2014.07.10 13:00 - Wings and Roses

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Aphrodite Macbain. The comments are by Aphrodite Macbain.

    druth Vlodovic: hey
    Aphrodite Macbain: hello!
    Aphrodite Macbain: nice to have a warm body to sit with...
    druth Vlodovic: god to have a stash of bodies
    Aphrodite Macbain: ?
    druth Vlodovic: "good", though I guess god probably has a few too
    Aphrodite Macbain: what would you do with a stash of bodies?
    Aphrodite Macbain: or what would god do with them?
    druth Vlodovic: arts and crafts
    Aphrodite Macbain: he would probably make a cubist painting
    Aphrodite Macbain: or an "assemblage"
    druth Vlodovic: heh, I was looking at a cubist children's cartoon show
    Aphrodite Macbain: a cubist cartoon show? lol
    druth Vlodovic: weird pigs with two eyes on each side of their heads
    Aphrodite Macbain: :-)
    Aphrodite Macbain: pigs are weird anyway
    druth Vlodovic: the kids assured me that each pig only had two eyes, but you could always see both


    Redesigning bodies

    Aphrodite Macbain: If you were to re-design the human body, what would you change?
    druth Vlodovic: wings :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: :-)
    Aphrodite Macbain: so you could get a bird's eye view?
    Aphrodite Macbain: so you could fly away?
    Arisia Vita: two of my favorite people :)
    Arisia Vita: greetings
    Aphrodite Macbain: Hi Ari!
    druth Vlodovic: ari!
    Arisia Vita: so good to see you both
    Aphrodite Macbain: two of your favourite people? us?
    Arisia Vita: yes
    Aphrodite Macbain: :-)
    druth Vlodovic: brb, getting my burger a 2nd bun
    Aphrodite Macbain: you have changed back to your previous incarnation Ari
    Arisia Vita: ok druth
    Arisia Vita: changed back? have been Na'vi for some time now
    Aphrodite Macbain: 2 buns?
    Arisia Vita: I sometimes eat mine with a single bun
    Aphrodite Macbain: I guess I don't get to see you enough
    Arisia Vita: I know I would like to see you more :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: we were beginning to discuss what we would do if we could redesign our bodies
    Aphrodite Macbain: druth would add wings...
    Arisia Vita: that is a subject I like
    Aphrodite Macbain: what would you change Ari?
    Arisia Vita: I like the thought of flying too
    Arisia Vita: as the painting in my profile alludes....
    Arisia Vita: The painting "Soul's Flight" by Janmot represents three things I value. The first is flying high in the sky, to get a better perspective on the world. The second is being close to people, to know them better. The third is helping others by offering them my arm so that we might fly together.
    Aphrodite Macbain: awww
    Aphrodite Macbain: so maybe you might add a couple more arms
    Arisia Vita: good idea
    Aphrodite Macbain: like shiva
    Arisia Vita: yes
    Arisia Vita: and you?
    Aphrodite Macbain: not sure
    Arisia Vita: that's a wise answer
    Aphrodite Macbain: I would like to be able to transform my limbs to fins or wings as needed
    Arisia Vita: that sounds great
    Aphrodite Macbain: so I could swim with ease
    Arisia Vita: like a mermaid?
    Aphrodite Macbain: maybe I'd like a longer nose
    druth Vlodovic: ??
    Aphrodite Macbain: that could curve up and act as a snorkel
    Arisia Vita: ah yes
    Aphrodite Macbain: when I am swimming - would have to be retractable though
    druth Vlodovic: lol
    Aphrodite Macbain: :D
    Arisia Vita: why not just wish for gills?
    druth Vlodovic: I was thinking gills
    druth Vlodovic: snap
    Arisia Vita: druth and I think alike
    Aphrodite Macbain: omg
    Aphrodite Macbain: I didn't think anyone could think like druth

    Arisia Vita: I am proud to

    druth Vlodovic: (taking notes) soooo, hang gliding and snorkeling?
    Aphrodite Macbain: or would
    Aphrodite Macbain: hang gliding ...great idea
    druth Vlodovic: we could hang glide off the mountains in wetsuits and dive right into the ocean :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: yes!
    Arisia Vita: sounds great
    Aphrodite Macbain: Vancouver is perfect for that
    Arisia Vita: or a virtual world :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: maybe a little propeller might help

    druth Vlodovic: "at some point we started living in the future"
    Aphrodite Macbain: :-)
    Arisia Vita: that "point" is known as the present :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: It's often a more interesting place to be
    Aphrodite Macbain: true

    Flying and jumping

    Aphrodite Macbain: I used to have flying dreams
    Arisia Vita: I still do
    Aphrodite Macbain: flying through the mountains
    Aphrodite Macbain: really?
    Arisia Vita: yes, as in the opening scene of Avatar
    Aphrodite Macbain: are they trampoline bouncing dreams too?
    Arisia Vita: no, I do that in rl :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: :-)
    Aphrodite Macbain: rl is dreaming too
    Arisia Vita: today I enjoyed seeing the spider webs in the woods as I jumped, they were covered in dew ; it was foggy this morning
    Aphrodite Macbain: awww
    druth Vlodovic: foggy can be nice

    Arisia Vita: it was indeed
    Aphrodite Macbain: a lovely image

    Aphrodite Macbain: I like foggy
    Arisia Vita: every day is different
    Arisia Vita: I see the seasons change as I jump
    Aphrodite Macbain: My flying through the mountain dreams changed when I left the Canadian Rockies
    Arisia Vita: changed?
    Aphrodite Macbain: when I moved to the city, I ended up flying over buildings.
    Arisia Vita: that makes sense
    Arisia Vita: supergirl :)

    Aphrodite Macbain: smiles at Ari's image of seasons changing as he jumps
    Arisia Vita: so true
    Arisia Vita: green of summer, colors in fall
    Arisia Vita: bare limbs in winter

    druth Vlodovic: I guess you spend 20 minutes in the same place each day, bouncing ari, must make for interesting vistas

    druth Vlodovic figures aph would be longing for what she has instead of what is out of reach :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: would be or should be druth?
    druth Vlodovic: is :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: I have a lot
    Aphrodite Macbain: lucky me
    Aphrodite Macbain: friends like u2
    Aphrodite Macbain: and summer
    Arisia Vita: you have us as friends, and we have you
    Aphrodite Macbain: :-)
    Aphrodite Macbain: feels we should all get up and do a little dance
    Gets up and dances.
    Arisia Vita: alas, I don't dance
    Aphrodite Macbain: whew

    druth Vlodovic: onigokko
    druth Vlodovic: stop
    Aphrodite Macbain: onigokko
    aph and druth tear all over the pavilion
    druth Vlodovic: tradition :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: stop
    Aphrodite Macbain: lol
    Aphrodite Macbain: haven't done that for ages
    Aphrodite Macbain: weeee
    Aphrodite Macbain: and it's not even Friday
    Arisia Vita: good for you
    druth Vlodovic: funny, I was sitting in an uncomfortable position, in too much heat, and didn't notice until the drop
    Arisia Vita: heat?
    Aphrodite Macbain: outside?
    druth Vlodovic: just enough for a light sweat
    druth Vlodovic: inside
    Aphrodite Macbain: wipes druth's brow
    druth Vlodovic: outside is too bright for poor laptop
    druth Vlodovic: :)


    The colour of  roses

    Aphrodite Macbain: how are the roses?
    druth Vlodovic: growing
    Aphrodite Macbain: you may need to stake them
    Aphrodite Macbain: to keep them from falling over!
    druth Vlodovic: I should prune a few, poor plant looks overloaded
    Aphrodite Macbain: cut a few and put them in a vase!
    Arisia Vita: there is an art to growing roses
    druth Vlodovic: but it is hard to sacrifice a nice flower, even to get a nicer one
    Aphrodite Macbain: :-)
    Aphrodite Macbain: do you grow roses Ari?
    Arisia Vita: not yet :)
    Arisia Vita: but I have known others who did
    Aphrodite Macbain: we planted druth's rose together
    druth Vlodovic: get aph on skype, she'll give you all the directions for planting ;)
    Aphrodite Macbain: :-)
    Arisia Vita: :)
    Arisia Vita: reminds me of the fable of the red rose
    Arisia Vita:

    The nightingale loved the white rose, even though it was against the will of Allah. "Night after night the nightingale came to beg for divine love, but though the rose trembled at the sound of his voice, her petals remained closed to him. . . ." Flower and bird, two species never meant to mate. Yet at length the rose overcame her fear and from that single, forbidden union was born the red rose that Allah never intended the world to know.

    Aphrodite Macbain: I love roses- they are so hardy, smell good and look fantastic
    Aphrodite Macbain: wow- interesting tale Ari
    Arisia Vita: lovely
    Aphrodite Macbain: I wonder why Allah didn't want the world to know
    Arisia Vita: good question
    druth Vlodovic: have to send that to my uncle, he has a wall full of 1st place ribbons from rose shows in Toronto
    Aphrodite Macbain: wow
    druth Vlodovic: white is purity and red love according to florists
    Arisia Vita: interesting
    Aphrodite Macbain: and yellow is friendship
    druth Vlodovic: maybe Allah wanted it to mature into yellow, friendship
    Aphrodite Macbain: your rose bush is pink and yellow... a loving friendship?
    druth Vlodovic: hmm, orangey, sort of stronger friendship lol
    Arisia Vita: is there a black rose?
    Aphrodite Macbain: No, but there are probably very dark red roses
    Aphrodite Macbain: I wonder what a black rose would signify
    Arisia Vita: me too
    druth Vlodovic: http://www.wikihow.com/Grow-Black-Roses
    druth Vlodovic: I'm not sure what it means other than vampires
    Aphrodite Macbain: !!
    Aphrodite Macbain: root dye!
    Aphrodite Macbain: that's cheating
    druth Vlodovic: lol
    druth Vlodovic: this one uses black dye, a rose store says they use blue on red roses

    Aphrodite Macbain: Do you have a garden Ari?
    Arisia Vita: no, do you?
    Aphrodite Macbain: yes
    Aphrodite Macbain: I have a bunch of herbs and bushes on our roof deck
    Arisia Vita: that's great
    Aphrodite Macbain: rosemary, parsley, sage, thyme, lavender, stevia, mint, bay
    and dill
    Aphrodite Macbain: :-)
    Arisia Vita: roof garden...so you need not worry about rabbits or deer :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: Just crows and seagulls!

    Thank you both for joining me at the pool today. This was nice

    druth Vlodovic: They symbolise power, mystery, elegance, farewell and goodbye. Often the romantic message of black flowers is a negative one, so these should probably be saved for break-ups.
    Arisia Vita: I agree
    Arisia Vita: hope to see you both again soon
    Aphrodite Macbain: :-)
    druth Vlodovic: just raccoons
    druth Vlodovic: hugs ari
    druth Vlodovic: have fun
    Aphrodite Macbain: hugs ari
    Arisia Vita: *hugs*
    Aphrodite Macbain: thanks for coming
    Arisia Vita: thanks again, be well and happy
    Aphrodite Macbain: waves and smiles

    druth Vlodovic: mind you, getting a black rose as a present might be an interesting way to get dumped
    druth Vlodovic: depending on the people and the relationship
    Aphrodite Macbain: :-(
    druth Vlodovic: might as well do it in style :)

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