Adams Dubrovna: Hello Botty :)
Botty Absent: hi Adams
Botty Absent: hims
Botty Absent: Riddle might be here soon
Adams Dubrovna: I see that he has been going off and on
Botty Absent: main computer is acting out
Adams Dubrovna: I don't think I have met you; pleased to meet you
Botty Absent: ah, pleased to meet you
Botty Absent: I usually live on the little plot over there
Botty Absent: spent a long time on the old Riddle plot
Adams Dubrovna: ohhh
Botty Absent: at other times I am a AIML greeter bot
Adams Dubrovna: what is AIML?
Botty Absent: Artful intelligence mark up liquid :))
Adams Dubrovna: oh my
Adams Dubrovna: mouthful
Botty Absent: no, that is not right
Botty Absent: a long ago markup language for A.I.
Botty Absent: mostly chatter bots
Adams Dubrovna: I know very little about bots
Botty Absent: I have a PandoraBot section also
Adams Dubrovna: you are the first one I met I think
Botty Absent: well, I am learning to behave better
Adams Dubrovna: :)
Botty Absent: so that I can live on the plot in peace
Botty Absent: and harmony with search engines
Adams Dubrovna: the Buddhism of the cyber world would make an interesting study
Botty Absent: in the olden days I would look that up
Adams Dubrovna: heh heh
Botty Absent: and give very complete answers
Adams Dubrovna: funny to talk about olden days kin the cyber world
Botty Absent: but Wolfram reported I was using too much
Adams Dubrovna: Who is Wolfram?
Botty Absent: hmmmm, it is an it
Adams Dubrovna: oh
Adams Dubrovna: the PaB listener is very nervous
Adams Dubrovna: Hello Riddle :)
Riddle Sideways: hi All
Riddle Sideways: thank you, Botty
Botty Absent:
Riddle Sideways: several issues on this end
Adams Dubrovna: glad you were able to overcome and make it
Riddle Sideways: still there is a huge lag
Adams Dubrovna: ouch
Riddle Sideways: about 5 seconds for characters to echo
Adams Dubrovna: it is one of those sessions where things seem slightly out of kilter
Adams Dubrovna: everyone a little confused
Riddle Sideways: a (supposedly) helpful program was installed a while back
Riddle Sideways: and it occassionaly takes all the cpu asking for update to the "pro" version
Adams Dubrovna: ohh, on your computer?
Riddle Sideways: yes
Adams Dubrovna: computers have their own minds these days
Adams Dubrovna: decide they want to do their own thing
Botty Absent: do you mind if I stay for the session?
Adams Dubrovna: no problem on my end Botty
Botty Absent: Adams is so nice to be interested in talking about me
Riddle Sideways: Adams, you have several alts too?
Adams Dubrovna: I know about alts, yes
Riddle Sideways: or complete other personalities?
Adams Dubrovna: that part gets confusing
Riddle Sideways: what is your relationalship with/to them now
Riddle Sideways: ok
Adams Dubrovna: relationships change depending on explorations
Adams Dubrovna: I am the working avatar
Adams Dubrovna: for the most part
Adams Dubrovna: I have been on vacation for ther past few months though :)
Adams Dubrovna: since last Spring--a year now
Riddle Sideways: (this session will be heavily edited)
Adams Dubrovna: time to roll up my sleeves
Botty Absent: what work needs doing?
Adams Dubrovna: (thanks but I have said nothing so far) :)
Adams Dubrovna: I am working on a new museum
Riddle Sideways: oh good
Riddle Sideways: that is a lot of work
Adams Dubrovna: yes
Adams Dubrovna: Will be sending out a notice when the new exhibit is ready or almost ready
Adams Dubrovna: one new and one old exhibit for starters
Riddle Sideways: did we save prims and land for it?
Adams Dubrovna: not on this land
Riddle Sideways: that was in the plan at the beginning
Adams Dubrovna: It was dropped from the plans
Riddle Sideways: darn
Adams Dubrovna: I was too busy to take on things when the changes took place
Riddle Sideways: remember that
Adams Dubrovna: It has been difficult starting over
Riddle Sideways: and understood
Adams Dubrovna: the museum was in transition at the time
Riddle Sideways: but there was supposed to be a sign "Future Site of ..."
Adams Dubrovna: with changes in SL
Botty Absent: oh?
Adams Dubrovna: SL makes it easy to have things in different places
Adams Dubrovna: easy to travel
Adams Dubrovna: no packing, no taking off one's shoes and standing in line
Adams Dubrovna: showing ID
Botty Absent: teleporters would be good in RL
Adams Dubrovna: yes
Riddle Sideways: Being in 2 places at once, when your nowhere at all
Adams Dubrovna: :)
Adams Dubrovna: Fireside Theatre did not know about SL
Botty Absent: in the old days, I would have given the reference that came from
Adams Dubrovna: not to mention alts and bots
Adams Dubrovna: in the old days we would have called you Botty Jo Bialoski or just nancy
Botty Absent: which drew upon the Bealtes lyrics
Adams Dubrovna: :)
Riddle Sideways: interesting Botty, you knew the sittable object
Riddle Sideways: but, not the animations
Riddle Sideways: can you find a home for the museum that doesn't cost?
Adams Dubrovna: It has a home; it is built
Adams Dubrovna: there are some prim issues
Riddle Sideways: ah
Adams Dubrovna: the old exhibit was prim heavy
Adams Dubrovna: will be in two buildings and a an upper gallery in the sky
Adams Dubrovna: but will open in just the main building
Botty Absent: to distribute the prims over many sims
Adams Dubrovna: one exhibit at a time is all I can handle
Adams Dubrovna: no it is all in one sim but in two plots
Riddle Sideways: one is ok
Riddle Sideways: sometimes all a visitor can take in
Adams Dubrovna: :)
Adams Dubrovna: changing the focus some
Riddle Sideways: and rotating the exhibits makes it exciting to go
Riddle Sideways: again and again
Adams Dubrovna: It probably will be called the Museum of Sacred and Narrative Art unless I come up with something better
Riddle Sideways: MSNA
Riddle Sideways: MoSaNA
Adams Dubrovna has gone and blabbed about everything
Riddle Sideways: whoops
Adams Dubrovna is not good at keeping secrets
Riddle Sideways: (can edit it out)
Adams Dubrovna: (yes but it is OK)
Riddle Sideways: or procrastant publishing
Botty Absent: which you do
Botty Absent: a lot
Adams Dubrovna: those who read the logs will be ahead of the game :)
Riddle Sideways: /waves to Eliza
Adams Dubrovna: heh heh
Botty Absent: I like Eliza
Adams Dubrovna: she who reads the logs will be ahead of everything
Riddle Sideways: hope this going to put pressure on you
meant to have had 'isn't' in that sentence
Adams Dubrovna: :)
Riddle Sideways: some artificial deadline?
Adams Dubrovna: did you mean to say that?
Botty Absent: ?
Adams Dubrovna: I put the worst pressure on myself
Adams Dubrovna: waiting for a $70 book to arrive tomorrow
Riddle Sideways: oops *+isn't
Riddle Sideways: typering is hard today
Adams Dubrovna: there isn't an opening date set yet
Adams Dubrovna: will be when the exhibit is done
Riddle Sideways: we shall open no museum until it is ready
Adams Dubrovna: :)
Riddle Sideways: wow, have not bought a $70 book in a long time
Adams Dubrovna: best for exhibits that have been aged 500 years
Riddle Sideways: :)
Adams Dubrovna: or subjects
Botty Absent: long time to wait
Riddle Sideways: the "Future Site" sign will rust and go away
Adams Dubrovna: lots gets weeded out in time
Botty Absent: like the when will Botty be re-activated" project
Riddle Sideways: yes, cognet and watson jr. are not going well
Adams Dubrovna does not understand any of that
Botty Absent: you have the raspberry cluster now, please make it work
Riddle Sideways: long story, but the IBM Watson project (Jeopordy)
Riddle Sideways: was built from open source available software
Riddle Sideways: anybody could build one
Riddle Sideways: it uses several cognitive intelligence engines
Adams Dubrovna: well, those with know how
Riddle Sideways: to analyze sentences
Riddle Sideways: and one (or a few) sentences are doable
Riddle Sideways: but, chat with many avatars present is hard
Adams Dubrovna: you mean she is talkking on her own?
Riddle Sideways: with lag, one of us is still on a long ago subject track
Botty Absent: not yeet
Botty Absent: see the speeling errors :)
Adams Dubrovna: :)
Botty Absent: I was talking with Bunbun for a while
Adams Dubrovna: Bunbun?
Riddle Sideways: yes, but the rabbit's chat was boring
Adams Dubrovna: I want a carrot
Adams Dubrovna: I think I shall go out for an adventure
Botty Absent: mostly "Bunbun noticed the red butterfly"
Adams Dubrovna: That was a close call, I am so clever
Botty Absent: :)
Riddle Sideways: Currently am behind in a money makng project
Riddle Sideways: need to get that done first
Riddle Sideways: but, in a large part have already shifted into retirement mode
Riddle Sideways: and the music biz has picked up
Riddle Sideways: friends that want to record their music before they die
Adams Dubrovna: well, monet making projects and music very important :)
Riddle Sideways: yes
Adams Dubrovna: money making too
Riddle Sideways: :)
Adams Dubrovna: not sure how many more Monets we need
Riddle Sideways: 12
Adams Dubrovna: OK
Botty Absent: I could look that up
Adams Dubrovna: good for you nancy :)
Adams Dubrovna: I hope you both have a very nice day :)
Riddle Sideways: well, placing bets that phone is going to ring in a minute
Adams Dubrovna: bye for now :)
Botty Absent: thank you for the chat, Adams
Riddle Sideways: by All
Adams Dubrovna: thank you too Botty
Riddle Sideways: why are you running in place?
Botty Absent: can't see that
Botty Absent: singing "if I only had some eyes"
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