真珠: Hi Bleu
Bleu Oleander: hi Shin :)
真珠: one second please....
Bleu Oleander: kk
Bleu Oleander: hi Qt :)
Qt Core: Hi Shin, Bleu, Bruce
Bleu Oleander: hiya Bruce
真珠: Hi Bruce
真珠: Okay...whew, one thing after another today
Bruce Mowbray: Hi, Shi, Qt, and Bleu!
真珠: Nice to see you both, and to enjoy the stained glass
真珠: Hi Qt :)
Bleu Oleander: nice to see you!
Bruce Mowbray: beautiful, isn't it!
Bleu Oleander: yes!
真珠: it is.... quite a new aesthetic to get used to
真珠: really neat and colorful
真珠 pans around
Bleu Oleander: it will be fun to see what everyone does!
Bruce Mowbray: Has anyone figured out what the plank on the roof is for?
Bleu Oleander: Xiri joined the group
Bleu Oleander: to sit up there
真珠: saw the email just now, that's great
Bruce Mowbray: to sit on the plank?
Bleu Oleander: take the elevator up
Bleu Oleander: on the roof
真珠: Oh so this is a pavilion and a ride ^^
Bleu Oleander: yes
Bruce Mowbray: yes, I see that one can sit on the roof, but does the plank have something to do with that?
Bleu Oleander: take a ride
Bleu Oleander: when you take the elevator up use plant to walk to roof
真珠: I like the way these columns are done
真珠: reaching out
真珠: up
真珠: and interesting little side circle over there
Bruce Mowbray: (can't sit on the plank.)
Bleu Oleander: side circle is the elevator
真珠: ooh
Bleu Oleander: sit on the couch and ride up
Bleu Oleander: there ya go!
真珠: oh, haha
真珠: well that took playfulness
Bleu Oleander: lol
Bleu Oleander waves to Bruce on the roof
真珠: fascinating. Darren had fun with this
Bruce Mowbray: (should have brought my bathing suit... looks good for sunbathing up there.
Bleu Oleander: :)
真珠: :)
真珠: How is everything else going?
真珠: I haven't had a chance to wander... unexpected visitors over the last few days, then flu before
Bruce Mowbray listens.
Bleu Oleander: great here :)
Bleu Oleander: busy busy busy :)
真珠: nice :) interesting salons?
Bleu Oleander: always :)
真珠: ever have a salon that you wished you hadn't?
Bleu Oleander: interesting question but really no
Bleu Oleander: always get something from them
Bruce Mowbray wonders if Qt knows what a salon is.
Bleu Oleander: even if not my point of view on something
真珠: wow, wonderful
Bruce Mowbray: (Not the same thing as a saloon, Qt.)
What a salon is...
Bleu Oleander: gathering for conversation and performance
Qt Core: i'm wondering
Bruce Mowbray: :)
Bruce Mowbray: Maybe Bleu will explain for us
Bleu Oleander: we gather people a dozen times a month for interesting conversation and/or performance
Bleu Oleander: that's a nutshell version :)
真珠: a dozen a month?
真珠: @@
Bleu Oleander: yes
Bruce Mowbray: once every 2 1/2 days?
Bruce Mowbray: wow.
真珠 is now really amazed we ever see Bleu ^^
Bleu Oleander: we know a little about a lot of things lol
Qt Core: ok
Bleu Oleander: yes, hard to surface hehe
真珠: :)
Bleu Oleander: did manage to start Art of Being though
真珠: you mean here already?
Bleu Oleander: started the art gallery
Bleu Oleander: yes
真珠: looking forward to seeing
Bleu Oleander: 3 levels so far hehe
真珠: lol
真珠: so far
Bleu Oleander: notecard in the sign with tp's
Bleu Oleander: lol
Bleu Oleander: starting a show and wiki page to document our pavilion project
Bleu Oleander: so wiki page started
Bleu Oleander: under "events"
真珠: marvelous. my younger daughter popped up last night (she lives elsewhere) but will be going home tonight, so I might get in to explore
Bleu Oleander: and art gallery show started
真珠: I did see the wiki page
真珠: that's helpful
Bleu Oleander: will be nice to keep a record
Bleu Oleander: also for when we vote
真珠: definitely
真珠: not going to be an easy decision...can tell already
Bleu Oleander: we might decide we like a new one every month lol
真珠: exactly!
Bleu Oleander: its such a fun process
Bleu Oleander: to create context
真珠: was talking with someone about the manners around formal tea tastings and other such occasions... that even if not a judging, the best guest is considered someone who gives not just compliments but feedback.... I was a little surprised by that
真珠: but perhaps 'formal' is the distinction
Bruce Mowbray gives feedback at a formal tea ceremony?
Bleu Oleander: makes sense in a way
真珠: well yes I think it is that it shows they really bring all of themselves to the event and activity
Bleu Oleander: I like feedback especially if given genuinely
Bruce Mowbray nods, starts to get the point.
真珠 nods...
Bleu Oleander: the worst is if someone just gives an obligatory compliment not from the heart
Bleu Oleander: like "that's nice"
真珠: or "how unusual!"
Bleu Oleander: or "interesting"
真珠: :) said in a sing song
Bleu Oleander: hehe
Bruce Mowbray: would such feedback be offered as a commentary upon the ceremony itself, or upon the tea, or what?
真珠: I think it would be the entire environment
Bruce Mowbray: hmmm.
真珠: because tea tasting doesn't really stop and end in cup
真珠: the tea is everything
Bruce Mowbray nods.
真珠: but then I think back to events that I've had, especially when young and first having events...
真珠: and the worst feeling was actually someone who would ask "but where is..."
真珠: or "what about..."
Bleu Oleander: :)
Bleu Oleander: or why didn't you ...
真珠: and I would be there, too late to do anything about what was missing..
真珠: yes!
Bleu Oleander: or "we usually do it another way"
真珠: haaha yes
真珠: everyone tends to have sensibilities they grew up with
Bleu Oleander: or "interesting you chose to do that"
真珠: hahahah
Bleu Oleander: a million lines ha!
Bruce Mowbray: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24VtH7pZWWE
真珠 clicks
真珠: oh wait... forgot no sound
真珠: will have to watch later
Bleu Oleander: for later :)
Bruce Mowbray: no sound for moi either.
真珠: ah
真珠: I remember one of the first events with my then inlaws... I was trying to help and picked up a jar of pickles and came to ask which plate to use. my mil shreeked so loudly that everyone looked, "We can't put that on the table!"
Bruce Mowbray: oh dear.
Bleu Oleander: lol
真珠: and I didn't bother to correct her, but later in life I've looked back on it as the funniest moment
Bleu Oleander: i'm sure that made you feel good .... !!!
真珠: omgoodness I was mortified
真珠: it took me years to try to help again
Bleu Oleander: I can imagine
Bruce Mowbray: why couldn't you put pickles in a plate on the table?
真珠: she saw the jar
Bruce Mowbray: I mean what's wrong with that?
Bleu Oleander: oh my lol
真珠: thought I was going to put a jar of pickles on the formal table, heheh
Bruce Mowbray: oh, now I see.
真珠: well, exactly... not the biggest sin one could commit
Bleu Oleander: pickle ettiquette
真珠: even if horrifying from her end
真珠: :)
Bruce Mowbray nods. . . . I try to regard other people's reactiveness as they are problem, not mine.
真珠: yeah... I was terrified of her... think Judy Dench
Bruce Mowbray: [pokes the Dragon...]
Bleu Oleander: oh my gosh
Bruce Mowbray: yes, I'm getting a clear picture now.
真珠: :)
Bleu Oleander: not exactly the mil you want!
Trying unusual forms...
Qt Core: i used to have lunch with my cousins on boxing day (the same with i had lunch and dinner on christmas) and after all that formal time i always tryed for the unusual form and recipes
真珠: so many neat things about her, but a look that could make concrete
真珠: traditional recipes Qt?
Bruce Mowbray: that sounds really good to me, Qt.
Qt Core: sometimes traditional but from others traditions, at least, or from other times/places
Bruce Mowbray nods, lovely.
真珠: since you cook well are you often host?
Qt Core: i'm rarely host, lesser and lesser with time
Bruce Mowbray nods, me too, Qt.
Bruce Mowbray: (fortunately.)
真珠 nods...me too but feeling an itch lately
Bleu Oleander: me three :)
Bruce Mowbray: :)
Qt Core: this boxing day tradition died with my mother health decreasing and my cousins leaving home
Bleu Oleander: I used to cook a lot and host
真珠: ah, nods.. times and seasons
Bleu Oleander: don't seem to have so much time lately
Qt Core: me and my mother had the most fun in researching for the recipes, sometimes we started in early october
Bleu Oleander: I love to cook, mainly because I love to eat lol
Bruce Mowbray: You know, Aphrodite plays hostess every week in her Italian Villa sim.
Bleu Oleander: yes
Bleu Oleander: nice community there
Bruce Mowbray: of course, one is expected to dress for the occasion . . . 18th-century dress that is.
真珠: I've visited a few times ... it really is immersive
Bleu Oleander: somehow I don't relate to that part :)
Qt Core: wonder how a 18 century paesan would be taken ;-)
真珠: now I'm getting conditioned... fell silent right away upon text... except that at first it was a jetpack notice
Qt Core: a trek uniform and a space anomaly may be acceptable ?
Bruce Mowbray just noticed for the first time that his eyes change color when he puts on his eighteenth century coat.
Qt Core: space/time
真珠: I don't think so Qt... Boxy came once but I think it was on the down low lol
真珠: can't invite bunnies etc
真珠: maybe for events
Bruce Mowbray nods. it's a role-play sim -- Aph's I mean.
真珠 nods
Qt Core: the theme being 18th century italy ?
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, that's it.
真珠: the strong boundaries do create a very distinct experience
真珠: its own world
Qt Core: tryimg to remembering history of those times, little principates, several areas under spain domain (maybe)
Bruce Mowbray: ty. I can't seem to get Aph's LM to work.
真珠: still called wesphalia?
真珠: ty Bruce.. see name has changed
Bruce Mowbray: I couldn't get it to show up in chat, so I just gave each of you my LM to Aph's place.
真珠: Rocca Sorrentina, Villa Vesuviana
Bruce Mowbray: btw, Aph will be flying to Rome this week.
真珠: yes, read that!
Bruce Mowbray: (or next, I think).
Bleu Oleander: ah so nice
Bleu Oleander: would love that!
Bruce Mowbray: me too.
真珠: am itching to fly too.... has been a while
Bleu Oleander: would be nice if we could tp there
真珠: for sure
Bleu Oleander: hiya Curious
真珠: Hi Curious!
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: hello peeps
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: )
真珠: you found your way to the first pavilion
Bruce Mowbray: Greetings, Curious! Good to see you again.
Qt Core: hi Curious
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: you too,waves
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: yes,i was here once with Aph
Bleu Oleander: nice show you had ... still up?
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: it looks very nice
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: :)
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: thank you, yes,for a month
真珠: show?
Bruce Mowbray: the stained glass is really lovely, don't you think?
Bleu Oleander: great show :)
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: i have an exzibit here
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: with new works
Bleu Oleander: I have a piece hanging in my house :)
真珠: ohhh
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: inspired by sl personalities
Bruce Mowbray: Wonderful, Curious.
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: i can give you land
真珠: share a lm?
真珠: kk, ty
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: yes
真珠: gratsi
真珠: what sort of art is your focus, Curious?
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: curiosities around us
Bruce Mowbray: wow, fascinating.
真珠: intriguing pointer, look forward to seeing
Bleu Oleander: very fun!
真珠: Hi Mick!
Bleu Oleander: hiya Mick :)
Bruce Mowbray: Heya, Mick!
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: hello mick
Mickorod Renard: Hiya Folks
Qt Core: Hi Mick
Mickorod Renard: This pavilion is colourful
Mickorod Renard: erk
Bleu Oleander: will wake up your visual senses :)
Bruce Mowbray thinks Mick and Bleu just got "shhhh-ed" and that he's about to get "shhh-ed himself.
Bruce Mowbray: yeppers.
Bleu Oleander: hehe right
Qt Core: in the first minutes i saw this pavillion i thought it would hurt the eyes to be such colorful
Mickorod Renard: shhh
Bleu Oleander: oops another shhhhh
真珠 shoots scolding looks around the circle
真珠: :)
Mickorod Renard: :)
真珠: Pickles!
真珠: lol
Bleu Oleander: lol
真珠: as I sit here, I like the stained glass feeling more and more - the blue isn't intrusive
Bleu Oleander: nice :)
Mickorod Renard: I like the stained glass roof
真珠: yes
Bruce Mowbray: me too, Mick.
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: very bleutiful
Bleu Oleander: mick, try the elevator
真珠: if we sit up top for a moment, will the recording still work?
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, sit on the couch first.
真珠: I'm going to go up too
Bleu Oleander: I think so
Bruce Mowbray: don't know, Shin.
Bleu Oleander: 20 meters range?
Mickorod Renard: wheres the elevator?
Bleu Oleander: watches to see if too heavy for elevator lol
{some dialog so I think recording doesn't reach from elevator to pavilion}
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: ;))
Bleu Oleander: lol
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: will this sim be more populated eventually?
Bleu Oleander: you guys are too funny
Bleu Oleander: hope so Curious
Bleu Oleander: we're just getting moved in
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: but start is very good
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: Aph house is so simple and nice
Bleu Oleander: yay lift off
Mickorod Renard: great
Bleu Oleander: thanks, I designed it for her
Bruce Mowbray: amazing.
真珠: can you still hear us?
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: waves at Eliza from downstairs..
Mickorod Renard: and you can just stand and be elevated
Bleu Oleander: yes
Qt Core: yes
真珠: cool
Bruce Mowbray: yes, we can hear you, Shin.
Bleu Oleander: multi layered PaBers :)
Bruce Mowbray: We can also see you up there.
真珠: I like the various cushion poses too
真珠: side sit is dainty
Bleu Oleander: nice to have a variety of poses
Mickorod Renard: can you see up my trouser legs?
Bruce Mowbray tries side-sit.
Mickorod Renard: ok, comming back
真珠: Darren's always been great with those
Bruce Mowbray does not feel particularly dainty . . . wonders why.
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: is this Darren part of pab?
真珠: I like the text too - "we've arrived!"
Bruce Mowbray: Darren made this pavilion, yes... but it is not his home.
Bleu Oleander: we have a pavilion design project going on now
Bleu Oleander: one pavilion a month until we decide
真珠: "...started from the bottom now we're here..."
真珠 giggles
Mickorod Renard: i must find time to have a go at mine
Qt Core: i can't decide if this pavillion has an ancient or a very modern one
Bleu Oleander: yes Mick!
真珠: true Qt!
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: its like a fusion
Mickorod Renard: i think mine will be very simple
Mickorod Renard: like me
Bleu Oleander: let me know and I'll put you on the schedule Mick
真珠: so nice to take the time to taste each one :)
Bruce Mowbray: From a distance, this pavilion almost looks like a spaceship . . . but the stained glass brings it back to Earth.
真珠 nods Bruce
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: ready to take off
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: :)
Bruce Mowbray: ha ha.
Mickorod Renard: that was my first thought bruce
Bleu Oleander: or a merry-go-round
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: yes,like a carousel )
Bruce Mowbray: yes, a merry-go-round is very much to the point.
Bleu Oleander: was one like this in my home town
真珠: I apologize for ducking out a few minutes early, have just a little while to spend with daughter who seems restless at the moment.... thanks so much for being here, though feeling Storm's absence as co-host
真珠: please stay and play
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: bye Eliza
真珠: lol!!
Bleu Oleander: ok take care
Bruce Mowbray: I also need to go. Be well, good people.
Mickorod Renard: bye shin,,take care
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: by Bruce
真珠: omgoodness it corrects us now
Bleu Oleander: me too actually :)
Qt Core: by Shin, Bruce
Mickorod Renard: bye bruce
Bleu Oleander: bye y'all
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: byee
真珠: bye friends see you soon I hope
Qt Core: bye
Bleu Oleander: oops being shhhhed again lol
Mickorod Renard: bye bleu
Qt Core: when technology fight back ;-)
Mickorod Renard: :)
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: good that you manage to save the place )
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: how long are you two in pab?
Mickorod Renard: i think i just over 6 years
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: oh,very long time
Mickorod Renard: yes, supprising
Mickorod Renard: bye qt...have a nice sleep
Qt Core: it crashed while i was saying i need to log off... i didn't buy a neural interface ;-)
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: bye core
Mickorod Renard: :)
Qt Core: Bye all
Mickorod Renard: be well
Mickorod Renard: ok, hope you dont mind,,i am off to find a sand box
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: i like to come here,when i remeber the time,i was very regular at dream sessions
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: ok
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: see ya mick
Mickorod Renard: yes?
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: yes
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: i loved it
Mickorod Renard: I dont recall you so often?
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: i dream a lot
Mickorod Renard: me too
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: every tuesday i was there
Mickorod Renard: did you have a diferent avi?
Mickorod Renard: ahh ok,,that was a diferent one to what I was in
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: but in last year,i didnt saw you one time there,it seems you were at some other times there
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: yes
Mickorod Renard: maxines..I was a regular but about a year ago I gave it a rest
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: i will soon go on hiatus from sl till winter
Mickorod Renard: I kept my dreams in my inventory
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: got to go more into rl
Mickorod Renard: should you wish to read any you can have some
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: sl is so tempting,i spend too much time here,lol
Mickorod Renard: ok c ya
Mickorod Renard: it can be
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: yes,send a few please
Mickorod Renard: :)
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: iam curious as you know
Mickorod Renard: he he ok,,
Mickorod Renard: I will put the odd one in your post
Mickorod Renard: bye
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: good
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: bye
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