The Guardian for this meeting was Eliza Madrigal. The comments are by Eliza Madrigal.
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Wol :))
Wol Euler: hello eliza
Wol Euler: happy monday
Eliza Madrigal: very happy Monday to you :)
Wol Euler smiles.
Wol Euler: hello cat, I haven't seen you in a while
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Cat :) good to see you
Catrinamonblue Resident: hi :) things have been very busy lately
Wol Euler: too much good food, eh?
Catrinamonblue Resident: lol :) there is that too
Catrinamonblue Resident: but work has picked up a lot in the last three months too
Eliza Madrigal: I'm very inspired by your pleasant little dinner photos :)
Wol Euler: indeed
Wol Euler: envious, even
Catrinamonblue Resident: oh thank you but it's not my cooking :)
Catrinamonblue Resident: yes he does spoil me :)
Eliza Madrigal: even better :)
Wol Euler smiles.
Eliza Madrigal: nice to feel settled
Catrinamonblue Resident: yes :)
Eliza Madrigal: And how are you doing, Wol?
Catrinamonblue Resident: I really like my little apartment :)
Catrinamonblue Resident: opss listens for Wol :)
Eliza Madrigal: Oh, good. I relate to that... it feels right to be in a small space. No worries we can talk over each other like a natural
Bleu Oleander: hi all :)
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Bleu :))
Catrinamonblue Resident: Hi Bleu :)
Wol Euler: hello bleu
Eliza Madrigal: what a sweet dress Bleu
Bleu Oleander: ty :)
Wol Euler: I'm distracted and headachey, actually, weather-related
Wol Euler: we've been promised/threatened heavy storms for the last two days, and had nothing of it
Catrinamonblue Resident: :(
Eliza Madrigal: sorry to hear... I sometimes experience that feeling... almost like a head cold
Wol Euler: exactly
Wol Euler: just won't go away
Wol Euler: and the humidity is awful. It's cool rather than hot, but so humid that you can't wear a sweater or even a heavy shirt
Wol Euler grumbles.
Eliza Madrigal: you would detest Florida :)
Catrinamonblue Resident: it has been hot humid here
Wol Euler: weatherwise I am certain I would
Bleu Oleander: only 11% humidity here :)
Wol Euler: I really do need to move north, somehow
Eliza Madrigal: Fall is my favorite season... am looking forward to it :)
Bleu Oleander: me too!
Catrinamonblue Resident: brb
Eliza Madrigal: ok
Wol Euler nods.
English Breakfast whispers: Hot sweet and creamy, the only tea truely fit for a Queen, Wol Euler, just as hot and sweet as you!
Eliza Madrigal: please help yourself ladies :)
Scotish Breakfast Tea whispers: This wonderful tea brings the songs of the highlands and the scents of the heather to your heart, Eliza Madrigal. This tea was created with you in mind.
Eliza Madrigal toasts to Storm
Wol Euler:
(yes, you must click the link to really get the gist of the session!)
Wol Euler grins.
Eliza Madrigal clicks
Chocolate Chai whispers: The highest quality Valrohna cocoa from France with cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg and cloves...luscious chocolatiness, sweet spices...Made fresh just for you, Bleu Oleander, to enjoy!
Bleu Oleander: mmmmm :)
Eliza Madrigal: perfect
Eliza Madrigal: yes please
Wol Euler giggles.
Eliza Madrigal: delightful
Bleu Oleander: luscious chocolatiness .. :D gives new meaning to the 90 second pauses
Eliza Madrigal: indulgent pauses
Bleu Oleander: indeed
Bleu Oleander: but now i'm feeling a rl tug to get some :)
Eliza Madrigal smiles... the best of SL does that to one
Bleu Oleander: yes, interesting all the words used to describe the teas
Eliza Madrigal: I've never taken a wine tasting class, but would like to I think...
Catrinamonblue Resident: back... again
Eliza Madrigal: teas are similar
Eliza Madrigal: :) WB Cat
Bleu Oleander: and coffees too
Eliza Madrigal: we hope you didn't growl at your houseguest ^.^
Bleu Oleander: seems to be a lot in the wording
Wol Euler: heheheh
Eliza Madrigal nods... wonder the effect..taste of the words
Bleu Oleander: power of suggestion
Catrinamonblue Resident: lol no it was the supper to pick up some stuff :)
Eliza Madrigal: "that pause was woodsy and dynamic with just a touch of antique"
Bleu Oleander: hehe
Eliza Madrigal: please have some tea, Cat :)
Catrinamonblue Resident: it's interesting to be renting again afer a long time as a home owner :)
Wol Euler nods.
Eliza Madrigal: takes getting used to in some ways
Catrinamonblue Resident: yes :)
Wol Euler: what difference(s) do you feel?
Eliza Madrigal: the first two weeks here I had people just open the door with the wrong apartment, lol
Catrinamonblue Resident: rent checks and home repairs :)
Wol Euler: or mortgage checks`?
Catrinamonblue Resident: glue to repair a door I would have replaced ;)
Eliza Madrigal nods
Catrinamonblue Resident: rent is much cheaper than my mortgage was :)
Bleu Oleander: different freedoms come with each
Eliza Madrigal: really??
Catrinamonblue Resident: nods
Eliza Madrigal: it is more expensive here...
Catrinamonblue Resident: I was lucky
Eliza Madrigal: but all the 'other stuff' adds up to less
Wol Euler: I'd guess you are renting a much smaller place than you had bought?
Eliza Madrigal: true, Bleu
Catrinamonblue Resident: yes Wol :)
Eliza Madrigal: I only miss a few things
Eliza Madrigal: noise level, mainly
Catrinamonblue Resident nods
Eliza Madrigal: and it isn't very pleasant to walk here
Eliza Madrigal: I have to make an effort to drive to a park
Bleu Oleander: awww that's too bad
Catrinamonblue Resident: lol my apt is quieter than the house being on a dead end street :)
Wol Euler nods sadly
Eliza Madrigal: I won't stay that long
Eliza Madrigal: sounds lovely, Cat, and you're close to the schools you need...whereas I drive farther
Catrinamonblue Resident: nods me too.... kids are getting older and will be gone in a few short years
Bleu Oleander: being able to walk in the neighborhood is very important to me whether renting or owning
Catrinamonblue Resident: me too Bleu
Eliza Madrigal: it is important to me too... parks are nearby but it is the main reason I probably won't stay
Bleu Oleander: not to mention the pups value it too :)
Eliza Madrigal: :))
Wol Euler smiles.
Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
Eliza Madrigal: this is a transition home
Catrinamonblue Resident: me too :)
Bleu Oleander: framing it as a transition home, does it make you feel less 'at home?'
Eliza Madrigal: good question
Eliza Madrigal: in some ways
Catrinamonblue Resident: not really for me :)
Eliza Madrigal: but also keeps me in check in some ways
Eliza Madrigal: like, I have resisted the urge to put money into this place...
Eliza Madrigal: to fix, for instance the cabinet door that doesn't match the others
Bleu Oleander: spending less on decor can be a good thing :)
Eliza Madrigal: and it keeps me from being bothered by it
Wol Euler nods.
Bleu Oleander: I finally fixed a kitchen cabinet door after 12 years lol
Eliza Madrigal: haha.. yes one of those things
Catrinamonblue Resident: I'm very lucky, my apt was completly renovated for me as the prev tenant had been, shall we say, not so clean
Eliza Madrigal: but I did like my other kitchen
Eliza Madrigal: like everything is working out for you, Cat
Wol Euler nods.
Bleu Oleander: interesting to imagine the layers of lives in a home ...
Eliza Madrigal: I buy flowers more often now
Catrinamonblue Resident: scars me sometimes though
Eliza Madrigal: oh?
Catrinamonblue Resident: almost waiting for the rug to be pulled out from under me
Eliza Madrigal nods...
Eliza Madrigal: can understand that
Bleu Oleander: hi Zon
Eliza Madrigal: Hello Zon :) Welcome to tea
Wol Euler: hello zon
Zon Kwan: heya
Catrinamonblue Resident: Hi Zon :)
Eliza Madrigal: please help yourself to some tea, Zon. It has been imported from all over the world :)
Zon Kwan: ah, ty:)
Wol Euler: clever multi-spout technology
Zon Kwan: hm
Eliza Madrigal: high tech cozy
Zon Kwan: too many choices
Eliza Madrigal: close your eyes and click
Zon Kwan: jasmine
Eliza Madrigal: nice!
Jasmine Dragon Pearl whispers: As you watch the downy early spring buds and tender shoots unroll from its delicate pearl shape, and the scent with the world's finest jasmine waft up from your cup, you know, Zon Kwan, your in for a treat with this wonderful tea.
Orange Pekoe whispers: Hot, strong and black, Catrinamonblue Resident, what a wonderful pick-me-up!
Eliza Madrigal: how long have you lived in your house, Bleu?
Bleu Oleander: 12 yrs
Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
Eliza Madrigal: feels like you?
Catrinamonblue Resident: I was 13.5 years in my house :)
Bleu Oleander: yes I think so
Eliza Madrigal: I think I was about the same... moved in the month after 9-11
Wol Euler: I've been 20 years in this apartment
Bleu Oleander: although there are some things i'd change
Eliza Madrigal: 20 years, Wol!
Bleu Oleander: wow long time!
Catrinamonblue Resident: wow Wol :)
Bleu Oleander: not sure i've been 20 yrs anywhere :)
Catrinamonblue Resident: me either
Eliza Madrigal: I was in the same neighborhood for 21+ years
Eliza Madrigal: went from tiny townhouse to larger one to large house
Catrinamonblue Resident: cool :)
Eliza Madrigal: prob should have stayed in the middle.. the large house was never right
Bleu Oleander: that happens
Eliza Madrigal: or maybe just for a short time
Eliza Madrigal nods... environments are so important
Bleu Oleander: I like smaller homes
Catrinamonblue Resident: me too :)
Bleu Oleander: I keep telling my architect friends to go smaller but they all like big show places
Eliza Madrigal: play room?
Eliza Madrigal: that has surprised me... that after sunken economy, large houses are still being built here in mass
Bleu Oleander: play room is outside for us
Wol Euler: I've gone from the typical architect ideal of only a few huge rooms, to appreciating variety and being able to close doors on stuff :)
Bleu Oleander: we see big ones going up everywhere
Catrinamonblue Resident: same here Eliza... they are still building
Catrinamonblue Resident: smiles at Wol
Eliza Madrigal: I find it kind of crazy.. thought we were collectively going to sort of rethink priorities
Bleu Oleander: not
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Bleu Oleander: that would be too sensible
Eliza Madrigal: seems so
Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
Bleu Oleander: still driving huge suv's here too
Eliza Madrigal: I think my dream is a little house, or townhouse now
Eliza Madrigal: closer to the water
Bleu Oleander: and watering lawns ... it is a desert after all :)
Eliza Madrigal: yeah right!
Wol Euler nods.
Eliza Madrigal: I think in my old neighborhood everything revolved around the grass, lol
Bleu Oleander: kinda futile here
Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
Bleu Oleander: hi Curious
Eliza Madrigal: container gardening?
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: hello people
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Curious
Eliza Madrigal: good to see you again
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: you too
Bleu Oleander: stones do really well
Catrinamonblue Resident: Hi Curious :)
Eliza Madrigal smiles
Eliza Madrigal giggling
Bleu Oleander: :)
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: nice to met you Catrina
Zon Kwan: hi Curious
Wol Euler: hello curious
Eliza Madrigal: we've been talking about living spaces today, and enjoying some tea
Catrinamonblue Resident: you can call me Cat :) everyone else does
Eliza Madrigal: please help yourself
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: hi Zon and Wol, thank you,iam good
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: hi Bleu
Bleu Oleander: how are you?
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: iam ok
Eliza Madrigal: also, here is a song to go with your tea (hope you can get it in your country):
Wol Euler giggles.
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: great..;)
Eliza Madrigal: "lovely!"
Bleu Oleander: fun!
Wol Euler: yes pleas!
Eliza Madrigal: I'm going to put this on a playlist for my next party
Bleu Oleander: hehe
Wol Euler: my work here is done.
Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
Eliza Madrigal laughs
Eliza Madrigal: ::pinky out:::
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: have you been to sacred museum here at kira?
Eliza Madrigal: Ohh yes, there was a presentation yesterday
Eliza Madrigal: new exhibit
Eliza Madrigal: did you go?
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: no,i was there day before,saw that reconstruction of sacrifiction, crazy
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Qt Core: A late hi all!
Wol Euler: hello qt
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Qt!
Catrinamonblue Resident: Hi Qt :)
Zon Kwan: hi Qt
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: hi Core
Bleu Oleander: hi Qt
Eliza Madrigal: it is a detailed exhibit... haven't gotten a chance to see everything yet
Eliza Madrigal: but Adams covers a lot of ground
Wol Euler listens.
Wol Euler: lots of reading, notecards all over the place
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: i will go again,there was only 4 (seasons) religions this time
Eliza Madrigal: are you aware of other religions who have a similar story?
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: almost all have ;)
Eliza Madrigal: we've sort of been grappling with it... seems incomprehensible if taken factually
Wol Euler nods.
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: big theater
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: with funny hats and long dresses
Eliza Madrigal: big topic :)
Eliza Madrigal: sacrifice/martyrdom
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: yes, only romantic things ;)
Eliza Madrigal: well, at least we have real tea
Wol Euler: lovely!
Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
Eliza Madrigal: "the nature of real tea"
Bleu Oleander: chocolate even!
Eliza Madrigal giggles
Catrinamonblue Resident: yummy
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: how come you all drink tea today?
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: somebodys birthday?
Eliza Madrigal: we were dressed for it, mostly
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Eliza Madrigal: before boys arrived
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: dressed for tea
Bleu Oleander: seemed like a nice idea :)
Eliza Madrigal: yes
Catrinamonblue Resident: it was a lovely idea :)
Wol Euler smiles.
Zon Kwan feels underdressed
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: then the rest of us is dressed for beer
Wol Euler grins.
Wol Euler: come with me. Zon,
Catrinamonblue Resident laughs
Eliza Madrigal: am in a celebratory mood today anyway... just really appreciating this space and friends made here
Wol Euler: I'll get you fitted out with some fine clothes
Qt Core: don't worry Zon, i don't even have shoes
Eliza Madrigal smiles
Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
Eliza Madrigal: haha... there are rustic teas on the menu I think
Bleu Oleander smiles
Eliza Madrigal: "tea to suit your bare feet"
Bleu Oleander: is rooibos on the menu?
Eliza Madrigal looks...
Bleu Oleander: I like that one
Qt Core: i tried a apple and cinnamon tea lately, add a biscuit ad it seem liquid apple pie
Eliza Madrigal: hm, no... do have a vintage tea however
Bleu Oleander: went to a tea tasting recently
Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
Eliza Madrigal: apple cinnamon sounds yummy... like Fall
Eliza Madrigal: did you Bleu?
Bleu Oleander: had a salon on teas
Eliza Madrigal: I love that idea
Bleu Oleander: with lots to taste
Bleu Oleander: was quite lovely
Eliza Madrigal tries to remember if you mentioned that... sounds so nice
(link redacted)
Bleu Oleander: great teas!
Eliza Madrigal clicks
Bleu Oleander: mmmm blueberry bliss :)
Bleu Oleander: a little far for you all though :)
Eliza Madrigal: just a little :)
Bleu Oleander: hehe
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: have you seen this tea
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident:
Eliza Madrigal: I have an herbal tea, called "immortalitea"
Bleu Oleander: lots more flavors since I was last there
/Rooibos-Red-Tea/ (feel free to edit out these links) [have done]
Catrinamonblue Resident: that's cool :)
Wol Euler: wow
Wol Euler: I'd drink that :)
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: some special tea
Catrinamonblue Resident: nods
Eliza Madrigal: okay Bleu, will do
Eliza Madrigal: 7 - 10 layers of
Zon Kwan: waves goodnight
Bleu Oleander: very cool
Bleu Oleander: nite Zon
Eliza Madrigal: night Zon :) sleep well
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: bye Zon
Catrinamonblue Resident: night Zon
Eliza Madrigal: I have to go also... need to pick up my son and traffic has been terrible at this time lately
Eliza Madrigal: please feel free to stay
Qt Core: strangely enough my browser says that the website don't exist
Wol Euler: bye zon, bye eliza
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: Bye Eliza
Qt Core: bye Zon, Eliza
Catrinamonblue Resident: I also have to go :) must put food on for the boys... no pic tonight :)
Bleu Oleander: nice to see you all
Wol Euler: I shall move on too
Eliza Madrigal: have so enjoyed your company today - thanks
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: Bye Cat and Bleu
Wol Euler: sorry guys :)
Bleu Oleander: and thanks for the tea!
Wol Euler: goodnight, take care
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: bye all
Eliza Madrigal waves warmly
Bleu Oleander: bye everyone
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: bye
Qt Core: bye
Mediterraneanmonkseal Resident: bye Core i will also go slowly
Qt Core: :-) ok, bye