2019.05.13 07:00 - Thank You For Playing

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Eden Haiku. The comments are by Eden Haiku.

    May 13_005.jpg

    Riddle and Eden


    Riddle Sideways: Hey Eden, you are early

    Eden Haiku: Hello ghost of Riddle :)

    Eden Haiku: (he vanished into thin air )

    Riddle Sideways: ?

    Eden Haiku: Oh! I saw only half of you and now you are invisible...

    Eden Haiku: Ah! I see you now! Good morning!

    Riddle Sideways: Still see-able?

    Eden Haiku: Open shirt :)

    Eden Haiku: Is it very hot in California?




    Riddle Sideways: wha is going on. wardrobe failures

    Eden Haiku: Happens :)

    Eden Haiku: Ah! new t-shirt, the other one :))

    Riddle Sideways: hmmm, replace entire outfit is problematic, have to put piece by piece on

    Eden Haiku: You look fine Riddle, don't worry :))

    Riddle Sideways: ok, start day!

    Riddle Sideways: woke up early today, lay there wondering how wrong it would be to start early

    Eden Haiku: Took a picture. Forgot last week. So complicated with this SLK [meant SL] Viewer. Never sure if I will be able to post it in the log. Too large, too small?

    Riddle Sideways: so tried it

    Eden Haiku: Did you had great insights in pre-dawn ?

    Riddle Sideways: and things been not going smooth

    Riddle Sideways: SLK viewer?

    Eden Haiku: Typo:SL viewer.

    Riddle Sideways: ok

    Eden Haiku: Sorry for not smooth early start ;(

    Riddle Sideways: ha

    Riddle Sideways: and yes, also forget when posting a photo which size setting works

    Eden Haiku: Never had problem with Firestorm but Firestorm doesn't work on laptop anymore:(

    Riddle Sideways: :(

    Riddle Sideways: opposite here, SL viewer no longer works


    Mothers Day in the Bay Area


    Eden Haiku: Did you have a nice Mothers Day celebration with your family yesterday?

    Riddle Sideways: oh Yes!

    Eden Haiku: Nice:)

    Riddle Sideways: went up to Bay area Saturday, spent night

    Riddle Sideways: big brunch on Sunday

    Riddle Sideways: Art museums, an art event

    Riddle Sideways: lay around watch a movie

    Riddle Sideways: etc

    Eden Haiku: Wonderful!

    Riddle Sideways: mini-vacation

    Eden Haiku: Sounds like it!

    Riddle Sideways: thought that the art gallery was going to be like an Art Gallery show

    Riddle Sideways: turned into a Happening

    Riddle Sideways: some readings, poetry, dance, thoughts,

    Eden Haiku: Wow!

    Eden Haiku: Was asked recently, along with other

    Eden Haiku: oops!

    Riddle Sideways: most of the (exhibitors?)participants had been there all week and were in the mood, groove, mindset

    Riddle Sideways: so walked into a ... well sorta weird




    Riddle Sideways: was ok,

    Riddle Sideways: you were asked?

    Eden Haiku: Along with other writers, to write a piece about one of the art collection piece of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. I chose an ice canoe painted by Riopelle.

    Riddle Sideways: same or different one from the one you mentioned some time ago?

    Eden Haiku: Had fun writing the piece, but will have to miss the "event" (where we read our piece next to the art). Already agreed to attend my grand-niece ballet and hip-hop show ...But I feel uncomfortable about having to miss the art event , didn’t say so yet...Yes, I remember now, telling you about it earlier...

    Eden Haiku: The event at the museum is on May 25th at 2h30 pm. Exact same time....

    Riddle Sideways: hmmm, ballet and hip-hop show ... remembering when those 2 words would not be in the same sentence

    Eden Haiku: Yes, I'm curious to see that :) I guess they are consecutive pieces :)

    Eden Haiku: How weird was it, walking into the gallery with all the artists in the mood of creation?

    Riddle Sideways: well 'gallery' is being polite. kind of a warehouse

    Eden Haiku: I see!

    Riddle Sideways: they werevery welcoming

    Eden Haiku: Nice :)

    Riddle Sideways: come in, take shoes off, sit on floor.

    Riddle Sideways: or here is a pillow if you are too old

    Eden Haiku: smiles

    Riddle Sideways: "and what do you think of the piece behind you, that you've not looked at yet?"

    Eden Haiku: laughs

    Riddle Sideways: this is the artist, she will explain it to you

    Eden Haiku: :)

    Riddle Sideways: but will use words in a different language

    Eden Haiku: Oh!


    Women Drawn in Yarn


    Eden Haiku: Was your daughter one of the artists?

    Riddle Sideways: yes, ha

    Riddle Sideways:her piece was a portrait of a women drawn in yarn

    Eden Haiku: Try to describe what was her art piece? Or whatever they call it now , installation maybe?

    Riddle Sideways:just the top of her on paper. on a wall

    Eden Haiku: In yarn?

    Riddle Sideways: yarn glued to paper

    Riddle Sideways: then the weave, the woven yarn left the paper

    Riddle Sideways: and moved out into the room to thumbtacks to the floor

    Eden Haiku: can almost see it...

    Riddle Sideways: just the (waff, worf, w???) part of a weave

    Riddle Sideways:the long threads

    Riddle Sideways: and a box of yarn was next to the piece

    Riddle Sideways: each observer was to weave a small yarn across the piece

    Riddle Sideways: to add to it

    Eden Haiku: Oh! Nice!

    Eden Haiku: Did you add some yarn?

    Riddle Sideways: yes.

    Riddle Sideways: not very goodly




    Eden Haiku: Different colors or the same?

    Riddle Sideways: picked a variegated yarn piece

    Riddle Sideways: so yes and no

    Eden Haiku: A kind of metaphor of how the woman (a figure of her?) is changed by interactions with others?

    Eden Haiku: How we all are :)

    Riddle Sideways: am staring at phone, knowing there is a photo there and can't get it to Eden

    Eden Haiku: have an idea :)

    Zen Arado: 's current display-name is « Zen ».


    Not Quite a Poem, Not Quite Prose


    May 13_006.jpg

    Riddle, Eden, Zen rezzing slowly and Adams


    Riddle Sideways: there is also a photo of the words, (not quite a poem, but not quite prose) that was hung next to the piece

    Riddle Sideways: sorry bell, hi Zen

    Zen Arado: Hi Eden, Riddle

    Riddle Sideways: just to finish that... it had to do with weaving/unweaving woven lives/existence, the future weavings etc

    Riddle Sideways: is that a broken leg boot on you Zen?

    Riddle Sideways: Hey, Adams

    Zen Arado: Hi Adams

    Zen Arado: pants have gone funny

    Zen Arado: gone

    Riddle Sideways: is happening today

    Adams Rubble: Good morning everyone :)

    Eden Haiku: Welcome Zen and Adams :)

    Riddle Sideways: took a minute for this av to settle down today also

    Adams Rubble: lag this morning

    Eden Haiku: I see a floating Zen in white long underpants, a piece of black jeans on a shin and black sneakers with white lace :)

    Riddle Sideways:like the world was not quite ready for us this morning

    Eden Haiku: Maybe :)

    Eden Haiku: How are you Adams?

    Adams Rubble feels good to get her pixels out of the hard drive and into the RAM this morning

    Eden Haiku: Ah Zen! Nice pants!

    Zen Arado: ha ha

    Eden Haiku: Very elegant!


    Moving Up the Line


    Zen Arado: Doris Day died

    Zen Arado: you hear?

    Adams Rubble: it has been rainy and gloomy here in RL for two straight days

    Riddle Sideways: what? did not hear

    Zen Arado: she was 97

    Riddle Sideways: she lived just down the road here

    Eden Haiku: Doris Day....

    Zen Arado: oh?

    Eden Haiku: Did she? Was she Irish, no?

    Zen Arado: did good work for animals

    Riddle Sideways: no Californian

    Eden Haiku: Oh no, in US, sorry mixed lines :)

    Eden Haiku: 97, what a long life!

    Zen Arado: she played strong feminine leads

    Riddle Sideways: yes

    Eden Haiku: Yes, I kind of know her as an actor

    Zen Arado: but turned dow Mrs Robinson role cos she thought her too vulgar

    Zen Arado: the character

    Riddle Sideways: right, she did much for animal rights and shelters adoptions for dogs

    Zen Arado: in the Graduate

    Riddle Sideways: would have never taken a vulgar part

    Riddle Sideways: wonder if the local paper will even print anything today

    Riddle Sideways: they now have like no staff on weekends




    Zen Arado: was such a funny film

    Eden Haiku: Hope so Riddle, in her own neighborhood ...

    Riddle Sideways: There is a grand old hotel in downtown Carmel that she made one of the first dog-friendly hotels ever

    Zen Arado: 'You cain't get a man with a gun' - reminisces

    Zen Arado: really?

    Zen Arado: I mean 'really' about dog hotels

    Adams Rubble: unless it is a shotgun

    Riddle Sideways: she did so many things around here

    Riddle Sideways: notable quotes too

    Eden Haiku: smiles

    Riddle Sideways: there are a great number of celebs that live around here. mostly quietly

    Riddle Sideways: every once in a while

    Riddle Sideways: they come out for some special words to

    Riddle Sideways: a town hall meetings

    Riddle Sideways: or benefit

    Riddle Sideways: funny, how everybody shuts up and listens

    Riddle Sideways: they get away with slapped sense into a crowd

    Eden Haiku: We will die one after the other, every once in a while...

    Riddle Sideways: so true Eden

    Adams Rubble: if we all live until 97 there will be lots for PaB sessions

    Riddle Sideways:

    Eden Haiku: Every person going to the other side reminds us of our own mortality...

    Eden Haiku: Let's play we are all 97 now, not quite dead, still doing PaB sessions :)

    Eden Haiku: What would we be complaining about?

    Adams Rubble: as the Clancy Brothers sang, we are moving up the line

    Eden Haiku: Moving up the line yep!

    Eden Haiku: Maybe trying to escape the police running after 100 years old to exterminate them?

    Adams Rubble: :)

    Zen Arado: I met a guy used to be my boss on Saturday

    Riddle Sideways: darn ol artheerightous gotz it down to typo-ing only one lettttterz pppppppppppppppppppppp

    Zen Arado: he is 95

    Eden Haiku: listening

    Zen Arado: doing his shopping and still driving

    Eden Haiku: laughs at Riddle typing at 97 yo!

    Eden Haiku: wow!

    Eden Haiku: Lucky man isn't he Zen?

    Eden Haiku: Was he a good boss?

    Riddle Sideways: as bosses go

    Eden Haiku: :)


    Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

    May 13_008.jpg

    Conversation at the fountain: Riddle, Eden, Zen fully rezzed and Adams


    Zen Arado: I started a new MOOC this morning

    Zen Arado: he wasn't very well organized no and they got rid of him

    Zen Arado: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/...and-challenges

    Zen Arado: about how AI can help with healthcare

    Eden Haiku: Seems interesting Zen.

    Riddle Sideways: yes, have read lots of articles

    Zen Arado: well I am interested in AI and healthcare so…




    Riddle Sideways: catching things humans miss. And allowing humans to spend more time with patients

    Zen Arado: In Taiwan you can access your own medical records and they have all sorts of statistics on you that you can check and add to yourself

    Zen Arado: this course is run by the medical University of Taipei

    Adams Rubble: :)

    Zen Arado: they are really into preventative rather than curative medicine

    Eden Haiku: smiles

    Adams Rubble: we are in good times in the availability of so many online courses

    Zen Arado: which seems sensible

    Adams Rubble: yes

    Riddle Sideways: many countries have good healthcare

    Riddle Sideways: wish the US did

    Zen Arado: yes I just looked for something interesting this morning and found that

    Zen Arado: I found that there is a system like that in the UK but I had never heard of it

    Eden Haiku: yes, it is so sad you don't have a good system...in the US. One of the richest countries...

    Zen Arado: it isn't as comprehensive though

    Adams Rubble: brb

    Riddle Sideways: there are many countries you carry your own records around with you

    Zen Arado: I must register with my GP with some ID

    Zen Arado: then I can order my prescriptions and appointments and things online

    Riddle Sideways: half of it might not be AI, as much as good record keeping and checking

    Riddle Sideways: the AI part might be the machine learning over millions of simular cases

    Zen Arado: AI can do a lot with information gathered on patient's though

    Eden Haiku: Medical records online is still not completely done here...

    Zen Arado: yes exactly

    Zen Arado: they are talking about predicting cancer to our three years before you get it

    Zen Arado: two or

    Eden Haiku: That sounds horrible Zen...

    Riddle Sideways: recent cases of a machine recognizing a spot on an X-ray on a hand when doctor is looking at chest

    Zen Arado: yes it could have downsides as well :-)

    Zen Arado: ignorance is bliss sometimes

    Zen Arado: yes I would like to visit my GP and have lots of things sorted out rather than having to concentrate on one thing

    Eden Haiku: Unless it pushes you to change your lifestyle to healthier ways :)

    Zen Arado: because they only give you 10 minutes

    Riddle Sideways: not telling the doctor (or forgetting to tell) about some case history

    Zen Arado: yes our behavior is the only thing we can change

    Eden Haiku: indeed

    Riddle Sideways: of course there still is the interface between doctor and machine. how fast, easy, automatic will your GP interact

    Riddle Sideways: with a new interface

    Zen Arado: this little video explains it: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/...OvYBtm8dk0tQb0

    Eden Haiku: Hopefully doctors will update when they are prompted to...

    Riddle Sideways: will the doctor be distracted by the smartphone

    Eden Haiku: Play games instead of looking at medical records?


    Speed Trip Ahead


    Zen Arado: Yuval Harari thinks we won't need GPs in the future

    Eden Haiku: Why?

    Riddle Sideways: oh, Eden, like the 737-500 supermax upgrades

    Zen Arado: because AI can do it better eventually

    Eden Haiku: Ah!

    Zen Arado: AI has access to all the latest data on diseases everywhere

    Eden Haiku: Isn't GPS a kind of AI?

    Zen Arado: and all the latest treatments which no doctor could possibly remember

    Zen Arado: GPS just works out where you are by triangulation from satellites or something

    Riddle Sideways: no GPS ins't but what is done with your location data could be

    Riddle Sideways: like yesterday

    Eden Haiku: Ah! But isn’it in AI?

    Riddle Sideways: Google Maps did a new thing

    Zen Arado: I suppose there is some AI as well to process the data

    Riddle Sideways:it announces "Speed Trip ahead"

    Eden Haiku: ?

    Riddle Sideways: had never done that before

    Riddle Sideways: that is not AI, but it was pretty smart

    Zen Arado: ? is a speed trip like what we call a speed bump

    Eden Haiku: Means you can go fast at a certain milestone?

    Riddle Sideways: ha

    Zen Arado: A bump in the road to slow you down?

    Riddle Sideways: means there is a cop up the road with a radar gun checking for speeders

    Eden Haiku: ahah!!!

    Zen Arado: ok

    Eden Haiku: Tks

    Eden Haiku: Is that legal?

    Riddle Sideways: hmmm, questionable

    Riddle Sideways: which part?




    Zen Arado: wouldn't be much point in having radar detection everyone knew where the cops were

    Zen Arado: self drive cars won't be speeding much I think

    Riddle Sideways: yes

    Eden Haiku: The fact of telling there will be cops in two miles or so, so it means you can speed up until then, slow down for them and speed up until the next announcement?

    Riddle Sideways: yep

    Zen Arado: I have to go

    Adams Rubble: everybody is speeding on the highways anyway

    Adams Rubble: bye Zen :)

    Zen Arado: getting near dinnertime

    Zen Arado: bye

    Eden Haiku: Bye Zen, have a great day!

    Adams Rubble is eating lunch

    Zen Arado: you too :-)

    Riddle Sideways: bye zen

    Riddle Sideways: there is much talk of self-driving cars/trucks joining together in trains of close linked going fast

    Riddle Sideways: but back to doctors. if we were wearing smart medical instruments on say our wrists (oh like this FitBit)

    Eden Haiku: Really Riddle? Seems quite scary...these fast trains of speeding cars and trucks

    Eden Haiku: Yes?

    Riddle Sideways: well the vehicles would know of road conditions and each others braking

    Riddle Sideways: anyway, the watch could tell of hear irregularities


    Wawa Canada Geese and Robins


    Eden Haiku: Ah, yes, butno hitch hiking on these roads I guess :)

    Riddle Sideways: exactly when the first happen

    Eden Haiku: remembers she hitchhiked in California in the seventies...

    Adams Rubble: !!!

    Riddle Sideways: the data could be compared to several million other fast paced heartbeat reports

    Eden Haiku: I was young Adams

    Eden Haiku: then.:)

    Adams Rubble: :)

    Riddle Sideways: (oh dear, the death of hitchhiking)

    Riddle Sideways: hitch hiked all the way across Canada

    Eden Haiku: We were both very cautious though, my boyfriend and I.

    Riddle Sideways: it was a safer time

    Eden Haiku: If the car drivers looked TOO high, we declined the lift :)

    Eden Haiku: They were all high somehow...

    Riddle Sideways: ha

    Eden Haiku: But we were not :)

    Eden Haiku: It was a much safer time...

    Adams Rubble: more people were following in the footsteps of Jack Kerouac in those days

    Eden Haiku: Yes:)

    Riddle Sideways: very scary who they are following in the footsteps of now

    Eden Haiku: Read "On the Road' in French when I was about 15 :)

    Adams Rubble: I did not read it until about 4 years ago in my poetry course which is why I did not hitch hike I guess

    Adams Rubble: :)

    Eden Haiku: Or maybe 20, can't remember. But hitchhiked in California a few years after :)

    Eden Haiku: Who do you think they  follow now Riddle, the young people?

    Riddle Sideways: picked up many hitchhikers and built up good karma for when did go out on the road

    Eden Haiku: smiles at Adams

    Eden Haiku: Maybe we took a ride with you Riddle? Remember a young guy with loooong blonde hair and his girlfriend in a long flowery skirt?

    Riddle Sideways: Actually Yes, Eden. So many good young examples to follow now

    Adams Rubble: Thank you for the conversation this morning :)

    Riddle Sideways: thank you, Adams

    Eden Haiku: Thank you Adams :) Have a great fruitful day!

    Adams Rubble: good to get out and see you people :)

    Riddle Sideways: good to be seen

    Adams Rubble: back to the hard drive for me

    Riddle Sideways: aw

    Adams Rubble: bye :)

    Eden Haiku: Enjoy!




    Eden Haiku: Time to go for us too in

    Eden Haiku: isn't it?

    Riddle Sideways: probably

    Riddle Sideways: continue hitch hiking stories next time

    Eden Haiku: We had good weather and I'm late in everything. So glad you had a great week end in the B ay Area!

    Riddle Sideways: the WaWa Goose

    Riddle Sideways: in Wawa Canada

    Eden Haiku: The Wa Wa Goose?

    Riddle Sideways: remember it well

    Eden Haiku: Ah yes, one of your memories as a hitchhiker!

    Eden Haiku: I remember now :)

    Riddle Sideways: the crossroads of hitch hiking Canada

    Riddle Sideways: major roads went North or E-W

    Eden Haiku: Saw writer Anais Nin in Santa Barbara :) On the pier, in a restaurant…She was my WaWa Goose :)

    Riddle Sideways: the ride was turning and ya got out

    Riddle Sideways: and picked up the other way

    Eden Haiku: a turning point!

    Riddle Sideways: an actual place

    Riddle Sideways: pulling old postcard off the shelf

    Eden Haiku: Still have it? wow!

    Eden Haiku: Show me! we will have to Skype our sessions one of these days!

    Riddle Sideways: got the postcard years later, driving the cross-Canada highway

    Eden Haiku: smiles

    Riddle Sideways: for now, google Wawa Goose

    Riddle Sideways: a big 30 foot goose

    Riddle Sideways: over looking the highway

    Riddle Sideways: a mile or so from where all hitchhikers seem to switch rides

    Eden Haiku: https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/wawa-goose

    Eden Haiku: It's beautiful!

    Eden Haiku: I see real Canada geese everyday at the pond nearby where I walk :)

    Riddle Sideways: ha, yes it is and

    Riddle Sideways: as opposed to that place in New Mexico, where if you are let out. might as well set up house and live there cause yer not ever getting a ride out

    Eden Haiku:Ah, the hell of the hitch hiker!

    Riddle Sideways: YES

    Riddle Sideways: so many stories

    Riddle Sideways: from then

    Riddle Sideways: everyday was another full novel

    Eden Haiku: In reality, Canada geese are dark brown and with some black. Not all black and white but it's a very stylish thing there in WaWa !

    Riddle Sideways: and remembering it a bit faded and in need of new paint

    Eden Haiku: https://int.search.myway.com/search/...pr=sbt&trs=wtt

    Eden Haiku: Looong link...

    Eden Haiku: Long necks are black :)

    Riddle Sideways: looking

    Eden Haiku: Their goslings are all fluffy

    Eden Haiku: They don't have them yet though





    Riddle Sideways: aw

    Riddle Sideways: fluff balls

    Riddle Sideways: rain here, grew the grass very tall, not seeing the turkeys so much now

    Eden Haiku: Our neighbor next door showed us a bird nest on his big spruce tree the other day, with the bird covering the eggs. And yesterday he showed us the video of two little hungry birdies beaks opening and still one tortoise egg to crack up. So beautiful!

    Riddle Sideways: aw

    Eden Haiku: Merle d'Amerique they are called. Google translating it...

    Eden Haiku: American blackbird it seems...

    Riddle Sideways: Robins

    Eden Haiku: Strange as they aren't black but brown with a male with an orange belly.

    Riddle Sideways: look like Robins

    Riddle Sideways: the Robin was usually the first bird of spring

    Riddle Sideways: to announce spring was here

    Eden Haiku: Yes robins, that's it!

    Eden Haiku: Looking at Google images. Our life is so full of Google…

    Riddle Sideways: ok, RL is yelling for attention

    Riddle Sideways: more stories next week

    Riddle Sideways: until we are 97+

    Eden Haiku: Thank you for being Riddle! [I meant  to say thanks for  being here] Have a gorgeous day!

    Eden Haiku: Yep, until we are 97! That’s a plan!

    Riddle Sideways: thank you for Playing

    Eden Haiku: Thank you for Being :)

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