2011.01.04 Working Group Meeting

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    January 4, 2011 Working Group Meeting

    Aphrodite has posted the minutes for this meeting.

    Proposed agenda (please add/edit):

    1) Email / inworld discussions/decisions

    2) Wikis moving

    3) Art of Being Self

    4) SL retreat, & more SL retreats?

    5) RL Retreats

    • New Orleans (6 attending)
    • Assisi (5 or 6)
    • Nova Scotia (?)
    • Vashon Island (7)
    • Malta (?)

    6) Scribing?


    Meeting Minutes


    Aphrodite Macbain, Bleu Oleander, Eos Amaterasu, Storm Nordwind, Calvino Rabeni, Eliza Madrigal



    1. Play as being Self

    2. Platforms

    3. New proposals for Guardians: Susan Aloix, and Druth Vlodovic

    4. Moving the Wikis

    5. SL retreats


    1. Play as being Self

    • Bleu needs Storm to blank out the display boards in the dome and set it up so others can add their names (rather than relying on Storm) within the next week or so.
    • It was recommended that the exhibition opening be scheduled for February 6 which will give time for everyone interested to post their 2D pictures. Fall back date will be Feb 13.
    • People can also “perform” their characters in 3D and bring their alts and alt dates. It is also possible for Guardians to collaborate.
    • The scheduled time depends on when Adam’s art history session is but will likely take place at 1pm. Bleu will check with Adam and email the working group before she sends out her email notice.


    2. Changing stone or wooden platform bases some plots

    • Storm gives people the choice to keep them or he can take anyone's away and they can install their own or just have grass
    • Calvino asked for his platform to be moved; it is ready to be removed by Storm


    3. New proposals for Guardians: Susan Aloix, and Druth Vlodovic

    • No nays have been received to the nominations. We will go with the 'not nay's and make it official
    • Eos felt that we should make sure people, as well as the guardians and prospective guardians “know about the 9-seconds.” He felt that we (the working group?), are responsible for doing that and suggested that the information should be on a notecard given to newbies.
    • Eliza was asked if she felt comfortable giving the notecard/information to the newly nominated people and said “actually when I invite someone I wouldn't be comfortable quizzing them, but (instead) sending a warm welcome and request, and then when they begin to host sessions they receive (further) info.
    • She expressed a concern about giving them too much information at the beginning. It is also unclear who, in particular, is responsible for informing the newly elected guardians about the various guidelines. Adding more to the invitation process seems off key to her.
    • Once the meetings at the pavilion placed more emphasis on the practice and she felt that is something for everyone to come back to...
    • Eos assumed that knowing about that came with the PaB package....but that's an assumption :-). and not everyone reads notecards and websites :) or knows it's important to do so.
    • Eliza felt that when someone actually hosts sessions they are sent send too much info... too many links... but still seems necessary at this point
    • Bleu suggested guardians could try to engage people at the sessions and encourage the 9 sec practice and then ask if people want to share their 9 sec experiences.
    • It was confirmed that the 9 seconds every 15 is part of RL, that 90 seconds every 15 is part of the P@B sessions and the 9 minutes is part of P@B retreats. Not everyone including Guardians are aware of this recommendation by Pema.
    • It was observed that it is complicated because people come and go and it might be tedious to repeat these lessons at every session. Others felt it was necessary... lots of tedious things are necessary.


    Need to keep handy: http://wiki.playasbeing.org/About_PlayAsBeing/Basic_Ideas


    • It was proposed that there be a different colourednotecard dispenser (a machine that one clicks on) at the pavilion - the Host can say to visitors – “Hi XXX, you can click on that X for  more information. It would contain information other than what is given on the usual notecard,something with the tips and just simple practice instructions. The Guardian could incorporate this into each and every session, watching the actual situation and do what's appropriate--sometimes personal conversation can be more affective than notecards.
    • Maybe a vending machine that allows you to use-once 9-second timer, easily accessible so they don’t have to hunt around to find it
    • Cal observed that though some LIKE the pause, there are people who take it quite the opposite, as an imposition or don't "get" what the pause is really for.
    • Aphro felt the timing regimentation was a little daunting for some visitors. Cal recommended things need to be "re-communicated" nearly every time and Bleu Oleander thinks a monthly orientation session would be helpful without sounding like we’re preaching, but sharing, witnessing, dialoguing.
    • Eliza said ”it is a pointer... meaning, there is no litmus test that people set a timer, however the pointer is important to the community....we're not just a chat group. Maybe we are a meditation group, a reality exploration group, a laboratory where the pausing part is lab, the talking part is also lab (how can we listen and speak as openness, as being  an investigation of reality via conversation, theme sessions and 9 sec pauses
    • The loose structure is only there to serve us, not for us to serve it.


    4. Moving the Wikis

    • The wikis have been moved. Congratulations to all involved
    • Alf sent a message about having copies and Alfred got some backups from Mindtouch


     5. More SL retreats

    • Due to the success of the one in December, it was felt that we should have more but at times adjusted to accommodate those who were unable to attend the last one– like on weekends or having morning sessions for Europeans and East Coasters or to having two diff retreats rather than split up the one, or have a short session everyday for four days at a time convenient to everyone (around 12/1pm), or Piet’s suggestion of Play as Being" theme sessions over 4 days at different times
    • Eliza, agreed to brainstorm by email and then propose 3-4 retreat options or scenarios.


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