2015.11.19 13:00 - Dream Session: Fermi Paradox

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Mickorod Renard. Eliza posted this session. :)

    dream session november_001.jpg

    Mickorod Renard: hi Cat
    Mickorod Renard: How are you?
    Catrinamonblue Resident: mmmm rl I'm fine but can't seem to sit well lol :)
    Mickorod Renard: try another seat
    Mickorod Renard: I did..
    Mickorod Renard: Hi Eliza
    Catrinamonblue Resident: oh better :) ty

    Eliza Madrigal: Aloha friends
    Catrinamonblue Resident: Hi Eliza :)
    Mickorod Renard: aAloha..are you on hols?
    Mickorod Renard: in hawaai?
    Eliza Madrigal: would that were true
    Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: nope... hot n humid Miami
    Mickorod Renard: Hi QT
    Catrinamonblue Resident: Hi Qt :)
    Qt Core: Hi all!
    Mickorod Renard: hey, Maiami
    Eliza Madrigal: Hiya Qt
    Mickorod Renard: Miami..thats like being on hols all the time


    Eliza Madrigal: um, yeah sure :)
    Mickorod Renard: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: party party party
    Eliza Madrigal: :))
    Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: How is everyone doing?
    Mickorod Renard: other than the tropical storms..do you get cold weather Eliza?
    Mickorod Renard: I am good ta..busy with kids

    Qt Core: do you know that Miami in italian can be read as "Mi ami" and is the affirmative, inquisitive and imperative for of "you love me" ? ;-)
    Eliza Madrigal: oooooh, I like that, Qt
    Mickorod Renard: wow..nice QT
    Eliza Madrigal: cold weather sometimes.... 3 days here and there
    Mickorod Renard: nice
    Catrinamonblue Resident: it's a beautiful 13C here today :)
    Mickorod Renard: its the other way around here
    Eliza Madrigal: Now I can hear that subtext when ever I say where I'm from
    Qt Core: we are finally approaching winter, we had 20C temps until a few days ago
    Eliza Madrigal: I envy you guys sincerely, although I know winters can be long
    Mickorod Renard: its been quite warm here ..unusually so..
    Qt Core: now at low 10 and going down in next days
    Catrinamonblue Resident: here too Mick, friend posted pic from this day last year with several cm of snow
    Eliza Madrigal: yes by this time last year we had a few cool days
    Mickorod Renard: wow..yes, it makes one wonder re global warming but then another year follows and its cold again
    Catrinamonblue Resident: nods

    Eliza Madrigal: Have dreams been exciting?
    Eliza Madrigal: sorry to be missing sporadically
    Mickorod Renard: well..we have been doing a few
    Mickorod Renard: not so many from me
    Eliza Madrigal: too busy to dream?
    Mickorod Renard: for some reason,,well I think its my disturbed lifestyle..i havnt managed many
    Catrinamonblue Resident: I keep forgetting to write my down...
    Eliza Madrigal: do you remember images or snippets Cat?
    Mickorod Renard: I have one with me now
    Catrinamonblue Resident: vivid snippets but need to write them down or they slip away
    Eliza Madrigal: slippery snippets
    Mickorod Renard: he he
    Eliza Madrigal: ^.^

    Qt Core: i had one this past weekend that i had to write down (second time ever i did that)
    Mickorod Renard: yes?
    Eliza Madrigal: yay, so we have two dreams today?
    Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
    Mickorod Renard: yipeee
    Eliza Madrigal: Qt's last one was a doozy
    Mickorod Renard: go for it QT
    Eliza Madrigal paddles feet lightly in the water
    Eliza Madrigal: ty Qt, reading
    Mickorod Renard: thanks QT
    Catrinamonblue Resident: ty :)
    Eliza Madrigal: ears perk at alien mention....
    Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
    Qt Core: i hope the reference to the attacks in Paris will not disturb
    Eliza Madrigal: attacks in Paris are disturbing, but not your mention of them :)
    Qt Core: nods

    [Dream text to be added soon]

    Eliza Madrigal: this is a beautiful dream Qt
    Mickorod Renard: very nice dream QT
    Eliza Madrigal: do you think this is one way you are processing refugee crisis?
    Mickorod Renard: it sort of reminded me ..for no reason in mind..of the one you told some time back re the car accident though
    Catrinamonblue Resident: wow Qt :)
    Qt Core: i don't think, Eliza, but that would not means that it could not be ;-)
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: it seems an open hearted response you had, although such sadness too
    Mickorod Renard: Qt, do you know the reason why you wanted to tell the aliens the fermi stuff?


    Qt Core: to explain that i was happy about meeting them, not sad
    Eliza Madrigal nods...
    Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
    Mickorod Renard: or just the high expectation of likely meeting aliens?
    Qt Core: today i noticed that uo to my entering in the building it was dream in 3dt person after that in 1st
    Eliza Madrigal: somehow I got an anxious feeling too. Was your reaction common, iow were others welcoming and happy?
    Qt Core: (i more often dream in 3rd person but i know i'm the main character ;-) )
    Mickorod Renard: ah yes, thats interesting,,in my dream I also seemed lost between characters...the one I havnt told yet
    Eliza Madrigal: hmm
    Qt Core: no, the others were just running up and down the stairs, some following the alien some not
    Eliza Madrigal: I hope I'd have your reaction too
    Catrinamonblue Resident: me too
    Mickorod Renard: seems like its a requirement to either help comprehend or maybe just to add more persons

    Eliza Madrigal: a little funny, his having an issue with strict father
    Qt Core: yes, it bother me a little how i knew it ?
    Eliza Madrigal: empathy? familiarity?
    Mickorod Renard: QT,,can you remember the car accident dream you had?
    Eliza Madrigal: if I were projecting the refugee crisis I might consider the strict expectations and upbringing of many trying to immigrate
    Qt Core: walking in a park i found and throw away a big carrot, that went under the wheel of a little car that ended against a wall killing the driver
    Mickorod Renard: ahh thats the one yes
    Qt Core: then i found a piece of paper that asked me what i would do, call the police and lie, call the police and tell the truth or stay silent
    Mickorod Renard: yes, ..hmmm..nothing like this one..sorry
    Eliza Madrigal: :))

    Qt Core: one note, not as for some idea of machismo but i don't cry, i went near crying a few times but never really cried, not even on my father death (and sometimes i feel a little guilty about that), so it felt strange dreaming about crying

    Mickorod Renard: the fermi paradox is about the apparent lonelines of us as a planet with neings?
    Eliza Madrigal: oh wow, Qt
    Eliza Madrigal: even more beautiful. did you find that you'd cried actually, when you woke?
    Mickorod Renard: wow Qt..I am a right proper cry baby these days
    Eliza Madrigal: aw :)
    Catrinamonblue Resident: aww :)
    Qt Core: the question is something like, if on a statistical level is sure that alien exist why we never met one
    Qt Core: almost, not more than a couple tears in case
    Eliza Madrigal: hm
    Eliza Madrigal nods... seems more probable we would have, so the absence is felt as some confirmation of none?

    Qt Core: and the answer is usually distance, in space and/or in time
    Eliza Madrigal: and that we're not worthy yet :P
    Qt Core: another possibility ;-)
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
    Mickorod Renard: could that be linked to the strict father...the fermi paradox?
    Eliza Madrigal: interesting
    Mickorod Renard: I find it a paradox..a strict father is often one that cares a lot..but kids dont see it that way
    Eliza Madrigal: overprotective, doesn't want him mingling with us?
    Qt Core: the idea about rules, maybe, that part quite intrigue me, in the WTF form that is ;-)
    Qt Core: no more the don't waste time you have things to do
    Eliza Madrigal: ah
    Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: love the dream, would like to visit it

    Mickorod Renard: I often look at these dreams through my own past experience about my own life
    Mickorod Renard: as that is likely the only platform I have
    Mickorod Renard: I started to look at it as for eg my relationship with my father
    Qt Core: for the records the alien reminde me about the leader of the Thundercats toons, maybe a with blond hairs instead of orange


    Catrinamonblue Resident: :-D
    Eliza Madrigal: oh gee... should write that out in the note
    Eliza Madrigal: I don't know much about Thundercats
    Mickorod Renard: nor me
    Catrinamonblue Resident: :) only vague memories
    Qt Core: https://www.google.it/search?q=thund...dercats+lion+o
    Qt Core: (lees muscular)
    Eliza Madrigal: oh hah
    Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
    Qt Core: and more clothed
    Mickorod Renard: he he
    Catrinamonblue Resident: lol
    Eliza Madrigal: :))
    Mickorod Renard: just looking it up

    Qt Core: he was a gentle guy
    Eliza Madrigal: sweet
    Eliza Madrigal: a dream fulfilled
    Eliza Madrigal: (within a dream)
    Mickorod Renard: thats funny..i remember someone saying re a dream I had related to a feline character that there is some link to aliens and cat people

    arabella Ella: Hiya! Apologies for being so late!
    Mickorod Renard: Hiya Ara
    Eliza Madrigal: Hiya Ara! No worries at all
    Catrinamonblue Resident: Hi Ara :)
    Qt Core: Hi Ara
    arabella Ella smiles
    Qt Core: do you want the notecard ?
    Eliza Madrigal: gave a copy
    Eliza Madrigal gives a moment for Ara to read and give thoughts, then will you share yours too Mick?

    Mickorod Renard: so QT..have you any more reflections on the dream,,have you linked it to anything,,not that you should?
    Qt Core: i someway think is some form of telling myself there is something better around, with the idea that meeting aliens may unite the world and drive us to a better life
    arabella Ella: read it ty :)
    Eliza Madrigal: wow
    Qt Core: you know, the Star Trek Utopia ;-)
    Eliza Madrigal: would surely make our squabbles look more ridiculous
    Mickorod Renard: I am a little worried about aliens, but i love that idea QT
    Eliza Madrigal: for me the question is, what is likely? And I think it is not an unlikely scenario altogether
    Mickorod Renard: for all the supposed intelligence on the earth we sure do make a mess
    Eliza Madrigal: yup
    Eliza Madrigal: need an anti-greed vaccine
    Mickorod Renard: Eliza,,do you mean the likelyhood of aliens helping us?

    arabella Ella: I think Qt's aliens are symbolic
    arabella Ella: symbolic of difference and similarity
    Mickorod Renard: how so Ara?
    Eliza Madrigal: yes, maybe not helping us but eventually becoming less unknown
    Eliza Madrigal listens
    arabella Ella: we fear 'the other' yet we have so much in common too
    arabella Ella: the other is like us in many ways
    Catrinamonblue Resident: nods
    Qt Core: interesting
    arabella Ella: yet there is still fear and trembling somehow, but with smiles
    arabella Ella: smiles at the similarities rather than differences
    arabella Ella: understanding could lead to more 'unity' perhaps?
    arabella Ella: the end

    Eliza Madrigal: that would be the hope
    Qt Core: there was obviously no language barrier with the alien ;-)
    arabella Ella: perhaps add compassion to that I dunno?
    arabella Ella: the alien had a Dad
    Eliza Madrigal: but admittedly after a few days of facebook feeds I'm a little discouraged by fellow man's immediate reactions toward closing down rather than understanding
    arabella Ella: similar to us

    Mickorod Renard: my uncertainties circle around the idea that progress seems linked to exploitation..if that is what brings about more advancement maybe we will be exploited
    arabella Ella: yes Eliza me too
    Qt Core: or maybe he didn't understood a word of what i said him!
    arabella Ella: similar feelings
    Eliza Madrigal: ha ha Qt
    Eliza Madrigal: maybe they are waiting until we evolve beyond an exploitative mindset
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    arabella Ella: we are definitely too exploitative in too many ways
    Qt Core: he never talked to me, so now i'm not sure if he undersood what i said him
    arabella Ella: even with each other
    Catrinamonblue Resident: yes Ara
    arabella Ella: too much jealousy, too many power struggles, all futile
    Eliza Madrigal: I think we'll drop that when we know a better way... but then I think maybe Qt is right that it takes something larger to dwarf our current fears and bring us together
    arabella Ella nods
    Qt Core: thinking about al the catastrophic movies that ends with a warm feeling about humanity ;-)
    Mickorod Renard: yes Eliza,,that would fit nicely with the beginning of the dream too


    Eliza Madrigal: would be nice if what is larger is in an "awe" and "wonder" way
    Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
    arabella Ella: yes
    arabella Ella: but the dream also includes huge elements of understanding the other and meeting on (somehow) common ground
    Qt Core: like the discovery of how to get most of the sun energy that hit the earth as electricity
    Eliza Madrigal nods
    Eliza Madrigal: and relief
    arabella Ella: as opposed to some attitudes which Eliza mentioned
    arabella Ella: the hate-mongers where other is concerned

    Mickorod Renard: perhaps that is the key,,to the recent problems..recognising the plight of those in less fortunate positions
    Mickorod Renard: seeing the bigger picture
    arabella Ella: not just that Mick
    arabella Ella: also taking different attitudes, not the current attitudes which encourage more hate and difference
    arabella Ella: the dream searches for solutions to current crises
    Mickorod Renard: yes Ara
    Eliza Madrigal: recognizing that "I am diminished when another is diminished" and that we'll never feel peace until everyone else does
    arabella Ella: what are the possibilities out there? this is one question the dream appears to address
    Eliza Madrigal: yes its a game changer dream!
    arabella Ella: it certainly is a game changer dream in spite of the tears
    Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
    Mickorod Renard: :)

    Qt Core: in those days i was somewhat angry with myself, like watching closely myself and ready to scold myself and thinking something like "i don't have, i don't want to become and animal/beast and react with fear
    arabella Ella: exactly!
    Eliza Madrigal: hmm
    Eliza Madrigal: does seem one of those scenarios in which one hopes that the self they wish to be would be the one to show up
    arabella Ella: and you are in one of the so called danger areas
    arabella Ella: or close by
    Qt Core: yes Eliza
    Eliza Madrigal: for now we "play as" :))
    arabella Ella smiles
    Catrinamonblue Resident: :)

    arabella Ella: please don't get me wrong, I am certainly not condoning either tragedy or war
    Qt Core: fake it until you get it
    Eliza Madrigal: Oh I don't hear that from you at all Ara
    arabella Ella: thanks!
    Mickorod Renard: strangley enough..so far the recent tragedy has resulted in more bombs
    Eliza Madrigal: because it is still us v them, them v us. So sad to hear a story today of a family waiting 3 years, supposed to come to America tomorrow, then the state they were arriving has closed itself to refugees for the time being

    arabella Ella: will war or bombs resolve anything? Or hatred for that matter?
    Qt Core: it sadly seems a solution, and it may even work on the short term
    arabella Ella: today BBC world said they interviewed the far right leader in France. They said her words only move France in the direction the attackers want it to move ... ironic to say the least
    Mickorod Renard: I am never sure that I get to hear the full story
    Eliza Madrigal: indeed
    Catrinamonblue Resident: nods
    Mickorod Renard: and the internet is so full of conspiracy theories
    Eliza Madrigal: that's sort of what is scariest to me... the people I know who read the least or are the least involved, were the first to begin saying hateful things
    Catrinamonblue Resident: :(

    arabella Ella: what is strange about the dream is at the end when the Fermi paradox is introduced, what is the relevance there I wonder?
    Mickorod Renard: which I love in a fun way but when you want facts its so hard to get them
    Qt Core: in this case may stand for a solution that seems very far
    Mickorod Renard: yes Ara, I asked qt re that
    arabella Ella: apologies for re-asking then :)
    Eliza Madrigal: it is a good question...an inspiring one
    Qt Core: all in all it say that they exist but are out of reach
    arabella Ella: ok
    Mickorod Renard: no Ara, its still in the air
    Eliza Madrigal: yes
    arabella Ella: could you say more Qt please?

    Qt Core: the fermi paradox is the question on how we haven't met aliens when statistically speaking is sure they exist out there
    arabella Ella nods
    arabella Ella: ty
    Mickorod Renard: the paradox is related to our apparent lonliness as a planet and yet there are statistaically so many othetr likely inhabited planets out there
    Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
    Qt Core: and the main answers are about them being to far or not yet or not anymore advanced enough to come here
    arabella Ella: ok


    Mickorod Renard: I saw something the other day that said statistically the aliens would be much bigger than us
    Qt Core: so something that exists but hard to reach, like peace >
    arabella Ella: I have another take on that - in my view they exist but our sensibility (or perception) is not capable of us perceiving them as our perception is limited
    Eliza Madrigal: makes sense to me
    Eliza Madrigal: we know so little about our own limitations of perception, even time and distance
    arabella Ella nods
    Mickorod Renard: or maybe there is something wierd going on
    Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
    Mickorod Renard: he he
    Qt Core: i don't think that the basis of aliens senses would be so different, difference in what part of the electromagnetic spectrum they'll see but still sight

    Mickorod Renard: maybe we dont exist
    Eliza Madrigal: ^^
    Catrinamonblue Resident: lol
    Eliza Madrigal: I've seen the aliens and they are us
    Mickorod Renard: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: hehe
    Catrinamonblue Resident: :-D
    Qt Core: and the dreams of nonexistant people what are, the existing universe ?

    arabella Ella: what i mean is we don't have sonar like bats, we cannot hear dolphins communicating as our hearing does not go that far, etc., who knows how many other things we are not capable of perceiving
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: true
    Eliza Madrigal: we should be humble and I think, hopeful
    Mickorod Renard: Ara, I remember someone trying to write a book about that
    arabella Ella: as my friend Immanuel Kant once said, we do not perceive things as they are in themselves as our mind consists of a certain structure and we cannot perceive outside that structure of which the human mind is composed
    Eliza Madrigal: oh name dropping, lol
    arabella Ella: he he
    Mickorod Renard: he he
    Eliza Madrigal giggles
    arabella Ella: crediting my source :)
    Eliza Madrigal: :))
    Catrinamonblue Resident: :)

    Eliza Madrigal: beginning to know our limitations has to be progress
    arabella Ella nods
    Mickorod Renard: well..is that posible?
    arabella Ella: to some extent it is
    Mickorod Renard: are we all not destined to become Gods?
    Eliza Madrigal: even if we come to find we tend toward violence etc... then we can choose to veer from that course
    arabella Ella: could it be that only power mongers veer towards violence?
    arabella Ella: regardless of socio economic status?
    Mickorod Renard: I am not sure Ara..I have doubts there
    Eliza Madrigal: they must believe in power... so the structure that rewards it must be there first?
    arabella Ella: humans commit violent acts for a reason Micko
    Eliza Madrigal: well, hm.. yes the causal link isn't accurate
    arabella Ella: maybe to submit others to their will?
    Mickorod Renard: power mongers often dont need to resort to violence,,they can dupe the innocent
    Eliza Madrigal: a kind of violence
    arabella Ella: i am talking of violence at all levels not simply at top levels
    Mickorod Renard: for sure,,thats my point,,define violence
    arabella Ella: gang violence for example
    arabella Ella: or at the other end of the spectrum political violence

    Mickorod Renard: are we not steered in direction by the most convincing of persons?
    Qt Core: who does not like power, even in the lower forms don;t know like winning the droad traffic race in the morning
    arabella Ella: that;s rhetoric not violence
    arabella Ella: (said to Mick)
    Eliza Madrigal: :) qt - yes if everyone had a helicopter to get around it, one would need a jet
    Mickorod Renard: ohh ty
    arabella Ella: he he
    arabella Ella: I don't like power
    Mickorod Renard: well, top and bottom of it is some are backed into a corner by unscupulous persons

    Catrinamonblue Resident: slips away...... bye all :)
    Mickorod Renard: bye cat
    arabella Ella: bye Cat!
    Qt Core: bye Cat
    Eliza Madrigal: bye Cat! ntsy
    Eliza Madrigal: I'm hopeful for more and more civilization. Pinker thinks the world is becoming less violent, and I don't see it... but... my intuition is that we have to
    Eliza Madrigal: evolve that way
    arabella Ella: I'm hopeful too
    Eliza Madrigal: most of my beliefs come down to manners
    arabella Ella: yes
    Mickorod Renard: i would like the rest of the world to help those in need..so violence need not be an only resort
    Qt Core: yes, but they have to be honest, not a gentle greeting before a backstabbing


    Mickorod Renard: well..great dream QT
    Eliza Madrigal: alas, time to go. but time well spent with you today <3
    Qt Core: how much of a lowering of our living standards would we accett to make everyone have if not the same an acceptable living standard ?
    Qt Core: ty mick, sorry it take all the time
    Eliza Madrigal: thanks so much, was great
    arabella Ella: bye Eliza lovely to see you here tonight!
    Mickorod Renard: hey , that was the great thing Qt,,a dream with lots to look at,,thankyou
    Eliza Madrigal: bfn and lovely to see you too!
    Eliza Madrigal: nite
    Mickorod Renard: bye Eliza
    Qt Core: :-) bye Eliza
    arabella Ella: Great discussion thanks even tho I was late!
    Qt Core: :)

    arabella Ella: Is Italy really in panic mode Qt?
    Qt Core: no, but a couple of case of false alarms both in Rome and Milan subway today
    arabella Ella: oh
    arabella Ella: and lots of police presence in the big cities I saw in the Italian news tonight
    Qt Core: and FBI told uis that Rome Colosseo, and Milan Scala and Duomo are targets
    Mickorod Renard: I know we are all targets..but do you think Paris is a greater target for any reason?
    arabella Ella: oh how sad
    arabella Ella: apparently the cities being mentioned are Rome Milano Washington and London
    Mickorod Renard: London is always a target it seems
    arabella Ella: yes
    arabella Ella: I must get going lovely to see you good night and thanks again!
    Mickorod Renard: and its so odd because it is so international
    Qt Core: all in all of the biggest nations italy is one of the few still untouched
    Mickorod Renard: nite nite ara
    Qt Core: 'night Ara
    Mickorod Renard: i too must move on QT...but again, wonderful dream
    Mickorod Renard: nite nite
    Qt Core: ty Mick, i'm approaching sleeptime, i better go too

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