not much discussion there
Adams Rubble: did you see what I added to our chat last Thursday
Riddle Sideways: Yes! thank you
Riddle Sideways: however, did not read it all the way, yet
Riddle Sideways: got interrupted
Riddle Sideways: :(
Riddle Sideways: again
Riddle Sideways: browser has 1,234 tabs open
Adams Rubble: tried to approach from a different direction
Adams Rubble: erg
Riddle Sideways: is just like the bedstand book pile
Riddle Sideways: started as an interview
Adams Rubble: except bedstand book pile will not slow computer, just may fall on you when sleeping
Adams Rubble: do you use Zotero?
Riddle Sideways: and computer might fall/crash when chatting
Riddle Sideways: oh thank you! did not know Zotero.
Riddle Sideways: will check it out.
Adams Rubble: yes it started as an interview but I overstepped my bounds as an interviewer and gave a speech instead
Adams Rubble: Zotero is like a book case to sort and store all those open tab links
Riddle Sideways: using 'Read Later' which got renamed to Pocket for articles
Adams Rubble: it is ice that you can make categories
Riddle Sideways: and use EverNote for almost everything
Adams Rubble: nice not ice :)
Riddle Sideways: yes, need categories
Riddle Sideways: and tie both to Dropbox so all devices have the stuff
Riddle Sideways: what other tricks/tools do you use
Riddle Sideways: or stopped using
Adams Rubble: yes if you have multiple devices. I used to use dropbox when I worked
Adams Rubble: no need to do that now
Adams Rubble: lots of open tabs does not work well with SL
Riddle Sideways: still have multiple devices around the house
Adams Rubble: anyway I need to confess
Adams Rubble: yes I have different computers but use them differently
Riddle Sideways: occasional airplane trips and waiting in lines
Adams Rubble: I sort of spilled my guts on Thursday and then the addition and I feel sort of empty
Adams Rubble: nothing left
Adams Rubble: afraid to read what I wrote :)
Riddle Sideways: for more than a month you have been going wild :)
Adams Rubble: probably all drivel
Riddle Sideways: it is great
Adams Rubble: sometimes we go, sometimes we rest :)
Riddle Sideways: the trick is to do both
Riddle Sideways: at once
Riddle Sideways: :)
Adams Rubble: my sailor's hat is hanging on the peg and the boat is being overhauled
Adams Rubble: can't find my bus ticket
Adams Rubble: it's around her somewhere
Riddle Sideways: yet the house cleaning and errands are getting done that were skipped
Riddle Sideways: all the tickets will appear when needed again
Riddle Sideways: the writer is taking a deep breath
Riddle Sideways: the sailor sleeps in the hammock
Adams Rubble: shiver me timbers
Riddle Sideways: the caretaker cooks a yummy meal
Riddle Sideways: a different business goes on
Adams Rubble: yes, still working on compassion
Adams Rubble: It's a hard job but someone has to do it
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: :)
Riddle Sideways: understatement
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: tall person, finding a few cobwebs the short cleaner has been missing
Riddle Sideways: like the thread of last week
Adams Rubble listens
Riddle Sideways: that became a dream
Riddle Sideways: partially remembered
Riddle Sideways: cat awoken, but not getting up (at 5:20am) yet, goes back to sleep
Adams Rubble: (suddenly remembers last night's fream - yikes)
Adams Rubble: ohh sounds promising
Riddle Sideways: replaying the 5 variable letter soup
Riddle Sideways: those As and Ps and some Bs
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: well, remembering a Moog Synthesizer
Riddle Sideways: BTW - use to live in up-state NY when there was a little lab experimenting with oscillators
Riddle Sideways: went to visit
Riddle Sideways: back to thread
Riddle Sideways: there is a White Noise generator, oscillator
Riddle Sideways: at the start of any sound
Adams Rubble: Hello raffia :)
Riddle Sideways: it generates all frequencies
thread re: Being as a white noise generator, is to be continued another day :)
Riddle Sideways: Hi Raffi!!
Raffila Millgrove: hello Riddle, Hi ADamns
Riddle Sideways: nice to see you
Raffila Millgrove: I saw you were on, figured maybe you were here for session.
Riddle Sideways: probably are
Riddle Sideways: the same ol Tuesday mornings with Riddle and Adams :)
Raffila Millgrove: I read that appendage.. to another Riddle session that you added on Adams. quoting Levicitcus I think.. interesting.
Adams Rubble: Luke
Riddle Sideways: :)
Raffila Millgrove: oh i wonder why I was thinking other.. yes. sorry.
Raffila Millgrove: well they both start with "L" Raffi has aphasia you know. for real. it's a pain in the ass.
Adams Rubble: yes both with L
Raffila Millgrove: anyway it was a long time since I saw any Bible quoting here so I enjoyed to see it.
Adams Rubble: :)
Raffila Millgrove: oops I am sorry if I interrupted you... two. please carry on.
Adams Rubble: Riddle was talking about a dream which made me remember mine last night
Raffila Millgrove: oh cool. my husband had a dream too he hardly ever has. what was yours about?
Riddle Sideways: went off to research aphasia and realizing must have it
Riddle Sideways: wasn't the dream actually, was the laying awake thoughts from it
Raffila Millgrove: it's not too funny Riddle. I been struggling with it for many years. little keepsake of chemo for cancer. very tedious but i can't complain since I am here...
Raffila Millgrove: What was your dream about Adams? was it scary or what?
Riddle Sideways: did not mean to sound funny
Raffila Millgrove: no.. i try to make it funny all the time. I don't admit to it.
Raffila Millgrove: I didn't mean you were making it funny.
Riddle Sideways: the trouble wrestling with 5 letters APAPB
Adams Rubble: Just read too. Very sorry to hear abouit it raffi
Adams Rubble: My dream
Raffila Millgrove: oh yes. what do they stand for again. you have talked on it.. before.
Adams Rubble: I was cleaning house and putting stuff in a large barn -- ohh remembered something else uh oh
Riddle Sideways: /listens, but knows the uh oh
Adams Rubble: any way to make a long story short the stuff started piling up but there was much room behind the pile. Did I mention there was a horse running around in the barn. A magnificent creature. like a racehorse. In any case I went around and open the large barn doors so I could move the big pile from the back. I was happily moving stuff when the horse raced past me, down the lane and across other fields.
Adams Rubble: It was not my horse but I was responsible
Adams Rubble: My dream tried all kinds of ways to resolve it but it was helpless
Adams Rubble: Someone told me it might return on its own and I think the dream ended there
Riddle Sideways: some old cleche about "Closing the barn doors after the horse is out"
Adams Rubble: typical drea really
Adams Rubble: I never closed them Riddle :)
Riddle Sideways: :)
Adams Rubble: funny thing about the dream was I was working on the upper floor
Riddle Sideways: and the pile in the back needing to move forward
Adams Rubble: The animals were on the lower floor
Adams Rubble: I know this because it was my grandfather's barn
Adams Rubble: so unless the horse came up the stairs it never should have gotten out
Adams Rubble: my dream center is all messed up
Adams Rubble: but I was in a panic--I guess that's the point
Adams Rubble: all because I have too much stuff
Riddle Sideways: you desire the waking mind logic to be actve in dreams
Raffila Millgrove: can i say something about dreams. maybe you have heard before but I think it is... helpful
Riddle Sideways: /listens
Raffila Millgrove: recent research indicates that there is a portion of the brain that organizes the data coming in from our senses, like sight and hearing. when we sleep. we don't have any data coming in for it to organize. It is thought by researchers that this part of brain doesn't sleep, and uses the time.. to get in shape organizing.. by taking stored data and rearranging in it various ways. telling stories with it (our dreams) and this accounts for repeated dreams..cause the organizer seems to like soliving problems. so it often takes a problem we have in waking hours.. and runs thru various scenarios. accounts of people who discover something--and say. well it came to me in a dream. they had the info.. they just didn't know how to put it together and the "dream" made by the organizer solved the problem for them. does this make sense? I think it is true.
Riddle Sideways: yes, think it is true
Adams Rubble: oh yes, and sometimes I sense problems in the dream scenario and the dream starts over and tries to correct them. It did not catch this problem or I would have been moving my stuff into the lower floor. hehe
Raffila Millgrove: yes this is true. somehow we actually can get into our own dreams. and change them. complain we don't like how it is going.. and the brain will change the dream.
Raffila Millgrove: My first husband, he said he could do this. get into his dreams.. to stop nightmares etc. So I read in Carlos Castenda I think.. if you look at your hands over and over.. and do it esp before you go to sleep, in the sleep.. if you look down at your hands in a dream.. you can.. get in there and change it.. and I tried it .. sometimes I can do it. It took a lot of practice.
Adams Rubble: good to able to swat monsters out of the sky :)
Raffila Millgrove: exactly.
Riddle Sideways: Ah Ha!!! think deep breath works that way too
Raffila Millgrove: but i couldn't use it much to actually solve problems.. only to do that. the fight the monsters. it was same with my husband.
Raffila Millgrove: it seems only good for fighting stuff. to make mosters stop.
Adams Rubble: :) yes - harder when moving stuff
Riddle Sideways: for some years have been taking a 9-second deep breath
Riddle Sideways: especcially at bedtime
Raffila Millgrove: ah...
Riddle Sideways: then in dreams taking a deep breath
Riddle Sideways: just like the looking at hands
Riddle Sideways: but, it resets
Raffila Millgrove: ah ha. but what.. do you use for .. can do you ... more than save yourself from monsters?
Riddle Sideways: resets what was just going on
Raffila Millgrove: ah. you get a reset.
Adams Rubble: I used to remember my dreams all the time when i first started PaB and then stopped remembering. It is interesting that I am starting to remember again
Riddle Sideways: yes, like daily resets
Raffila Millgrove: that's cool isn't it.
Riddle Sideways: yes
Riddle Sideways: remember the whole dream or not ... do remember breathing
Raffila Millgrove: I wonder why this works. the research of course. didn't mention or explain.. but i have it filed myself under that same section as the car with two transmissions.
Raffila Millgrove: It's a Porsche Boxer btw.
Riddle Sideways: :)
Raffila Millgrove: I was wondering the other day if they still make it. anyway you can use the manual.... in your brain for many things. stop being on auto and get these resets..
Raffila Millgrove: not just in dreams. but a lot.
Riddle Sideways: yes
Raffila Millgrove: you can get the brain to stop being on auto and give you a chance to go to manual and review. rethink. stall off the react.
Raffila Millgrove: I am waiting for someone in research to get the explain on the how/why this works. Cause i know for sure it does work.
Riddle Sideways: extreme would be stop the monster, but on small details too
Riddle Sideways: reset probably equals a connect conscience mind to the dream/organizer/sleep janitor
ref to the janitor in: https://www.ted.com/talks/lisa_genov...imer_s#t-95665
start around 2:02 and the janitor is at 2:31
Raffila Millgrove: definately. we can do this waking or sleeping with various methods. like the hand or breath. but how... where is this in brain that we can stop stuff. i would like them to investigate.
Raffila Millgrove: it would be so helpful if we had some better info on it. cause it's valuable skill. to learn and use. and no one is teaching anything on it.
Riddle Sideways: many times it is hard to write a grant for somebody else to do your research
Raffila Millgrove: lol
Raffila Millgrove: i had already to live so long to see some of my ideas... finally getting science backing. i feel sad i am not going to live long enough.. to get the science on this one.
Riddle Sideways: maybe not
Riddle Sideways: but maybe
Riddle Sideways: actually know a kid, watched him grow, that got a doctorate in sleep studies
Riddle Sideways: is working in it now
Raffila Millgrove: I am trying to list stuff on getting old. that is positive.. one is this science thing.. where I DID get proof on many things.. and it was just living long enough to finally get it. that's benefit. you find out if you're right or wrong on your own theories (usually not personaly Yours.. but you know what i mean..s tuff you believe that isn't proven.. yet)
Riddle Sideways: yes, know that
Raffila Millgrove: I am trying to think of positive stuff to repeat to myself about aging. to balance all the negatives. cause god the negatives are soooo many.
Riddle Sideways: hmmm, that would be nice to do. list the "has been found out" positives
Raffila Millgrove: it is. making the list. i am doing it. also other lists. you gotta do something.. to combat the negatives besides boring the rest of the family and friends with health things like your latest diet and exercise. i cannot stand to listen to all my friends on their anti-again topics. they are not cheerful to me to talk talk talk about diet. or pills. it's alwful to me.
Raffila Millgrove: people my age can talk about pills and diet for hours.. it amazes me.. i can't stand it.
Adams Rubble: maybe one of the advantages of getting old is that we do not need to make lists :)
Adams Rubble: just get rid of our stuff without letting the horse out of the barn. hehe
Adams Rubble: even that's OK if its our horse
Raffila Millgrove: well i love making lists. as long as they aren't to do lists. stuff like. here's all the interesting stuff I might do, if I wanted to do it. no pressure to do it.. just thinking of lots of great stuff I could do.
Riddle Sideways: and that in the waking RL the listing, organizing, categorizing, bibliographicifying (Zotero) is happening
Riddle Sideways: ref: to the start of this session
Raffila Millgrove: is this good riddle?
Riddle Sideways: the 1,234 tabs open
Riddle Sideways: so the sleeping mind is janitoring the collected data
Riddle Sideways: the waking mind is making lists and checking them twice
Riddle Sideways: Maxine's book has helped with a lot of this
Raffila Millgrove: lol. well only if it is fun stuff. i don't like the "workety work" type lists.. of everyday. they have to be done of course to remember what you are doing. but I don't have to like it much. I like to make fun lists to stay cheerfed up.
Raffila Millgrove: oh?
Raffila Millgrove: how did her book help?
Riddle Sideways: studying and working on AI has been connecting it too
Raffila Millgrove: omg did you see that study where they taught AI computers to negotiate.. and they did very good with it.. but then they developed their own Language. i was floored. the reasearchers cannot understand the language that the computers with the AI are talking. but it's a real language. It freaked everyone out.
Googled this and it has happened a couple times
Riddle Sideways: Maxine use to run the dream workshops and sessions in PaB
Riddle Sideways: Tuesday afternoons
Raffila Millgrove: yes they were so good. Fox came every week.
Riddle Sideways: yes, Fox was an expert... had forgotten that name
Raffila Millgrove: I often went. i liked to listen. i rarely talked but i was fascinated to listen.
Riddle Sideways: remotely remember that AI study. putting on the list to research :)
Raffila Millgrove: you mustt. it's a stunner. they couldn't bleieve it. they didn't realize AI could do this. develope their own language to communicate to each other.
Riddle Sideways: started using Evernote years ago to remember the daily issues and solutions
Raffila Millgrove: I am not Bruce. if he were here.. i am sure he'd have the link to it up by now. he's so good at that.
Riddle Sideways: now is such a pile of tidbits that new tidbits get filed and there is a pleasure at putting a new item next to an incomplete thought
Riddle Sideways: and makeing the jigsaw puzzle go together
Raffila Millgrove: oh nice.
Raffila Millgrove: Gee the house is up. Thank you for sharing your time togehter with me.
Raffila Millgrove waves bye.
Adams Rubble: bye Raffi :)
Riddle Sideways: thank you, by Raffi
Riddle Sideways: found many refs
Raffila Millgrove: that was hour. the house is falling down not up. lol
Riddle Sideways: missed that last part... the house?
Adams Rubble: me too
Riddle Sideways: oh, controlled by the clock (hour)
Riddle Sideways: typo not seen as typo
Adams Rubble: ???
Riddle Sideways: the hour is up.
Riddle Sideways: however, in SL
Riddle Sideways: the house can now be up
Adams Rubble: ohh, a typo
Adams Rubble: too bad Adael didn;t make it today
Riddle Sideways: oh, the mind is a wonderful play thing
Adams Rubble: /e tries to stir
Adams Rubble tries to stir
Riddle Sideways: let Adael sleep
Riddle Sideways: perchance to dream
Adams Rubble: hehe, I was talking about me
Riddle Sideways: ha
Riddle Sideways: the dreams come into the light
Riddle Sideways: and the life comes into dreams
Riddle Sideways: and sleep breathing
Riddle Sideways: mostly sounds like snoring
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: that might have been a Deep Thought
Riddle Sideways: or not
Adams Rubble tries to remember the TV show that had a deep thoughts segment
Riddle Sideways: Elephant Parts
Riddle Sideways: Nesmith show
Riddle Sideways: TV parts
Adams Rubble: Laugh in?
Riddle Sideways: think Laugh In had it too
Adams Rubble: Deep Thoughts with Jack handy
Riddle Sideways: yes, that was his name
Adams Rubble: I hope you have a great day/week Riddle :)
Adams Rubble: bye for now
Riddle Sideways: yes, and hope your's is restful and re-
Riddle Sideways: by now
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