Ava: entered chat range (16.16 m).
leaping Panther (darren.islar): hey sweet
Ava (avaline.decuir): Hey stuk
leaping Panther (darren.islar): grins
PaB Bell: 90 second pause. Please be silent in mindfulness.
[2015/04/14 13:02] PaB Bell: Thank you. Please continue to be mindful.
[2015/04/14 13:02] PaB Bell: whispers: Now is 46930, QuarterHourUnit is 53.
[2015/04/14 13:02] PaB Bell: whispers: Will ring in 622.035200 seconds.
leaping Panther (darren.islar): bell ... shut up
leaping Panther (darren.islar): Hey Xira
Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): hello leaping :)
Ava (avaline.decuir): Hello Xirana
Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): hello Ava
Ava (avaline.decuir): Hey Bruce
leaping Panther (darren.islar): hey Blub ... oh, and Bruce
Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): hello Br
Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): Bruce :)
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Hello, Xir, and Darren, and Ava!
leaping Panther (darren.islar): hey Elan
Elan (elanvitalo): Heya, everyone!
Ava (avaline.decuir): Hey Elan
Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): hello Elan
leaping Panther (darren.islar): is there someone who likes to share a topic?
Elan (elanvitalo): Well, I've just listened to a talk at a Buddhist center -- in which the speaker said "Buddhist practice is about learning to shed out contexts..." or something like that.
Elan (elanvitalo): contexts.. let me find the exact quote, just a sec, please.
Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): I was thinking about 'failing' understood as not succeding to reach goals these days... maybe it can be a topic
Elan (elanvitalo): ("Dr. Dunne continues his talk by looking deeply at our understanding of context, emphasizing that a central theme of Buddhism is “learning how to be free of context.”"): http://www.upaya.org/2015/03/john-du...+Meditation%29
Elan (elanvitalo): /me ponders "failing" -- a good topic, Xir.
leaping Panther (darren.islar): whispers: both good topics, failing and context
Ava (avaline.decuir): surely though, Budhhism itself is context
Elan (elanvitalo): Is it, really.... or is Buddhism more of pathless path -- and context-free context?
Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): to be free of context pressure can be related to 'failing' too
Ava (avaline.decuir): when you give a shape to something it gives it context ... simply by saying prayers each day .. or meditating in a certain way .. or on certain deities .. you give context to your practice
PaB Bell: 90 second pause. Please be silent in mindfulness.
PaB Bell: Thank you. Please continue to be mindful.
PaB Bell: whispers: Now is 47642, QuarterHourUnit is 53.
PaB Bell: whispers: Will ring in 86369.910000 seconds.
Elan (elanvitalo): wow! Woly got the dropper fixed!
leaping Panther (darren.islar): yes, there is a bridge to be made between the two, but I still think it's two different topics. I need to say Elan I will need to read or hear it before I can understand what he means, being a Buddhist I have an idea, but context is in itself a really good topic
Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): yes!! and with an amazing precisions of seconds :)
Elan (elanvitalo) nods.
leaping Panther (darren.islar): mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
leaping Panther (darren.islar): hehe
Elan (elanvitalo): I also want to listen to the talk again....
Elan (elanvitalo): :)
leaping Panther (darren.islar): the mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm is an accident
Ava (avaline.decuir): The concept of nothingness could be close to being without context but we can't live our lives in nothingness otherwise what is the point of being alive?
Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): :)
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Is it necessary to have a context in order to " fail"? I feel that it is.
leaping Panther (darren.islar): creating your own context is interesting
leaping Panther (darren.islar): good question! :) I would say YES
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): as for myself, every meditation session involves a moving in and out of context...
leaping Panther (darren.islar): about nothingness, that's not Buddhism, it's emptiness and actually not a good word, since it doesn't mean there is nothing
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): my mind wanders, and I return, again and again..
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): so it's a sort of shift in and out of context, if I making any sense.
leaping Panther (darren.islar): and out of context is when you return to yourself
leaping Panther (darren.islar): or to your mindful state
leaping Panther (darren.islar): hey Wol
Wol Euler: evening all
Ava (avaline.decuir): hey Wol
Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): hello Wol! :)
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Heya, Wol!
Elan (elanvitalo): Hey, Wol!
Wol Euler: what's the word?
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): yes, but first I need to be aware that I'm out of it....
leaping Panther (darren.islar): can you get out of context?
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): The word is YOU GOT THE DROPPER fixed!
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Yayyy!
Wol Euler smiles modestly.
leaping Panther (darren.islar): we are talking about context and on the side 'failure', but I think that goes to another session
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Now, let's see if you also got the auto recorder fixed....
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): auto logger, I mean.
leaping Panther (darren.islar): I could claim it
Wol Euler: it isn't broken, is it?`
Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): we can get out of contex, reading a book, coming to Sl..
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): listens.
Ava (avaline.decuir): surely context is what we choose it to be at any given moment?
leaping Panther (darren.islar): yes, isn't SL a context in itself?
leaping Panther (darren.islar): or a book, or a fantasy or whatever
Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): sometimes we can not choose
Elan (elanvitalo) listens carefully.
Ava (avaline.decuir): Í would say we always choose ... the basic conctext might be provided by someone else but our understanding of it and reaction to it are our own choice. therefore our context is always our own choice
leaping Panther (darren.islar): hey Bleu
Bleu (bleu.oleander): hiya :)
Elan (elanvitalo): Heya, Bleu.
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Hi, Bleu.
Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): hello Bleu!
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Hi, Bleu.
Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): hello Bleu!
leaping Panther (darren.islar): we are talking about context Bleu, starting at to define it
Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): Sl or immersing in a book created a mental context...which is also a kind of context where we experience things and have feelings....
Bleu (bleu.oleander): context .. good subject :)
leaping Panther (darren.islar): a difference between 'reality' and mental contexts?
Ava (avaline.decuir): yes but since each of us has different percerptions, and different life experiences .. we experience the same thing differently .. thereforre the context becomes individual
Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): difficult to say where starts and ends each one
Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): we use our mind to perceive 'reality'
Bleu (bleu.oleander): in some sense context is created in each of our minds ... not sure we can even get at "reality"
Ava (avaline.decuir): not sure there such a thing as reality
leaping Panther (darren.islar): is the fantasy of a book less real than the reality of doing the dishes?
Bleu (bleu.oleander): at least that we can understand
Bleu (bleu.oleander): whatever seems "real" to us is real in a sense, yes?
Ava (avaline.decuir): I was watching a programme the other day on quantum physics and some scientists are questioning if anything actually exists .. or whether it only exists when it is percieved
Bleu (bleu.oleander): depends on what is meant by perceived
Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): Plato questioned it already ...
leaping Panther (darren.islar): I would say it is real to us yes, which is in line with perception
Bleu (bleu.oleander): human perception?
Bleu (bleu.oleander): my dog smells so much more than I do ... his reality is much different then mine :)
Ava (avaline.decuir): but from a scientific standpoint they now believe that things are both there and not there at the same time and so they can be percieved differently by everyone and everything .. since their presence is shifting so much
Bleu (bleu.oleander): depends on the level of perception I think
leaping Panther (darren.islar): but does a poet see the same thing looking at a building than a mason
Bleu (bleu.oleander): could
Elan (elanvitalo): So, I can be a "failure" on one level but on others?
PaB Bell: 90 second pause. Please be silent in mindfulness.
PaB Bell: Thank you. Please continue to be mindful.
PaB Bell: whispers: Now is 48631, QuarterHourUnit is 55.
PaB Bell: whispers: Will ring in 766.898400 seconds.
Bleu (bleu.oleander): I've known some very perceptive masons :)
leaping Panther (darren.islar): grins ... talking about my perceptions :)
Bleu (bleu.oleander): some masons are great poets ... some poets are pretty good masons perhaps?
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): There used to be a saying that no one could see the fog in London until a poet pointed it out and named it.
Ava (avaline.decuir): but think of two artists .. they will paint the same building differently ... so what is the reality of the building?
leaping Panther (darren.islar): or make different pavilions :)
Bleu (bleu.oleander): lol
Bleu (bleu.oleander): speaking of which ...
Wol Euler: is any painting a reality of any building?
Elan (elanvitalo) listens.
Bleu (bleu.oleander): is a photograph ?
Ava (avaline.decuir): 'perhaps to the artist it is .. it is how the artist sees it
Wol Euler: depends what you mean by reality. Both a photo and a building can have reality but IMO their realities are incommensurate.
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): wasn't this a source of constant debate among the empiricist philosophers?
Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): I go now.... take care all and se you soon!
Wol Euler: bye xira, take care
Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): bye:)
Bleu (bleu.oleander): bye Xiri
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Bye, Xir
Elan (elanvitalo): Bye for now, Xir.
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): can we trust our senses? can we trust our interpretations of what our senses tell us? can we compare our interpretations with those of others?
Wol Euler: do we have any choice, Bruce?
Bleu (bleu.oleander): we must trust our senses ... but also we trust others senses too
Wol Euler: if we can't trust our senses, then we have to just guess or fantasize about what might be
Wol Euler: is that better?
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): this reminds me of the parable about the blind men describing an elephant...
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): This is .... ELEPHANTASTIC !!
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): _____
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): / 0 \____
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): / _ \__/ \
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): / / \ ____ I \
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): /_/ I I I I
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): I__I I__I
Wol Euler: /me chuckles.
Ava (avaline.decuir): I think our senses are to help guide us through this reality of this physical dimension .. but they are imperfect for helping us to percieve the actual reality .. if there even is one
Elan (elanvitalo): :)
Bleu (bleu.oleander): there are many influences on the information that comes to us through our senses ... we interpret using our past experiences and memories
Elan (elanvitalo): for sure, Bleu....
leaping Panther (darren.islar): our brains make up most of the picture our eyes see
Ava (avaline.decuir): not only our past but our hopes for the future too
Bleu (bleu.oleander): yes
Bleu (bleu.oleander): anticipation :)
leaping Panther (darren.islar): actual reality .... hmmm
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): There are some past experiences and memories that I cannot revisit without shuddering . . but I am absolutely sure that most people remembering those same events would have only different responses to them then I did.
Wol Euler: and nonetheless we are forced to use that partial and faulty information, because it is really all we have. Yes, that thing below my feet which looks like a carpet on a floor might actually be the underbelly of a whale, but it seems rather unlikely. How often must I reevaluate the carpet/whale dilemma?
Bleu (bleu.oleander): "reality" is a human word ... what actually do we mean when we say that?
Ava (avaline.decuir): the actual reality being that there isn't one .. but we are limited in our capacity to understand that
Bleu (bleu.oleander): we know what is helpful to know :)
Wol Euler: indeed
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): does our capacity for compassion for the other guy ( or gal, of course) influence our "reality" in that experience?
Wol Euler: and perhaps our limited and partial and faulty knowledge is more useful than none at all
Bleu (bleu.oleander): we don't know that there isn't a real reality ha ha!
Bleu (bleu.oleander): agree Wol ... got us this far lol
leaping Panther (darren.islar): so there is a 'useful' reality
Elan (elanvitalo): So, so-Called "Reality" is an agreement? a compromise? a shared narrative?
Elan (elanvitalo): pragmatics?
Ava (avaline.decuir): or not so shared
Wol Euler: hello aph
leaping Panther (darren.islar): hey Aph
Wol Euler: are you packed and ready?
Bleu (bleu.oleander): hey Aph :)
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): Hi
Elan (elanvitalo): Heya, Aph!
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Hi, Aph!
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): close to it! I've packed my paints and paint brushes!
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): YAYYY!
Wol Euler smiles.
Ava (avaline.decuir): Hello Aph
Wol Euler: start with the important stuff
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Italy here I come!
Aph (aphrodite.macbain) grins
Elan (elanvitalo): the degree to which it is not shared, may correlate with how much other folks think it is unreal.
Ava (avaline.decuir): some people believe that autism .. particularly the prfound type puts those who suffer from it outside of reality as a collective understanding
leaping Panther (darren.islar): I like the agreement, but also the 'not so shared',. we MIGHT think we understand each other
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): Listens to Ava
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): what agreement?
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): we've been discussing "contexts" "reality" "failure" and, I guess, the relativism of all of these, Aph.
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): umm OK
leaping Panther (darren.islar): we are talking about context Aph, and so far ended up with reality, whether reality is real or an agreement
Ava (avaline.decuir): or not real at all
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): could be many things
Bleu (bleu.oleander): it's amazing we all agree to drive on the same side of the street :)
leaping Panther (darren.islar): thanks Bruce, nice compilation
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): reality is our perception of it
PaB Bell: 90 second pause. Please be silent in mindfulness.
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): ty, and you're welcome.
Ava (avaline.decuir): no we don't .. Darren and I drive on different sides of the sgtreet
Bleu (bleu.oleander): I know hehe
Ava (avaline.decuir): which is why he won't let me drive his car
Bruce (bruce.mowbray) dies from laughing....
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): wonders whether this is a drop
Elan (elanvitalo) me dies from laughing....
leaping Panther (darren.islar): no we don't Bleu, Ava and I have a deep disagreement about it ... since I claim to drive on the 'right' side of teh street
PaB Bell: Shhhhhhhh! Quiet please.
Bleu (bleu.oleander): have had difference of opinion in the same town lol
Ava (avaline.decuir): he drives on the wrong side of the street only UK and Australia .. and the rest of the sensible world that drive on the left are correct
PaB Bell: Thank you. Please continue to be mindful.
PaB Bell: whispers: Now is 49488, QuarterHourUnit is 55.
PaB Bell: whispers: Will ring in 86294.300000 seconds.
Ava (avaline.decuir): the rest of the world is just following a trend set by Napoleon
leaping Panther (darren.islar): still she understands she better doesn't drive in Europe
Wol Euler: question: were none of you getting "shush" messages, or did you all just ignore them?
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): I was trying to shush
leaping Panther (darren.islar): erm .... hides
Wol Euler: so did you get the message or not?
Wol Euler: please answer
leaping Panther (darren.islar): I did
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): I got them
Ava (avaline.decuir): we ignored them
Wol Euler: I want to know if my script works
Wol Euler: right
Wol Euler: :)
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): It works!
Bleu (bleu.oleander): yes
Wol Euler: good
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): But perhaps it is too polite
Bleu (bleu.oleander): what is the number 49488?
Wol Euler: so I've done my bit, it's up to you lot to react :-P
Ava (avaline.decuir): nope it is the colour ... it is hard for me to see
leaping Panther (darren.islar): but according which is the right or correct side of the street, I tend to ignore it :)
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): i got the shhhh message, yes.
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): maybe bold letters or caps might grab our attention better
Wol Euler: one less than 49489?
Bleu (bleu.oleander): which is ... ?
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): I just came from San's tea house. It's really sweet
Wol Euler: oh that, it's the internal SL representation of time, which is the number of seconds since midnight :)
Ava (avaline.decuir): it would be better if it was in the same green as the other bit .. the brown is hard to see for old eyes
leaping Panther (darren.islar): I don't think it's the warning, it's us
Bleu (bleu.oleander): I'm not focusing perhaps hehe
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): lol
Bleu (bleu.oleander): interesting ... did not know that :)
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): brb
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): you see?! context, perception, failure, . . . . What shall we do about this?
leaping Panther (darren.islar): you can change the color sweet, preferences, caht I think
leaping Panther (darren.islar): hahaha Bruce
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): I have set my preferences so that everything I say appears in orange...
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): I guess I could do the same with the " dropping" notices... but in a different color
Bleu (bleu.oleander): cool
Wol Euler: you can change the colour in which IMs to you from prims (which is what that was) are presented
Wol Euler: I cannot determine it
Ava (avaline.decuir): hmmm but if I don't see the message because of the colour then how do I know there is a message that I need to change?
leaping Panther (darren.islar): sorry preferences, colors
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): /me ponders to himself: Since Darren will be changing the pavilion after this session, I'd best get rid of the Zen bell for now.
leaping Panther (darren.islar): you change the color and in the future you will know
Ava (avaline.decuir): but .. how do you know what my future will hold?
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): we don't really need this in bell anyway, since the "drop" notifier is in good working order.
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): the Zen bowl*
leaping Panther (darren.islar): grins ... I predict it will hold messages from prims :)
Ava (avaline.decuir): only if I keep talking when you want me to shut up
Ava (avaline.decuir): and I predict the message will come in a more immediate and physical form
leaping Panther (darren.islar): hahaha
leaping Panther (darren.islar): she's sitting next to me :)
Elan (elanvitalo): a physical form?
Elan (elanvitalo): oh. Whew! I was looking up expecting the ceiling to fall.
Ava (avaline.decuir): he will hit me
Elan (elanvitalo): ha ha.
Ava (avaline.decuir): hehehe
Elan (elanvitalo): ouch.... I speak empathetically because Bruce often pokes me.
leaping Panther (darren.islar): nah .... I rather kiss you ... as long as you keep to the 'right' side of the road!
Bleu (bleu.oleander): lol
Wol Euler: /me smiles.
Ava (avaline.decuir): I will let you drive then we will be on the right side of the road but not necessarily on the correct side
leaping Panther (darren.islar): so what is 'correct' in terms of context?
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): trivia question: is the United Kingdom the only country in Europe that still drives on the left side of the road?
Ava (avaline.decuir): correct to me is what I say it is .. that is my reality
leaping Panther (darren.islar): I think so yes
Bleu (bleu.oleander): what we all agree to is correct?
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): does Ireland also do that?
leaping Panther (darren.islar): ah .. yes
Ava (avaline.decuir): Ireland is so small I don't think they need to drive
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): and to Scotland, which of course is part of the United Kingdom....
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): laughs at Ava- I've drivevn in Ireland- scary- very scary
Elan (elanvitalo): just be sure your car is not painted orange.
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): lol
leaping Panther (darren.islar): is 'failure' possible or only in our own perception?
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): I only drove in the south
Elan (elanvitalo): or, depending on the context, that it IS painted orange.
Bleu (bleu.oleander): NYC scariest place i've ever driven ha!
Bleu (bleu.oleander): next to Cairo that is hehe
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): and Italy
Elan (elanvitalo): Boston for moi.
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): In Teheran there are NO traffic lanes
Ava (avaline.decuir): When I was a child and lived in Norway for a while .. they didn't have a "side "of the road to drive .. everyone drove in the middle and kind of decided as another car approached which side they would pass on .. but there was a lot less cars back then
Elan (elanvitalo): NYC is a breeze
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): sounds like Theran Ava
Wol Euler: LP, I'd say yes "failure" is only a judgement in our minds or those of our critics.
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): I agree with Wol on that.
Bleu (bleu.oleander): yes
leaping Panther (darren.islar): our critic yes
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): we do not have to "own" or "internalize" the judgments of others.
Wol Euler: perhaps the person who we thought was a lousy polevaulter was actually TRYING to break the bar across his forehead, and is delighted with his achievement
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): ha ha!
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): but we make judgments all the time when we make decisions
Bleu (bleu.oleander): lol
Ava (avaline.decuir): to fail you must have a standard that you are expected to meet .. so if you don't bother having any standards you can't fail
Wol Euler: of course
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): lol Wol
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): there are value judgments, moral judgments, measurement judgments, right side of the road judgments, and I could go on and on...
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): the problem is with the language, not with the judgment itself.
Wol Euler: there are two ways to play the fairground shooting gallery: either try to hit the targets, which is hard
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): or not!!
Wol Euler: or try to maintain a constant rhythm of shoooting without hitting anything at all, which is actually harder.
Bleu (bleu.oleander): :)
Ava (avaline.decuir): or hit the vendor and take all the prizes
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): yes :-)
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): ha ha!
Bleu (bleu.oleander): or don't go in the first place
Wol Euler: or burn down the fairground
Wol Euler: sure
Wol Euler: this can go on forever
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): the paradoxes of Zeno and Parmenides say you can't go anywhere, anyway.
Ava (avaline.decuir): so there are 4 contexts in a few seconds
PaB Bell: 90 second pause. Please be silent in mindfulness.
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): you can't even move and itsy itsy bit.
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): PAUSE....
PaB Bell: Thank you. Please continue to be mindful.
PaB Bell: whispers: Now is 50477, QuarterHourUnit is 57.
PaB Bell: whispers: Will ring in 895.871100 seconds.
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): we didn't get scolded that time!
Wol Euler: it works!
Wol Euler: pavlov would be proud
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): YAYYY!
Bleu (bleu.oleander): ha!
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): :-) woof
leaping Panther (darren.islar): we make judgments in order to make decision, which are based on a reality we created ourselves
Ava (avaline.decuir): hahahaha
Wol Euler: and btw the scolding is only heard by the person who speaks
Elan (elanvitalo): ahhh!
Bleu (bleu.oleander): that's cool
leaping Panther (darren.islar): so by Aph :)
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): ?
Elan (elanvitalo): shame shame doubled shame everybody knows your name.
Wol Euler: well of course, think how unpleasant it would be for those righteous ones having to listen to you lot being shushed.
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): waaaa
Elan (elanvitalo): apparently she didn't get scolded!
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): this has been delightful, folks, but I really need to get to scraping up my supper now.
Wol Euler: bye bruce, scrape well
Ava (avaline.decuir): niught Bruce
leaping Panther (darren.islar): bye bye Bruce
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): bye
Bleu (bleu.oleander): bye Bruce
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): so long for now, good people!
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): byee all
Bruce: left chat range.
Wol Euler: I shall hang around unti the sessin ends, to see waht happens to the log.
leaping Panther (darren.islar): bye Aph
Wol Euler: bye aph
Ava (avaline.decuir): bye Aph
Elan (elanvitalo): I guess I better heed my master's call . . .
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): nice- a new path!
Aph (aphrodite.macbain): thanks Bleu
Elan (elanvitalo): thanks for this session everyone!
Wol Euler: /me smiles.
Ava (avaline.decuir): bye Elan
Wol Euler: bye elan, take care
Aph: left chat range.
leaping Panther (darren.islar): bye Elan
Elan (elanvitalo): bye for now.
Wol Euler: keep your eye on the WD40
Bleu (bleu.oleander): let me know when you're ready to install LP and i'll take this down
leaping Panther (darren.islar): I need to make a copy, I'll be back in a minute
Bleu (bleu.oleander): we are switching pavilions today Wol, so Darren can just adjust the recorder if needed?
Wol Euler: sure
Wol Euler: I'll end the session, then.
Ava (avaline.decuir): moving out of the way
Bleu (bleu.oleander): great
PaB Listener Master: Recording has stopped, the session is ended.
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