2017.06.05 07:00 - Adams playing as Rubble

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Eden Haiku. The comments are by Eden Haiku.

    Gardenia days

    Eden Haiku: Good morning Eliza :)
    Eliza Madrigal: Good Morning, Eden! :)
    Eden Haiku: I'm glad you could come this morning :)
    Eliza Madrigal: Me too :) Thanks
    Eliza Madrigal: Going to be a lots of PaB day
    Eden Haiku: Riddle is still traveling and Adams must be rehearsing her speech :)
    Eliza Madrigal: And you? How are you doing with all that is going on?
    Eden Haiku: Yes, Adams’ show at noon and then session at 1pm...
    Eden Haiku: I'm fine, still walking my 10,000 steps even in the rain (we are having bad weather a lot)
    Eliza Madrigal: Raining a lot here too, but so needed. My gardenias are beginning to thrive
    Eden Haiku: Gardenias! You are so lucky to live in such a lush climate!
    Eliza Madrigal: They were doing poorly, but the last week of rain has perked them up
    Eden Haiku: I remember gardenia bushes in India, so lovely!
    Eden Haiku: After roses, gardenia is my next favorite!
    Eliza Madrigal: there was a gardenia hedge near where my great grandmother parked her car, and we'd pick them on the way inside, to put in little bowls :)


    9th PaB annivesary for Adams

    Eden Haiku: Adams! Nervous about this afternoon?
    Eliza Madrigal: Hi Adams!
    Adams Rubble: Hello Eliza and Eden ::
    Adams Rubble: yes Eden
    Adams Rubble: I just sent out my email
    Eden Haiku: Just breathe deeply :)
    Adams Rubble: ok
    Adams Rubble: This is my first presentation in SL
    Eden Haiku: I'm sure you are all very well prepared and organized.
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Eden Haiku: Oh, is it?
    Adams Rubble: I am still rewriting
    Eliza Madrigal: how interesting, and today is your anniversary... for PaB, or SL?
    Eden Haiku: Are you going to be in written chat or voice chat?
    Adams Rubble: yes, 9 years ago, I showed up at a session with a few other newbies
    Eden Haiku: **********Applause!!**********
    Eden Haiku: **********Applause!!**********
    Eliza Madrigal: :::claps and smiles::::
    Adams Rubble: My voice gets all messed up Eden so I have to do it in chat
    Adams Rubble: something wrong with SL
    Eden Haiku: Written chat is fine Adams ;)
    Adams Rubble: One of the co-founders of the Buddha Center was a newbie that day too
    Eliza Madrigal: I don't think I would have gotten as involved in SL if it were a voice based medium
    Eden Haiku: I was just wondering if you would like to rehearse for us :)
    Adams Rubble: I wrote a prologue last night with the help of my alt


    A teaser

    Adams Rubble: I will give it to you as a teaser :)
    Adams Rubble: Prologue air: Two avatars, each unlike upon gazing, Dwelling in different worlds: virtual and so-called real. In the recesses of brain stuff, where we set our scene, Each finds space to carve out "self", And wonder, from time to time, about the other.
    Eden Haiku: Oh, that is beautiful Adams!
    Eliza Madrigal: that's marvelous :))
    Eden Haiku: A poetic voice, I love it!
    Adams Rubble: The notecard is all "airs"
    Adams Rubble: That one did not make the notecard
    Eden Haiku: Maybe I will bring my twin sister Rrose to your event :)
    Adams Rubble: I did not know you had a twin sister Eden
    Adams Rubble: that's nice
    Eden Haiku: Mmm, she's been sleeping beauty for ages but I could awaken her on my laptop :)
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Eden Haiku: I'm very excited about your Art of Being show Adams!
    Adams Rubble: well I hope I don’t disappoint anyone
    Eliza Madrigal: me too, sorry that Riddle will be traveling though...
    Adams Rubble: I gave Riddle his own presentation
    Eliza Madrigal: Oh, wonderful
    Adams Rubble: although much has been rewritten since then
    Eliza Madrigal: also the benefit of text
    Adams Rubble: Riddle told me not to change anything but I did
    Eliza Madrigal: haha
    Eden Haiku: Lucky Riddle :)
    Eliza Madrigal: I'm sure he knew those directions might be impossible
    Eden Haiku: :)
    Eden Haiku: "Each find space to carve out "self".... that's very profound
    Eliza Madrigal nods thoughtfully
    Eden Haiku: We have so many parts in our "self" don't we?
    Adams Rubble: we can
    Adams Rubble: I used to have about 15
    Adams Rubble giggles
    Eden Haiku: Really, 15 avatars in SL?
    Adams Rubble: yes
    Eden Haiku: Wow!
    Eliza Madrigal: prolific expressions
    Adams Rubble: My RL Avatar is a maniac
    Eliza Madrigal laughs
    Eden Haiku: I can tell that :)
    Adams Rubble: there are just two of us active now
    Adams Rubble: three counting my RL avatar
    Eden Haiku: But that is a fantastic idea... Eden is real copycat, be warned!
    Eliza Madrigal imagines the realm of sleeping avatars
    Adams Rubble: It's not what it is cracked out to be :)
    Adams Rubble: 15 avatars behaving badly
    Eden Haiku: My twin and I also have a triplet. He's called Wilfred. He's been here a bit, at PaB. as well as Rrose.
    Eliza Madrigal: hm... counting, but I think... 6 for me
    Eden Haiku: I had my companion drive one while I was driving Rrose on laptop and Eden on desktop.
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: :))
    Adams Rubble: yes sometimes need multiple computers to keep them goiing
    Eden Haiku: I was aiming for a photo for an Art of Being project...:) A few years ago.
    Eden Haiku: I must have it somewhere it inventory :)
    Eliza Madrigal remembers Eden's avi family
    Adams Rubble: :)


    Family that plays together stays together

    Adams Rubble: The family that plays together stays together
    Adams Rubble: or is that prays?
    Eden Haiku: You are already very inspiring Adams! With only the prologue air :)
    Eliza Madrigal: oops, no, 7 :)
    Eliza Madrigal: I'm half maniac I guess haha
    Eden Haiku: haha
    Adams Rubble: :)


    Eliza Madrigal: Lila misses SL, but mostly attended Eos's sessions....
    Adams Rubble remembers the Nesbitt story "Half Magic"
    Eden Haiku: Lila Darkmatter, I remember her fondly :)
    Eden Haiku: Wondering which Adams is delivering the speech at the gallery? I guess it’s a surprise:)
    Eliza Madrigal: avatars seem to be made up of the spaces they interact with... perhaps excepting primaries? Hm, who knows... overthinking, ol
    Adams Rubble: I am doing the presentation and with just one small exception it will be just about me and my RL Avatar in 2008
    Eden Haiku: Rrose was the root avatar, Eden came after. I thought I needed to create a new avatar for a different computer :)
    Adams Rubble: My RL avatar had only 3 avatars in 2008 :)
    Eden Haiku: Ah!
    Eliza Madrigal: what a funny turn, Eden
    Eden Haiku: Yes :)
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: that's a very nice idea Adams, to go back to those first impressions
    Adams Rubble: I was the most active that first summer
    Eden Haiku: Eden is a character from one of my novels, based on a real young woman I saw in India, a young Israeli woman.
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Eden Haiku: Summer of 2008....
    Adams Rubble: My name was more impulsive :)
    Eliza Madrigal: a lifetime in a flash
    Eliza Madrigal: making eliza's name was like using a ouiga(sp) board :)
    Eden Haiku: It’ your middle name too isn'it?
    Eliza Madrigal: Beth is
    Eden Haiku: Adams, does your RL avatar share your delight in textures? I just noticed the beautiful blouse you are wearing
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Adams Rubble: I guess maybe
    Adams Rubble: art historian
    Eden Haiku: I notice you always choose clothes with a lot of details and textures
    Adams Rubble: I make some of my clothes
    Eliza Madrigal: oh!
    Adams Rubble: whoops rl interruption, will be back
    Eden Haiku: Ah, you create them in SL? That is why they are so special
    Eden Haiku: No problem Adams :)
    Eliza Madrigal: You didn't speak to the Israeli woman Eden? Just saw her?
    Eden Haiku: Can you create some clothes too Eliza? You are pretty good at building, I saw your new house!
    Eliza Madrigal: the one I put up and took town? It was bought and then tampered with :)) but thanks
    Eden Haiku: No. We saw each other over a few days in Pushkar, a small town in Rajasthan,
    Eliza Madrigal: I've not made clothing aside from just adding patterns to basic templates occasionally
    Eliza Madrigal listens
    Eden Haiku: Everybody was gathering at sunset at the Moon cafe
    Adams Rubble: back, reading...
    Eden Haiku: She was so independant, so funny, so alive.
    Eliza Madrigal: "so alive"
    Eden Haiku: She made some joke about the guy selling camel tours one day as she passed me by, I smiled. But she made a big impression on me.


    Adams Rubble: I guess maybe I misspoke. I use the basic templates too and add the textures. Nice images, Eden.
    Eden Haiku: I didn't know her name, but when I met a 4 year old girl who was called Eden in Montreal years later, I gave her that name and made her a poet,
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: that's wonderful :)
    Eliza Madrigal: Adams, what you do is more sophisticated for sure... all my outfits look like pajamas!
    Eliza Madrigal giggles


    A bus ride in Rajasthan

    Adams Rubble remembers riding on a bus in Rajasthan (this would have more meaning if after my show)
    Eden Haiku: Oh...another cliffhanger Adams?
    Adams Rubble: you can guess where it fits in later
    Adams Rubble giggles
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Eden Haiku: Ok, listening :)
    Adams Rubble: went from Agra to Jaipur
    Adams Rubble: very exciting
    Adams Rubble: no camels
    Adams Rubble: or Edens
    Adams Rubble: but lots of India
    Eden Haiku: smiles
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Eden Haiku: You must have liked the colorful veils of the Rajasthani women! In the fields in their hot pink and emerald green silks!
    Eden Haiku: With lots of textures of gold theads and broderies!
    Adams Rubble: yes and looked so fresh in the hot dusty climate
    Eden Haiku: Yes!
    Eliza Madrigal imagining
    Eden Haiku: You haven't been to India yet Eliza, but you have seen Japan, lucky you!
    Eden Haiku: It has always been my dream to go to Japan but I never did ... yet
    Eliza Madrigal: India one day :)
    Eden Haiku: Japan one day :)
    Eliza Madrigal: When I think of planning such trips I get overwhelmed... want to do everything, see everything, so then the scope gets too big
    Eden Haiku: We are still so young! (*especiallly you Eliza :)
    Adams Rubble: speak for your yourselves :)
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: Eliza is indeed pretty young :)
    Eliza Madrigal grins
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Eden Haiku: Yes, well, my RL avatar is kind of fishy now...[I meant apprehensive] afraid of earthquakes and atomic powerplants....
    Eden Haiku: But let us drink again at the fountain of youth!
    Eliza Madrigal nods.... yet, as I imagine India must be, it is like going to a diff planet in some ways...
    Adams Rubble: incredible poverty in India
    Eliza Madrigal: so few places like that, especially as weary as one gets living in a place like the US that covers itself in the same 5 stores
    Eden Haiku: Yes, and it's changing fast, so fast. A different country every time....
    Adams Rubble does not go to those stores :)
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Eden Haiku: Yes Adams, such a shock, the poverty, the first time... I wouldn't move from my ashram for about 4 months


    See you later!

    Adams Rubble: :) I was only there 8 days and was much pampered
    Eliza Madrigal: hard to reconcile the heartbreaking poverty with such spiritual flourishing in areas
    Eden Haiku: Did you ride the Maharadjah train? Heard about it...
    Adams Rubble: no
    Adams Rubble: no trains, only bus
    Eden Haiku: Yes, India is quite a puzzle
    Adams Rubble: (another reference in the show. hehe)
    Eliza Madrigal: :))
    Eliza Madrigal: I'm so excited... and to be back on time I need to go now... picking up son's cap n gown today ^.^
    Adams Rubble: bye Eliza
    Eden Haiku: You are good at this cliffhanging thing dear Adams:)
    Adams Rubble: I think I will be there
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Eden Haiku: Bye Eliza! See you later :)
    Eliza Madrigal: see you both later, haha
    Eden Haiku: You better be there you Adams!
    Adams Rubble: I hope Riddle is having a good trip
    Eden Haiku: Yes, me too;) Hi Riddle !!!
    Eden Haiku: I just decided which outfit I'm going to wear this afternoon!
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Adams Rubble: I have been deciding for two weeks :)
    Adams Rubble: finally chose this
    Eden Haiku: My twin as a much smaller closet :)
    Adams Rubble: but may change my mind by then :)
    Eden Haiku: Oh good!
    Adams Rubble: my explorer outfit is in second place
    Adams Rubble: or maybe my red suit
    Eden Haiku: I thought you had a very professional look when you fisrt came in, I already saw you as the commissary of the exhibition :)
    Adams Rubble: awww :)
    Eden Haiku: That»s perfect Adams!
    Adams Rubble: OK, I better go and rest up or rewrite the whole thing again. hehe
    Adams Rubble: see you later today
    Eden Haiku: How long does your presentation last Adams?
    Adams Rubble: Hopefully less than an hour because there is a session after
    Adams Rubble: I did it with Riddle in less than an hour
    Eden Haiku: See you later, don't rewrite, I'm sure it’s fine! Ah yes, perfect!
    Adams Rubble: but there may be more interruptions
    Eden Haiku: Break a leg!
    Adams Rubble: like my poster :)
    Eden Haiku: Looking forward to it Adams!
    Adams Rubble: bye for now
    Eden Haiku: Bye sweetheart!



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